Disclaimer: i do neither the Metal Gear nor Gundam franchise, although i want to write like Kojima but i write for fun.

here it is; Tactical Mobile Suit Action: Metal Gear Gundam Operation Cosmic Era


Dhekelia Soveriegn Base Area Cyphrus

Western Ormideia

March 11th 1984

after the Hospital Massacre, escaped from Skull Face's wrath, the man named Ishmael or rather known as real Big Boss finally succeed to create another double to take his place while he will secretly build his OuterHeaven in Zanzibar...man in cowboy outfit Adam also known as Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot prepares secret passage for Big Boss

"use this bike, it's tuned up and ready to go" Ocelot said shows the motorcycle then Big Boss remembers, it was the same bike that former lover Eva used in Operation Snake Eater years ago...Ocelot continues "i'll handle the rest here" he gives him a fake passport with a different name and a picture of other person "that's your name as of today, best change your face too and this one, he'll take your place...from here on, he's "Snake", he believes it too" he mean't the person from that picture was a different Snake

"heh...my very own Phantom, huh..."Boss chuckled

"Boss, the whole world wants your head...don't worry, he can handle it, move now...quickly" Ocelot informs him

"aren't you forgetting something?"

"though you never ask" Ocelot gives a cigar to Big Boss to lit it up for smoke...

"will meet again" Boss said

"right" Ocelot answers then going in separate ways riding his horse to return and support Big Boss' Phantom...after Ocelot left, he is now riding his bike and about to leave but he took a silent look at the sunset still thinking what kind of life he will experience as Big Boss but down inside he feels sorry for him and he also felt that he betray him and the soldiers he fought with...he look back where the ambulance was crash he noticed Snake crawling out before he met Ocelot, he prays that he will outcome all the obstacles and survive every battles he can take soldiers, super soldiers, Metal Gears and also...Demons...

"i'm sorry if you have to come that, the title will turn your life into Living Hell" Boss said while smoke his cigar then rev the engines, ready to leave "you are a son for me rather than those three clones of mine but from now on, here and now you will be known as Snake...Venom Snake, the soldier who will punished for those will opposed OuterHeaven, farewell Gabriel "Nightroad" Esguerra my finest and brightest Soldier...my friend and my child"

Big Boss left and on the journey to continue his plans for his real "OuterHeaven"



: Code Talker helps create the U.S. Military Code Talkers' cipher book


: Virtuous Mission

Operation Snake Eater

Death of The Boss

The comatose Volgin is transported to the research facility on the outskirts of Moscow

Code Talker begins his research of the End's remains


: The Congo Crisis is brought to a close


: Gabriel Esguerra codename Nightroad joins the Arm Forces of the Philippines at the age of 15


: China conducts it's first hydrogen bomb test

EVA disappears, last seen in Hanoi


: The U.S. Department of Defense successfully send it's first message using ARPANET

Nightroad promoted as Master Sergeant and the AFP's elites "Army Scout Rangers" recruits him..


: The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) enters into force.

Major Zero disbands FOX then form the "Patriots"

Ferdinand Marcos secretly join the "Patriots" under orders of Zero


: The Democratic Republic of the Congo changes it's name to Zaire


: The Les Infant Terribles project begins

Clones of Big Boss born: Eli ( Liquid Snake) and David ( Solid Snake )

The President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos send Nightroad to the America and requested from the Patriots for "Genome Soldier" candidates

Big Boss part ways with Zero


: Code Talker discovers a strain of archaea that metabolize uranium

Nightroad goes under very harsh training in VR Missions and met Cipher and Paz


: India Conducts and atomic bomb test

Peace Walker incident

The U.S. and the Soviet Union agree on general framework for the second round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

Nightroad is a 1st success subject of Genome Soldier Project but suddenly he receives a secret call from Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. about his parents murder and a terrible truth of the Martial Law then he gone AWOL and joins Militares San Fronteries (MSF) also known "Soldiers without Borders"


: Mother Base is destroyed

Nightroad had suffered specifically extensive injuries, almost died and goes into coma with Big Boss

Zero hides Big Boss and Nightroad in the hospital on Cyprus and leaves him in Ocelot's care

Skull Face is reassigned to Africa

The vocal cord parasites are resurrected through reverse evolution

The Ho Chi Minh Campaign leads to the fall of Saigon and Vietnam's reunification

The Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft docks in orbit

Aquino announced that he was going on a hunger strike, a fast to the death to protest the injustices of his military trial and form a secret unit 816 Detachment Unit

known Phantom Unit to find and protect Nightroad


: The "Les Enfant Terribles" project is abandoned

Eli is taken to Great Britain

Zero suffers brain damage due to Skull Face's parasite attack


: An underground nuclear test site is discovered beneath the Kalahari Desert

Bowing to international pressure, the South African Government abandons the site

Zero visits Big Boss and Nightroad, then disappears completely, never to be seen in public

