Hi everyone! Welcome to this little fic I've been holding off on for a while. Recommended reading for this is my story "The Neutron-Vortex Rules for a Mutually Beneficial Friendship". If you've read that, know that this takes place during midterm exam week which is (very briefly) referenced as occurring in chapter ten. If you haven't read it, there is some background info here so you're not totally out of the loop. But for your own mental well-being, please note that that two of them are 18 year old high school seniors here. That, of course, does not mean you shouldn't read the actual story. ; )

"How could you have gotten a D? We stayed up late studying for that one, Sheen!" Libby practically shrieked as we walked to our table, trays in hand, during lunchtime. Normally, I wouldn't be overly concerned with the declining letter scores on tests taken by my best friend's boyfriend, but this time around I understood her concern.

Being high school seniors, every little thing counts, if not for college then at the very least for graduation. As Sheen has never really been much of an excelling student, he really had to step it up this last year. The test Libby is referring to was just a chapter review in Sheen's Trigonometry class and thankfully not the midterm that he has coming up in a couple of days. But with what he has riding on this, Libby's anger is completely plausible.

"I'm sorry, Libbypop but I don't know what it is. It's like when I get the test in front of me, everything I studied just flies out the window. I'm never going to be as intellectual as you guys, and I think we all know that by now."

"Don't say that. You're going to be in great shape for the midterm. Are you sure you can't squeeze in a couple of hours for tutoring Jimmy? He really gets it with you."

"Uhh- what?"

It was the first time Jimmy said anything since we got on the lunch line and based on his reaction to being called out, neither the indistinguishable food in front of him or his best friend's struggle were at the forefront of his mind. Now that I think about it, he's been acting like that all day. I'd be more curious about it if I didn't already know, or at least think I know what was going on.

As we've been doing since the beginning of the school year, Jimmy and I have spent a lot of time studying and getting homework done together. Seeing as we have, yet again, nearly identical school schedules, it really made a lot of sense. But it'd be very strange, even for the ever unfazed Jimmy Neutron, to appear this level of distracted at the thought of our review of the First Peloponnesian War.

So I'm left to assume he's thinking about the way my mouth was wrapped around a certain part of his anatomy last night.

The sex has been going on for a few weeks now too and even though it wasn't the first time I'd ever done that to him, something about the way it went last night seems to have been sidetracking him all day long. It'd be a terrible lie if I said I didn't feel the smallest twinge of pride over it.

"Tutoring. Sheen. Trig. Please?" Libby cleared up, once again asking for Jimmy's help.

"Yeah, sure. Does today work for you?" He spoke to Sheen now. "I'll text you after... umm..."

He meant to say that he'll let Sheen know as soon as I left. There was no way to say that though, without it sounding really bad even if our three friends in front of us know in what context he meant it. Despite that, I appreciate him not continuing with the one that seemed most natural even if it was the most crude.

"Thanks man." Sheen smiled. "I appreciate it."

The rest of lunch period went pretty much as normal as one could expect it to, that's if you consider the occasional exchange of looks between me and Neutron to be normal, which I suppose, nowadays, it is. Carl, Sheen, and Libby, as always, seemed to be perfectly aware that it was going on but continued acting like nothing was happening. Jimmy and mine's relationship was definitely the gold glitter covered elephant in the room that thankfully caused no one any discomfort. It felt good to know that it was even at a point where I wasn't affected by it.

I was very much on edge about this whole casual hooking up thing from the moment Jimmy had the idea three months ago. Seeing as all the ways it could go wrong far outweighed the benefits, I think I had a good enough reason to be so wary. One of the reasons that terrifies me the most is the outcome of what would happen if someone were to find out. But with time, I've gotten more and more relaxed about it and a big part of that is due to our decision to tell our closest friends about our beneficial friendship. Not that I've ever really told any of them that it was a concern, but it's relieving to know that it really isn't anymore.

After lunch, I found myself at my locker and didn't realize how oddly empty the hallway was until I heard a very familiar voice behind me.

"So last night was fun."

Once I did a quick scan of the hallway to ensure that either no one was paying us any attention or that everyone seemed to be leaving anyway, I felt I could properly reply.

"I'd definitely say you enjoyed yourself. Didn't seem to hold back as far as I could tell."

His only response was a chuckle and that smirk that I'd seen on his face an innumerable amount of times.

"So you're really going to help Sheen with his Trig?"

