DISCLAIMER: Same as before. I don't own anything.

Chapter 12

Mai, now renewed with an energy borne of desperation, scrambled over to her collapsed boss. She was too numb to even cry. The way he fell; it bared not even thinking about.

Finally reaching Naru's limp body, she clutched at his open collar trying frantically to find his pulse. Her panic reared when she failed to find the tell-tale thump of a heartbeat.

"W-Wake up!" she cried as she patted his pale cheek with a trembling hand.

"You gotta wake up, Naru," she ordered, her eyes now beginning water, "If you think you're being funny for one second…"

Realisation slowly began to sink in when Naru's chest remained still. This couldn't be happening. There was no way he was...She gulped, her throat tightening with every swallow. Her memory flashed with images of the sea and a deep cave.

"No…," she whispered in muted horror. She swallowed against her stinging throat again, her head shaking in denial.

"I won't let you, you jerk. You hear me?" she mumbled absent-mindedly as she tipped his lax head back. She clasped her hands together and placed them on his too-still chest. With all the strength she could muster, she pushed down.

"One, two, three, four…," she counted until she reached thirty. Fingers scrambled for his pulse again and another growl of frustration escaped her throat when it was absent.

"Not today Naru, not today," she grumbled in determination.

With barely a thought, she leaned over and pinched his nose before taking a deep rasping breath and placed her chilled lips over his blue ones. She pushed the air into Naru's unresponsive lungs twice before moving back to do more chest compressions, silently thanking her teachers for showing her how.

Again, and again, she pumped Naru's still heart. Sweat dripped down her face, a red haze had filled her vision but still she pushed down on his chest. By the time she finished her fourth round of CPR, she was crying. A hopelessness had begun to fill the empty numbness that had left her chest cold.

"HELP!" she called, tearing her throat at the force. "SOMEONE PLEASE…," she looked back down at Naru's grey features and her desperation grew. "Oh God, please, please, please, please," she implored anyone who might've been listening.

There was someone shouting in the distance but it was too far away to make out, not that she cared. The love of her life was lying unresponsive on the ground and not even God himself would pull her from him. As her arms finally gave out, she slumped onto his stagnant torso.

"Naru, please," the brunette tightened her grip on his dirt covered lapels as she lowered her forehead to his chest. She was gasping in spent effort as she felt the warmth of his skin slowly ebb from his body, "d-don't leave...you can't…you, just can't."

Tears leaked heavily from her swollen eyes. She felt her sobs wrack her fragile frame. The hopelessness had all but consumed her. The darkness of a life without her Naru plagued her frantic mind. A spark of something began to foster in her heart. If she had been in her right mind she would've easily deduced the feeling as resentment.

Why did he do that? She thought angrily. Why did he have to play the hero? Why? WHY? She felt agonizing pain and anger build, knocking the panic away for a moment. The answer was so simple she nearly laughed. He'd protected her, of course. It hadn't been the first time and now it was all her fault he was…

"You idiot!" she screamed aloud as she began thumping on his ribcage. It felt like someone had ripped out her heart and placed it in a vice. It was too much. She could barely breath. She wouldn't accept this, couldn't accept this.

Mai quickly sat up, refusing to believe what her eyes were telling her. Tears were now streaming unbidden down her flushed cheeks. Her watering amber eyes, wide and fearful as they gazed down upon Naru's pale face. A sob broke free, loud and harsh. Her trembling hands splayed out, covering his chest. She shook him violently, "Naru, don't leave me alone again," she keened, her throat burning with every forced word, "Please…"

But her begging landed on deaf ears. Naru was gone forever, leaving her alone with her grief.

Her sorrow filled her veins, making her quiver.

"MAI!" A shocked voice called from behind her.

The same voice as her boss in fact. She whipped her head around to see Gene stood directly behind her.

"G-Gene?" she breathed. Her fear reached a crescendo. Why was he here?

"She killed him!" she suddenly cried out. "That cold-hearted bitch took him from me," she spat furiously as large tears dripped down onto her shirt.

"Mai," he said softly, carefully avoiding a glance at the prone body.

"No! I'm gonna destroy her. I'm going to track down her twisted, evil soul and purge it from existence," she seethed, every muscle in her body now shivering in rage.

"Listen to me," he tried again but Mai refused.

"I said NO!" she screeched. Gene took a step closer, his hands held aloft in a peaceful gesture.

