Hello readers. I've got something new for you. While reading a story provided by Shadenight123 called "An acolyte of Zero", which is by the way great story, I had an idea. I'm not good at comedy but if I won't try then I won't be better at writing them, so here's my own challenge.
The question born in my head was "What if Louise summoned a SCV or Probe from StarCraft with its game mechanic. Like the need of minerals or Vespene Gas, and units mentally that from the game itself."
You know something similar to what Shadenight123 did. Yeah I know it sounds like I took his idea and I won't argue about that. So first read HIS story then mine.
Ok, enough of this chit-chat. Let's get to the story.
Story start
I was supposed to get out of the command center and do what every SCV did. Gather mineral or Vespene gas. Repair bunkers damaged by Zergs teeth or Protoss cannons. Or run after Thor to repair his when he went at the forces of enemies blindly.
Standard routine job. Build that, gather that, do that. Occasionally get rid of zergling or zealot which would came at our base with other SCVs. And so the whole campaign? So where are the other SCVs, where is the command center?
Where am I?! Is this a new expansion to the lore? Am I in this new campaign? Is this even in the protocol? And what's with this kids!? Seriously they keep staring at my SCV like they've seen a bloody hydralisk. They've never seen a SCV?
And what's with this midget with purple hair. Isn't she too young to dye her hair? And why is she looking at me with her mouth wide open? Am I such a surprise?
Then the kids around her laughed. I didn't get it what they are saying. My SCV doesn't recognize the language? Is this in the protocol? Where is that damn manual when it is needed? I sighed and opened the beer which was behind me and took a sip of it.
I looked at the girl with pink hair and she was red; I didn't know why. But she quickly calmed down and walked to my SCV. Hey what are you doing? HEY! Don't come closer, it's dangerous!
WHAT?! Did that midget just kiss my SCV?! What the hell!? Where the hell was that written in the protocol?! I don't want the blue screen of Death! Not now! Commander where are you?!
He didn't even see how runes appeared on his right hand under the gloves he wore.
God dammit, I hate it when the protocol is disturbed. Is this girl a Captain, a Commander? What's going on, where is the manual for God sake!
I finished my beer and sighed. Guess I will need to deal with her personally. Where is the button to open this damn thing!
With Louise
Louise stood there with a red face after looking at her summon. She had summoned a metal golem. Why couldn't this be a dragon or a manticore!? She failed again. This was a disaster, how would she be able to look in her mother's eyes!
The rest of her class erupted into laughter again. But Louise didn't pay them attention while she was thinking how this could have happened.
"A, HA!" a voice shouted. Everyone looked around when they heard a slightly unnatural voice coming from somewhere. They looked around to see the source. Then, a hissing sound came from the golem and the middle part of if just opened wide. From it emerged a black skinned man in a strange outfit, which only a commoner would wear.
Louise eyes wide opened when the thought struck her. It couldn't be that she had summoned a commoner. That would be the end of her. And she already sealed the contract.
"Really, Louise. Did you summoned commoner! That's rich!" Kirche laughed again. And with her the rest of the students. She felt rage and embarrassment rise in her. She wanted to die.
Then that commoner said something, but no one could hear or understand what he had said. He looked around wondering where he was. Professor Colbert tried to communicate with him but without success. The Professor had an idea and chanted a spell. After a second the commoner spoke.
"God dammit will you stop that! I asked: where is the Command Center?!" The black guy shouted, now irritated. The professor smiled.
"I can understand you now. But what is the Command Center?" he asked confused. The black guy scratched his head.
"Come on! You can't make me believe you don't know what a Command Center is!? It's the center of every Terran Base!" the guy shouted. Louise finally broke from her confusion and anger and walked to the black guy. He looked at her.
"Hey, midget do you know where the Command Center is? And what's with that outfit? Are you guys having a party or something?" he asked.
"Don't call your master a midget you dog! You're just a commoner! You should respect a noble!" Louise shouted, angry. She gritted her teeth. The guy raised an eyebrow and looked at her closely. Louise, surprised, moved a step back.
"You're my master? Is it similar to a Commander or a Captain? Where is the Command Center?" he asked.
"Co...mmander, Captain? What is a Command Center?" Louise didn't know what he was talking about. The guy sighed and muttered something under his nose.
