Chapter 1

The trail ride around the lake had been the best part of both Ty and Amy's week. Just allowing some time to spend together, doing something which they both loved away from the familiarities of Heartland, it just helped them completely unwind. Ty had finally got up the courage to explain to Amy about the reasons he didn't want his mom to be at their wedding, so he felt like a weight had been lifted off of his chest.

When they got back to the truck and trailer, they quickly trailed the horses and when Ty locked the back door, he turned to Amy and said, "Thank you."

"For what?" She asked, with a puzzled look on her face.

Ty put his arms on her shoulders and pulled her close, "For showing me this place. It is amazing, we should definitely come here again." He sighed, "And also, for understanding about, you know… my mom. I know how insensitive I must sound but…" he started.

Amy knew that it hurt Ty to talk about it, so she interrupted, "Ty. It is fine. I completely understand your decision and we don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to. Let's just enjoy the next few days, okay?"

Ty smiled and kissed her forehead, "Thank you. What do you say to lunch? We can drive down to the next services and get something from the food court?" He suggested.

"That sounds awesome. Come on, I am starving!" She laughed as she moved out of his hold and round to the truck.

They were back on the road again in a matter of minutes, they had seen a sign for a town not far away. Ty was concentrating on the unfamiliar roads and was completely unaware of Amy watching him. Ever since they had got back together, Amy found herself watching him do everyday things. She particularly loved watching him read – especially when he was studying – she was just so proud of how far he had come and in the couple of months they were apart, she didn't realise how much she missed the little things he did. She also loved watching him cooking, when he was cooking in the trailer, she forgot how natural he was in the kitchen and how he was so confident in everything he was doing. They had spent a lot of time together between their work and his school, both of them were happy to be back where they were and much closer than they had been since before she left for Europe. She sighed happily, Ty Borden was the best thing that had ever happened to her and she made a vow that she would never let him go again, or allow a situation like the one with Ahmed to present itself again.

Ty turned to look at her and caught her staring, "What you looking at?" He asked.

"You. You are amazing, you know that?" she told him, smiling.

Ty could feel himself blushing slightly, "Not as amazing as you. Besides, I was just turning to tell you that we will be at the services in about ten minutes," He explained, as he reached out for Amy's hand which was resting on the arm rest between them.

"Oh good," Amy replied.

The next ten minutes went by quickly as Ty pulled into a parking space at next service station. The pair got out of the truck and walked hand in hand towards the food court, "Okay, so there is KFC, Subway, Burger King or Papa Johns. Your choice," Ty said as he looked at the signs.

"Hmm, Subway please," Amy replied as they walked into the main area.

"Alright then, you go and get a table, and I will go and get the food. Do you want your usual?" He asked.

"Please," She replied, "I'm gonna go and grab that table over there."

Ty kissed her on the cheek and went over and got the food while Amy went and saved the table.

After a 45-minute lunch break, they were ready to get back on the road. As Ty pulled back onto the motorway, he turned to Amy and said, "You know, I am really looking forward to this weekend. Just you, me, the horses. It's going to be great."

"Yeah, you, me, the horses and 10 juvenile delinquents… Not quite the romantic weekend we had in mind," She laughed.

"Yeah… well, when we aren't at the ranch with the mini me's, that is when the romance begins," He said, while jokingly wiggling his eyebrows.

Amy raised her eyebrow as he turned to her, "Oh really?" She asked.

"Yep. Really. We have to take advantage of this time together! I mean, we are going to have to go back to saying goodbye at the end of every night after this weekend and it's going to be hard. I will say that this weekend, is like the calm before the storm," He said.

"You have this all figured out, don't you? What do you mean, calm before the storm?" She asked.

"Yes, I do," He replied, "and basically, this weekend is going to be calm and nice and all amazing, before the storm. The storm being Lou, Lou and her crazy wedding planning!"

Amy laughed, "Ok then. This weekend is definitely the calm before the storm when you put it like that! How far have we got to go?" she yawned, while covering her mouth.

"I'd say about another 2 hours give or take. Take a nap if you're tired." He suggested.

"No, I'm ok," Amy replied as she turned the radio on and took hold of Ty's hand. The pair of them continued their journey, not needing to say anything.