"You need to calm down, Mai. That's just your grief talking," soothed Gene but Mai was having none of it. Just looking at Gene's kind face was torture for her. She was holding onto her rage because she had nothing left. That creature had taken everything from her and she was going to repay it in kind.

"Don't tell me what to do," she bit out angrily, "She took him from me. I'll show her what true pain is. He's your brother, you should know exactly how I feel. What's wrong with you? Why aren't you angry?"

Worried now, Gene's eyes hardened, "I'm not angry about his death because he's not dead Mai, you need to get a grip."

Mai reeled, wrath and shock warring for dominance. The look and words that Gene had sent her way was so Naru-like that it had momentarily stalled her. Her ears had failed to pick up exactly what the older twin had said but the sheer tone he had used was uncannily like her boss and the ferocious anger that was still raging through every cell of her body was slowly starting to fade away.

"Gene…Naru…he's dea-," she whispered.

She was quietened by the force of her face being pushed against a chest in a hasty but welcome hug.

"Mai, I promise, everything will be alright. I'm here for you but you need to hear what I'm telling you."

"He left me, Gene, he left me," she finally wept, clutching the back of his shirt in a white knuckled grip. She felt soft and gentle hands sift through her hair. The action calmed her enough to pull back and look up at him. His eyes were worried but a smile was on his lips. "Mai?"

Mai stayed quiet, merely staring up into Gene's blue eyes that were so like his brothers.

"I need you to listen to me now. I need you to focus on what I'm saying. Can you do that?" asked Gene softly, placing his hands on either side of Mai's face as he forced her attention on him. She blinked but finally gave a small watery "Yes." in return.

"Good," he smirked, "Now, listen closely. My brother is not dead. I know what your gonna say but I can assure you're wrong, Mai. We are in your astral plane. You're dreaming. That body over there isn't Noll's."

"What?" she floundered helplessly against Gene's hands, "Gene, look at him! This is no dream. It's too real," she wailed, "I felt his damn body cooling for fuck's sake. Are you so bli-," she choked then.

"Mai, you know what I'm saying is true. How else would I be here?"

Mai shook her head in denial. It wasn't like she wanted this to be real but the alternative was too much hope for her heart to tolerate.

"Mai?" nudged Gene, sliding his thumb over a leaking tear on Mai's cheek. "I know this is hard to accept but you have to trust me. This isn't real. Naru is safe and sound as we speak. He's headed back into the castle with your unconscious body right now. I swear to you, Mai."

"R-Really?" she rasped, her breath hitching.

Gene's smile widened, "Yup. He's fine. It was the ghost that forced you to experience your greatest loss. She attacked you in the real world and tried to possess your mind while you were distracted." He sighed then, "It took everything I had just to find where you were. I managed to break through and cast her out just before she took full control of your psyche."

"I-It was the Banshee? It was Siobhán who did that to me?"

"Yeah, it was. But you're safe now. Your body is back in base and your soul is protected by me. She can't get to you while we're here."

"Send me back," she suddenly demanded.

"Hold on, Mai," baulked Gene, "We just got you free from a psychic dream and you want to put yourself in danger again?"

"I don't care. I need to see him," she muttered softly.

Gene's surprise turned to understanding in an instant. "I get it Mai, I do," he looked over at his brother's body lying on the ground and winced, "I'll let you go in a sec but you need to calm yourself. Focus is key." Mai, having seen Gene's jerked reaction to Naru, suddenly reached over and gave him a tight hug.

"Calm? Are you joking? How dare she," she hissed as she pulled away from Gene's chest. "How dare she cause pain like that to someone."

"Mai, I understand. This spirit is dangerous but don't lose focus now," he urged.

Mai shook her head, carefully avoiding the view of Naru's fallen body.

"Sorry Gene, but this Banshee or whatever the hell she is now, forced me to experience my worst fear. I won't take that lying down."

The spirit sighed. It was pointless to argue when Mai had made up her mind. Although Mai was no longer the sixteen-year-old girl he had first met, her temper had yet to mature. Gene wondered if it ever would. His brother sure knew how to pick them.

"Gene, I need all the information you can give me. Anything at all."

He thought for a moment, weighing his options, "That might be difficult," he finally acquiesced. "I know as much as you do. I'm only your guide of sorts. You know I only see dreams you're gonna have minutes before you do."

Mai levelled a glare at him.

Raising his hands in defeat he sighed. "The Cooney family have a lot to do with it. You need to concentrate on that and you'll get your answers."

"Tara?" asked Mai, bewildered.