"Base of Operation, HQ. Did you even pass tutorial? Or did you even read the manual?" the guy asked. Louise was completely lost. She didn't understand a single word. Was that commoner language or something? The others didn't understand anything as well. Colbert, seeing that Louise needed time with her new familiar, ordered the rest to get back to their rooms.
Louise clenched her hand.
"You're my familiar. FA-MI-LI-AR! Get it?! I order you and you listen!" she shouted. The guy looked at her.
"Well, that's why I'm here. I build, repair, gather and occasionally fight if the situation demands," he said. Louise sighed with slight relief, knowing that maybe, MAYBE, this familiar wasn't too stupid.
"And what about that thing?" Louise asked pointing at the SCV. The guy looked at the place where she was pointing.
"Oh, that's an SCV. Your basic unit. With that you can build, gather and repair things. I'm its pilot. You really should read that damn manual Cap'n," the guy said, scratching his head. Louise blinked but she quickly got angry.
"Manual, what kind of manual?! Are you insane, what tutorial, what SCV or something and who the hell even are you!?" Louise shouted. The guy took a step back, surprised.
"Oj, calm down Cap'n!" he said quickly and looked around. "This must be the tutorial area. Do you know what you need to do to pass tutorial? Build a Command Center, recruit Marines or build a few Supply depots? Hey Cap'n?" he asked.
Louise sighed heavily. This guy was insane and she didn't have the strength to deal with him. Why had this happened to her, for what sin? Louise looked at the guy and sighed again. This wouldn't do. He was useless.
But maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be complete useless. She would just try to do what he said, to build that "Command Center" or whatever that thing was. But how was he going to build that, there were no materials here was he going to get them or what?
"Listen, familiar, I'm tired I'm going to my room. Tomorrow we will do that "tutorial" or whatever that thing was you spoke of, got it?"
"Sure thing, Cap'n. I will be here in SCV if you need me, but damn where did you lost your manual? To not even know the most basic things," he said wondering.
"Shut up! I must be insane to trust you, but if nothing will happen tomorrow, you're gonna regret it!" she shouted and walked away with steam coming from her head. The pilot scratched his head.
"Damn kids… They don't play the tutorial or read the damn manual and then they don't know how things works… Stupid noobs… I wonder if the protocol will allow for that…" he said to himself and he walked to his SCV.
Next morning
Louise opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times to adjust to the light shining right in her face. She yawned and sat on the bed, scratching her eye. She still felt sleepy and she would happily go back to sleep, but duty was calling.
She dressed up, prepared herself and, looking at mirror, she said to herself,
"This will probably be a waste of time. Oh well." And she left to meet her familiar.
Louise walked out of the tower to look for her familiar. She could spot him easily, because how can you miss a blue, metal golem standing in the same place it was standing yesterday? (A/N: If you include a much bigger earth golem which attacked the school and nobody noticed it, it could happen)
Louise walked to it.
"Familiar," she said but nobody responded. She said again but louder, "Familiar" Again nobody respond. A tick mark appeared on her forehead. She pulled out her wand.
"Fireball," she shouted. But instead of a fireball, an explosion happened. Like always. Then golem started spinning furiously. Louise ducked and luckily avoided being sent flying because of the metal arm. But the golem quickly stopped spinning and his middle part opened wide.
"Ah, you scared me! Don't do that again! Attacking friendly units is bad! And I'm the only SCV you had!" he shouted angrily. "That's against protocol!" he added.
"I called you and you didn't respond! What kind of familiar don't respond when his master calls him!?" she shouted. The guy looked at her and sighed.
"Anyway, so you're going to order me to build that Command Center or not?" he asked. Louise sighed and nodded.
"Yes, but have you got enough materials to do it?" she asked.
"Sure, if you've got 400 minerals, I can build a Command Center," he said. Louise was confused.
"Minerals? What kind of minerals?" she asked. The guy sighed.
"Blue minerals. You do have them right, without them I can't build anything," he said and crossed his arms. Louise then remembered something and pulled out a small blue crystal. The guy saw it.
"Yeah, like this one! You've got more, right!?" he said. He was slightly excited, because finally he could do something. Louise sighed.