After twenty minutes or so, Ty turned to ask Amy a question and saw that she had fallen asleep he laughed and turned his attention back to the road. As he was driving, he thought about how far him and Amy had come these past few weeks. Managing to sort through all of their problems and become even closer in the process. Amy Fleming was the best thing to ever happen to him, and he knew that she would help him through anything that was happening with his mom. He knew Amy was hurt when he told her he didn't want her at the wedding, but he couldn't face having her there when there was a possibility she was drinking again. He took another look at Amy, who was resting her head on the arm rest and still holding onto his hand and smiled, he really was marrying the greatest woman in the world.

"Amy, wake up. We are 2 minutes away from the ranch," Ty said, gently shaking her arm, which caused her to stir.

"Mmmm… Sorry for falling asleep," She murmured sleepily, as she sat up, "I didn't get much sleep last night."

"It's ok? And really, how come?" He asked.

"I was just excited about our weekend." She replied as they pulled into the ranch. Ty smiled at her as he parked the truck in the parking space. The pair of them got out the truck and walked over to the office. Where they saw a woman, who had short brown hair, and was dressed very similarly to how Marion used to dress. The woman seemed to be around the same age as her and Amy smiled. She knew she had made the right decision taking them up on this clinic. There was just something about this place that made her feel like she was getting back to her roots.

"Hey, you must be Amy Fleming. It's so nice of you to do this clinic here. I am sure the boys will love it. I am Marge Matthews, I run this ranch with my husband, Dave." A woman said as she left the office, "Who have you bought with you?

"This is my fiancé Ty Borden; he's come down to help me out if that's okay?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, of course! So do you have one or two horses with you?" Marge asked.

"Two, they're in the trailer. Do you want us to go and get them?" Ty asked.

"No, it's fine. I will have a couple of the boys do it for you. One second," She replied, turning into the barn, "Ant! Sam! Can you come here a second?"

After a couple of seconds, one boy, aged about 16 came walking out of the barn, he was quite tall and thin and had short blonde hair. He walked over to Marge and said, "What needs doing?"

"Where is Ant?" Marge asked.

"In the barn, he told me just to go – he can't be arsed, apparently," Sam replied.

Marge sighed, "Can you go and start to unload the horses?"

"Yeah sure," Sam replied, and smiled at Ty and Amy as he walked over to the back of their trailer.

"I am really sorry about this, the rest of the boys are out with my husband, sorting out the cows for a neghbour and I am left here with Sam, who is a delight and will listen, and Ant, someone who isn't into this whole set up…" Marge told them.

"Sounds like someone I used to know," Ty laughed, "It's ok. I'll go and help Sam. You two talk about the plans for tomorrow." He said as he walked over to help Sam with the horses.

"What does he mean?" Marge asked Amy once they got into the office.

"Well…" Amy began and told her about how Ty was placed at Heartland as part of a probation deal.

When the horses were settled in the stables, Sam went off to do some more work while Ty walked into the office, "The horses are all sorted," He informed them, sitting down next to Amy.

"Sorry about that. It's just Ant really doesn't like it and I've already had four discussions with him since Dave left with the other boys. He is a really good kid, but just doesn't want to get involved." Marge explained.

"It's fine. I understand how he's feeling." Ty mumbled and looked down. A sudden feeling of pain came across him as he remembered the boy he used to be.

Amy sensed the sudden change in Ty's mood and butted in, "Right, we best be going. We have to check into our hotel, we will be here for 9am tomorrow, see you then."

Marge seemed to understand and nodded, "Okay, see you both tomorrow. It was lovely meeting you both. Oh, by the way, just reverse up into that space there and you can leave the trailer here if you want."

"Okay, thank you. See you tomorrow," Ty said, shaking her hand as he and Amy went to leave the office. They quickly sorted out the trailer and got back on the road.

"Is everything okay?" Amy asked when they were about 2 minutes away from the hotel.

"Yeah, fine. Today just reminded me of the old days and as you know, it's something I'm not proud of, what so ever," He explained.

"I understand. It must have been hard to think about. But, you'll be fine, won't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course I will. I am looking forward to going back there actually. Mostly just to watch you work with Spartan again and amaze everyone with your awesomeness." He teased, as he pulled into the car park for the hotel.

Amy blushed, "Come on sweet talker, let's go and get checked in." She laughed as she got out the truck. Ty grabbed the holdall and walked round to take Amy's hand. The pair of them walked inside and checked in. Once they got their keys, they walked down to their room and went inside.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Amy exclaimed as she fell onto the bed.