The Military Commission found Aquino guilty of all charges and sentenced him to death by firing squad, Zero calls Aquino about Nightroad's location and his condition


: The Phantom Unit finally located Nightroad in Cyphrus and ordered to protect him


: The Iranian Revolution leads to the Iran Hostage Crisis

Eli escapes his handlers in Africa and disappears

President Somoza defects following the FSLN uprising

The Nicaraguan Revolution comes to fruition

Vela satellites observes double flash in South Africa waters (Indiana Ocean)

The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan and bringing an end to detente


: The Iran-Iraq War breaks out

Fearing the ripple effects of the Iranian Revolution, Western nations and the Soviet Union support Iraq

Emmerich's first child born with Strangelove. He is name is Hal.

Aquino was having a heart attack and forced him exiled to his country and undergone surgery in America with his family but before that he visits Nightroad in Cyprus


: Operation Opera: Isreali Bombers strike nuclear reactor under construction in Iraq


: A suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

The U.S. Military invades Grenada

Benigno Aquino Jr. was assassinate at the Manila International Airport

Phantom Unit are disavowed and forced into hiding from Marcos' manhunt


: Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov dies

Nightroad now Venom Snake awakens

XOF cleaners "Strike Force Zero" hunt down the Phantom Unit, the remnants are decide to join the Diamond Dogs

Civilian airliner carrying "The Third Boy" crashes in the mountains of Ukraine and undergoes parasite therapy to survive

Skull Face dies

Eli established his "Kingdom of Flies" in africa


: Gorbachev takes office in the Soviet Union

East-West relations enters a second detente, and the post-Cold War period begins


: People Power Revolution or EDSA Revolution ignites

Corazon Aquino proclaimed the President of the Philippines


: The Soviet Union makes a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan

Afghanistan plunges into civil war

Fall of the Berlin Wall; East and West Germany are reunited


: the Gulf War begins


: Liquid (Eli) and Solid (David) are sent to the battlefield

Soviet Union dissolve


: Corazon Aquino ends her presidency

Fidel Ramos as new President of Philippines then proceed searching for Nightroad and the Phantom Unit


: South Africa acknowledges possession of nuclear weapons and simultaneously pledges to abolish it's arsenal

Venom Snake prepares for OuterHeaven's Uprising

Timeline pause,

OuterHeaven Fortress

Unknown Location, South Africa


3 yours before the Uprising

it shift the scene where Venom Snake walks to the sink try figure about in truth and now when he look at the mirror his reflection is different, due to the shrapnel that stuck on his head his starting to hallucinating about his real face, his memories, his identity and also Paz...the reflection shows that his young in mid 20's not old like Boss' age, his hair was combed back dark black pony tail, his eyes colour was crimson red due to his augmentation from Genome Soldier program, his face was pale also from his augmentation but has a scar from his injuries except losing his right eye, now he knows who he really is...he is actually Gabriel "Nightroad" Esguerra, they taught that his is dead but he survived from Paz's bomb and he is also the one that extract the bomb from Paz's stomach, the reason that why he has a shrapnel from his head and losing his left arm because he protects Big Boss by using his own body to shield him from explosion but it cost his life...after he figure out who is he pull something from his pocket, a cassette tape that labeled "The Man who sold the World" he insert the tape and put at shelf then play and listens

the walkman plays he finally hears Big Boss' voice for so long years...

" Now do you remember? who you are? what you are meant to do?..." again he look at the mirror while listening " I cheated death, thanks to you and thanks to you, i've left my mark...you have too...you've written your own history, you and your own man...i'm Big Boss, and you are too" by hearing that he is Big Boss, his was shock didn't expect that he is also worthy calling him that title " No, he's the two of us. Together, where we are today? we built it...this story - this "legend" - is ours, we can change the world - and with it, the future...i am you and you are me, carry that with you, whenever you go. thank you my son and my little friend...from here and out...you're "Big Boss" Venom smiles hearing the words from his teacher, his commander and his father that he is now Big Boss, after listening his message he pull out the tape and flip to other side it was labelled "Operation Intrude N313"then he place it to his recorder then plays it...while preparing for Solid Snake's arrival Big Boss' clone son he took a little look at the again but this time is different and gruesome, his reflection shows that he was covered in blood and his shrapnel like horn is now longer, disgusted what he saw he decide to punch the mirror...the shattered mirror's reflection is a normal Snake but the darkness reflection is Nightroad and his eyes are glowing red, behind him instead of Diamond Dogs logo is now OuterHeaven logo, after destroying the mirror he turn around and initiates the "OuterHeaven Uprising"

Timeline resume:

1994: Formation of Taliban

The Taliban begins to gain influence in Afghanistan

1995: While commanding special forces unit FOXHOUND from the position in the U.S. Military

Big Boss establishes the fortified military nation "OuterHeaven" in South Africa

The OuterHeaven Uprising occurs, but it is queshed by Solid Snake, who kills Big Boss' Phantom

or was he?