"That's the only crystal I have with me, there is more in my family mansion, but it's a long journey from here," she said.
"Those minerals are yours? Are they or not?" he asked.
"Well, theoretical they are, so what?" she asked looking slightly confused.
"Thanks to the protocol, as long they are yours, no matter where they are you can use them. You're really noob in this, aren't you?" the guy said with a sigh. Louise got angry and her face turned slightly red.
"How dare you call your Master that! I should punish you like a dog! But let's build that "Command Center" or whatever that thing is."
"Where should I build it?" he asked. Louise looked around.
"Here," she said She pointed below her at the ground. The guy nodded and closed the golem. And nothing more happened. Louise waited a few seconds, but nothing happened.
"Hey, why aren't you building anything?" she asked.
"I can't build it. Somethin's in the way," the guy answered. Louise raised an eyebrow.
"Heeee… What do you mean something is in the way? There is enough place here to build a small house." The guy responded from the SCV.
"You didn't see the red mark when you tried to place the building? It means something is there and you can't place the building there. Why didn't you read that damn manual!?" he said.
"I don't have any damn manual! Now stop complaining and build that Command Center!" Louise shouted.
"I told you, I can't build it here! It would be against the protocol! Order me to build it somewhere else!" he shouted back. Louise looked at him and muttered something. She then looked around.
"Then build it outside the walls," she said. The guy looked to his left and saw a large area where there could be placed not only Command Center but also other buildings. He smiled.
"Roger that!" he said. He then walked away with the SCV to build the Command Center. Once he was outside, thanks to the jetpack built into SCV to move faster which he used to jump over the wall, he started building.
Louise soon was outside and saw how there were materials on the ground. Meanwhile, from the Vallière vault, part of the crystals, which the family had gathered through time, disappeared.
Louise looked at how her familiar was working. But she was wondering where those materials had appeared from. How had they appeared? Was it thanks to magic? She was thinking but she couldn't think of any possible conclusion.
She decided to leave her familiar to his work, thinking that the building would take some time.
Few Hours later
Louise had just finished eating dinner. She was thinking about what kind of thing her familiar would build and how it would look like. That whole Command Center thing. She thought probably something similar to castle or mansion, but with this amount of metal she saw, that wouldn't be possible.
She sighed and walked away, heading to the place where her familiar was. But then she saw that her familiar was heading to her. Louise stopped when they met.
"Job's finished," the guy from SCV said. Louise was surprised but also skeptical. What kind of building could be built in a few hours, especially with metal? Only square earth mages could do something like that, but still it could take him weeks if not more, depending on how complicate the building was.
Louise nodded.
"Lead the way, familiar," she said with a skeptical voice.
"Right away sir," he responded and turned to lead the way. After they reached the place, Louise opened her mouth and eyes with shock and awe. The building was as big as half of the middle tower and so wide it took up almost ¼ of the school grounds. It was blue in color but mostly it was silver or bronze because of the metal it was made of. In the highest level she could see windows.
The cockpit of the SCV opened and the guy jumped from it.
"I will show you the inside. The protocol allowed it, I don't know why, probably an expansion pack," he said. Louise looked at him with confusion but dismissed that, because her familiar was insane, but not as insane as she had thought.
They walked inside.
"This is the Command Bay, the first thing you will see in every Command Center. Here people are checked before they can enter and their armor removed before entering," the guy said. He motioned for her to follow. Meanwhile, while they were walking he had lit up cigarette. Louise smelt the cigarette and started coughing. Her throat was feeling like it was dry and a fire had been put there.
But she tried to ignore it. They stopped in front of metal doors. They opened when they were close enough, surprising Louise.
"Was that magic?" The guy looked at her.
"No, they're automatic doors. You're a complete noob, you know that, to not know such things," he said, looking at her with a grin. Louise shot him a glare, but he just ignored it.
"This is Infirmary, but it's got just basic equipment. It's not designed to treat serious wounds. It's designed to make those hurt survive long enough to transport them somewhere else," he said when they entered. He then walked out of Infirmary with Louise close to him.
Louise was surprised that everything was made out of metal. She saw air coming from the pipes and she could hear a hissing sound. But nothing looked like it would blow up in her face. Louise was thinking so intensively she didn't notice when the guy finished the route.
