I don't own the Legend of Korra. The Legend of Korra is the property of the producer of this wonderful piece of art, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. Then if I would own the Legend of Korra the story would have been like this:

"Is this even the right place?" asked a woman in her fifties with two scars on her right check, towards an elderly man with a beard and a hat on his head. The man shrugged his shoulders but choose not to answer verbally.

The woman huffed and looked around her surroundings, they were sitting in an old and rundown bar at the border of the Si Wong desert and were waiting for a contract of them to show up with important information about the Avatar.

Nobody knows for sure if Avatar Korra died in the Avatar state or not all those years ago when the Red Lotus attacked her home but because no other Avatar showed up the people began to believe that the last Avatar died in the Avatar state which in turn put an end the cycle of the Avatar. But in the last few months more and more rumors about a young woman who could bend more than one element appeared, which began to prove that this believe could be wrong.

Right before the woman could open her mouth to ask if this contact will even appear the man with the hat began to speak ''Patience, Lin he will appear. We just have to wait.''

The woman called Lin narrowed her eyes at the man but before she could mutter a curse under her breath, a young man appeared before their table.

"Ah e…excuse me…," stammered the boy, "Are you the Lin and 'Zin' that I should meet here. My n…name is P…Ping."

Lin narrowed her eyes at the sorry excuse of a man. Standing before them thin, unkempt, dirty and trembling even his name was unimpressive.

The man apparently called 'Zin' stood up and beckoned Lin and their contact to follow him. They left the bar und entered an abandon alley. Lin leaned her back at the wall on one side of the alley while 'Zin' stood at the entrance of the small one way street cutting of the only way out of the alley.

Lin raised one eyebrow. "You are our contract right? So tell us what you know about the Avatar?" asked Lin in a no nonsense tone.

"I k…know th…that the Avatar is a…alive. She lives in t…the Si Wong desert with the Rai…Raiders of Jiyū," stuttered the boy.

Lin was beginning to feel ticked off with this stammering.

"With the Raiders of Jiyū?" asked a curious 'Zin'.

"You don't know the Raiders of Jiyū?" asked Ping in a disbelieving voice.

But before either 'Zin' or Lin could answer a cold laugh interrupted these three. Lin's head shoot upwards and on the rooftop of one building stood a person huddled in black and grey robes that covered her entire body, they seemed to resembled the robes that the sandbenders wore, who also lived in the Si Wong desert, her eyes were covered with goggles that reminded Lin of the goggles that the Equalist's like to use, except these goggles were a dark red like the eyes of a demon.

The person jumped of the rooftop and between 'Zin' and Lin. Their contract meanwhile sat slumped against the wall. Suddenly from somewhere beneath these robes came two metal cables and pressed the clearly frightened boy a few centimeters of the ground, against the wall of one of the buildings.

"P…please don't k…kill me," cried Ping.

"Oh don't worry if I had wanted you dead you would already be a cold corpse, two days ago, after you left our campsite to betray one of our own to the Chief of the police of Republic City and Tenzin, a councilman of Republic City." said the masked woman -because of her curves Lin could clearly see that it was a woman- in a cold voice.

"So you're a member of the Raiders of Jiyū?" asked the man now revealed as a councilman of Republic City and the last airbender master alive.

"Maybe, but even if I'm a member it's none of your business master Tenzin," retorted the masked woman.

"Who are you and what do you know about the Avatar?" spat Lin after she recovered from the amazing display of metalbending, the woman hadn't even moved a muscle and the metal cables wrapped around the man so free as if her mind controlled the metal.

"Relax Chief, I'm not one of your subordinates or captured criminals. I'm just here to talk some sense in this sorry excuse of a thief."

"P…please I d…do everything b…but p…please don't h…hurt m…me," sniffled the sorry excuse of a person.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not the one you should be afraid of, the Captain has a few words to tell you herself and then we decide what your fate shall be. But if you don't shut your trap right now I'm going to sew it shut," growled the stranger.

Tenzin choose that moment to interrupt before the entire event could escalate into unnecessary violence. "Please if you do know anything about the Avatar, we need to know. It is extremely important that you tell us," pleaded Tenzin.

"Everyone who wants to see the Avatar says that it is important that they meet her. But I haven't met one person who has really something important to tell the Avatar. So I'm making a wager with you. If you tell me why you need to meet with the Avatar and if I think that it is important enough that you need to meet her, I will take you to her, alright?" offered the masked woman.

Lin and Tenzin shared a brief glance and Lin sighed once before mentioning to Tenzin to tell her why they need to meet the bridge of the worlds.

"You probably heard of the Equalist movement in Republic City," began Tenzin.

"Yeah we have, what of it? I thought that was a movement that wants to make the world more equal between benders and nonbenders. I personally think that's a good thing. So, what's the big problem, which requires the Chief of the police and a councilman to wander so far out of their City to meet one person, even if it's the long lost Avatar?"

"Amon, the leader of the Equalist movement has the ability to take the bending of the benders who oppose him. Lately the movement has begun to get more and more violent. And we believe that he simply won't stop in Republic City, that someday when he has enough power that he will force the other nations to submit to his will," explained Tenzin.

