Quick Disclaimer: I do not own mortal instruments or anything you recognise.

Part I - Demons

Frozen in fear,

a dark figure ahead.

No one could hear,

her scream as she bled.

She felt the blood,

dripping down her face.

Tears in the mud,

slowly melting away.

We are the demons.

People killed her.

We have no freedom,

from fear and anger.

Deal with a Demon, Everlasting Nightmare


Clary's POV

All I could hear was my harsh breathing as I ran. Flashes of buildings and streets went by. I didn't know where I was and at this point I no longer cared. Feint shouts from mom and Luke drifted by in the wind, I couldn't stop. He was everywhere, Valentine. Blood dripping down his chest, a dark smirk ghosted on his face. And he wasn't alone.

Jace was there, but he looked like Jonathan's twin. The only variance was the hair. Jace's was good but red had been splattered through it and Jonathan's was a ghost white. I had lost my golden Angel and every step I ran from him, my heart broke a little more.

The pavement felt hard as my feet contacted with it. I didn't look where I ran, I didn't care. Until my foot slipped and I tumbled. Crashing down onto the pavement went my body and my hopes at escaping. The thundering footsteps behind me slowed down and laughter rang out in the dead silence. I couldn't let this happen! I wasn't going to die at his hands!

I scrambled and pulled myself up and darted into the nearest alley. Taking the sharp left and then the right, I didn't let myself look behind. I didn't want to give up my hope that I had lost them.

Music sounded in my ears and I couldn't even register that Simon's band's van was in front of me. I dashed behind the van and sunk to my knees against a brick wall. The heavens opened up and immediately I was soaked. But I didn't care, I couldn't. I was thankful that it hid my tears...

A Few Days Earlier...

I was lounging on the couch in the living room at Luke's. I was anxious to hear from Jace, as he was busy with Simon. He had volunteered to protect Simon which had seemed completely out of character for Jace, but at this point I didn't know what was in Jace's character. We had talked briefly about him avoiding me so he tried not to instead busying himself with things that I want him to do.

I fiddled mindlessly with the Morgenstern ring that hung around me neck as I thought about him. He acted different and while I will always love him, I was starting to hate his change in character. Why was he avoiding me? Did he not love me anymore? I shook my head. I couldn't let myself doubt Jace. He would've broken up with me if he didn't love me, right?

The ring brought my attention back into the room. I distinctly remember the first time mom saw me wearing it. She yelled at me to take it off and grounded me for a week. Me, a seventeen year old. Like seriously. And all because I was wearing a Morgenstern ring. I understood her though, bad memories and bad people. And with her wedding coming up, she didn't want to be reminded of her last relationship.

Whenever mom was around, I left the chain and ring in my bedside drawer but when she wants I couldn't help but clasp it around my neck. I didn't know why but I felt-incomplete without it. I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only noon but I felt extremely tired. I had had a nightmare the previous night, not that I could remember it. But I woke up breathing heavily, scared of not remembering why I was so scared.

I felt my eyes grow heavy and allowed myself to fall deeply. I had no where to be for a few hours. A nap would probably help.

Third person POV

The golden shadowhunter was spread out on his bed in the institute, waiting patiently for his girlfriend. The red-haired in question knocked something on his door and pushed it slightly. The golden guy gestured for her to come inside and close the door. Once she did what he silently asked, she made her way over to him. He brushed some stray strands out of her face before leaning in to kiss her.

Just as their lips almost touched, the shadowhunter smirked and began laughing. The door cracked open and a man with white hair stood in the door way. He held a silver dagger which the golden shadowhunter accepted. The girlfriend was confused but couldn't get away with her boyfriend's hands tightening on her waist. She was terrified as the dagger came closer to her heart.

"I'm so sorry it had to be this way. If only you weren't you. Goodbye Miss Morgenstern". The golden haired spoke before driving the dagger home. The red haired looked into his eyes and the cold, unforgiving murderous glance was the last thing she saw. "Why?" She whispered as her body and mind shut down completely.

Clary's POV

I woke with a scream but almost immediately forgetting why. I heaved myself back onto the couch as I must've fallen off during my nap. I tried to slow my breathing as I fought to remember what my dream was about but the ghost strands had already disappeared.

I wiped the stray tears away, not understanding why I was crying. Suddenly a buzzing sound filled the silence. Freaking out, I imitated a meerkat, looking everywhere, bobbing up and down. Once I figured out what the buzzing was, I started to laugh. "Calm down, Clary. It's just your phone."

