This is based off of Lady Voorhees' story that she had written called "The Strange Good Girl", featuring Jason Voorhees and her OC Lisa. (Lisa is used with permission!) I'll have a link to her story. Seriously, if you haven't read it, check it out, it's amazing! (Provided that you can handle gore, language, violence, adult content, and fluff. You have been warned.)

That being said, if you CAN'T handle language, violence, gore, adult content, or "killer" fluff, then what the fuck are you doing here?! Read something else!

Author's Note:: When I first stumbled upon "The Strange Good Girl", I feel in love with it so hard I asked Lady Voorhees if I could write a few fan chapters. And she said yes. You'll get a much better context of these if you read her story first, though these can still be enjoyed as stand alone stories. I do NOT own Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees, Crystal Lake, or the like. These are merely written just for fun and to celebrate the fandom.

Hunting Lessons

Jason had been acting quite strange all afternoon. He paced restlessly throughout the house, going outside for a few minutes every hour or so, then would come back inside to find his girl still staring at her laptop and typing away. Waiting for Lisa to finish work that day was more torture then usual, Jason had a surprise for her. (Provided that it hadn't gotten up and left yet).

"Be patient, Jason," he could hear his Mother's voice whisper in his ear, "Your good girl wont be going anywhere without you. She'll love what you got for her. Now be a good boy and wait."

Still anxious, Jason obeyed his Mother's commands and calmed down. He strode into the living room, his large shoulders slouching a bit with disappointment when he saw that Lisa was still sitting on the couch, working. Grunting a bit to get her attention, Jason sat on the comfortable leather couch next to her, trying to take a quick peak at what she was working on.

Now, there weren't many that would be comfortable with the idea of having a hulking, silent, hockey mask-wearing killer for a housemate, let alone a boyfriend, but Lisa wouldn't have it any other way. That being said, listening to his grunts, the rustling of his jacket, and heavy footsteps throughout the house for the past five hours would have been enough to drive anyone to insanity. While she was used to it by now, she was about ready to send him outside to check his traps or scare away a lost hiker. Just anything to get him to settle down!

"Finally decided to sit still, then?" Lisa asked, smiling up at Jason from over her laptop screen.

Without hesitation, she shifted her position, elevating her legs up on Jason's lap as soon as he joined her. For one, it was quite comfortable, and two, perhaps it would keep him still for a little while longer so she could finish editing the rather dull romance novel that had been assigned to her for the week in peace. That seemed to do the trick, as Jason was more focused on her baggy, black jeans and white tank top she was wearing. She was absolutely tiny in comparison to Jason. Why, just now Jason was thinking about how easy it would be to pick her up here and now and he'd hardly notice the extra weight.

Finally, Lisa looked at the time. Roughly six o'clock pm, no wonder Jason had been so restless! She'd been working all afternoon. Sighing heavily, Lisa closed up the laptop and set it down on the nearby coffee table. She needed a break from all that smut. Just as she was about to rest her eyes for a moment, Jason perked up and stood, almost taking the girl off the couch with him.

"Whoa-! Fuck! Jason... what's gotten into you?" Lisa asked, barely catching herself before she was dumped to the floor, "You've been acting strange all day."

She glared up at him suspiciously. Jason knelt down, making sure he hadn't accidentally hurt her in his haste, (she was prone to bruising easily, after all.) When he was sure he had Lisa's undivided attention, Jason gestured towards the front doors of the house eagerly.

"Do you want to take me to the lake, is that it?"

Jason nodded, already halfway to the door before looking back over his shoulder to make sure his girl was following.

"Okay, okay, geez! At least let me put my boots on. I'll just be a minute. Don't start climbing the walls."

Lisa sighed heavily, heading into her room to get ready for a trek through the woods,There was still plenty of daylight, however gray clouds were beginning to move in, threatening to rain. No matter. It was quite warm outside today, so all Lisa needed were her boots and a light jacket. Before leaving her room, she took a decent sized knife off her nightstand and slipped it into her boot, anticipating what Jason may have had on his mind. She tied her forest green jacket around her waist and found Jason pacing by the door, machete at his hip and ready to go.

When he saw she was finally ready, it took Jason every ounce of self control NOT to just drag her outside with him in his excitement. The two of them closed the door behind them and began the trek through the woods towards Crystal Lake. Lisa could hear Jason make a pleased sounding grunt when she leaned up against him, clinging to his jacket. Protectively, he put his arm around her, holding her close and enjoying the feeling of her soft skin on his hand.