Timeline Pause

OuterHeaven Fortress

Unknown Location, South Africa


30 minutes later after the destruction of the OuterHeaven

after the destruction of base and their own Metal Gear, Big Boss' Phantom lives after being defeat by one of Big Boss' sons Solid Snake...he crawls out of the base, battered, dying, bath his own blood, and even his left bionic arm was badly damaged, while he stills breathing he needs to stay alive to inform Big Boss about the Uprising was failed, he crawls and crawls and crawls until his out all of his energy he has...

"huff"..."ugh"...I...I...won't...die...i need...to...inform...Boss..." saids while coughs with blood " damn it!...no...kugh!...i...can't...die...we need...to...ugh" all of his strength are at his limits and passed out until he heard some voices

"we have a survivor here!"

he hears a voice of a soldier, is it a rescue team? or worst...Cipher's XOF...one of the soldiers rushes to him and checking his injuries...

"he lost too many blood, we need a medi-evac ASAP!" a medic answers until he hears a familiar of voice from a radio

"this is Pequod! i have arrive at LZ, will stand by!" it was a good old pilot buddy Pequod, after dissolving the Diamond Dogs then absorbed for OuterHeaven, the helicopter pilot decide to retire and live for a normal life with his fiancée, he respect his decision but now he really never expected to return back for him...when the chopper lands two familiar people he knew appeared...

"I NEED A MEDIC HERE!" a old man with the cowboy outfit shouts, the two soldiers are came down and hurries to near death Venom Snake after tending his wounds, putting him at the stretcher then heads to the chopper inside he heard a various of voices of concern

"hey, it's gonna be alright"

"don't die on me Ahab!"

"Snake, you are not going to die" the medic injects a morphine on him "you may not the real Big Boss but to me your my Boss" she blushed

he remembers her voice, it was Laughing Wallaby the Zoologist and a Rank S Medic in Medical Platform back then at Diamond Dogs Mother Base, she also knows about his identity but it doesn't matter for her ever since Snake saved her at Viscount's Kiziba Camp. While staying Mother Base she was trained by Snake together with her fellow female soldier Flaming Buffalo Rank S Combat Unit in order to protect herself from other PMC attacks, until the Diamond Dogs are dissolved before he prepares the OuterHeaven Uprising she confessed her feelings for him but he rejects for her safety because he can't tell if Cipher will threat her life too it breaks her heart but it was her own good...now he finally meet her again he try to reach his hand to her face but he passed out the heart monitor is flat line

"oh no...nononono!" she took the defibrillator try to revive him "Snake! stay with me!"

"Wallaby we can't lose him again!" the man in cowboy outfit shouts

"I'M TRYING!" she prepares the defibrillator and then rise a voltage a little bit "CLEAR!" she press the pads at his chest then shocked to revive Snake's heart but still flat line "no...please" she still rubs the pads for another shock

"still nothing...we're losing him!"

"I KNOW!" shouts then place the pads to Snake's chest to shock him again "COME ON SNAKE! CLEAR!" her tears are leaking out cry for her life to revive him, after the shocks the heart monitor was no longer a flat line and she finally stabilized him "thank god"

"he nevers back down huh?" he sign on relief "good thing that he is so stubborn, just like you Boss"

"yeah, he was" answers he goes to the pilot seat "Peqoud, let's head to the Philippines for now, ASAP"

"you got it Boss" he responds as he took a detour in west Philippines Sea

3 Months Later

Underground OuterHeaven Lab

Dasmarinas Cavite, Philippines

"Ocelot how is he?" Big Boss ask about Venom Snake's condition

"yet again his on coma but can't tell how long this time" he answers then checks the medical record "he was really beating by your son Solid Snake, so much being the first Perfect Subject of the Genome Soldier Project"

"Les Enfant Teribles are unstoppable even they're clones of mine but the worst is Eli"

"the one that destroy Metal Gear and OuterHeaven was Solid Snake with no back up" Ocelot explained until he turn to the comatose Venom Snake now reform back to his original face "you send a Class S Plastic Surgeon to reconstruct back his original face, what are we gonna do to him Boss?"

"we'll leave him here for a while, we don't need a Phantom anymore"

"is that so, well i guess we still need him for Zanzibar Land-" Ocelot is planning to redeploy him for Zanzibar Land but Big Boss interrupt "No"

"what why?"

