Extended Summary
This is going to start during Senior Prank night, but what some of the characters are will be different. Instead of Caroline being a vampire, Matt is. Tyler is still a werewolf that triggered his wolf gene, but Caroline is a werewolf that hasn't activated her wolf gene yet because she hasn't killed anyone. Klaus will still turn Tyler, but he'll wait until he knows whether or not Tyler will survive the transition before trying Caroline. I can't say much about what happens with her without giving away too much information, but I will say that there are a few surprises in store for our favorite Original Hybrid regarding Caroline and they will complicate things for him. I will change a couple plot points from the show (even from season 1), but I will try to add in some of our favorite Klaroline lines; but that will be after I tweak some things. I will say I will have Klaus behave more aggressively towards Caroline during the first few meetings between them, but it won't last long; he may like to be in control, but we all know he likes when Caroline stands up to him. For other ships I'm going to mix it up a bit. And just so everyone is warned there will be some major character deaths (not Klaus or Caroline). I hope everyone enjoys reading this and lets me know what they think. I'll still consider everyone's input for Klaroline but I already know how I want it to progress in my head; if I hear a better idea I may go with it though, so I look forward to reading the reviews and piecing everything together.
Chapter 1
Senior Prank Night (POV starts with Caroline & switches to Klaus later but I'll point it out)
The night was going as planned and Caroline kept looking around at everyone enjoying the pranks they were setting up. It had been a crazy year but they were finally on their last night before becoming seniors. She thought back to the year before and everything that had happened between then and now; Elena fell in love with a vampire, said vampire's brother came to town and tried to compel Caroline, Caroline found out she was a wolf by blood but hadn't triggered the gene yet, she had found out Tyler was a wolf while she was with Matt and tried to help him during lock-up, Matt had been changed into a vampire and it became too difficult for him to be with her so they had broken up. Soon after, she and Tyler had gotten into a fight because she wouldn't turn her back on Matt or Stefan because they were vampires and took off with some werewolf friends of his uncle Mason's. When he came back, he and Matt and been captured to be used in Klaus' sacrifice, but Damon managed to get them out of there for Elena, getting bit in the process. Stefan had to take off with Klaus to hunt for wolves to turn in exchange for his blood to save Damon, leaving Elena here to come back to life and live without him.
She knew Elena, Damon, and Alaric had been looking for Stefan but every day seemed a little more hopeless than the day before. She missed Stefan herself since they had become friends after his brother had tried to kill her, but a small part of her was worried that if he returned Klaus would follow and then her and Tyler would be at risk for becoming hybrids. From what she had heard they all knew he hadn't been successful in keeping the hybrids he had made alive past transition and she shivered in thought of how torturous it all sounded. She had been given her fair share of torture over the past couple of years and didn't want to imagine becoming a hybrid.
First there was Damon trying to compel her and then trying to kill her before Stefan and Elena intervened, saving her life. Then there was Tyler's friends Jules and Brady that tortured her because she had befriended vampires and "vampire sympathizers" so she was considered a traitor to them. She had been so angry with Tyler for not helping her get away from them, but she was once again saved by Stefan. She wasn't an idiot; she knew she was only alive because she was Elena's friend and Elena had two vampires wrapped around her finger. But eventually she and Tyler had become friends again since Jules and Brady were dead and they were both wolves; slowly building until where they were now, which she was sure was more than friends or just allies. Lastly, there was her father and mother torturing her so she could learn to stay in control of herself and not trigger the wolf gene. Her mother had looked sickened that her daughter was a wolf and friends with vampires at first, but they were better now. Her father had never taken it easy on her; making her be the one to make sure he was locked up during the full moon and then "conditioning" her the next day so she wouldn't ever have the urge to turn and would take extra care to avoid it. Finally her mom made him stop when she thought Caroline could handle herself; seeing that she couldn't be compelled and was already a control freak before being conditioned to be a better one.
She was still lost in thought when she saw Elena come into the gym looking confused, before Caroline looked at her like she was crazy for forgetting it was senior prank night. Sure they had all been under a lot of stress, but she figured it gave them more reason to enjoy the little things and make the most of each day. She had even managed to get Tyler to participate in prank night so seeing Elena standing there clueless was not an option. She quickly talked her into it and watched as she went to go superglue Alaric's desk shut, wishing she had come up with that one herself. She and Tyler decided to go to the restrooms and mess with the toilet paper, but about halfway down the hall she felt her feet leave the ground as Tyler picked her up and spun her around while they laughed. When he sat her down they started to lean towards each other, but they heard a throat clear and looked up expecting to see a teacher busting them, but neither of them had seen the man before.
Both of them could sense the guy was a wolf, but when they picked up the scent of vampire Tyler stepped in front of Caroline. They both realized Klaus had come back to town, and that only meant one thing; he wanted to make hybrids. Caroline looked around wondering if Elena was hiding somewhere, silently breathing in and trying to pick up a scent, but without triggering the curse her senses weren't as heightened as Tyler's. Then she wondered where Stefan was and if he was even alive, but she couldn't think too long before they heard a whoosh and Caroline spun around to see a blonde girl standing behind them, flashing a smirk before grabbing her and pulling her from Tyler while Klaus rushed forward and grabbed Tyler.