"Just what are you up to?" Lisa inquired, hoping to at least read his expression to get an answer.

Having been with him for a while, Lisa had become quite skilled at deciphering Jason's body language and grunts. It wasn't always easy, but once she got to know him, she had found that he was very expressive, even with only one working eye and that mask on almost all the time. She smiled, sensing that Jason was smiling beneath his mask.

He took her down a different path then the one they usually took, stopping when they were about halfway to the lake. At first, Lisa was confused. Then, Jason knelt down and pointed at something on the ground. He glanced up at Lisa, motioning for her to look as well. It was a footprint imbedded in the moist ground, headed towards the direction of the lake.

"Fresh tracks? That means..."

She perked up as Jason nodded in confirmation before she could even finish. There were trespassers nearby! Normally when there were unwelcome visitors, Jason would have ether gone out on his own and disposed of them or make sure that if his girl was with him, that she stayed close behind him during a hunt. However, this time was different. This was special. Jason gave Lisa a gentle nudge on the shoulder with his hands, letting her know it was okay for her to go up front and take the lead.

"Y-you want me to go first?"

Lisa brightened up at this prospect. Normally, Jason had to fight to keep her either behind him or at his side, given her natural curiosity and a strong want to "help" him. But now, he was allowing her to be up front, encouraging her even, "Let me guess, you already know where they're hanging out but want to see if I can track them down on my own?"

With a bit of a guilty look, Jason nodded once again. He felt a slight flush over his entire body when his girl gave him a kiss on the forehead, right on the scar there. How thoughtful of him! So Jason felt ready to start teaching her how to track down their query. Since he had been with her, she had gotten better at not being such a klutz walking through the woods, though she still needed a little work on being stealthier. That was also in Jason's lesson plan.

Jason watched her expectantly and felt his chest swell with pride as Lisa caught on to all sorts of little things the further they went down the path. Anything from litter, to a snagged piece of clothing, more footprints, all of that could leave vital information as to the amount of trespassers, what kind of people they might be, and even what they might be carrying. Lisa was glad she finally put down the laptop and came out here with Jason, this was actually pretty fun and exhilarating!

Eventually, the two of them came to a clearing overlooking Crystal Lake with a view straight down to the dock jutting out over the water. And more importantly, the naked couple set up out there on the dock with their blanket, several beer cans, and a bong in between them. Lisa felt her heart flutter with anticipation and the muscles in her stomach tightened as she ducked down behind the foliage as not to be seen. She glanced up to Jason, half expecting him to have her stay put while he strode down there to teach them a lesson.

"Look at them, Jason. Drinking and doing drugs when they should have been paying attention! They're bad, Jason! People like them let you drown. They need to be punished!" Jason could hear his Mother hiss angrily in his ear.

Jason nodded his head, looking down to Lisa.

"Well? Aren't you gonna go disembowel them or cut off their heads or something?" Lisa questioned, slightly confused.

Jason drew his machete, but when Lisa scooted further into her chosen hiding place so that she could watch from a safe distance, Jason shook his head and beckoned her come out. When the girl gave him a puzzled look, he held out his machete for her to take. She let out a surprised gasp, realizing that this wasn't a joke. She had helped Jason make a few kills before, but he was usually nearby in the fray and called the shots. This time, he was letting her take the lead on the kill too!

"For me? Jason... are you serious?"

Jason nodded and a wicked smile spread across Lisa's face as she took the deadly blade from his hands. Just holding it felt amazing. She steeled herself, trying not to squeal in excitement lest she give away their position. Jason trusted her enough to make the kill all by herself this time. He would watch from a safe distance, ready to assist should things get out of hand. But with only two drunken and stoned teens out in the open, Jason thought it could be a great opportunity for his girl to feel the same thrills he felt when stalking and hunting his prey.

"Thank you, Jason." Lisa whispered in Jason's ear, giving him a hug and a kiss on his muscular neck.

With yet another gentle nudge and encouragement from Jason, she was off, keeping to the trees and cover until she no longer could. Jason was a little bit nervous. His girl was happy with his surprise, and he would be there in case things went poorly. But he wanted to let her do this one all on her own. Mother had approved, telling Jason all day long that he was a sweet boy for trusting his good girl with such an important task.