"Yeah, it really is!" He laughed as he got onto the bed and opened his arms for her to lie in. Amy snuggled up into Ty's arms and tried to supress a yawn, "Hey you! No falling asleep! We need to go and get dinner!" Ty yawned. When there was no answer from Amy, he tilted his head and saw that she was already asleep. Ty was struggling to stay awake himself, the 8-hour drive and trail ride had really taken it out of him. He fought falling asleep for as long as possible before his eyes couldn't stay open any longer, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Amy stirred and saw that it was starting to get dark out, she looked at the alarm clock by the side of the bed and saw that it was 9pm. She sighed and shook Ty awake, "Ty, wake up. It's 9 O'clock… We have missed dinner." She told him.

Ty groaned, "Can't believe we have slept for this long! And that we have missed dinner!"

Amy got out of bed and walked over to the side, where her phone was, "Ok, 12 missed calls and seven… no eight texts from Lou…" She sighed, "I am so hungry!"

"Oh god… Lou's not gonna be happy…" He replied, "I know, me to. Why don't you call Lou and I'll go to the chippy across the road?"

"I have a better idea, why don't I go to the chippy across the road, and you phone Lou?" She suggested.

"Erm no, besides, Lou told you to phone her when we got here. Soooo… Sausage, chips and gravy?" He asked.

Amy groaned, "Ok… You and your little technicalities… Yes, please. Sausage, Chips and gravy…"

Ty smiled and gave her a kiss, "It's a nice night out, why don't you meet me over at the picnic benches in about ten minutes?" He asked, to which, Amy agreed. Ty turned to leave, "Have fun talking to Lou!" he teased as he walked over to the door.

When he left, Amy picked up her phone and rang Lou back. The phone barely had chance to ring when Lou answered, "Oh my god! Amy! Where have you been!? I have been so worried about you!"

"Sorry Lou, we got to the hotel a couple of hours ago…" She started.

"Well, how come you didn't ring me?" She asked, "I have been going out of my mind here!"

"We fell asleep!" Amy exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Fell asleep… Pull the other one!" Lou laughed.

"No, we really did fall asleep. We should have been here early afternoon, but we stopped off at that place about an hour from the border where mom used to take us on trail rides," Amy explained, "We were out there for a good couple of hours…"

"Oh… right," Lou replied not wanting to take that conversation any further, knowing how hard it was for the pair of them to talk about their mother.

"So, how is everything back home?" Amy asked, filling in the silence.

"Well… that's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about." She sighed, "I have a feeling that me and Peter may be finished…"

"Wait, what?" Amy asked.

"Things haven't been the same since the whole social worker incident… and then the whole Tanner Gun issue just, well, pushed us over the edge…" Lou explained. The pair of them continued to discuss everything until ten minutes later, when Amy saw Ty appear at the benches across the road.

"Hey, Lou. I am gonna have to go. Ty's got our food. I'll speak to you tomorrow though," Amy told her.

"No, it's ok. I don't want to ruin the rest of your weekend. I think that's one thing that me and Peter didn't do enough of… Spending time together... So please don't worry. I am sorry for unloading all of that onto you… I will speak to you when you get home. Say hi to Ty for me," Lou replied.

"Okay, just text me if you need anything. I'll talk to you when we get back. Bye Lou," Amy said as she put the phone down and grabbed her coat.

Amy walked outside and went over to a picnic bench that Ty had unpacked their food on. While they ate, Amy informed Ty of her and Lou's chat.

"… so yeah… that's everything that's going on with them." Amy explained as they both stood up and put the food wrappers in the bin.

"Wow… Sounds like it seems to have been coming for quite a while now. You never know, they may be able to work it out. "Ty said as they walked back inside the hotel.

"Yeah, hopefully. She told me not to worry about it and to enjoy spending time with you." Amy replied, wrapping her arm around his waist as they entered their room.

"I like the sound of that," Ty said, suggestively.

Once they were both in their room, they both got undressed and got into bed. Ty was setting the alarm on his phone, when Amy sat up and leant on her elbow. She started tracing patterns along Ty's chest, "You know… I'm not feeling too tired after our nap before, I think I am really going to struggle to get to sleep…" She sighed.

Ty put the phone on the bedside table and rolled over, "Hmm, really? I recon I could help with tiring you out," He murmured suggestively as he started placing kisses along her jaw and down her neck, as they started to enjoy their much-needed alone time.

AN: I'll probably update this once a week (as long as I have the chapter written)! I do have a plan for this, but this is me so anything could happen haha. Hope you all enjoy it :)