Chapter Five

This is all fiction, I apologize for any spelling or grammer mistakes in the story, I suck at english ;) I don't own any of the characters thats the brillant authors work.

"I'm sorry it took to long to get back into contact but we had a lot to discuss" stated Lissa

I nodded my head in agreement, "Carry on," as I took my seat at the head of the table.

She glanced at Christan before turing back to me, "after alot of consideration we have all agreed that for us to have any fighting chance we will need you." It took all my control not to say Duh!

"So," Sonya says moving forward, "you accept all our conditions?"

Lissa took a deep breath before asking, "No negoitating on the Moroi's involvement?"

"Defiently not" Jack laughed as the moroi's sent glares at him.

I looked towards Christan as a big grin spread across his face, "This is gonna be fun"

"Christan!" Lissa growled before turning back to the screen "Sorry about that, when can your men and you arrive?"

Sonya turns to me and raises her eyebrow, I mentally tally how long it would take to have everyone sorted. "Give me three days and I will be in contact with you when we will leave"

"Of cause" Lissa says with clear relief, "Thank you your majesty"

I nodded, "Your welcome" before signing off.

I took a deep breath before turning towards my enforcers, "Well now thats settled, how do you think all our people are gonna take it?" I ask as I make my way towards the window.

"Well" Katherine started "There will be a few who will not agree with this. Others will be hesitate but all and all I think we can get the greater of the population to see that this can be greatly beneficial to us all."

Joseph nodded before continuing, "There is just one problem we have not taken into condieration"

"What's that?" Katie huffed, she was always the impatient one out of all the siblings

He turned towards me before contiuning "How is everyone gonna feed?"

"Huh" I muttered, Never thought of that. How are we gonna handle that little delema, of cause the court will have a uproar if we start feasting off all the humans near home and we are taking a fair few with us. "What do you guys recommend?" I ask

Everyone was slient for a few mintues while they thought it over, Funny how Katherine was the first one to break the silence, "How about we have a discustion with everyone and explain that feeding will need to be kept to a bare minimum and set up groups? We have the groups assigned to different human areas around court so that the number of casualties are not so high to be noticed by humans?"

I must admit it was a brillant idea, "Wow, gotta give you credit, never would of thought of that idea."

"I know" she replied with a wink

"Great so its settled, we got a plan now lets go put it into action."

Three days later:

"Wow that was a bitch" I grumbled

Sonya laughed, "Ain't that the truth! Who knew it would be so hard to convice strigoi to help their mortal emenies."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up Sonya," I swear being queen is so not all its cracked up to be. After the disaster of telling the troops the new plan and dealing with their whining for the last two and a half days, we are now on our way with over 60% of our men. The other 40% I have sent to towns around the academys to ensure the other's don't gain anymore followers.

Why can't Strigoi life ever be simple, I huff.

"Our destination is five mintues, your majesty" Says Mat as he follows the car infront of him to the court.

Sonya turns towards me, "Are you sure about this Rose?"

I look out the window before replying, "I don't know what you mean?"

She huffs, "Don't play stupid, you know you don't owe them anything!"

I sighed, "Don't you think i know that Sonya, but I don't have much of a choice, if they die" I take a deep breath and whiper, "if he dies and I just sit there, I wouldn't be able to live with it. I might not be as emotionally stable as I was when I was a Dhampir but I still feel. I know that if anything happens to him, that it would destory me."

Sonya looks down and sighs, "I'm not meaning to be harsh, but I don't believe you fully understand the implications if anyone was to find out who you are. Even when turned, you still feel the strong emotions you had before you were turned and the king will use that against you. They will use him," she stressed "I've seen how you are when you are a little out of control and we could only slow you down, how do you think we can control you when you go supernova?"

"You can't, I know that" I grumble as I throw my head back, "but its to late now. So this is the plan, Sonya you will be incharge of everything, I want little contact with anyone but my men. Anything major I will intervine but other then that you are on your own, I trust you."

"Thank you" She smiles

I turn towards my enforces, "You all need to keep an eye on the soliders, make sure no one steps out of line or they will deal with me, understand?" They all nodded before I continue, "Now when we get there, Vasilisa wants us all together to determine how we will handle this situation so I will instuct you what to say Sonya."

She nods, "Of cause, where are they having us staying?"

I rolled my eyes, "They have removed all the men from the guest housing over near the far forest so that we are isolated from the rest. They have three men to a room and an apartment for me and you to share Sonya."

"How far from the royal quarters?" Joseph laughs

"As far as phyically possible" I smile but hey it dosen't bother me.

"We're here" growls Mat as he turns into the driveway of court. I gaze out the window and see a great number of Dhampirs lining the pavement. I don't know if I should feel flattered or not.

I turn towards Sonya, "Let's get this party started!"

Nothing is more funnier then seeing the look on all the Dhampirs faces when we all stepped out of the vans. Sonya and I stepped forward to the front with all the enforces while the rest of the men blended into the background.

"Morning Vasilisa" Sonya smiled

Lissa gives a tight smile, "Morning Miss Karp, so glad you could join us tonight"

"Wouldn't have it any other way" She smiles before turning her focaus to Mikhail, "Hello darling, did you miss me?"

Mikhail glares at Sonya but stays slient.

I stook my head before turning my head slightly towards Sonya, "Lets speed this along, shall we?"

Sonya gave a slight nod before turning back towards Lissa "Do you mind if we get settled into our rooms before the assembly?"

Lissa took a deep breath before answering, "Of cause, go right ahead! We will be waiting in the arena for you when your finished." With that she nods at all the Dhampirs and turns to head down the pathway until all that remained was my mother and Mikhail. Though only two stood infront of us, I could still feel several pair of eyes surrounding us.

Sonya shoots me a glance before turning to Janine, "I guess your our welcome committee?" She smirks, not mentioning the others watching.

Janine gives a tight smile "Follow me," before turning the opposite direction from where Lissa went.

I shook my head, 'She was never one to be friendly' I thought.

Following behind mother gave me a great time to study her, kinda funny how its been two years and yet she dosen't look like she's grown an inch though her hair is slightly shorter then the last time we were together. The more I look at her the more curious I become, we have never had a great relationship but I could still notice subtle changes in her, she seems more reserve, harder. She walks stiff and detached, I really couldn't believe my disaperance could make that much of a differnce to her.

Finally after five mintues of awkward silence, we reached our destination. Janine turned towards Mikhail and asked for the keys, after pulling a bunch from his pockets he handed them to her. She then turns towards sonya and hands the keys, "Every key is the same so hand the all out, you may choose your own rooms and roomates, everyone has moved there things out so that everything is empty." She then procceds to pull out another two keys from her pocket, "These keys are for your apartment on the top floor, its seperate from the others and accessed by the back stares. Please try to keep the damnge to a minumin while you stay here. Now if you will excus us, we should be getting back, when you finish packing away your things join us in the hall, Sonya I believe you will still know where that is." Sonya nodded her head in agreement before Mikhail and mum turned and made there was towards the assemly.

I turn towards my men, "I thank you for your patience and not making any snide comments towards the the Dhampirs, you will be greatly rewarded. For now please pack away your things and meet back here in five mintues, Thank you."

I turn towards Sonya as everyone ran off and stated, "That went better then I thought"