Lisa sneaked along the forest edge, watching her footing as not to snap a branch or kick a rock. Luckily, her two targets didn't even notice her. She looked back, noticing that Jason was standing right where she had left him. When she got closer to the drunken couple, she could hear them giggling something unintelligible then the girl playfully smacked her boyfriend on the arm. It was then did Lisa realize that she recognized them from earlier. Yeah, she had seen them in town just the other day and the girl tried to get her to buy beer for them! What was worse, her boyfriend offered Lisa a spot in a threesome if she did! When Lisa refused, they had insulted her, humiliated her while other bystanders stood by and watched the spectacle. (Needless to say when she had ranted about it to Jason, he was livid!) But this, this was his gift to her. Letting HER get revenge.

In her rage, she must have told Jason what they looked like, although she couldn't remember for sure. That's why he had been so antsy all day. It wasn't just some random couple fucking and drinking on Jason's property, these two had a significant meaning to her. And Jason had been saving them for Lisa to kill. The closer Lisa got, the more she realized that these two had reminded her a lot of her old "friends", right down to the terrible dye jobs done in their hair. (Well, ex-friends now.)

Her heart beat faster and her pace quickened, sprinting across the clearing and towards the dock. Up above, the dark gray clouds began to open up, suddenly engulfing the entire campsite in heavy rain. There were some curses coming from the drunk couple as they awkwardly tried to put their clothes back on and pack up all their stuff before it got soaked. The girl looked up from trying to fold up their blanket and put her shirt on at the same time, noticing Lisa only a few yards away, machete in hand.

"Derek!" shrieked the girl, no longer caring if her top was buttoned up.

"What...? Oh hey babe..." the boy, Derek slurred, giggling a bit while he tried to zip up his pants, "Reconsider my off- what the fuck?!" he cried out, stumbling backwards once he saw Lisa rushing forward with the machete and an evil smile on her face.

Once the screaming started, Jason sprinted forward, wanting to get a closer look. He trusted his girl to do good by him, but it did nothing to soothe his worry about her safety. Mother entrusted him to be her protector, her guardian. But if his time with the girl had taught him anything, it's that he might not always be around to defend her, so he needed to teach her how to protect herself, even if it put him in a position of great distress.

Lisa closed the distance, blocking off the dock. The only escape routes were either through her, or by jumping off and going for a swim. The rain water on the wooden dock made things very slippery and precarious. Lisa took in a few deep breaths, raising Jason's machete and drawing her knife out of her boot with her free hand.

"Does this answer your question?!"

She shouted furiously, lunging forward and cutting a rather nasty gash into Derek's chest. Derek let out a cry of pain, holding onto the wound, before grabbing his screaming girlfriend and stumbling for the edge on the dock. When Lisa advanced again, she nearly lost her footing on the slippery wood. Though when she did, her machete pierced the other girl's side, mixing a spatter of bright red blood with the pouring rain. Lisa finished her off swiftly, slitting her throat with the dagger before shoving the boy into the lake.

Lisa kicked the girl's dead body aside, watching with amusement as Derek surfaced, gasping for air and flailing around in the water, swimming for the shore in a high, drunken panic.

"You fucking cunt! Oh... y-you cunt! I'll kill you, I swear I'll fucking kill you!"

"Ha! Good luck with that. But it'll be fun to watch you try!" Lisa spat after him, striding along the dock calmly and coolly, flicking the blood off her blades.

She could see Jason closer to the shore of the lake now, standing there, but not moving any closer. He was observing her intently, nodding his head in approval. When Derek finally crawled out of the water, he let out a sharp gasp, fumbling for something in his back pocket. Jason!? He was there too? Then Derek saw Lisa eagerly signal Jason back, and even in his stoned haze he could put the pieces together. They were working together! No, worse. Jason was coaching this crazy bitch on how to kill!

Derek whipped out a pocket knife and struggled to his feet. He clumsily took a stab at Lisa, kicking up some of the muddy ground as he did. Lisa winced and let out a grunt of pain when the small blade cut against her side. She retaliated with her machete, this time hitting the boy's leg, causing him to buckle over in pain. With a yell, Lisa kicked him hard in the chest, sending him sprawling on to his back on the edge of the lake. In his stupor, Derek didn't have enough time to react as Lisa slammed her knee into his groin and brought both blades down into his chest. She stabbed him repeatedly, one stab for every horrible thing he had called her previously. By now, her white tank top was more red and she was covered head to foot in mud, gore and blood.

