Author Notes: Ok so! This is the first chapter of my first Steven Universe fanfic :-) it's a lapidot shipfic, but explores other characters and their relationships as well. It's a human AU set in an unorthodox inpatient facility called Camp Pineheart, and all of the Steven U characters are troubled teens staying in the camp, camp counselors, camp volunteers, etc. I'd welcome any reviews, suggestions, or corrections, so give it a read and tell me what you think!
EDIT: fixed some mistakes :-)
my tumblr: steven-u-ficlets
Lapis rested her cheek wearily against the cool glass of the car window, doing her best to tune out the large, chatty man in the driver's seat. He evidently wasn't getting the memo that she didn't really feel like talking, so she let out a dramatic sigh that fogged the window slightly. Mr. Smiley halted his cheerful speech on something-or-another and glanced at the silent black-haired girl out of the corner of his eye. She briefly – and rather coldly – met his gaze from underneath her lowered brows, and then returned to glaring at the passing trees. Mr. Smiley let out a brief puff of air.
"Look, Lapis. I know you don't want to go. But you have to understand, I don't have a choice anymore. I've done everything I can for you and you still insist on stirring up trouble."
Lapis rolled her eyes.
"It was either this or jail, Lapis. You know that. You heard the board."
"That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it." Lapis mumbled.
"That's true, but you could at least pretend. Maybe with the right attitude, you could actually enjoy yourself here." Mr. Smiley suggested. Lapis said nothing, and simply shrugged, crossing her arms.
A wooden sign came into view. It read "Camp Pineheart: A Haven for Troubled Youth" in chipping forest green paint. Lapis' stomach twisted with dread and she gripped herself a bit tighter. She already hated it.
Mr. Smiley turned into a dusty parking lot and pointed the car towards a small one-story building. Lapis noticed a tall privacy fence that ran into either side of the building and extended backwards away from the parking lot. Probably to fence in the loonies she thought cynically.
The mustachioed man put the car in park, gripped the bridge of his nose, and took in a breath before turning to Lapis and speaking earnestly.
"Please, Lapis, make an effort to recover here. I'm trying as hard as I can but I can't protect you anymore if this doesn't work out. I don't want you to end up in jail at 17." Lapis softened a bit at this. Mr. Smiley had always been good to her.
"I'll…give it a chance, Mr. Smiley." What harm could it do?
Mr. Smiley beamed at the tan girl, clapping her gently on the shoulder with a large hand. "That's my girl!" He crowed as he exited the car. Lapis smiled softly, and took a deep breath to steady herself before unbuckling her seatbelt. She collected her backpack and duffle bag containing her few belongings and trailed behind the large man towards the building. They stepped into a small, unremarkable room with a reception desk, some wooden chairs around a table, and multiple potted plants scattered around the room. As she and Mr. Smiley approached the desk, the door behind the counter opened and possibly the biggest woman Lapis had ever seen stepped through it. Her hair was stunningly pink, very long, and curled naturally in big, loose ringlets. Everything about this woman was striking, bold, breathtaking. A small, chubby boy with a curly black mop on top of his head followed her.
"You must be Lapis Lazuli and Mr. Smiley! We've been expecting you." The woman gushed warmly as she rounded the desk. Lapis wondered what the point of the counter was.
"I'm Rose Quartz, but you can just call me Rose. I'm the head counsellor here at Camp Pineheart!" She explained as she extended her hand toward each of them to shake. Lapis hesitated, glanced at Mr. Smiley, and then gripped Rose's hand briefly. Rose gave her a short, reassuring nod and a smile before turning to Mr. Smiley.
Mr. Smiley shook her hand as well. "I thought we would be meeting with Ms. Diamond?"
"Ms. Diamond is more inclined towards management I'm afraid. Typically, she defers interaction with our campers to me, while she handles the paperwork and corporate workings." Rose explained. She leaned in and lowered her voice, as if sharing a secret, and added "but that's alright, I have better social skills than her anyway." She gave a sly smile and conspiratory wink before straightening up and continuing. She motioned to the boy, now standing patiently at her side.
"This is my son, Steven. He volunteers around the camp during the summer, since I and his father both work here." She brushed his hair lovingly, and the boy grinned up at her. He was charming, Lapis had to admit. She rolled her eyes at the show of affection, but she couldn't deny that they seemed very happy and secure.
"Steven, why don't you show Ms. Lazuli around while Mr. Smiley and I finalize the paperwork?" Rose suggested. The boy's face lit up.
"Sure!" He scampered back towards the door he'd entered through, calling to Lapis over his shoulder.
"C'mon Lapis, whaddya say?" He grinned at her encouragingly.
Lapis glanced nervously at Mr. Smiley, crossing her arms over her midsection once again. For some reason this felt entirely different from all the times he'd dropped her off at a foster home before. Maybe because she knew she'd be here for weeks without the ability to leave. She couldn't sneak out during the day and go to Mr. Smiley's office to tell him how much she hated her new home, or even call him to complain without the camp administrators knowing. Her beloved caseworker was the only true protector Lapis had ever known, the only person in the world who cared what became of her. Now she was walking into a gated community, separated from him by that very tall fence, and that thought thoroughly set her on edge.
Mr. Smiley met her gaze, and smiled sympathetically at the agitated girl. "I'll come back often and check on your progress." He said softly. "I'm rooting for you, Lapis." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, and then ushered her after Steven into the camp.