What if Lilly was tranquilized and taken to Idaho instead of Humphrey and Kate? But here is the twist, Lilly is all alone because the rangers only tranquilized her and no other wolf. She doesn't have much skill in hunting and surviving on her own, and she doesn't know how to get back home, and this time, Marcel and Paddy aren't there to help her. Will she find her way home? Will she die in Idaho? Will she find a new pack? Will she even be able to find a carcass to scrounge some scraps off of to get even a tiny bit of food? There is only one way to find out.


I woke up in a dark box, I could hear the sound of an engine running, but it stayed the same volume for the whole time. I had no idea how I got here. All I remember is getting a drink of water from the stream then suddenly felt a sharp prick hit me in my side and I saw some weird colors for about thirty seconds before passing out and waking up in here. I couldn't see anything. I laid down and curled up in a little ball and started crying to myself, while I hoped for the best.

After a long time had passed, the moving stopped and the engine shut off and I felt something lift the box up and then set it down. I heard a deep voice say "Alright, open the box up and let her go." As soon as I could see light, I bolted as fast as I could for it, my eyes quickly adjusting to it and I could see everything. I was in a forest, what forest it was, I had no clue, but I didn't care. I slowed down and eventually stopped when I could hardly breathe anymore. I dove into the nearest set of bushes and dropped to the ground and started panting harder than I ever have before.

When I could breathe again, I slowly crawled out of the bushes, keeping my ears up, listening for anything that might sound familiar. I kept my nose to the ground, trying to pick up any scents from my pack. I couldn't smell anything familiar other than dirt, grass, plants, and other regular stuff. I soon saw a large hill and I ran for the top of it so I could get my surroundings. When I got to the top, I was shocked at what I saw "This isn't Jasper."

I thought back to omega school and remembered one thing. I threw my head back and let out a distress howl as loud as I could. I sat down on the hill top and kept my ears perked for a response howl. I could hear my howl ring around the valley for five seconds, so I knew that any wolf within the valley would have heard it. I waited for two whole minutes without a response, so I let out another distress howl. Same results. I did this three more times, all resulting the same way. No response.

I saw a stream and I knew that all animals, predator and prey, have a truce that when at the river, there shall be peace, so I got up and started walking towards the river, while I kept my nose up, smelling not only water, but other animals, so I knew that I was close to possible help. As the stream came into view, I slowed down, being careful not to spook anything at the stream. When I got there, I bent down and took a deep drink of water. After I finished my drink of water, I looked around me and I saw a black bear cub at the stream about 50 yards away.

I smiled and started walking towards it. When I was within ear shot of the little cutie, I said in a friendly voice "Hello there little one, could you tell me where I am please?" the cub looked up and me and said in a girly voice "You're in Idaho." I had never heard of this place and she said "What are you?" I giggled and said "I'm a wolf. I'm from Jasper Park Canada." She replied "I've never seen a wolf before. You are really strange." I giggled and said "and I'm fine with that. Being strange is good." She shrugged and I said "Do you know how to get to Canada?" she shook her head and said "I've never even heard of Canada."

I nodded and said sadly "Okay. I'll see you around." I then turned around and walked away, disappointed that I didn't know how to get home, but at least I knew where I was. I continued asking around if anybody knew how to get me home, but nobody did.

Eventually, I came to the outside of the valley, and I knew that I had to at least try to find my way back, so I looked up and saw a flock of geese flying south, so I headed in the direction they were coming from, so I knew I was at least pointed north.

As the sun started going down, I started searching for a temporary den, and eventually found one. I sniffed around for any signs of other animals, and I suddenly got a strong, greasy, pungent smell. My eyes widened in fear and only one animal came to mind. BEAR!

I turned to run and I hadn't even taken two lunges before I felt a sharp pain in my side followed by a loud roar and I hit the side of a tree hard, knocking the wind out of me. I quickly got up and took off for the thick bush, to try to stop the bear. The bear came crashing through the bushes and I continued running as fast as I could despite the agonizing pain in both my sides.

I saw a flash and I dove for the nearest bush, but wasn't quick enough as I felt a searing pain passed through my right shoulder and out the back part of my shoulder into the bear's chest. I heard a loud thud and I looked back and saw the bear laying on the ground.

Started hopping as best I could with three legs towards the nearest den which was about 100 yards away. When I got there, I hollered into the den "Is there anyone in there?!" I got no response so I hobbled in and collapsed in the middle of the den and I looked at my shoulder and saw a large chunk of my hide was missing along with a fair bit of my muscle. I looked at my side and saw four large claw marks on my side and I was losing blood rapidly. I started loudly crying in pain and I laid my head down and closed my eyes and waited for death to take me as I drifted off into sleep, hoping that if I didn't survive the night, Sirona would give me a new life.

Well, this isn't a good start for poor Lilly. for those of you wondering who Sirona is, she is the Celtic goddess of healing and rebirth.