Title: No Two Can Bear the World
Description: "Or is it?" ~Drago Bludvist, HTTYD2. Toothless doesn't become a Titan. The two heroes freeze to death, buried by the ice of Drago's Bewilderbeast. When the best of us fall, what can a mother do, to reclaim all she has lost?
During Two New Alphas, just after Toothless successfully rescues Hiccup from the muddy Bewilderbeast's tail...
"Hold him there, Toothless!"
Toothless growled at the madman, glaring at him with an intensity that clearly said, "Move and I will maim you to protect my human."
Valka drifted in closer, leaning forward from excitement and disrupting the baby Scuttleclaw's delicate balance. She stared at Hiccup, grinning in awe of her offspring as he put away the wings that allowed him to glide.
"It's all over now," Hiccup said.
Unexpectedly, Drago grinned. "Or is it?" Hiccup barely had time to turn around and recognize the threat. Seeing it a bit earlier, Valka pulled away in shock, the tiny Scuttleclaw forced to move with her momentum.
"Oh no! Ag-" Toothless dove at Hiccup. There was a brief moment as the Night Fury hung over him, before the wall of supercooled water smashed both of them into the ground and encased them in ice.
"Hiccup!" Valka shouted. She dove to the ground, many seconds too late.
Drago chuckled, his grin widening.
Before her Scuttleclaw even touched the ground, Valka slipped off and started running toward the ice. "No!" She slammed a fist into the ice, sinking to her knees. "No..." She lay against the ice, heaving. It wasn't fair. Stoick and Hiccup? Why…?
The shadowed area next to the ice slowly dimmed as Hiccup's flaming sword went out.
"Why…?" She closed her eyes, tears stinging her rapidly cooling face.
Gobber's voice broke her reverie. "Val! Watch-"
Valka's eyes snapped open. She saw a glint of light reflecting off the ice and threw herself sideways. Drago's bull hook clanged loudly as it left a small crack in the frozen water, glancing away. The madman growled, drawing back the hook for another strike. Valka scrambled up and away, stumbling to her feet.
Her eyes locked with Drago's. His showed not a hint of remorse for his actions.
"You have done enough to us! Stop!" Valka pleaded.
The hook drove down. Val shifted aside, letting the hook drive harmlessly into her coat. Drago laughed aloud, until she grabbed on to the hook with both hands.
"You have done enough!" Valka repeated, a terrifying amount of determination bleeding into her voice.
Drago sneered at her. "And what are you going to do, dragon thief? The dragons are no longer y-"
Valka wrenched herself upward by the shaft of the hook, pulling Drago down. He held on to the hook, refusing to lose his grip even in the surprise attack. The madman's head thunked into the ice. He lost his grip on the hook.
The dragon thief took a few steps away, holding the hook ready to attack him. He shook his head, trying to recover from the blow the ice had given. The madman chuckled. "Attacking me in single combat? Fool. The dragons submit to me. You have no chance."
She pointed the hook over the ice, toward another looming shadow. Drago's Bewilderbeast flinched imperceptibly, seeing the weapon in the hands of one of its master's enemies.
"What are you doing?"
"Dragons, all of you!" Valka shouted, "Drago Bludvist is not your master! He is only a human! You do not have to-"
Drago, recognizing the threat to his power, charged at Valka. He roared defiantly, refusing to let her undermine what he had worked his entire life to achieve.
The dragon thief smacked him out of his charge with his own weapon, knocking him to the ground. "No! You do not control them!"
Drago's Bewilderbeast looked between the two of them, confused. He looked at the foe who had struck down its master and taken the tool of command, then back at its master where he crawled along the ground.
"You do not belong to him!" Valka shouted to the Bewilderbeast. She pointed the hook at the dragon, noting as it flinched. Then she pointed the weapon at Drago. "Free yourself from him!"
"Wait!" The shout distracted everybody. Astrid struggled against Gobber's good arm. "You can't kill him! Hiccup would never…"
"Lass, he killed Stoick and Hiccup, an' Toothless!" Gobber reasoned.
"I say kill him!" Snotlout agreed with Gobber. Many other Vikings behind them also shared their more macabre intentions.
"I'm always down for more destruction," Tuffnut said.
"I mean, we are as long as there's food for us afterward…" Ruffnut qualified.
"Yeah, I like to be able to have a place to sleep, too. Killing this guy shouldn't, like, cause any problems with that."
Fishlegs tapped his fingers together, nervously. "But, whenever it was possible, Hiccup preferred-"
"FIGHT!" Drago screamed at the Bewilderbeast as he regained his footing and charged Valka. "FIGHT!"
The Bewilderbeast reared back, preparing to obey.
"No!" Valka ordered, cowing it with the bull hook.
Drago took her off guard as she stalled the Bewilderbeast, tackling the smaller warrior to the ground. Before he could get an attack off, she jabbed the hook's base into the side of his head, disorienting him.
She smacked him with the hook's base again, outright stunning him and giving him a good shove as well. Valka untangled herself, just in time to avoid a diving Terrible Terror. "What?"
Dragons dove toward her and Drago, firing at fleeing Vikings. Rather than risk itself and the possible dangers of the bull hook, Drago's Bewilderbeast was sending the other dragons to fight her and to free Drago.
"Stop!" Valka swung the hook, pointing it at the dragons coming directly toward her. They cowed, backing off and landing around her in a wide circle, but they still appeared ready to kill at the slightest sign of weakness.