I picked u my phone and quickly scanned the notification. It was a text from Isabelle, wondering where Jace was and could I meet her at the Church. I quickly typed a generic reply, something along the lines of, why would I know? And give me half an hour. I walked to the fridge and grabbed an apple before walking over to the window. I bit into my apple as I watched the calm and peaceful nature swaying in the wind.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way...Goodbye Miss Morgenstern."

I gasped and ran back into the kitchen, my discarded Apple laying forgotten on the floor. I barely had enough time to gather my hair before throwing up in the sink. I shivered when I thought about that voice. It sounded like Jace but not. It was all twisted and wrong. But yet, it sounded familiar. Where the hell had I heard that before?

Jace's POV

Kyle and Simon had already left by the time I got there. Figures. I decided I was just going to get food at Taki's when my phone vibrated. It was Isabelle, she said that I needed to get back to the Institute, Robert had something to tell me. Of course she said father. I sighed, I'd already began picturing what I was going to have at Taki's too. Oh well I can get it another day.

I walked back to the institute, I wasn't in a rush. Isabelle would've told me if it was urgent. Speaking of the devil, I noticed Isabelle ducking around the corner at the other end of the street. I wonder what she's doing. I cleared my thoughts as I walked in the institute doors.

Robert was waiting for me, in front of the elevator. "The Clave wants that bloodsucking vampire you're always around. Make sure they get what they want." He spat before turning around and heading into the elevator. I know I should be making my way to Simon, but I leant against the wall. Apparently I was supposed to walk a lot today.

Clary's POV

"You know, you're the one who said half an hour. If you needed longer, you should've said." Isabelle said, jokingly.

"I didn't think it would take me this long."

"It's cool. What is this place anyway?" Isabelle asked as we headed to the alter. I carefully rubbed my arms, noticing the stinging burns that lay upon them. Isabelle noticed and said they'll heal. I tried to believe her.

"I think it's supposed to be a church...what are you doing?" I asked as Isabelle stopped listening and got down on her hands and knees. "If it's a church, than there should be shadowhunter gear here." She responded matter of factly. Her voice, however, seemed to get fainter and fainter, the further I moved away. I was trying to look for anything that would indicate that she was right.

I was walking around when a painting caught my eye. While it wasn't really the painting but the eyes in the painting. They were dark, evil, empty of any good emotion. "I'm sorry it had to be this way...Goodbye Miss Morgenstern."

I choked as I realised it was the same voice from before. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to keep my calm. Suddenly a cold hand grabbed my shoulder and I screamed. "OH MY-ISABELLE?!"

"What's going on with you?" Isabelle questioned, although her voice sounded firm, there was nothing but concern dancing in her eyes.

"Nothing. Just the church is really creepy. That's all, promise". I've never been good with lies but she nodded and turned away.

"How about we came back another day?" Isabelle suggested and I did all I could from jumping up and down. I quickly said goodbye before dashing in the opposite direction before she could change her mind.

Heading into my room, I realised I was so much more tired than I originally thought I was. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair before changing into a simple T-shirt and shorts. I climbed into bed, forgetting about the ring that was still around my neck. The second my head hurt the pillow, I was out.

Third Person POV

The red haired was sparring with the golden boy. They were laughing and occasionally there was the affectionate gesture. The wind blew the red hair in front of her eyes, which gave him the opportunity. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back into the tree. His eyes, empty of all emotion, staring into her own. The red haired couldn't stop from whimpering. Out of nowhere, a white blonde man and another bit who had to be his son approached them.

The son spoke. "You stupid girl! You think father would forgive you? You think your boyfriend was actually in love with you?" He laughed.

"Please," she begged. "Let me go." Tears streaked down her cheeks. The man brushed away her tears. "Don't cry, daughter. You'll be free." The smirk told her that she wasn't going to like being free.

The golden boy, pulled out a knife and aligned it with her heart. "Please, no. Don't do this please. I love you." She pleaded, but knowing fully that she couldn't change this.

"This has to happen. You must be set free. Goodbye my love." He whispered as he drove the knife home.

Clary's POV

I screamed as I woke up, again the dream slipping beyond my grasp. My door cracked open and light flooded the dark room. Luke's silhouette appeared in the door way. Immediately seeing the tears, Luke padded over to my bed and pulled me into a wolf hug. Mom was there, in the other side, shaking as much as I was. "Are you okay, sweetie?" I nodded, trying to stop crying but unable to. "Just a nightmare." I stumbled.

"What was it about?" Mom asked.

"I-i don't know, don't remember." I stuttered. She nodded and they both held me until they both fell asleep in my room.

"You must be set free."

That same empty voice whispered. I sat there, wishing the ground would swallow me up and I would never have to sleep again.