"i don't plan to send him to the Zanzibar Land, his service won't be needed" Big Boss says

"but Boss he may be in state of coma but doesn't mean he is useless" he decline his boss' decision

"yes his not but right now..." he paused "this is enough, because of me his life is already messed up"

"Boss he did what he had to do, he'll do everything to make your OuterHeaven great"

"enough, last time i checked about the outbreak incident back then in Diamond Dogs" he continue "after that happen i can see his eyes are now dead and i can feel a huge blood lust on him, do you know what PAINS me?!" he glance at Snake's capsule "his my real son, in flesh and blood"

"w-what, how?" his eyes widened "i didn't know about this"

"i do some research about him after he enlist as one of MSF and i discovered that his mother was the same person i met before" he took something at his pocket and shows Ocelot of a young brown hair woman who carries a newborn baby

"so it's her, how did you met her?

"before The Boss send me back to the Pentagon, before the Operation Snake Eater and EVERYTHING!" his about going hysterical but he calm himself "i-i met her in back at the Philippines when me and US Marines trained the Arm Forces of the Philippines" he explained "her name is Linda Esguerra, Petty Master Chief, Designated Sharpshooter of the Marine Recon Corp, while we train the AFP we get use together, we fought together and we look each others backs" he closed his eye and remembers the good times with her including, the times where she shows her love for him "she is not just a soldier she is a marvellous woman, like EVA"

"this is enough for now it's time for him to rest, Ocelot tell Wallaby to activate the cryo mode we're leaving" check his iDROID

"are we gonna freeze the entire Lab, what for?"

"the world is still in motion even without Zero, there are still war and if that happen the future need a new Snake, a new Boss and a new Legacy" Big Boss explain "Ocelot let's go, Wallaby get ready"

"got it Boss" then glance at comatose Venom Snake "it's been a good run Snake, see you soon"

"just say a word Boss" she wait until Big Boss and Ocelot leaves the Lab before she seal the vault door she look back for one last time "i know you don't accept my feelings but no matter i'll always remember you"

"Laughing Wallaby it's time" he ordered

"yes Boss" she answered then pressed the button so the vault door closed and activate the cryo mode "goodbye Gabriel"

they left the underground lab for cryo lockdown so nobody can find him and this facility, in moment of mean time Gabriel Esguerra a.k.a. Punished Venom Snake was now on deep slumber until somebody will wake him soon...if they need him

Timeline resume


: The first Congo War breaks out

As a result, President Mobuto is ousted from power in Zaire

The following year, Zaire officially becomes the Democratic Republic of the Congo


: The Second Congo War breaks out due to causes such as ethnic hostility and resources conflict

Fidel Ramos ends his presidency

Joseph "ERAP" Estrada as a new President of the Philippines


: President Estrada reform the Philippine Special Forces "Phantom Unit" once again to strength the Military in Mindanao Conflict against M.I.L.F. ( Moro Islamic Liberation Front )

Angela Mc Kenna a.k.a. Laughing Wallaby left Big Boss' inner circle

Zanzibar Land Disturbance

Solid Snake kills Big Boss, but the Patriots revive him and conceal his comatose body


: Coordinated terrorist attacks are carried out against America

Coalition Forces invade Afghanistan

President Estrada controversies about gambling and corruption

EDSA II was form, following that day President Estrada resigns

Vice President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo took her oath as the new President of the Philippines


: Camp X-Ray, a black site for housing "enemy combatants" is established at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay

The Angolan Civil War draws to a close


: President Gloria on secret meeting with Zero for joining and taking control of the Patriots

The Iraq War begins

The Second Congo War draws to a close

Oakwood Mutiny occurred, a group of 321 soldiers who called themselves "Bagong Katipuneros" and they're also known as Magdalo

Miller contact Laughing Wallaby to make sure the comatose Venom Snake's cryo chamber hidden well by building a Subdivision in Dasmarinas Cavite


: Shadow Moses Incident

Deaths of Master "Kazuhara" Miller, Donald Anderson "Sigint", and Dr. Clark "Para-Medic"

Solid Snake and Hal Emmerich establish Philanthropy, an anti-Metal Gear NGO

Rayne Dyson a.k.a. Flaming Buffalo warns Laughing Wallaby about the Miller's death and Venom Snake's life is in danger


: President Arroyo sends the Phantom Unit at Mindanao but it was plan to ambush them, the Phantom Unit are completely wipe out

Manhattan Tanker Incident

Former President Esdrada was granted a pardon from President Arroyo in a exchange of the complete information of Venom Snake's genetic code from Genome Soldier Project


: The President of the United States publicity pledges to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay


: Big Shell Incident

Maguindanao Massacre


: The U.S. begins introducing nanomachines ( the SOP system ) to its military and affiliated P.M.C.

