It take only one bad day to take the light and smother it in darkness, what is that?
Isa it seeing the death of a love one, or an entire family
Isogai arrived at the park to see his family laying dead on the grass
"Yuuma" his mother said before the life left her. Isogai looked to the skies and screamed out in pain and anguish
Five years later Isogai stands outside a biker bar lighting a cigarette. He lowers the lighter revealing a White Skull on a black t-shirt he wears underneath a black trench coat. He exhales the smoke and pulls out a black and silver hand.
"Time for work" he said as he walked over to the bar and aims. "Time to deliver Punishment"
Or could it be the death of a dear friend?
Nagisa looked up as Korosensei held the Reaper 2.0 in place as the field killed them both. Suddenly molten Anti-Matter fell into Nagisa's eyes sending him to the ground in pain
"NAGISA!" the Class shouted.
Nagisa bolted up and ran his hand over his scarred eyes and short hair. He got up and grabbed his cane and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a drink before walking over to an alcove, there standing in the alcove was a black and red armoured outfit with a horned helmet
"Time for work" Nagisa said picking up the horned helmet and resting his cane next to the outfit. He then looked in the mirror. "Time to deliver Justice"
Maybe it was an event born out of darkness.
Fuwa dragged herself along the streets. Not willing to allow herself to stand up after what had happened to her, it was too painful. She tried to stand only to crumble. Blood was dripping down her legs. She looked around looking for someone to help her.
"Someone help me please?" she begged as she neared a hospital
Fuwa looked at a mirror before splashing her face with water and stood up. She then pulled on a green and yellow sports bra before running her hands down the black double winged dragon tattoo on the side of her body. She walked over to a duffle bag and pulled out some boxing wraps.
"Time for work," she said wrapping her hands up, before making it glow. "Time to deliver a lesson" she said as she walked out into an arena
What about the lovelessness of a parent
Yada stood against her bedroom door with tears in her eyes and a knife in her hands.
"COME OUT OF THERE YOU BITCH!" Yada's mother said as she banged on the door.
"GO AWAY!" Yada said "You're drunk again" she mumbled as she tremble, fresh bruising on her arms and face.
Yada woke up and faced the sunlight and got out of bed. She saw something glinting and a note on it making her smile before opening the cupboard. When she closed the door and face the mirror opposite her she was wearing a red and black ninja out with fingerless gloves. Once she was done checking herself in the mirror she walked over to the glinting object, a pair of sais
"Time to Work" She said twirling her weapons "Time to deliver revenge" she said pulling up a face-mask
"Maybe that's why, there could be many reasons. But all I know is that sometimes we need those who work in the darkness" Karasuma said
"So what now?" Irina asked
"We find them and ask them for their help" Karasuma said
"And if they are more of them?" Irina asked
"Then we'll find them as well" Karasuma said
So a new and darker ACH Project featuring character inspired by the Netflix Defenders series focusing on a darker look at Class-E's heroic activities with a smaller group of heroes. So who knows how this will turn out because it will be darker and I'm going to doing something to different with this, the closet I've come with Fate/Stay Mukomizuna which is a Fate/Stay Night crossover with Daredevil which was my first mature title on here. So until next time I'll start the story and I'll catch you on the flipside