She took in a few deep, gasping breaths, admiring the puree spilling out of Derek's mangled midsection that used to be his internal organs. Finally, once it was over Lisa stopped to catch her breath, looking up as Jason loomed over her and the body he was crouched over.

"So... did I pass the test?"

Lisa panted heavily, her chest heaving in an out from the excitement. She wiped her knife off on the jacket still tied around her waist before putting it back into her boot, not taking her eyes off of Jason.

"She's done good, Jason. She's punished the bad kids just as well as you would have. Now, you should reward your good girl." Jason heard his mother whisper in his ear.

Lisa let out a surprised squeak as Jason effortlessly lifted her up off the ground, having her sit in his arms, looking down at him. Her own arms momentarily hung at her sides, still holding the bloody machete in her grasp. She felt a shiver run up her spine when Jason placed a burly hand against her back to support her and began walking back to the house, carrying her proudly. There was a rather playful look in his eye when he looked up to Lisa. He'd deal with the bodies later. Right now there was something else on his mind.

Lisa relaxed in his grip, using her knees to hold on to Jason's sides to steady herself and she wrapped her blood-covered arms around his sturdy neck, inadvertently leaving a bloody, mucky mark on his back with the flat of the machete blade. She could already feel Jason tense up a little, giving a soft, pleased grunt while nuzzling against his girl's shoulders. Giggling, she leaned forward and kissed him again, purposely smearing mud and gore all over his shoulders, neck, and mask. Jason didn't even protest or shy away when Lisa lifted up his mask, just enough to reveal his crooked, misshapen lips before kissing him deeply and passionately. He returned the affection in kind, completely lost in his bliss.

"I'll take that as a yes." Lisa gasped in ecstasy, once she and Jason both came up for air.

She was pretty tired after the thrill of the hunt and rested against Jason's chest while he carried her back home. Even with the rain pouring over them, washing away some of the muck, Jason felt warm against her body and she took comfort in his strength. Lisa let out a soft moan and closed her eyes as Jason hugged her close and nuzzled her once again. She was his and his alone, as he was hers. Jason was so proud of her, proud of how well she had dispatched those horrible teens all by herself after what they had done to her. His pride and joy. His beautiful huntress. His good girl. But for now, the lessons were over. It was once again time for Jason to resume his role as her protector and guardian. Something Lisa was more than happy to oblige and Jason eager to take.


Killer Playfulness

It was only a few days after Jason had given his girl hunting lessons. But now, the heavy rainfall had meant that no new campers had been showing up at Crystal Lake, leaving both Jason and Lisa incredibly bored. While yes, the thrill of the kill from a few days ago was still fresh in Lisa's memory and some peace and quiet was welcome, she couldn't help but notice how fidgety Jason had been since that day. He would busy himself checking and setting his traps, patrolling around the house and the perimeter of Crystal Lake while she worked, but he had been steadily more and more frisky with her over the course of the last few nights.

Tonight, it was pouring outside and every so often a rumble of thunder boomed throughout the night and lightning illuminated the surrounding woods. Even with the poor weather, Jason had insisted on going out to check his traps despite Lisa's protests.

While waiting for Jason to come back, Lisa had decided to take a shower and clean up a little. She stood in front of her bathroom mirror in just a pair of loose fitting pajama bottoms and a bra. She finished inspecting the faded bruises, nicks, cuts, and the bite and nail marks all over her body. Jason meant well and he took good care of her, but he was prone to being a little rough and would sometimes forget his own strength during the heat of the moment. Lisa shook those thoughts out of her head and returned to giving her short, damp hair a quick comb when she heard the back door open then slam shut. Jason must be back, she could recognize those loud, stomping footsteps anywhere. Hopefully, he wasn't tracking mud and water everywhere.


She gave a sigh and a half smile when she opened the bathroom door. There was Jason, already in their room. He had changed out of his soaked through clothes and was standing by the foot of the bed, wearing only a pair of faded blue jeans and his hockey mask, watching the bathroom door eagerly. Without his shirt or jacket, it was easy to see just how powerfully muscular Jason was. His arms and torso were riddled with various scars from bullets and stabbings that had happened over the years. When he heard his girl say his name, Jason perked up, tilting his head to one side like a questioning dog.