Hungary revises its citizenship laws

The new terms allow even those who have never resided in the country to become naturalized, provided they are descendent of the Hungarian citizen and have knowledge of the Hungarian language

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ends her presidency

Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III as a new President of the Philippines


: Former President Arroyo was arrested following the filling of criminal charges election fraud, and electoral sabotage because of that, the Patriots decide to cut ties on her

Laughing Wallaby decide to leave the Philippines and the Cryo Chamber under the hands of her most trusted architect of the Dasmarinas Cavite Subd. Mark Ramos, she now lives in Washington she with her fiancee

President Aquino was inform by Mark Ramos about Venom Snake's whereabouts but he decide not to touch him


: Guns of the Patriots Incident

"the Patriots" AI System is destroyed

Deaths of Ocelot and Eva

Big Boss kills Zero

Big Boss dies but his sons Venom Snake (Gabriel) and Solid Snake (David) lives

Unknown Year

Underground OuterHeaven Lab

Dasmarinas Cavite, Philippines

suddenly the vault door opens and a team of Scientist and Securities in winter outfits came in, searching something valuable or very important

"okay you know the drill" the team Leader informs "we are here for somebody or any valuable documents we can find"

"who we even looking for?" a Security ask in lazy "there is nothing here and how do we sure that he is alive? i mean look around this is a Cryo Chamber but typical Philippine Tech, i can tell that he is nothing but bones now!"

"oh will you shut up!" the female Scientist retorted "Mr. Glenn was searching for him a long time, dead or alive will take him back"

the lazy Security decide to shut up they proceed to search this important person until a young male Scientist finally found him

"hey guys! i've found him!" he shouts

they all rushes to him and when they get to him, they found a frozen capsule when the team leader look closer and wiped the ice that covered the glass, he finally look clearly through the glass and scan person's facial image then result is 100%, once again he examines the man's body he has different kind of scars and the most of all he has missing left arm

the team leader contact somebody from his satellite phone "Mr. Glenn, we've found him and his conditions is still great until now"

"good bring him back with care"

"yes sir" he finished his conversation then orders his team "alright guys let's take him back, Mr. Glenn was so earger to meet him"

the whole team are proceeding to retrieve the man inside the capsule, one by one they unplug the cables without taking out the life support. when they almost finish the capsule glass suddenly opened

"uummmm...the Cryo capsule is open on purpose?" one of the Scientist ask

"we have to hurry we don't know if his life support to-" the team leader orders one of the Security Team but "SIR!"

the Security shouting pointing out the man inside of the cryo capsule suddenly awakes but it shows signs of hostility. the team leader look back at the man by the looks of it he was so pissed, he started to attacks the whole security personnel with only one arm...the man's reflexes are supreme he just attacks with ease and some of them perform CQC-wait what? only his one arm? then suddenly charge at him then grab the leader's neck, while being choke hold the man examine him then he shows the signs of hate

"you...until now you still alive, hmmm?" he growled, he looks down then examine his legs "strange, you never use your exolegs anymore is that mean that you're able to create a cure for your legs...how life it is now Dr. Emmerich?"

"w-what, how?" his eyes widened, he seem this man knows him but the problem is he didn't know him and about the legs he mention maybe he-

"maybe i was wrong to let you live but here you are no longer at the Mother Base of Diamond Dogs!" he still growling sometimes his saliva starts drooling like a rabid dog but wait did he?

"wait what? Diamond Dogs?" he remembers from his old man about the another Mercenary Nation that they cast him out, if this man was used to be part of that organization that means "ww-wait! you got it all wrong, i'm not-"

"save it! you can't fool me!" he interrupted by squeezing Emmerich's neck "i'll make sure you are dead and this time i will show No Mercy!"

"he really hates him a lot, what on earth my father Huey Emmerich did to him and his fellow soldiers?" he though, he too hates his father but not like this but now he needs to contact somebody fast until his about to past out then he hears a somekind of electricity

"AAAaaaaacccHHH!" somebody just electrocute him, when he finally knocked out a person who appeared behind was the one and only Solid Snake holding a Stun Knife but he looks so old

"you alright Otacon?" the Old Snake ask

"yeah, took you long enough" he get ups and regain his composure

"sorry about that...maybe i was really old" massage his back then glance at unconscious man "well...that was a rude awakening, can't believe that he can still fight even this kind of condition"

"that was his second coma alright and i think it was your fault for putting this kind of situation"

"don't blame me and how should i know that it was him all along" he scratch at the back of his head, he remembers the incident back then at the OuterHeaven and this guy was actually Big Boss' double "The Phantom and also known as Venom Snake" how come this man has the exact CQC and leader skills? he thought of it his skills, his activities it was like he is facing another Clone of Big Boss or could it be-shooks his head, decide to do some research about him later when they get back to base

"come on get up we got to get back to George" he help out Otacon then he look back at the Security team are now awake "put him back at the cryo capsule then load it at the chopper" they all nodded carrying Venom Snake back at the capsule and unplug all of it then stroll it back at their V-TOL

2 days later

Hal "Otacon" Emmerich's Mansion

Onogoro, Orb Union

Venom Snake or Gabriel slowly opened his eye, his vision is a little bit blurry but later his eye sight has finally cleared up he saw a young blonde hair woman replaced the dried up flower to new one then when he look himself at the mirror he saw his face was reconstruct back to his original face except his right eye is still blind but what surprise him the shrapnel that stuck on his right temple is gone, it was surgical remove, isn't it what the doctor from Cyprus Hospital told him if they pull out the shrapnel it will cost him brain hemorrhage but now nothing happen he feels...fine...he try to get up but something restraining him, his right wrist was strap including his legs he tried to struggle but

"oh your awake!" it seem she heard his struggling, so she rushes at him "hey, you know it's not nice to try to escape"

"w-what your-how?" he tried to process his brain because she kind remind of her, Laughing Wallaby? "who are you?"