He turned to Louise.
"Now we can build Supply depots, Barracks, a Refinery and an Engineer Bay. But I don't see any mineral fields nearby. Maybe you need to do something to finish tutorial. Look at your minimap in the bottom left corner to see if there is any mark on it," he asked looking at Louise.
"I don't have minimap, what's that?! Since you've appeared you've been spouting nonsense. Tutorial, manual, now minimap, what are those?! Are drunk, insane or what!?" Louise shouted at the guy.
"I'm telling you what the protocol would tell you girl! I only do what the protocol would do, to introduce you to the system! Now stop complaining! And give me an order, gather, or build? Which one?" he asked with a serious voice.
Louis sighed and rubbed her temple. She could feel the start of a migraine. Her familiar was insane, totally insane, but… she looked at the Command Center behind her. She couldn't deny that her familiar's ability to build such a thing in mere hours all by himself was impressive. What he was? A normal commoner couldn't do such things, it was impossible.
The guy kept looking at her, waiting for orders. Louise massaged her temple again.
"What are those Supply depots, Barracks and the rest?" she asked. Maybe, Maybe she could do something useful with the help of this insane familiar. Maybe she wouldn't be Zero anymore. Maybe she could finally do something.
"Barracks are your main building to recruit the army. For now I can tell you, you can recruit only Marines. The rest are blocked, probably because it's tutorial. Supply depots give you things required to recruit more units. With the Refinery you can get Vespene Gas from their geysers, but the Refinery can be built on such fields only. Not next to it, only ON IT," he said.
"What is Vespene Gas?" she asked. The guy sighed deeply and massaged his eyes from irritation.
"Stupid kids not reading manuals..." he muttered under his breath. Louise luckily didn't hear that. "Vespene Gas is required to build more advantage units and it's required to do researches to upgrade your troops. But I can't see any Vespene Geysers in this area, so don't worry about it." He waved this off. Louise sighed.
"You can also recruit more SCVs from the Command Center, just order it. Each SCV costs 50 minerals. Barracks cost 150 minerals, an Engineer Bay cost 125 minerals, a Supply Depot costs 100 minerals. I don't know how many more minerals you have, so be careful, but it's your money so I don't care how you spend them. Also one more thing," he said.
"Well, maybe two. Firstly, each building while in the construction can be destroyed by your order and you will get back part of the minerals and Gas. The second thing is, buildings like the Command Center, Barracks, the Engineer Bay, the Facility and the Star Port can fly. Test it out, just order the Command Center to fly," he said. Louise gaped.
"Fly?! Are you insane!? There is no way that building can fly! You would need a few air mages, square level to lift something like that, and they would probably only lift it a few centimeters and only for a few seconds!" she shouted. The guy cleared his ear.
"If you don't believe me, then don't but try it! The protocol will do the rest," he said, not slightly offended. It was not in his protocol, it was not his decision that these kids were so stupid and they didn't read manuals or play tutorial. Louise tried to calm down and scratched her head furiously.
"Fine, I will do it! But… How should I order it to lift?" she asked now calmer. The guy shook his head.
"Just say, 'Command Center, Lift up'. The rest, the computer will do," he said. Louse looked at the Command Center and gulped.
"Command Center… Lift up..." she said, unsure. Then she heard steam and air coming from the Command Center. She saw how the entrance was closing and soon she saw the building slowly rise from the ground. Louise had her mouth on the ground. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing. The building, heavier than the Academy Tower, was lifting itself high in the air.
The rest of the school saw and heard what she was witnessing. They saw a massive, metal construction lifting itself high in the air. They ran from the building to see that phenomenon better. Everyone had their eyes and mouth wide open. Some were talking and wondering how this could be possible, or wondering what it was.
"Impossible, that's impossible. It's against the faith. It's against Birmir himself. That's heretic.." she muttered to herself, kneeling on the ground. This was some kind of Heretic magic, she was sure of it. The guy looked at the building.
"It's been a long time since I last saw a flying Command Center, impressive, right?" he asked with a grin. Louise slowly stood from the ground and looking at him.
"What kind of magic did you use!? What kind of Heretic Magic is that?! That's not possible! There is no way such a heavy and massive construction could be flying on it's own!" she shouted, pointing at the flying Command Center. She was angry, furious even. The guy sighed.