"You changed all on your own and I didn't even have to nag you! I've trained you well, Jason." Lisa giggled, teasingly before grabbing a towel off of the rack in the bathroom and walking up to Jason, "Good boy!"

Jason just watched her carefully as she patted him dry. Already he was getting a warm feeling flowing throughout his body. He reached out, brushing his enormous hand behind Lisa's head and traced the outline of her ear. The girl sucked in her breath, fighting to suppress a laugh and ducked out of the way. Before she could even start drying off his other side, Jason let out a low grunt and turned Lisa around before hugging her to his chest from behind. Lisa let out a surprised yelp, only half expecting Jason to do something like this. She could feel just how warm he was and when she glanced up at him, Lisa saw the playful glint in Jason's good eye.

"Hey!" Lisa called out, wriggling in his firm grasp before letting out an exasperated sigh, "You've been acting really funny tonight, you know that right?"

Accepting the fact that she wasn't going anywhere, Lisa returned the embrace as best she could, wrapping her arms under his massive forearm and leaning her head against his muscular bicep. She closed her eyes, just enjoying standing there and the feeling of being close to him. However, when she felt Jason's massive hand lightly paw against her bare midsection Lisa stiffened. Her eyes shot open and it was an internal struggle not to giggle. Jason cocked his head innocently, noticing the effect his gentle touch was having on her.

Ever since they had first met, Jason had a fascination with just how soft and pale her skin was. More curious, her face was starting to show a slight flush of red when she glanced up to him, squirming once more at his touch.

"J-Jason..." she squeaked out with a slight giggle, trying to pry his burly hand away, "N-no. That tickles."

Oh it did? She had said that to him once before and he had liked the reaction she had given, it was what Jason was hoping for right now. He found it to be highly amusing and even cute. Jason was in a very playful mood tonight and there was no stopping him. Without any warning Jason stooped down and picked up Lisa in his arms, carrying her to the bed.

"Ah! Jason!"

She screamed in surprise, wiggling in his arms and even pounded her small fists against against his shoulders and upper chest. (Not that he even noticed!) Before she could protest further or escape, Jason had laid her on her back and knelt over her. He had straddled her, pinning Lisa's legs down firmly but gently, looking down at her and making sure she was comfortable. She was so small compared to him, especially from this position and he would have to be careful as to not accidentally crush her. Lisa stopped struggling, accepting this as a rather welcome distraction. She looked up to Jason with trusting eyes, curious about what exactly he was planning to do with her.

"W-what are you... up to, Jason? You're being quite playful tonight."

She sat up just enough to give his muscular shoulders a few light kisses. It was now that Lisa could see the mischievous look Jason was giving her and she felt her heart beat quicken with anticipation. Just what was he doing? He hadn't torn her clothes off yet or turned off the light, so he must have been in the mood for something else, then the realization of what he intended to do hit her like a ton of bricks.

"N-no... no, Jason, JASON! Don't you dare!" Lisa warned, trying to hide a smile and the playfulness betraying her voice while shaking her head and trying to instinctively shrink in on herself, "Don't even THINK about it! Let me up. Let me up this instant!"

With one hand, Jason carefully pushed her back down into the soft pillows and with the other he grabbed both of Lisa's wrists and pinned her arms above her head. His breath had quickened, seeing her completely exposed and at his mercy. Ignoring her warnings, Jason began to lightly run his fingers across Lisa's bare midsection and down her sides, watching in delight as she writhed and squirmed beneath him. Her shouting had become a little bit higher pitched than normal as any threat became drowned out by the laughter she was unable to contain any longer.

"J-Jason.. AHHH! Stop, stop it r-right noooooow..."

Lisa giggled, closing her eyes and thrashing from side to side, trying to escape Jason's grip. The sensation became overwhelming. Those same hands that she had seen wield everything from blades to sledge hammers, that could snap a person's neck with little effort, were now being used to tickle her! When she was able to open her eyes, Lisa could see that Jason was having a great time exploring her skin, trying to find the most sensitive spots that caused her to buck and squirm the most and going over them again. He was watching her reactions carefully, taking pleasure in every moment. Eventually he paused, taking a minute to catch his breath and let Lisa have a breather as well. Jason watched her chest rise and fall as she laughed once again, tears threatening to come out of her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Jason, you and I are going to have a... very long discussion about boundaries when this is over." Lisa blurted out, leveling a glare to Jason while struggling to free her legs out from under his, "Are you finished? Can I get up?"

