Chapter 12: Meet the parents

Adrien put the pen back on the sheet. »There we've signed up, now what?«

Marinette pulled him out of the Miraculous and hummed in thought. »You decide today, I've been leading us around most of the time.« Adrien smiled. »Alright then. Hmmmm...What should we do?« His eyes glinted as he stared at Marinette for a second, before a grin spread across his lips. Marinette looked at him cautiously. »What?« He laughed as he took hold of her hand and started pulling her towards the edge of the town, he glanced back at her as he stopped for a second, bringing her knuckles to his lips, eyes never tearing away from hers. »Would you care to dance, my lady?« Marinette giggled. »I'd love to Chaton. How about we find out if you remember where to go?« He released her hand to take hold of the other one, before pulling her along. Tikki and Plagg running in front of them, still changed into greyhounds.

They arrived at the house twenty minutes later, laughing as they walked through the always open doors.

Marinette turned to Adrien and their eyes glinted as they locked gazes. »Ready, kitty?« Adrien chuckled. »I was born ready.« Marinette rolled her eyes, before pulling her shirt over her head to reveal a hot red sports bra. »Gimme the beat Tikki.« She said to the greyhound as she slid her phone across the floor to the kwamis. Adrien gaped at her as his eyes trailed over all the revealing skin.

Marinette slowly started to move to the instrumental intro, her smirk widening as his eyes followed her every sway, his mouth gaping open. She spun towards him when he didn't immediately start moving, closing his mouth with one finger. »Wouldn't want to catch a fly.« She said, her eyes half lidded, a smile on her lips as she pushed away from him. Adrien snapped out of his trance, a smirk growing on his lips as he tapped his leg to the drums, his arms crossed as he watched her. And then the lyrics started and they both moved on instinct. By the time the chorus started they were already in each other's hair, moving closer together, challenging one another. The chorus started and she swung into his space, before pushing away from him, throwing her hands into the air and dipping back, winking at him, before pushing herself up. He moved closer, as the chorus went on: »Saying AYO, baby let's go.« And before the words ended he caught her hand and pulled her to his chest, her eyes widening. He winked at her before dipping her and throwing her into the air slightly, before pushing her backwards with his chest, his arms ghosting over hers. She caught his game and in a second they were moving together through the whole chorus. The second it was over they pushed away from each other and he took the lead. »I came to move move move move. Get out the way of me and my crew crew crew crew, I'm in the club so I'm gonna do do do do, just what I came here to do do do do, yeah yeah 'cause it goes on and on and on. And it goes on and on and on yeah!« She stepped into his space the second the chorus started, teasing until he grabbed her and they moved together. Marinette wasn't going to let him lead again, before the chorus was over, at the last line of it, she pushed him away in a classical move. »Like it's dynamite!« She knew this song and she knew what she was doing. »I'm gonna take it all I, I'm gonna be the last one standing, Higher overall I, I'm gonna be the last one landing 'cause I, I, I Believe it, and I, I, I, I just want it all, I just want it all, I'm gonna put my hands in the air, hands in the air, Put your hands in the air!« She took over the lead, always pushing him to the side of the dance floor, taking it all for herself. As the chorus came back she threw her hands and head back again, smiling at him slyly. By now they were completely in sinch. He moved towards her, pulling her closer as they moved through the chorus. »I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, Saying ay-oh, gotta let go. I wanna celebrate and live my life, Saying ay-oh, baby let's go. 'Cause we gon rock this club, We gon' go all night, We gon' light it up, Like it's dynamite, 'Cause I told you once, Now I told you twice, We gon' light it up;« As the verse played, they were barely inches apart and Marinette snapped out of a dancing haze and pushed away from him, leaning toward him with her hands on her hips, singing the last verse. »Like it's dynamite.«

They finished apart, him leaning away, his hands crossed on his chest and her leaning towards him, her hands on her hips. Their gazes locked, smirks playing on their lips. Marinette was about to move away as in one swift move, his hands were around her waist and he pulled her on top of him as they collapsed to the ground. In a second his lips were on hers.