"oh where are my manners the names Griselda Glenn daughter of George Glenn and Angela Mc Kenna Glenn" she introduced herself

"George-Glenn?" muttered then the other name he recognized "Angela Mc Kenna Glenn-Wallaby?"

"what? are you calling my mother's nickname?" his eyes widened "nickname?"

"yeah, that's what my father calls her" she walks toward him then her face comes closer to his "wow you are the same person before you go on surgery to become the double of your greatest father of all"


"i think that's enough my dear" a old voice heard suddenly appeared, a blonde man wearing brown suit with a red tie but his not alone, two man appeared behind was Otacon and Solid Snake but Venom thinks of them as Huey and Big Boss

"what are you two doing here?" he ask then still hostile look on Otacon

"okay i think i really know that why you are so pissed at me, you know my father Heuy Emmerich right?"

"wait what?" then he remembers back then in DD Mother Base where the Mammal Pod was kept he saw a bunch of pictures of Heuy but he remembers the picture of Dr. Strangelove with her child, could it be-"wait your Hal?"

"yep it's me" laughed while scratching the back of his head "i really understand how you are feel, i hate my father too"

"sorry, i didn't know it was you...you look a lot like him" then he glared at the Old Snake "Boss? no you got both eyes, let me guess Solid Snake"

"you got that right, it's me"

"oh...well unlike Big Boss for being old person but you, you are totally an Old Snake"

"yeah right"he muttered with cough then continues "i hope your not hold some grudges, i'm just following the orders back then and i'm sure you too"

"yeah we both follow orders but i'm doing this for his cause" he looks down in shame "but i failed, the OuterHeaven we create has turn into ashes"

"enough, that was long time but the OuterHeaven your fighting for has finally achieve" he said

"what do you mean" he tilt his head up

"the world has finally freed from the Patriots and Zero is dead killed by Big Boss our Father, it's over" he explain

"is that so? wait what do you mean 'our Father'?" he ask "all i know that he is your Father i mean you are his Clone, right?"

"actually there is something what Snake wants to explain that to you" Otacon saids

"huh? what are you talking about?!"

"calm down, i'll tell you everything just relax and prepare yourself"

"i think this will be personal, come now Elisse" his daughter nods for approval "we'll be outside to the diner"

when they go outside, Snake and Otacon stays then he explain to him about Venom Snake's real father is actually Big Boss his biological father, Snake explained that how Big Boss is fighting until the end even at the times of his comatose but what broke his heart, that was his real father and he never have a chance to know him better more not as Big Boss as his father. the worst thing is that he died from FoxDie after killing Zero and he never said goodbye to him, Miller is gone, Ocelot is gone, the whole army from OuterHeaven are all gone and now his father Big Boss is gone his world is now shattered, after telling him everything Venom request them to let him visit Big Boss grave they didn't want to get him stressed so they decide to take him to visit the cemetery.

5 Hours Later

Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington, Atlantic Federation

5 Hours after the flight, they travel from Orb Union to visit the Arlington National Cemetery with the help of this unknown person Seigel Clyne, Venom didn't know why they need to travel back to States in secret but he learned that the USA is now called Atlantic Federation. He don't know and he don't care, all he wants is to visit his father's grave. when they finally arrived at the cemetery, Venom was in wheelchair Snake strolls his brother when they get to the grave Venom finally saw his father's tomb stone

In a Memory of a Patriot

the Legendary Warrior that lead the Soldiers to Salvation

the Hero who free the World

1935 - 2014

Venom now Gabriel try to stand up from his wheelchair with the aid of Snake now David, he remembers back from the days in MSF where he talks with him everytime after the mission about why his gone AWOL and escape from the Genome Soldier Project he also ask about his mother because he seems kind of remembers her until Gabriel told her name and that is how he react of something it seems that Big Boss already who knew him and his mother but he didn't tell him...why?!...is it because he doesn't want Zero to know about him and used him against Big Boss.

"if you think that he didn't know about you but he didn't" he glance at the tombstone "he already know about you and the reason he didn't tell you, it's because he wants to protect you...ever since he learn about the murder of your mother and your step father he decide to keep the secret about him being your father" Venom Snake glared at Solid Snake about the truth and his hand now in fist try to brace something "he loved you Gabriel, he cares about you and he wants you to be safe until when the fall of MSF and being a coma for 9 years he enraged before he plots for the Zanzibar Land he wants to make sure your fine he even gave you his face to pass his Legacy to you."