Jason just shook his head, smirking beneath his mask. He was having way too much fun right now to stop so soon. And he could tell that even though Lisa may have been saying one thing, the look in her eyes told another. She was enjoying Jason's slow, pleasurable torture. But she was too stubborn to admit it out loud.

A wave of warmth followed by shivers crept up and down Lisa's entire body as soon as Jason started up again. He let out a few pleasured moans and grunts of his own when he heard Lisa laughing and shouting his name over and over again. Jason had found the best spots to gently brush his touch over. Right under the arms and along her belly seemed to get her squirming and laughing the most. The girl was writhing under him, unable to kick with him sitting on her legs and was now trying to get her hands loose. Perhaps this needed a different approach. No slapping, no knees to the groin. He was just playing. Lisa figured that she just needed to beat Jason as his own game.

"Please... please Jason. N-no more, I-I give in."

Lisa pleaded in between giggles. She was panting heavily, still laughing a little bit in anticipation that he might have started back up again. Jason gave her a suspicious look, seeing as his girl hardly ever surrendered so easily. But figuring that she had had enough and not wanting to push his luck and take a potential knee to the groin, he finally released Lisa from his grip. Lisa continued to giggle a little, wrapping her arms instinctively around her midsection. She sat up as far as she could, what with Jason still knelt down over her with his arms on either side of her shoulders to support him, and kissed him on the mask where his lips would have been.

Relaxing a little, Jason nuzzled against Lisa's shoulder, closing his eyes in pleasure as her gentle kisses trailed to his ears, down his neck, and to his shoulders. Jason let her slip her legs out from under his and felt another rush of warmth wash over him when Lisa wrapped her legs around his midsection, clinging to him. Then he felt something strange, like a tingling sensation running up his inner arms and along his midsection. It felt similar to when his girl would touch him, but it was far lighter and made his body react involuntarily. Confused, he innocently glanced down to his chest and noticed Lisa's fingers lightly trailing against his exposed midsection and under his arms, exactly the same way he had been doing to her.

A wicked little smile crossed Lisa's face when Jason's expression filled with a mix of panic and confusion. He twitched and squirmed on top of her, unsure of what to do as his breathing quickened once again and strange sounds escaped from the back of his throat, like he was trying to laugh but couldn't do so properly. It was the strangest feeling imaginable, so light and pleasant yet as the same time he felt compelled to get away from it and make it stop. Jason bucked when he felt Lisa's hand brush over his belly, glancing down to his girl with a look of alarm.

"Now YOU know what it feels like!" Lisa smirked, picking up the speed, "How do you like it, huh?"

She found her opening and with a sudden burst of strength Lisa shot up, guiding Jason with her legs for him to flip over onto his back with her on top straddling his massive frame. Lisa giggled, ready to give to Jason all that he had given to her. Curious about what this would feel like, instead of grabbing Lisa's hands and making her stop tickling, he instead grasped the already beat up headboard of the bed behind him for support, willingly leaving himself open for his girl to explore and settled back.

Jason twitched and groaned, writhing with pleasure as Lisa's considerably smaller and lighter touch danced over his rough, weather beaten skin. She had to stretch herself to reach all of him, considering the contrast in height and mass, but it was worth it to see the fearsome and legendary Jason Voorhees practically melt beneath her squirming and kicking involuntarily and letting out a bizarre, huffing laugh. Apparently while bullets and blades could be brushed off like they were nothing, Jason could hardly stand the torturous pleasure of his girl tickling him. He nearly splintered the headboard and had to turn his head away when Lisa experimented how he would react to her touching just under his arms. It went through him like a shockwave and he didn't want it to stop. Now she was laughing and giggling at his reactions and his innocent curiosity and trust. She had to tighten her grip with her knees around Jason's hips so that he didn't accidentally throw her off the bed when he bucked as she moved her teasing back to his midsection, just above the waistline.

"Are you enjoying this?"

Shyly, Jason nodded. Lisa's fingers trailed up across his chest to his head and just behind his ear. Grunting in pleasure, Jason stretched out his neck and turned his head, giving his girl easier access. Just when he thought he may pass out from the sheer enjoyment, Lisa had mercy and stopped, collapsing to his chest and catching her breath. She remained quiet, feeling Jason's chest rise and fall beneath her. Jason wrapped his arms around her, stroking Lisa's back gently with his free hand, paying special attention to her shoulders. They hadn't really played together for a while and it felt good to finally get the release that they both desperately needed.

