Okay, apparently that was a reaaaaalllllllllyyyyyy long two weeks. Oops, I'm so sorry.

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The flight felt like it took them days to reach Australia, not to mention that Simon was starving, unable to bring any blood with him, except glamoured in Alec's suitcase. Alec frowned as he had traced his parabatai rune as the plane started descending. Jace was the reason they had to come to a foreign country, to find a rare plant, infused with angel and demon blood. He was also the reason why Magnus couldn't magic them a portal to transport them. Magnus had used all of his energy while he was trying to diagnose Jace. Clary was also a no go, as she was so distraught over Jace that they had to use a sleeping rune to calm her down. So that left Simon and Alec to glamour passports and board the next flight to Sydney, Australia.

Alec had never felt so mundane, standing, one knee resting on his seat, as he waited for all of the people to vacate the plane or let him into the line. It was so annoying as he was becoming impatient, worry, about his parabatai, seeping into his veins. Simon was mumbling under his breath, something about "we'll get out when we get out. Breathe Alec."

Finally, two young girls winked at Alec, giggling as they waved both him and Simon into the aisle. Alec nodded as he joined the never ending line as Simon smiled at them before following Alec. He lent over to whisper in the shadowhunter's ear. "I think they like you. Shame you don't play for their team." Simon chuckled as Alec scoffed, power walking down the aisle as there was now nobody else in front of them.

It took about an hour since their flight landed as to when they finally had their suitcase and were walking towards the taxi rank. "Remind me why we have a suitcase?" Alec asked as he pushed open the doors and headed along the path.

"So we don't look weird. And don't have to carry our weapons and such." Simon answered, his mind preoccupied as he glanced at his surroundings in awe. Alec gripped the daylighter by the arm and dragged him towards the car park.

An older man, grey beard, bald who clearly loved dessert way too much, was standing at the entrance to the multi-storey car park, smoking a cigarette. He glanced up as the two boys approached and dropped his smoke, stamping his foot on it. "You must be Magnus' friends." The man held his hand out expecting them to shake his hand. When Alec made no movement, Simon reached his hand out and met with the man's. "I'm Simon and this is Alec." Recognition filled the man's eyes.

"Alec..." he mused. "Magnus' special friend." A deep blush rose to Alex's cheeks as he nodded slightly, motioning for the man to lead the way. "I'm Steven."

Steven lead the boys to a white Ute, where he chucked their suitcase in the trailer. "Alright boys, one in the middle and one next to the window." Steven unlocked his Ute and proceeded to hop into the driver's side, which surprised Alec and Simon as they believed he was going to wrong side. "Come on, Americans!" He called out which spurred them into action. Simon was squashed into the middle while Alec secured the window seat.

They strapped themselves in for a two day drive, stopping every four hours for an hour nap. When they were driving, the two Americans were forced to listen to Steven's stories, his recollection of hi time spent with Magnus. They met when Steven was 19, which as he said was a few decades ago, and Magnus said goodbye when Steven got married at 40. The first three years, Steven and Magnus travelled across Australia, the warlock being incredibly interested in Mundanes at that point. After that, it became a call here and there, or Magnus showing up on his doorstep.

The last time he saw Magnus was when Steven had called him, crying because his wife had left him for a younger girl, taking his son away from him. Steven didn't have any money for court so he let his son go, settling for a phone call once a week. His stories went on and on, boring Simon and Alec out of their minds.

They were somewhere in the desert when the Ute began stuttering and shuddering. Steven cursed as he smacked the steering wheel. "Not now!" He yelled, startling the shadowhunter who had been halfway between awake and dreamland. The Ute juddered to a stop in the middle of the highway. Steven cursed again before turning to his guests.

"Sorry. Guess you're gonna have to walk the rest of the way. Main town's only about an hour to two hours walk from here. I'd hurry though, you don't wanna be out in at night." Simon and Alec both nodded, thanking the man for taking them so far.

They hopped out of Steven's Ute and Simon lifted the suitcase out of the back before they began walking, the sound of Steven calling his roadside assist fading away.

Once they were out of sight, Simon dropped the suitcase, pulling out his second blood bag. "Seriously?" Simon raised his eyebrow at, what he deemed was, a stupid question. The daylighter sucked on the bag as he lifted the suitcase onto his shoulder and they started walking once more.

Lights barely visible in the sun set sparked relief as the boys seemed to have renewed their energy and quickened their pace, making it to the town. There was a sign on the main road in, reading 'Welcome to Alice Springs.' One quick glance towards Alec, showed Simon that the shadowhunter was ready to fall asleep any minute. So Simon took the lead and found a motel not too far into town, directed Alec towards that. "We should stay the night, sleep and then search in the morning." Alec hummed in response, struggling to keep his eyes open.

