After five months of talking on facetime and relying on their phones to keep in contact, Regina was beginning to really feel the separation. She just wanted to hold her boyfriend and have him near her, it was agony having so much distance between them, there had been times where she'd seriously thought about jumping on a flight to England just to give him a cuddle when she'd had a bad day. It wasn't really possible though, her coach had her in constant training for the world championships which were fast approaching and now her ankle had fully healed she was in good stead to come home with a full sweep of the medals.

She went through her usual morning routine and grabbed a coffee before heading off to training. As she made her way down the street towards the gym, she took out her phone and called Robin. "Good morning," she hummed, "or afternoon, whatever," she chuckled as she remembered that he was five hours ahead of her.

"Morning babe, are you on your way to practice?"

"Aren't I always," Regina sighed, pushing open the doors and flashing her badge to security, not that she needed to do that at this point, they knew exactly who she was and knew that she trained there every morning. "I just wanted to hear your voice before I had to relinquish my phone to the dragon."

"Well, it was nice to hear yours too. Love you lots."

"Love you too, talk later," she breathed before cutting the phone off and exhaling a deep sigh. She missed waking up in bed with him after snuggling all night long. She tucked her mobile in her jacket pocket and entered the training gym, surprised not to find Mal stood there waiting for her as she usually was. Instead, there was a guy using the high bars, she could only see his back from where she was stood but she had no clue what he was doing there, maybe she had been in such a fog from her missing Robin that she walked into the wrong room or something.

"Excuse me, I think you might be in the wrong place I…"

When he dropped down and turned around, she lost all train of thought and her eyes began to burn as one of her hands clasped over her mouth. "Oh my god!"

"Morning baby."

"I can't believe you're here! How are you here?" she cried as he made his way towards her and she met him halfway, flinging her arms around his neck and burying her face against his shoulder, inhaling the scent she had missed even more than she first thought now she had it back again. "I missed you so much! I love you," she sobbed as he held her tight, just like she had been dreaming of, pressing kisses to the side of her head and neck.

"I missed you too, more than you can even imagine."

"I think I have a good idea," she whispered, reluctantly raising her head away from the warmth of him so that she could look at his gorgeous face. She pressed her lips against his, kissing him deeply, feeling a need to make up for lost time and hoping to god that she would be able to skip off training in order to spend time with him. "How are you here?" she asked again as she broke the kiss, something that had been like heaven to her senses.

"Your mother has been helping me apply for all the things I would need to stay here for a while now actually. We decided that we wanted to surprise you."

"Well, you succeeded in that, I was well and truly surprised, but it was the best surprise I've ever had in my life. What about your career? How are you supposed to compete?"

"I quit actually," he stated sheepishly, rubbing a hand over the back of his head, "you're the most important person in my life and the only one that matters. I figured I had enough golds already."

"Robin, you can't just give up your life for me, I've missed you so much but…"

"You are my life, Regina! It's been hell living apart from you for the past five months, nothing brings me joy when you're not in my life. As for my career, your mother got me a job as a trainer, teaching kids gymnastics and every now and then archery."


"Yeah. I want us to be together and I'm sick of having an ocean between us preventing that. I love you, Regina."

"I love you too," she smiled, resting her forehead against his, "what now?"

"Now, we finally begin to live our lives. I have everything I ever wanted, all my wildest dreams came true when I met you."

The end! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story!