"Did I get this right, he has and uses the ability to take the bending from the benders?" shouted the woman with a disbelieving voice. Lin and Tenzin just nodded glumly.

"That's not good. I need to warn the others, we need to do something about it."

Lin watched her a few second as she muttered under her breath before she decided to interrupt the woman in her rambling.

"Well we told you why we need to talk to the Avatar. And, do you think it's important enough that you can bring us to her?" asked Lin in a frustrated voice.

The stranger mulled things over for a few seconds before she nodded once and beckoned with her right hand for them to follow. Poor Ping floated helpless in the air suspended with steel cables behind the stranger. The strange quartet walked a brisk pace in the direction of the town border. After a few minutes of walking a vehicle completely made of metal except the tires came into view. (AN: I'm sorry, I'm horrible at describing things like cars. Simply think about the standard cars from Borderlands 2 except with 4 seats instead of 2 and without the gun on top of it)

Beside the vehicle stood a mountain of a man clad in the same outfit as the woman except that his goggles were a soothing grass green. The man nodded once towards the woman but didn`t do anything else except enter the driver seat of the car. The woman secured the bound person to the vehicle with a few extra metal bands.

"Get in, we have a two hour ride before us so I recommend that you get comfortable," said the woman and jumped into the vehicle in the shotgun seat. Lin and Tenzin shared another brief glance before they jumped on the back seats and prepared themselves for a two hour ride through the desert.

"Would you be so kind and tell us your names because apparently you know ours," questioned Tenzin.

The woman and her partner shared a brief look before the man shrugged with his shoulders and the woman sighed.

"Alright my name is Taria and this is Korio. Any more questions?" Lin wasn't sure but she thought that the question was meant to be sarcastic.

"Just one. Where are you taking us?" asked Lin anyway.

Surprisingly it was Korio that answered this time and not Taria, who untill now was the one who did the talking. "We are taking you to our home where the person is that you want to meet."

Lin couldn't do anything but hope that this entire thing paid off because they were running out of options to fight against Amon and his Equalist's. She sighed and closed her eyes briefly while the endless ocean of sand drifted past her.

Two hours later, they arrived at their destination. In the distance they saw a large desert mountain and around this mountain was a town surrounded by a thick wall. The wall looked like it was made of wood, stone and scrap metal. Korio drove the vehicle before a large gate made of thick wood and reinforce with more scrap metal.

They stopped and Korio and Taria jumped out. Lin and Tenzin followed suit. They watched as Korio lifted the still bound man out of the open trunk of the car. They moved to the big gate and as they drew closer to it, the right side of the gate began to open. After a few seconds, the gate on one side was half open, so that they could easily slip inside without opening the gate completely

The first thing Lin and Tenzin saw when they entered through the gate was a large market like square.

But the square wasn't empty, far from it, everywhere they looked they saw people moving around. Some were carrying large crates others were simply talking with each other and they even saw a few children playing between the working adults. There were buildings too, seemingly made out of scrap metal and sandstone. If they looked in the direction of the mountain on the other side of the square they could see a small river surrounding the mountain.

Lin had expected everything in this desert, but a tribe so large out here that was something that she hadn't expected, she thought that they would meet a small bandit community out here but not something like this. These people seemed almost civilized and by the looks of it extremely organized.

Lin was snapped out of her thoughts as someone cleared their throat beside her and Tenzin. Lin looked in the direction where the sound came from and saw who she assumed to be Taria without her robes and creepy goggles covering her face. Taria looked to be in her mid-thirties. She had short black hair and the green eyes of an earthbender but they looked very cold and hard, like she has seen many hardships in her life, they reminded Lin of her own green eyes. Her face was long and slender with a weather–beaten but still fresh skin, without a blemish apart from the three centimeter long scar on her left cheek.

Next to her stood Korio likewise without goggles and robes cowering his face. He looked to be in his late twenties, earlier thirties. He looked eerily like Taria that Lin concluded that the two must be siblings or at least half siblings. His face was stockier than that of Taria but the skin was equally weather–beaten but still fresh. He had no scar on his face and his green eyes had a much friendlier look in them.

"Come one we bring you two to out leader, the Avatar is probably with her right now," announced Taria before she set of in the direction of the small river. Korio followed her, still with the bound Ping thrown over his shoulder.

Everywhere around them were people and they were starring suspiciously at Lin and Tenzin. The adults moved the children behind them and starred at them with something akin to anger in their eyes. The younger children starred with a little fright in their eyes from behind the legs of the adults at them while the older ones looked at them with a mild curiosity. Lin wasn't sure what to make of this behavior but she couldn't fault them for this, because they were strangers in their home, a place that is probably something like a sanctuary to them.

They followed Taria and her companion to an old stone bridge which led over the small river. Behind the bridge was a large entrance which led into the mountain. They crossed the bridge and entered through the entrance. Inside the mountain was a large room with many tables and chairs. It looked like a dining hall. Taria led them to a large staircase on the right side of the room. This staircase led these five to a short corridor with three doors, one on the left side, one on the right and one at the end of the hall.