Drago chuckled as he struggled back up to one arm. "You have no control, little dragon thief. In the face of true power, you are nothing."
"No." Valka spun to glare at Drago. He was grinning, the new bruises and gashes on his face doing nothing to hide his air of victory. "NO."
The madman opened his mouth to say something more. The point of the bull hook smacked into his face, no restraint given. "AAAGH!"
"You have DONE ENOUGH."
Dragons chasing off Berk's Vikings began circling back. Drago's Bewilderbeast rumbled, in concern, confusion, terror…
Valka swung the hook, again and again, tearing at the madman. "No more!" She punctuated her words with attacks. "You. Will. Not. Hurt. Anyone. Else. Ever. Again. You. Monster. You. Madman. You. Murderer. You… Y-..."
She stabbed the hook down one last time, embedding it in the remains of Drago's head. She looked up to find dragons chirping and rustling all around, all staring past her at the Bewilderbeast. The massive dragon rumbled. Slowly, Valka slumped aside to reveal the gruesome end of its master.
The Bewilderbeast roared, preparing to- "Stop!"
Valka heaved, realizing springing to her feet after her vengeful attack on Drago had almost made her pass out. She looked down her own arm, finding the bull hook in her hand and pointing at the cowed king of dragons. Blood dripped from the ends of both points. The dragons stared at her, glaring at her with slitted eyes.
"Stop," Valka whispered, her breathing evening out. It was over. Drago was dead.
Who had won, though? Certainly not the humans, for they had lost two chiefs in as many days. Not the dragons, because they were still under the control of that muddy, murdering Bewilderbeast.
Gobber began to push his way through the dragon's wings and bodies, trying to get to her. "Valka! Val!"
The disturbed dragons began to growl at him, more and more turning to face the one-armed, one-legged smith.
Indeed, many other Vikings were trying to reach her - or specific dragons - as well. Valka could see the aggression building. The signs of the impending open warfare were unmistakable.
Valka swung the bull hook over her head, then stabbed it into the ground. The action did nothing to abate the growls, though it did get the attention of Drago's Bewilderbeast.
Obligingly, it lowered its tusk to where she could hook on. "Valka! Wha' are you doin'?!" Gobber hollered.
"Watch it, Hookfang!"
"Calm down Meatlug, it's just me!"
"Shh! Stormfly, girl, it's okay!"
The dragon thief saw the tail of the blue Deadly Nadder flick into the air. The tail's spines stuck out at aggressive angles, ignoring her rider's platitudes.
She had to separate humans and dragons. Under the Bewilderbeast's control, they couldn't live in harmony. Valka clambered on to the Bewilderbeast's tusk, then pointed the hook out to sea. "Go!"
"Val!" Gobber shouted before he was drowned out by flapping wings. All the dragons took off, flapping into the air without any of their humans.
Further cries of dismay rose from the Vikings. Through the whirlwind of colored scales, she saw many falling to their knees.
She didn't want to do it, but she couldn't risk another war between dragons and humans.
The Bewilderbeast turned away from the land, plunging into the water, then taking off at a speed unmatched by any boat. As the dragon cut through the water, Valka riding on its head, she gestured to another dragon in the cloud overhead.
Her Cloudjumper descended, clearly not himself. He glided just out of reach, making no effort to help her climb onto his neck.
She knew it may take her years, even decades, to teach this Bewilderbeast to let the dragons live freely like they had in the sanctuary before.
Once she had ascended to Cloudjumper's back - using the hook to pull her way up his crown - she steered Drago's Bewilderbeast northward.
She vowed to succeed, for Hiccup and for her son's Night Fury friend.
If those two couldn't bear the world of dragons and humans, she would return to bearing the world of dragons on her own.
Gobber sat on the ground. Like many of the other villagers, he couldn't comprehend what had just transpired. Even though he had spent several days with Stoick tracking Hiccup, then another day chasing Drago, he still couldn't believe the end result.
The dragons were gone. Even the hatchlings they had ridden from Valka's sanctuary had followed the adult dragons - if only because they were adults. The babies weren't under any control. Still, they had left.
That left the citizens of Berk with exactly zero dragons. None. An island that had spent the last five years coming to rely on the reptiles had just lost its chief, its heir, and its greatest ally.
Needless to say, nobody was sure how to react. Many avoided reacting, simply staring at the horizon where the flapping cloud had vanished from sight.
"I can't believe Hiccup's mother would do something like this…" Astrid held a Nadder spine, one that had come off when Stormfly had taken flight.
"She'll bring them back!" Snotlout said, "Right?!"
"It doesn't matter," Tuff moaned.
"The pranks we're going to miss while they're away!" Ruff complained.
A gentle scratching sound reached Gobber's ears. He turned to find Elder Gothi scribbling in the dirt behind him.
He read the message, then slowly nodded. "I agree, Gothi. We've go' bigger problems than a lack o' pranks."
Many decades later…
"Biography of Fishlegs Ingerman,
"When I was in my youth, just growing into a man, my closest friend was a dragon,
"Yes, I know that in the present day they're creatures of myth; all my old journals are just silly stories for the children. But on my honor - I swear to Thor - back then they were real…"
Well, sorry to my SwT and EoT fans. This is just an emotional one-shot in the vein of most of my Undertale works - nothing to do with either AU. Sorry!
Thanks for reading this short little piece! I hope y'all had fun!