Gabriel just remembers back then in the Hospital from Cyprus, the man named Ishmael was actually Big Boss and watch him look out for him. when the hospital was being attack by Zero's XOF Strike Team, he is there with him all the time and he do all he can to save him and support him for being his double to make sure to achieve the OuterHeaven but that was all thanks to Solid Snake who demolished everything but it was the plan for Big Boss, he actually getting a battle data from the Metal Gear before send it to Ocelot after that the rest is history.

"he loves you Gabriel, he always-" Gabriel suddenly interrupted "no Dave, he both love us he even love Eli"

David look down think back how Big Boss shows his love for him and Eli before he died, he also wants them to forget Zero, the Patriots, OuterHeaven, FoxHound and Big Boss, forget everything and live for a normal life until his time runs out

"Dave, Otacon told me you only have 1 and a half year because of your rapid aging" he said "so i decide to let him scan my DNA and Genetic Code to help him out creating a serum in order to live more years"

"there is no need for that and beside i live to lo-" he told him that he don't have to bother but

"please" he suddenly grabs Dave's arm while looking at Big Boss' tomb "i have nothing, my whole family are gone...the father i supposed to know is gone, your the only family i've got..."

"Gabriel, you know that i'm just a clone from your father"

"i don't care if your a clone, you are still my brother...Big Boss' blood is still in your vein, please just accept it and live longer"

he now breaks his tears until he cries, yes he is now alone his mother is gone and his father Big Boss is gone, David a.k.a. Solid Snake is the only family he had, Gabriel saw him as his brother not a clone then finally he accept so that he can live longer with him as an family not a soldier. now after giving respects to Big Boss, they talk each other about aftermath of Liquid's (Eli) insurrection plot David, Otacon, Raiden and the whole gang are going cryo sleep because the warnings from the Third Child Tretij Rebenok also known as Pyscho Mantis warns about his visions from the Future and it something will destroy the humanity, Gabriel knew him but he didn't know that his soul is still roaming around this world. David and Gabriel though about Mantis' visions maybe the dangers of humanity was the race wars Naturals against Coordinators this is far more different from his times like Vietnam War, Cold Wars and War Economy what David told him, Otacon also said that this year is Cosmic Era the Anno Domini is over, the Military in this year is different too but it's like US and Soviet war all over again but with the combination of racism. David told him that George Glenn is the very first Coordinator and the husband of Gabriel's subordinate Laughing Wallaby, he told him since George revealed himself as the Coordinator to the world, every thing has gone totally mad, Natural are the literally normal humans and Coordinators are the modified humans much like the Genome Soldiers in a civilian version, can't believe they all going bombarment about Naturals hates Coordinators because they're jealous for being good and that is the reason why this typical organization Blue Cosmos exist first they're just the environment group but now they become a group of Racist Terrorist and they're pulling some strings from O.M.N.I. Enforcers, the reason why him, Griselda and David are having a hard time to came here in America because it is now controlled by the Atlantic Federation and United Nation is no more.

Atlantic Federation is now a superstate successor of the United States of America and the main Military Power of Earth Alliance but the shadows it was Blue Cosmos pull some strings, that includes other countries like Eurasian Federation superstate for European Nations but Great Britain still has questions according to Otacon and George, the UK Prime Minister Allen Churchill is not a fan for Blue Cosmos and Atlantic Federation's motives, Republic of East Asia was the superstate for whole Asian Countries like China, North/South Korea and Japan but Philippines in not part of it because it has a huge population Coordinators and they against Earth Alliance's waging war to the Coordinator homeland the PLANTS, like Orb Union they're Neutral Nation but not weak as the other neutral nations, even the lack of resources they had a limitless numbers of Mobile Suit Weapons even that country original own by Natural Race they can pilot it without what Otacon said the OS that Natural can use...the truth is Filipinos are the first Naturals can control Coordinator's Mobile Suits without a problem and as for Mobile Armor Aircraft weapons they only have F-22 Raptors from US Aircraft and SU-37 Terminators from Russia since Earth Alliance replaced them for F-7D Spearhead...what a waste...the Atlantic Federation see them as Traitors, Patchworking Lovers and the Infected Naturals or the Real Monsters, the Philippines gives the Atlantic Federation a very bad headache and they even send their spies to infiltrate but they came back a severed limbs of Blue Cosmos members at the heart of Washington DC as the message for discrimination and spying on them, as expected for Gabriel from his homeland they will not tolerated Racism, it sucks to be the member of Blue Cosmos.