"Yeah, he sure as hell needs it. We'll have to work a lot in order for him to get a decent grade on the midterm."

"Is that your way of saying I shouldn't come over today? Or is it just an excuse because you don't want to admit that I tired you out?" I did not at all mean for my voice to come out as low as it did.

There was something deep in his eyes as soon as I said that. With Jimmy's cleverness, I knew it would be nearly impossible to figure it out on my own.

"Meet me in the lab in fifteen minutes and I'll show you how tired I am." I'm not even sure if he was able to process his words considering how soon after he said that he walked away. Especially since they didn't make any sense.

"It's the middle of the school day. We have our AP World History midterm in an hour!" I said out loud to him.

"Lab in fifteen, Vortex!" He shouted in return, not stopping or looking back. Maybe it was because he was walking away from me and into a deeper part of the school that made realize what he meant. But once I did, I knew I had to approach him about it.

"Jimmy!" I nearly ran to him, my flats almost slipping out of my feet. "You- you're not serious, are you? That's insane. We cannot do something like that- or even remotely close to that- here."

"Why not?" He spoke seriously as if he saw absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Well, for one, what if we get caught?" I couldn't help but look around the hall once more when I spoke the final word like if saying it would immediately lead to it happening.

To answer me, he did nothing more than lean in and whisper a single word into my ear.

"Ten." And with that, he walked away, the only thing on his mind probably being the hope that I'll see him in ten minutes.

He's absolutely crazy if he thinks I'm going to follow through with that. This idiot actually wants us to have sex in the school's chemistry lab while the rest of our schoolmates are biting their nails over whether to circle true or false!

Of course, I don't HAVE to meet him. There's a good chance he won't even be ready in ten minutes. Since there is so much sensitive material in the lab, only certain students are trusted enough to be granted access to it, Jimmy obviously being one of them. All he would have to do is go to any science teacher and give them a good enough reason to let him use it and it was set. He would be given the key and the liberty to use it for his own free will. With it being midterm week, however, I doubt he'll be able to find any teacher available who isn't working on creating a test or grading them already. In the event that he does, I'd love to be a fly on that wall to hear what the hell he could possibly say as his reasoning, since I'm sure the purpose of casual coitus won't be nearly good enough.

And even if he does get permission...it's school! My God, I don't want to think about what would happen if we get caught regardless of who it's by. I have dealt with so much crap on Neutron's behalf in all the time I've known him but this would be something I could not handle. Just because we agreed to be a little more... adventurous in terms of our meeting spots doesn't mean it has to be here! It went horribly the last time we tried to do something like that on school grounds even though our situation was far more complex at the time. My reluctance towards it did have a lot to do with it then and I suppose the same thing is happening now.

He didn't seem to be kidding around or simply teasing me about it.

And considering the lab door automatically locks from the outside, there would be a very slim chance of someone just bursting in and seeing us.

I also highly doubt anybody who gets solo lab privileges would want to use it now since they'll likely to be studying as it is midterm week and all.

We'll just be fast about it I guess. The quicker we are, the better.

With my olive colored backpack hanging lazily over my shoulder, I made my way towards the science department. There were a few people roaming the halls but thankfully I saw no one that would want to stop for a chat.

By the time I only had a couple of more feet to reach the lab door, I felt like I walked a half marathon. I didn't even realize how fast my heart was beating until I raised my right arm and knocked on the door.

In the seconds before I was allowed entrance, I exhaled a huge breath.

Jimmy opened the door in a way that made his head pop out between the door and its frame.

"You're late."

I gently yet forcibly pushed the door open enough so I could get through.

"And you're crazy."

Luckily, he managed to shut the door before our lips crashed together, silencing him from saying anything else.

This time around, it wasn't the softer, slower kisses we sometimes share, like when we're just making out at the lab back at his house. This one was frantic, messy and considering all our restraints, hasty. Seconds later, I licked a line down the side of his neck and nibbled on his earlobe, both of which I knew he would enjoy.

"Oh, fuck." He groaned and must have taken my actions as a sign because the next thing I knew, he lifted me up and sat me down at the edge of the nearest desk, my legs open just enough for him to stand between. Entrapping me, he placed both hands on either side of me leading me to run my hands down his chest and start undoing his belt as he began sucking my neck. "In a rush, are we?" He murmured into my ear.

"We should make this quick." I managed to say despite my shortness of breath. "Don't want to stay here too long and risk anything, you know?"

