The sun was shining hot on a boat in the middle of a dessert as a ship glided across the sands like a hot knife through butter. The vessel was a bright red as the bright beige sails were set to full mast as they came to town. at the head of the ship was a Short Finick fox in a tattered long sleeve shirt and black shorts. (on him they were long enough to be pants.)

"Alright everyone make sure your items and weapons are accounted for are we are going to land in Sarrah village in half and hour."

All the animals on the ship gathered their assorted possessions as a gray rabbit with a sword and shield strapped to her back smiled in excitement as the ship pulled into the dock. The dock was attached to a large city with a sign that stated: "Welcome to Zootopia Hunters."

The rabbit watched as Animals from all species walked along the roads. Some of the animals were different than the others as they carried an assortment of weapons on their backs. They were hunters! You see this world is plagued by creatures some as large as a modern skyscraper from head to tail. Some are gentle, While some are as Monsterous and mean. This is where the Hunters come in. They are animals that come from all walks of life for the same goal to hunt and protect the Animals that dwell inside the town. This is where we meet our rabbit her name is Judy Hopps and she wants to be the best hunter.

She made her was to a large building to see a purple cat talking to a fox with a staff and an insect attached to his arm.

"I can't believe we survived that beast, Nick! You insane Volpe it was Meowvolis!"

The fox smirked at the bouncing cat. as he ruffled its head fur

"I know Grape it was a crazy hunt against that Great Jaggi. "(FYI that's what I named my first purple Palico I love Rick Griffin's art work.)

Grape nodded her head as she showed off a fang she gathered from the monster.

"I cat wait to see what we can make from this."

Nick grinned as he saw his companion bounce like a kitten.

"I can't wait to see as well."

The two hunters started to walk to the blacksmith that was right across the way as Nick bumped into our hero.


Judy was knocked on her backside as Nick looked down at her.

"I'm sorry Miss are you alright?"

He reached his paw to help the rabbit to her feet.

"Yeah I'm good just my pride"

Judy reached out for the paw as Nick helped her up from the ground.

"New here right?"

Nick asked the Doe he pulled her to her nodded embarised as kicked the ground.

"Well Dear Hunter let me be the first to welcome you to the Biggist Guild house in Schrade. Welcome Hunter!"

Arthors note: Hello dear Hunters I am your Humble story teller Son of Brokker here with a new crossover story it will be an M because of blood and other lovly things so my Lappy is still in the shop and hopfully be fixed by next week so send me your hopes and dreams. So COME HUNTERS! READ,FAVORITE AND REVIW