Gene shook his head. "No, it's the men of the family you need to look at."

"I thought as much. It'll have to do," she sighed, then looking at Naru's body again and shivered. She turned to Gene, "Why did the ghost attack me? What could she want so bad?"

The older twin's eyes turned sympathetic. "You're unique in a way. Spirits tend to be drawn to you," he shrugged, "Your soul is warm and welcoming, a beacon to the lost souls that wander the afterlife. I can only guess that the reason this particular spirit is targeting you is likely a result of your soul attracting her attention."

"But why? Why go to all that trouble just to possess me? It doesn't make sense. Why not just go after Masako?"

"I don't know Mai. Masako has her own protections. Don't forget that this spirit used to be a living, breathing person. She had thoughts and feelings like anyone else. She may be twisted now but those lingering hopes and fears still guide her. If I had to guess, I'd say she took one look at your soul and tried to grab a hold of it."

"I suppose desperation can bring out the worst in anyone," said Mai sadly.

"Exactly. Just stick with Noll and you'll be fine."

"Can you wake me up now?"

He smiled. "Now that's something I can do." He suddenly leaned forward, kissing her gently on the forehead. Immediately, Mai's eyes grew heavy.

"Make sure you tell Noll what happened. Everything, okay?"


Gene smiled again, "Because he'll be worried."

Ignoring her dubious look, he shrugged and clicked his fingers. The forest scenery and thankfully Naru's dead body both disappeared and were instantly replaced with that of an endless black.

"Thanks Gene," she whispered in relief.

"Go to sleep Mai."

She closed her eyes and soon lapsed into unconsciousness.

Naru glanced over at the sleeping body of his assistant yet again. She'd been asleep for nearly an hour now and he was starting to feel a little antsy. He needed answers. He itched to know what had occurred in the forest.

"Would you like a cup of tea, Naru?" the soft feminine voice broke his reverie and he looked up to meet the eyes of the famous medium currently perched on the chair by the window. He couldn't say if he was overly fond of the medium but he wouldn't deny a certain attachment. She was clever, witty, and competent at her job but – he looked at the still body on the couch – she was no Mai.

"That would be fine," he said as neutrally as possible. No point leading her on and she was too smart to fall for his false charm. No, he learned that lesson the hard way. He really didn't like the idea of black-mailing.

His attention was yet again diverted when a small mewl escaped his assistant. He stood, quickly walking over to the long couch and kneeling by her head. Odd, he thought. Were those tears? She whimpered again, this time her eyes were twitching open. She was waking up.

"Mai," he called, shaking her shoulder. She scrunched her forehead as her eyes finally flickered open.

"Naru?" she whispered.

"I think you slept enough," teased Naru in his usual dry wit. The reaction he got was not what he expected. Instead of the usual curse word and returned insult, Naru was suddenly glomped by a hysterically weeping assistant intent on crushing every bone in his body with brute strength alone.

"Mai," he tried, tapping her shoulder frantically.

"Oh God, Naru you're okay. Thank heavens, I thought you…but you did though…it was so real. An-And I couldn't wake you up and I thought I would die right along with you. It hurt so much. I tried everything but I couldn't bring you back. I thought I lost you forever!" was the babble Naru had managed to discern so far. The rest was lost to the rapidly spreading wet patch on his shoulder.

Ignoring the jaunty thumps of his heart at hearing her words he decided that a cool head was needed to get to the bottom of this. He grabbed Mai's arms, not commenting on the clamminess of her skin, and pulled her back from his chest.

"Mai, you need to slow down and explain clearly."

No, that was not his heart skipping yet another beat when he looked down on her pale and fragile face. Her eyes were shiny and wet, her nose a cherry red and slightly congested. He swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Naru…," she whimpered. Her doe-like eyes and quivering lip would be his undoing someday.

Naru glanced around the room quickly for any unwanted viewers and, throwing all pre-tense to the wind, engulfed the small shivering woman in a warm hug. It was so out of character for him that even Mai seemed thrown by the action. But within seconds she had melted into his chest, returning it with fervour.

After a few minutes of just holding her while she sobbed and sniffled quietly, Naru's calm façade was soon fit to break. Deciding that enough pseudo-comfort had been dealt to the assistant, he eventually pulled away to look down upon her shivering frame. She seemed calmer though. That was good at least. Maybe he wasn't as bad as he first thought at the whole reassuring thing. He decided to dwell on that thought later.

"Mai, what happened?"