"Yeah." He agreed as he moved his hand under my skirt and up my thigh. "I'll go fast if that's what you want." That ego.

"That's not how I-ohhhh." I was cut off as his lips reached my cleavage and he gave each one of my breasts attention. Him rubbing his thumb over one of my firm nipples made me clench my thighs enough so that one leg went around his waist and brought him closer. He managed to pull away enough to nibble on the space between my neck and collarbone. I was able to undo everything and lowered his pants enough that I was able to feel how hard he was against my inner thigh. "Oh God, we're really doing this aren't we?"

"Looks like it." He said before moving my panties aside and sticking one of his long fingers into me. I closed my eyes and leaned my head into his which was now lowered to the other side of my neck.

Straightening his finger out of the curve he put it in, he inserted another one and used them both to please me in a way only he had ever done. I let out a quiet whimper as I allowed the feeling to take over me, his fingers going in a fluid and familiar motion. In between my desperate breaths, I spoke.

"We're covered right?"


Pulling away, he reached for the condom in this back pocket. Instead of commenting on its convenient location, I involuntarily licked my lips as I watched him put it on. I'm not sure if he noticed that but look on his face hinted that he did.

"God, I want you." He groaned.

Once he was ready, Jimmy gripped onto my hair and kissed me roughly. I felt his fingers hook onto my panties and taking them off became a team effort. With our final barrier gone, he sucked my bottom lip between his as he swiftly entered me.

I placed my hands on the tabletops behind me for support as he slowly pushed into me. My impatience became intolerable when he stopped a second too long once our hips touched.

"What did I say, huh?" I rocked into him the tiniest bit, knowing that he would still be able to feel it. "Just fuck me already."

That was all it took for him to pull out and slam roughly back, now anchoring my right leg around his waist. Each one of his thrusts filled me completely and the cry I let out after each one was proof.

"Mmmm... yes... Oh... Jimmy... Oh, fuck...yes."

"Quiet there, Vortex. You wouldn't...want us to...get caught...right?" He threw my words back at me between his own ragged breath. Knowing he was right, I threw my head back and bit my lip in an attempt to keep quiet. In my peripheral vision, I noticed the test tubes and beakers along with other lab supplies. Its presence made it impossible to forget where we were. The feeling of Neutron pounding into me plus the thrill of the entire situation heightened the sensation to a new level.

Unable to hold myself up any longer, I lay flat on my back, making it slightly easier to move against him and try to create more friction. He held onto my hip and helped me meet him at each thrust, resulting in a feeling neither one of us could ignore.

"You feel amazing, FUCK." Jimmy panted.

Fully aware that there was nothing to grab onto, my hands went on a wild search for anything it could grasp, my hair and flowing skirt becoming the winners.

We kept going at that tempo and I was sure it was going to be what would take me over the edge. Unexpectedly, I felt his thumb start drawing small circles on my sensitive nub and was not at all able to hold back my verbal reaction. He kept at it faster and faster, both of his movements matching, as I could feel myself tightening. His responsive grunts let me know that he felt it too.

"Ohhh..." I let out in one long breath, finally reaching that peak. For the next few seconds, the only sounds in the room were of Jimmy trying to get there too. A long sigh ultimately informed me that he did.

Something about that final moment and realizing what had just happened had me giggling enough to cover my eyes with my forearm. It was apparently infectious enough that Jimmy began laughing along too.

"I can't believe we just did that." He let out.

"Yeah." I replied breathlessly while still laying on the desk, hair disarrayed and blouse wrinkled.

Jimmy's hand was outstretched and I used it as he helped pull me back to my feet where I immediately began fixing myself as best as I could. I saw my underwear lying about a foot away and discreetly zipped it up in my backpack. Once we both looked to be entirely back to normal, I spoke again.

"So umm...I'll go out first. Then you can just come out in like five minutes or so?"

"Yeah, that sounds good." With a nod, I headed for the door. "Hey." Jimmy called out, wanting me to turn back around which I obviously did. "I'll call you tonight after Sheen leaves?"

With the most playful of smirks I replied, "Deal."

Hope that wasn't too traumatizing and that you enjoyed it. If you'd like to get in on the fun, be sure to go on over to my profile and read the story where I got this idea from. Also, feel free to follow me on Twitter at D13Tribute to stay updated my stories! Please review if you can and thanks for reading!