"It's not magic, it's technology. Thanks to the Atlas booster and fusion reactor, the Command Center and a few other buildings can be lifted and transport to other places, when the situation requires it, but they are really slow, like really, even you would be able to reach it," he said.
"Now order the Command Center to land somewhere else, for example there," he said and pointed a little further from them. Louise looked back at the Command Center and gulped.
"Command Center move there and land..." she said unsure. The Command Center started slowly turning around and flying to its destination. True to the guy's word the building was flying slowly, but it didn't seem like it would fall on the ground any time soon.
Louise was so shocked she couldn't speak now. She had gone through enough surprises for one day. She wanted to rest, lay down in her bed and rest. She felt how her legs were shaking. She needed to rest.
"I… I think… I need rest… I will go back to my room..." she said to her familiar, without looking at him. And she left. The guy looked after her.
"Hey, we still haven't finished the tutorial!" But she ignored him. He sighed and replaced his hat. "Damn kid, I wonder if this isn't going against protocol." He turned and looked at the slowly flying Command Center.
"Well, she didn't order me to do anything, so I will go to my SCV and wait. WoHoo! Overtime!" he said, sarcastic.
With Louise
Louise kept walking but she looked like she had seen better days. She was tired and was barely walking. She just wanted peace and quiet to sort things out. But she didn't get the chance, because Kirche and Tabitha walked to her.
"Louise, did you see that?! A massive, metal, object rose from the ground and it's still flying! Isn't that exciting!? I wonder who is doing that!? Ne, Tabitha what do you think?" she asked excited. Tabitha only gave Kirche a look.
"Don't know."
"Anyway, Louise! Come, we need to see this!" She was going to grab Louise but Louise avoided her grab, somehow. Kirche looked surprised at her and frowned.
"Louise whats with you? Aren't you excited?" she asked. Louise looked at Kirche.
"I'm tired… I've seen too many things for one day… Go away..." she said and walked away with an unsteadily movement. Kirche looked at Tabitha, wondering, but she didn't say anything.
Louise's room
Louise fell on her bed with a big sigh. She was tired, her head was hurting. She needed sleep. She felt confused but also a small amount of excitement. Maybe she wasn't Zero after all. Maybe with the help of her familiar she could do something. Something big. Something which her mother would be proud of.
With this thought, Louise fell asleep wondering what she should do next.
OMAKE, interaction with SCV
Louise was standing near her familiar and shouted.
"Ah, You scared me!" He shouted.
"Bad news?"
"No, familiar get over here."
"Yeah, whatever..." He then moved SCV closer to her. Louise step back and shouted.
"Careful! You want to kill me?!" She shouted angrily.
"Yea, yeah." He replied. Louise frowned and said.
"Familiar get over here, right now!" She stomped her foot. He moved SCV closer to her, almost hitting her.
"I said careful! Are you listening to me?!" She shouted.
"Uh-huh..." He responded. She ignored it, sighed and said.
"What can you repair?" She asked curiously, because he said early he can repair anything.
"I can fix anything..." Then he and Lousie heard some strange sounds. "If this dang thing holds together..." Then both of them heard another sound this time from hydraulic. "Hear me baby, hold together..."
"I hope it won't explode..." Louise said little scared.
"Oh, that's just great..." Louise heard him complaining. Suddenly slash sound was heard.
"Gotcha!" then feminism voice said. "Self-destruct in five… four...three.. two..." "Oh-ohoo..." But nothing happened making Louise sigh in relieve.
"Can you just get down here?" Louise asked tiredly. After that little stun she felt how like her whole strength left. Louise then heard some noises she couldn't recognize.
"Hey, I wanna hear some FREE ZERG!" He shouted through buzzing sound. Louise got enough. She walked away from her familiar, not bothering anymore.
Ok so here is the first chapter. I hope you liked it, and leave comments below. See you in the next chapters, my fellows.
Also quick note. The Vallière vault holds 1000 minerals. You might think it's quite a large amount but believe me, it's only a small amount. Anyway, in the next chapter Louise will finally try to act like a Cap'n or Commander should. Maybe if she will just read that damn manual and try to focus on the tutorial.
Anyway, see you guys later.