He watched her throat bob nervously before averting her gaze to the window. With a dreaded sigh, she began to recount her dream. By the end Naru had the overwhelming urge to hug her again but appearances had to be held and Masako had waltzed back into the room nearly halfway through Mai's story.

"Then Gene told me that we needed to concentrate on the men in the Cooney family."

Naru nodded, "Very well. I'll bring in Paul and the other brother as soon as possible."

"You just need to talk to Paul and his father," she said quietly. Naru's eyes narrowed in suspicion. Years of dealing with the brunette assistant had attuned his senses to her compulsion to withhold vital data that could've been useful in their many cases. Her penchant for revealing such information at such a convoluted time had caused many a nightmare in the past.

"Why only one brother and the father?" challenged Naru.

Mai winced knowing she had yet again kept shtum when she had happened upon unknown facts. She could only hope her report would be enough to quell his ire for now. "Well, um, I was talking to Tara this morning," she swallowed.

"And?" prodded Naru, his voice growing rough.

"And, well, she told me about a relationship her brother Paul had had with Siobhán. It was quite serious apparently. He was engaged to her and they were supposed to get married before their baby was born but she went missing about four months into her pregnancy and that's all I know."

She squeezed her eyes shut, awaiting his rebuttal and subsequent belittlement but when none was forthcoming she cautiously opened her eyes again. Naru was too busy going over her words in his head, evidenced by his unseeing gaze and a lithe finger and thumb gripping his chin gently.

His eyes then suddenly snapped to hers, "Why the father?" he asked sternly.

"Oh, um well, in my vision, you know the one of them in the car?" at his nod she continued, "I thought I recognised the voice of the man wearing the baseball cap. I couldn't place it for the longest time because I'd only heard it once before at his house. But when Tara told me about her brother being engaged to our ghost it kinda clicked in my head," she shrugged.

Naru merely breathed in frustration. He was so used to dealing with Mai that chastisement wasn't even an option anymore. A smart remark however…

"Will your idiocy never cease to amaze me."


"Call Ms. Cooney and have her father and her brother meet us here. We need to finish this as soon as possible. Tomorrow will be even more dangerous."


Masako suddenly spoke up. Mai jumped, having completely forgotten about the medium sitting quietly under the window.

"Because," she said primly, "tomorrow will be the fourth day."

Mai's nose scrunched in confusion, "What's so bad about the fourth day?"

Naru rolled his eyes so hard, Mai was sure he made himself dizzy. Masako answered for him instead but her tone was no less condescending.

"If you used that useless brain of yours, you would've seen the correlation between the deaths and the fourth day. Fourth month is also a factor. It is the number four that is binding to this spirit."

"But why the number four?"

"You answered your own question merely moments before," she tisked imperiously.

"So? Forgive me for being so dumb, yeesh!" she growled.

"Mai, our spirit went missing and likely died in the fourth month of her pregnancy. The number four holds a significance in this haunting," lectured Naru as he stood.

"But how do you know? It's not like anything big happened beforehand to tell anyone that four is a big deal."

"You really are an idiot," dead-panned the ebony-haired teen, his blue eyes piercing her with an irritated glare.

"Naru, don't make me punch you!" scowled Mai, crossing her arms defensively.

"Fine, for the benefit of your undereducated brain," he smirked, "I shall explain. Ms. Thompson, a member of the team sent before us was killed on the fourth day. The three deaths beforehand also lend credence to the number four- the total amount of deaths caused by our so-called banshee," he elucidated smoothly

"But, weren't there more than three deaths in the area? I could've sworn I read that in the report," asked Mai.

"If you'd been awake, you would have heard about two of the deaths, although both were determined as cases of SADS, they had no correlation to what's been going on here. One was on a trip to Belfast, the other was later changed to death caused by toxic shock syndrome. That leaves us with three deaths in the surrounding area and Ms. Thompson. Maura Murphy was the first victim and thanks to an interview with her husband we now know that she started to sleep-walk exactly four months before she died. I'm waiting back to hear if the other fatalities had similar circumstances."

"Great so what exactly can we do with that info?" said Mai dourly.

"You should know by now Mai, that any data gathered on a spirit can be used against said spirit or have you forgotten already?" poked Masako.

"So not in the mood for your lip, Masako," she huffed and looked away.

Naru hid a smirk and left the bickering pair to their devices. He had work to do.

A/N: Another chapter as promised. Please drop me a review if you can. I take every criticism in a constructive way and try to improve upon it. Thanks for reading :)