Marinette pulled away as she gasped for air. »God, Adrien, don't ever do that again.« She said and he pulled back down for another kiss, pulling away for a few moments. »You weren't complaining until you pulled away.« He breathed into her ear and she shivered. »Let go, stupid cat.« She whined as she finally broke away from him and stood up. Adrien huffed. »Where are you going?« Marinette's eyes glinted mischievously. »WE are going to go get ready for you to met my parents.« Adrien's eyes widened as Marinette and Plagg burst into laughter.

Adrien was freaking out. Internally.

He took a deep breath as he watched Marinette pace around the hotel room. She wasn't freaking out internally. She was actually freaking out.

»What the hell am I going to tell maman?!« She shouted now.

Adrien tried to calm her, he stood up and wrapped his arms around her. »It'll be okay. I promise.«

That was when they heard a click and the door slowly opened.

Adrien let go of Marinette, taking a hold of her hand. Marinette gulped as a small chinese woman entered the hotel room. Sabine's eyes widened for a second when she saw them, before she smiled brightly. »Why, hello.« Adrien smiled and gave Marinette's hand a squeeze. »Hi maman.« Marinette said as she smiled shyly. A huge man walked into the room after the woman, his eyes widening. »Well what's going on here, Marinette?« Marinette blushed, before smiling brightly. »Maman, papa, this is Adrien.«

»So you live in Paris too, Adrien?« Tom asked. Adrien nodded. »Yeah, me and my dad are just here on vacation. And for business.«

It was about an hour later and Marinette and Adrien had already explained everything to Marinette's parents. Adrien was surprised when they'd been understanding, even happy.

Tom's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. »Business?« Adrien nodded again. »We're here for photoshoots and dad has some business somewhere closer with another designer.« Tom slowly nodded. »That's nice...«

A few hours later Marinette stood with Adrien under her balcony. »Your parents are amazing.« Adrien told her as he slowly combed through her loose hair with his hands. Marinette hummed in agreement as she rested her cheek on his chest. »Thanks. Do you think I'll have to meet your dad too?« Adrien sighed. »I don't know. He's – He isn't like your parents. I don't want you to be intimidated. I'm afraid he won't like you or won't let me be with you. I'm scared.« Marinette looked up at him, cupping his cheek. »He can't be that bad. We can get through anything, remember?« Adrien sighed as he nodded, leaning his forehead against hers. »I'll try to ask if maybe you could come to my hotel tomorrow, okay? We can have lunch or something.« Marinette nodded. »Okay, don't be afraid.« He chuckled as he closed his eyes, leaning forward and capturing her lips with his for a second. »I'll try not to be. See you tomorrow?« Marinette nodded, kissing him quickly again, before pulling away. »Alright. I'll miss you.« Adrien placed a chaste kiss on her lips. »I'll miss you too, princess.« He pulled away and started backing away, Plagg touched Tikki's nose with his before running after him. »Bye chaton!« Marinette called after him and he flashed her a grin. »Goodbye, Princess!« Marinette sighed in content as she walked back to her hotel room. Tomorrow was another day.

When she closed the door to her room, she collapsed on her bed. »Tomorrow will be interesting.« She murmured to herself. Tikki jumped on the bed and rested a paw on Marinette's hand. »Don't worry Marinette. It'll be fine.« Marinette nodded, before slowly getting up and walking to the bathroom to get ready for bed. She could've sworn she'd heard her mom say something about green-eyed grandchildren, before she turned on the shower.



I want to tell y'all that I'll be trying to update this more, but I'm not making any more promises, those always go down the drain.

Anyway you should all thank Crimson Gold .LOVE for requesting an update in her review. Her review made want to write more. Reviews fuel me, they give me energy and inspiration to write, I'm thankful for every one of yours and hope to read more with this chapter.

Please review and Dream on!