They went through the last one and entered a room that resembled a council chamber. With one large round stone table in the middle of the room, a map on top of it, which shows the Si Wong desert and the surrounding regions, additional six chairs were placed around the large table. At the far end of the room Lin could see more doors that went god knows where.

Three people were already in this room. They all turned when Lin and the others entered. On the chair nearest to them sat a woman in her late twenties. She had the typical dark skin tone of a water-tribe citizen and short chopped brown hair. Her deep blue eyes were filled with mischievousness and a deep curiousness. She had a horrible scar that went from the left side of her forehead over her eye to her nose. She wore the same clothes that Taria, Korio and everyone else in this tribe seemed to wear. Next to her stood another woman, she seemed to be in her thirties, she looked like a typical fire-nation woman with raven black hair, in a ponytail that reached her shoulders and deep golden eyes that spoke of a deep distrusts towards others.

The last one was a teenager. She sat cross-legged on the chair across from the door they just entered through. She too had the light skin tone of a fire bender with ember eyes that spoke of a cunning and mischievousness that would scare weak minded fools. She had her black hair tied in a short ponytail. On her chin was small barely noticeably scar.

Korio strode forward and slammed Ping hard onto the table, he landed with an 'oomph'.

''Ping here wanted to give sacred information about our tribe to outsiders. He left our camp side two days ago to share information about the Avatar with these two people. Councilmember Tenzin of Republic City and the Chief of the metalbending police, Chief Lin Beifong, I observed how he told these two that the Avatar lives in our tribe. Shortly after he told them this, I decided to interrupt them before he could spill more secrets about our tribe to stranger. They told me that Amon the leader of the Equalist supposedly has the ability to take the ability to bend from the benders."

"He has the ability to do what?" asked the water tribe woman in a disbelieving voice.

"You've heard me right sister. Considering there are just two ways to take the ability to bend from someone I think you know who is behind this."

"And if I'm not mistaken I probably know which way Amon is using. There are just four people who could do this. And considering one is dead, one is a public person, one is missing and one is in this room. Yeah, I think I know who is behind this."

Lin narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean one is in this room? And which way do you think Amon is using?"

"Can I ask you a question first? If you can answer this one I'm going to explain everything to the best of my knowledge." the dark skinned woman waited a few seconds before asking, "When does he take the ability to bend from the benders?" Lin narrowed her eyes at the random question before answering.

"He does this at any given time, often at public events. These are a lot like a public execution. With his supporters cheering when he takes the bending away from his victims."

The woman nodded as if she expected this answer. She took a deep breath before answering.

"Ok. First things first, I'm guessing that he uses an old forgotten bloodbending technique. Older than the bloodbending that Hama rediscovered. Yakone was one of the first people to do this in hundreds of years. Like I said a long forgotten technique. It is an interesting aspect of bloodbending because the only way to really control it is with the mind. He taught three people this technique before he died. His two sons Noatak and Tarrlok and his daughter Miko."

"Tarrlok is Yakone's son?" cried Lin and Tenzin at the same time.

"Oh yes. He is very good at hiding behind a mask and being a manipulative b***" snarled the other woman. "Should've killed him when I had the chance a few years back""Wait a second what did you mean with that one person is in this room?" questioned Tenzin and ignoring the snarling woman, Lin wanted to ask the same question but she had her assumptions.

"Oh I mean myself. May I introduce myself, my name is Miko only daughter of Yakone and sister to Tarrlok and Noatak but I think you know him under the name of Amon."

Dead silence greeted this statement.

"So let me get this straight. You are Miko the daughter of Yakone. Tarrlok is the son of Yakone and a bloodbender. And Amon is a bender and also the son of Yakone. That makes him and Tarrlok your brothers." Miko just nodded. "What I don't understand is why is he so obsessed with taking the bending from others if he is a bender too?"

"To that I have no answer. I haven't seen Noatak since my childhood." before Lin or Tenzin could ask another question a clearing of a throat interrupted them and brought them back to the present. The other woman in the room had a slight annoyed gleam in her golden eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt you three, but I think introductions are in order. You already know Taria and Korio metal- and earthbending siblings and Miko a waterbender. This in the back is my protégé Kuro a young firebending master. And I'm Lilith also a firebender, yes I know I have strange name let's just say I'm from a place far away from here and leave it at that. Now that introductions are out of the way. What do you want here?"

"We are looking for the Avatar." answered Tenzin.

"Well then you are in luck because here I am" came a response from behind them.

They all turned and saw a young woman maybe 17 with short brown hair, dark skin and strikingly blue eyes.

Before them stood Avatar Korra, the lost Avatar.

So this is the first chapter in my first story. And to add to everything it's not even in my native tongue. Anyway I had fun with this first chapter and I hope that I will add new ones in the near future. So thank you for reading and I hope that you leave constructive reviews. If someone feels the need to flame I have just one thing to say: Do it better and post your own story. Thank you very much. This is ScouterFight and I'm out ;).