As for Coordinators they live in space, they created space colonies but main ones is located Lagrange 5 called PLANTS and their own Military Superpower organization called Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty or Z.A.F.T. for short, it was a militia made up of civilian volunteers and thus has no formal rank structure but instead of ranks they distinguished by the colors of the uniforms...well that was new for Military ranking...but they too also have notable bases here in earth like Carpentaria Base, Gibraltar Base, Lagash Base, and Mahamul Base, they have some fleet from Singapore and Malaysia to support Philippines since they let Coordinators coexist with there country but they don't even plan to conquer their county because they're already friendly relations with Filipino Naturals, some of them from PLANTS accused Filipino Naturals are using Coordinators to strengthen there Military and Economy for there own gain...why?...Griselda just mention that they have their own version of Blue Cosmos, they are the Radical Factions served by Patrick Zala, they totally look down on Naturals and the worst part is they believe that they're the dominant race of Humanity...that was bullsh+t...

Lastly Orb Union is a nation whose territory encompasses several islands to the east of New Guinea, Despite it's a small size and lack of natural resources, Orb has considerable industrial and military power. This is due to an abundant supply of geothermal energy thanks to it's numerous active volcanoes, access to advanced technology, and laws granting nondiscrimination to Coordinators, which causes several Coordinator scientist to live at Orb. In the past, it was a settlement to a large number of Japanese immigrants, there main allies was Philippines since they too are non discriminating to Coordinators so they started to have friendly relations with but some of nobles like the Seiran Family denied them.

now he knows everything about Cosmic Era, his is started think some plans for next future activities but most of it he is still worried about his home country Philippines since they are the most hated country for Atlantic Federation and the Blue Cosmos will do everything to destroy them and cleanse them from Coordinator influence...assholes...but for now he need to take a long vacation before planning the retaliation

"listen Gabriel if my cloning age is totally expired you have to accept it beside i think you and George's daughter will be get along for so long" Gabriel nods but for him he still saw her as Angela

"you know Dave, i think i know what is now my real purpose here in Cosmic Era World" he said while staring at Griselda while she is waiting for them at the car, she glanced at Gabriel and wave at him with her smile

"Dave, whatever happen or whatever i was planning...i hope your gonna support me instead against me"

"you don't have to worry if your doing this for greater good but if you lost your path and proceeding the same mistake what Big Boss did, you know what happen next" he warns him if Gabriel will repeating the mistakes that Big Boss did like creating Metal Gears to threat the world

"i'm not gonna do that, this world is already torment by those machines" he was inform about creating those Metal Gear weapons will rape the world's nukes and who knows maybe the Blue Cosmos will learn to create one and destroy all Coordinators but good thing David and Hal destroy every evidence of Metal Gears so no one will build those. Once again he glanced back at his father's grave then smiles, he will protect this world and the people he cares.

MGSV Phantom Pain OST Quiet's theme begins

Written By: Nightroad816


Gabriel Esguerra / Nightroad, Venom Snake

Voice by: Keifer Sutherland (Eng) / Akio Otsuka (Jap)

David / Solid Snake, Old Snake

Voice by: David Hayter (Eng) / Chikao Otsuka (Jap)

Hal Emmerich / Otacon

Voice: Christopher Randolph (Eng) / Hideyuki Tanaka (Jap)

Jack / Big Boss

Voice by: David Hayter (Eng) / Akio Otsuka (Jap)

Shalashaska, Adam, Revolver Ocelot

Voice by: Troy Baker (Eng) / Satoshi Mikamo (Jap)

Angela Mc Kenna / Laughing Wallaby

Voice by: Stephanie Lemelin (Eng) / Donna Burke (Jap)

George Glenn

Voice by: Micheal Dobson (Eng) / Hideyuki Hori (Jap)

Griselda Mc Kenna Glenn

Voice by: Donna Burke (Eng) / Donna Burke (Jap)

Soundtrack ends

well, here is my prologue for Metal Gear Solid x Gundam SEED, and i really hope you all not murdering me for breaking a lot of walls bec. this is how i end Metal Gear Era and begin in Cosmic Era...i also do like Casting thing so that i'll have you imagine how they talk, i decide that Keifer Sutherland voice is Venom Snake instead of original Snakes bec. i know they're different people and as for people think why i chose Laughing Wallaby as his love interest instead of Quiet, why? she is too much sexy to me i rather the normal sexy like how i let Wallaby and Flaming Buffalo wears The Boss' sneaking suit...i was planning for Flaming Buffalo first but her voice is like Tomboyish so i decide Wallaby and as for Quiet i decide to forget her, sorry guys.

please forgive my very long absent in Fanfic i don't have a free time for making a story bec. of my Job, now my contract is over and while i'm waiting for next Job i'll continue writing but since you all waiting for my other story the first one GeassZone R1 (KillzoneXCode Geass) i still haven't continue it bec. my ideas for next chapter is messed up so i'll watch Code Geass R1 and R2 all over again so please bear with me...

let me know in Reviews and PM if my story is great or not, again don't murder me for flames bec. once again this is my first time to do my fanfictions...

next time: Chapter 1: False Peace