It's more of a bonus chapter than a real chapter ;) But here it is anyway! And that ends this story! :) I hope you liked it, I'm glad I managed to write this in a very short delay for my friend, and I apologize if it was "too short" but One Piece is not my main fandom (and I'm lazy.)
Don't forget to leave a comment to let me know if you liked this, and maybe I will return with more stories in OP :D
"We're together."
Zoro waited for a response, anything, a facial expression or something, but Robin didn't even look at him.
"Finally," she simply said.
Zoro lost his small smile and banged his head against the table.
"What do you mean finally?"
"Took you long enough. I guess it worked then," she finally smiled at him and added, "It's great for both of you."
"Thanks. I guess. What do you mean it worked?" he asked, rubbing his forehead because he had hit the table way too strongly.
"Well... I guess it doesn't matter any more. Nami gave him your number, we thought you'd be good friends. Nami was trying to get you two together after a while. It was quicker than I thought, though..." She said, a thoughtful look on her face. "Anyway," she smiled again, "I'm glad you told me. How long has it been?"
"A couple of days... I didn't want to say it right away but... What do you mean Nami set us up?! I don't want to own her any kind of debt!" Robin chuckled and Zoro sighed. "Whatever," he added, mumbling.
When a hand grabbed his hair, he yelled, not expecting this at all.
"You talk better to a lady, moss-head!"
"Ugh? Sanji? What are you doing here?"
"I work here," he sighed, pointing at the place – the Baratie – around them. "Apologize to the lady, now, shitty swordsman."
Robin was smiling, and Zoro stood up, Sanji's hand not leaving his hair.
"What did you just say, curly-brows?! I wasn't even..."
"It's not because we're together you have to lose your manners, I don't want to hear you talking about Nami-swan again like this."
"It's okay he wasn't being mean," Robin interrupted with a smile.
"Whatever pleases you, Robin-chawn," Sanji exclaimed bowing briefly.
Zoro frowned at him, forced to bow at the same time because Sanji still had his hand on his hair. He finally let him go and shuffled his hair but said nothing to him, only to come back later with their command. Zoro smiled as he unfolded a paper he had put under his plate.
"You two already act like an old-married couple."
Zoro shook his head – and his smile away – and concentrated on the food, trying not to smile at the thought of the paper he could almost feel in his pocket now.
"Back to mine tonight?"