The moment they walked into the little office, Simon could sense that there was something amiss here. The receptionist greeted them and waved them forward. "One room, two beds or one bed?" The receptionist asked, clicking away on the old computer, which looked older than Simon. "Uh, two beds, please?" She nodded and tapped away some more.

"Name?" Simon glanced once again at Alec who was practically dead on his feet before answering the girl.

"Lewis. Simon Lewis." Some more tapping.

"ID?" He scrambled into his jacket pocket, pulling out his phone which contained his passport. She quickly scanned the document before humming in acceptance. Simon stuffed his passport back into the pocket close to his heart before pulling out his converted cash.

"Just the one night." Simon added as he slid the cash on the counter. She nodded and counted through the money, taking $40 before handing the rest back to him.

"Here's the key. You'll be staying in room 7, which is to the left here, ground level."

"Thank you." Simon grabbed Alec's arm and their suitcase and started walking out when the receptionist added another thing.

"Be careful. There are somethings are out that are dangerous even to the supernatural." She winked before turning back to her work, leaving Simon to wonder if she knew exactly what they were.

Simon managed to find their room and direct Alec to one of the beds before the shadowhunter passed out from exhaustion and stress. Simon laughed quietly as he opened the suitcase and grabbed a few things out before settling onto the other bed and closing his eyes.

A small squeak of fear woke Alec immediately as he fumbled for his stele and any weapon before realising that all of their weapons were stashed in their suitcase. His eyes darted around the room, landed on Simon who was cowering on his bed, eyes glued to one particular spot in the room. Alec followed his gaze and jumped slightly when he was met with a scary sight on the wall opposite the beds.

A giant, bird eating spider was occupying the wall where the room tightened into a hallway which led to the door. It's legs were spread out, making it at least a foot wide. Alec senses that the big, scary vampire wasn't going to move until the spider was dead, and decides to carefully stand. He kept one eye on the offending creature as he moved towards the suitcase where his bow and arrow lay. Feeling a hundred times safer with the bow in his hand, Alec nocks an arrow and lifts his arm, aiming at the spider. Another squeak draws his attention before he could release the arrow.

"It's poisonous. Like d-deadly, fatal. You miss, you anger it which means it'll come for you." Alec stopped himself from laughing. The vampire was scared of a spider.

"Simon, it's just a spider. It's probably more scared of us than we are of it." He heard Simon scoff. "Don't be so sure." The daylighter mumbled under his breath as Alec aimed his bow and released.

Simon watched, entranced, in slow motion as the creature seems to sense the arrow and jumped at the last second, speed crawling straight for them. Simon jumps on the bed as a very, very manly scream comes from his mouth. Alec quickly nocks another arrow and sets aim but is unable to get a second shot as the spider disappears.

"Whereisit? Whereisit? Didyoukillit? Pleasetellmeyoukilledit!"

Alec shots a glare at Simon as he creeps closer to the bed that Simon is standing on, using on end of his bow to left up the blankets. He slowly shifts down on the floor, trying to glance underneath the bed. A scream resounds throughout the room as Alec is propelled backwards, something big and brown attached to his arm. Another scream of agonising pain pushing Simon into action. He grabs the dagger, the only weapon that the shadowhunters felt comfortable with Simon having, and swung the handle towards Alec. He felt the handle hit a heavy thing, knocking the spider off of Alec. Before he could think about it, Simon threw the knife at the creature, instantly killing it.

"T-that...was...terrifying!" A groan from Alec's direction had Simon wide eyed as he spied an angry, bright red bite on Alec's arm.

"Alec!" Simon jumps off the bed and skids to his knees beside the shadowhunter. Alec is fumbling for his stele which Simon helps him grab. Alec's face is very red and sweating as he draws numerous iratzes which fade instantly and provide no relief. Alec gasped as the reality set in. "I-it's not...working." Simon's face paled. But a thought struck him.

"Give me your arm, Alec." Simon ordered.


"Your arm. I'll try to suck the poison out."


"I'm a vampire. I can't die from poison and I won't drain your blood. Scout's honour."

"R-really reassuring... except s-something tells me that you w-weren't a scout."

"Nope and my word means nothing as a vampire but you kinda have to trust me." Simon winked.

"I-I do. You're... gonna be my brother in l-law. I-I don't think I really... have a choice." Alec held out his arm which was badly shaking. "Just d-do it quick." Simon gave Alec an apologetic look before clamping onto his arm and shoving his teeth into the shadowhunters vein.