Still smiling, Lisa slid further up his chest and lifted up Jason's hockey mask, just enough to reveal his lips, before giving him a deep, passionate kiss, which he returned in kind. They lay still together for a moment, snuggling and enjoying each others' warmth.

"Thank you, Jason," she whispered in his ear, "That was fun. We'll have to do it again later tonight."

A rumbling moan escaped from Jason's throat while a slight red tint overtook his skin, particularly around his face. (well, what could be seen of his face, anyway.) His good eye blinked up at her, showing a mix of worry and embarrassment. Lisa just smiled, already guessing what he was worried about, "Don't fret. I'm not going to tell anyone that the mighty Jason Voorhees has a weakness. This is strictly between you and me."

Jason let out a puff of air, the equivalent of a sigh of relief for him. His girl patted his shoulder, signaling to him that it was time to let her up now. It was way past time when they usually made dinner together and they'd both need their energy for what she wanted to do tonight. Reluctantly, Jason let her up so that she could throw on a shirt, just watching her contently while laying back. He was startled out of his blissful daze when Lisa tossed a clean shirt at him, laughing when he jumped.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that." she apologized, approaching him, "Come on, I'll make us some dinner. Chicken nuggets and French fries, I know you like those."

Jason had sat up, thrown on his fresh shirt and put his boots back on, then stood up, towering over Lisa. With a single finger, he tilted her chin up then pulled her into a warm embrace, grunting happily. She let out a few contented moans of her own that quickly turned into startled squeaks as Jason hoisted her up and over his shoulder without warning and started walking out of their room and towards the kitchen.

"Jason! I'm quite capable of walking to the kitchen all on my own, you know!" Lisa screamed at him, though she did a poor job hiding the amusement in her voice at his antics.

It seemed like Jason was still feeling feisty, and in the moment, it seemed like nothing would break him of his rather childish mood. That was until the familiar sound of one of the bells attached to the trip wires outside by the back door started ringing. Both Jason and Lisa turned their heads at the sound, knowing all to well what that meant. Trespassers! Carefully, Jason set Lisa down so that she was sitting on the kitchen counter facing him. She let out a sigh, reaching out and rubbing up and down Jason's neck with her hand.

Jason was anxious and wanted to punish the trespassers invading his and his girl's territory. How inconsiderate of them to show up now, during this tender moment with her! Lisa sighed heavily, knowing it would be pointless to try and get Jason to stop now.

"Alright, Jason. Go ahead. There's no stopping you anyway. I'll have dinner ready by the time you return."

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek while he gave her a quick nuzzle before storming off, grabbing his still damp jacket and his machete and took off into the stormy night. Lisa watched excitedly from her seat on the counter, turning her head to look out the window just as a flash of lightning illuminated the entire forest. Some how, Jason looked even more intimidating in the middle of a harsh rain storm. Seeing him like that, it was exciting and sent shivers up and down her spine. She smiled and took in a deep breath, knowing full well that he'd return to finish what they had started. A smirk graced her face when the bells by the back door rang once more.

"Have fun, Jason."


Ending Notes:: Okay, so up front, we have Hunting Lessons. Jason finally feels that his girl is ready to take the lead on the hunt for trespassers in their territory and lets her reap revenge on a few familiar faces. A side note, the thing with Lisa putting her legs up on Jason's lap, that's something I'll do when sitting on the couch with a few of my guy friends. It is surprisingly comfy and I thought it'd be cute! I absolutely love the chemistry these two have, brutal murder has never been this warm, fuzzy, and adorable. Jason absolutely adores his good girl. The undisputed King of Crystal Lake has taken his Queen and loves every minute of it.

The second one... it's fluff, there's no sugarcoating it, it's fucking fluff and damn it I enjoyed writing it! There's just something about the idea of something big, powerful, tough, and capable of just tearing you limb from limb succumbing to that one special person who knows exactly the right buttons to push. (It's always the toughest guys that can't handle being tickled, you know it's true!) In Lady's story, Jason absolutely loves the feel of Lisa's skin, as it's a complete contrast to his own and he finds it fascinating. He just takes it up a notch here.