"Don't hurt the girl yet little sister… she may still be useful." She heard Klaus say as he looked at the blonde restraining her before glancing at her. She fixed her face to a glare and he smirked before tugging on Tyler and walking them back towards the gym as Klaus' sister pulled her along. Caroline knew she couldn't outrun them and there was no way she could beat them in a fight; they were 2 original vampires and she was an untriggered wolf. So she decided to play it safe and listen until she could figure out a way to get them out of the situation or help could come; doubting very much that anyone could help them.
She watched as he compelled Dana to stand with a foot up and Chad to kill her if she set it down. When she saw Stefan she felt a moment of relief before realizing it wouldn't do them any good since Klaus was stronger than all of them. She saw the same hope and relief on Elena's face but the fear in Stefan's eyes made reality sink in. It didn't stop Caroline from trying to get out of the other blonde's grasp, especially when Klaus went back to Tyler; biting into his own wrist and holding it firmly over Tyler's mouth.
"Every time I attempt to make a hybrid they die. Now Bonnie, I want you to find me the solution to my little problem… and for Tyler's sake you better hurry." Klaus said before snapping Tyler's neck and letting him drop to the floor. Caroline could hear her friends' shrieks and Dana and Chad screaming in fear at the sight of Tyler's body in the floor, but Caroline couldn't make a sound; she just fell limply in the other blonde's arm until the girl let her drop to the floor with a laugh. Finally being free to move she pushed herself up and went to sit on her knees next to Tyler. She saw Bonnie and Matt leaving the gym with a grimoire in her peripheral and could hear Elena calling her name but all she could focus on was Tyler lying dead right in front of her. After the shock passed she felt the rage broil up until she was shaking and she felt like she was burning up. When she heard the first snap she closed her eyes, thinking it was Klaus hurting another one of her friends and she couldn't bring herself to look. When the next snap rung loud she felt it and realized the sound was coming from her.
She knew her heartbeat had sped up and could feel her body trying to turn as the rage fueled her, but then she remembered a couple critical details; it wasn't a full moon and she hadn't killed anyone. She braced her hands against the gym floor, but the heat was becoming too much so she shed her jacket and doubled over as the next snap sounded. She looked up at Elena and Stefan confused and saw them just as curious as she was, but dropped her head back down when another snap came and she tried to hold in a scream; much like when her father had taught her to embrace pain.
"Well sweetheart… this certainly is a surprise." She heard Klaus say and saw him crouch down next to her.
"Get away from me." She grit out and tried to calm herself down; she didn't need to finish turning and possibly hurt someone she cared about since she knew the only ones a wolf didn't attack in wolf form was another wolf.
"Now now… there's no need to be rude. I bet you don't even understand what's happening to you love. Do you?" He asked and she braced herself for another snap when she felt her anger rising again. "Allow me to clear things up for you sweetheart… you're an alpha." He stated and reached over to pull her hair back but she moved and tried to push him away. "Let me let you in on a little secret… and most won't know this because it's quite rare; I haven't even seen this in centuries… an alpha doesn't need to make a kill to turn. You're triggering your own transformation… but you won't fully turn into a wolf until the full moon and until you make a kill you can choose whether to turn or not. You're in for an exhausting night love." He chuckled and stood back to his full height while Caroline looked back to Elena. She saw her friend looking at her and knew Elena wanted to come to her but she just shook her head; the further she kept Elena away from Klaus the better. Looking towards Stefan she could see he was scared for her and for the others but he nodded his head to her.
"Just breathe Caroline… you'll be alright… you can do this." Stefan said in encouragement and she tried to breathe but hearing Klaus chuckling at their interactions had her anger coming back up.
"Help her Stefan… please." She heard Elena beg Stefan when Caroline couldn't hold back her screams completely. She heard a whoosh and saw Stefan kneeling in front of her.
"Caroline… listen to me." He instructed and she nodded and tried to look up at him, but couldn't. "Just breathe… you don't want to hurt anyone… and if anyone can stop this it's you." He stated and pulled her head up so she could see how serious he was. Looking at him they made a silent agreement and she closed her eyes while he covered her ears so she could block everything out and breathe. "That's it… just like that." She faintly heard through Stefan's hands after a bone snapped back into place. She knew he was trying to help encourage her but it didn't help with the pain. When every bone was back in place she opened her eyes and nodded, letting Stefan drop his hands back down. "You alright?"
"I've felt worse before… I'll be fine." She stated back still shaky and out of breath, and he nodded.
"Just try to keep calm… you did good." He offered before glancing towards the originals and standing, stepping back until he was in his previous place. Caroline looked up to see Elena still in tears from what she had seen and she couldn't bear to see her friend crying so Caroline looked back down. Seeing Tyler still dead she reached her hand out and smoothed his hair down before moving to sit cross-legged beside him instead of on her knees. She focused on everything her father and Stefan had told her about keeping calm and in control until she felt numb, but she was interrupted by the original hybrid that seemed hell-bent on disturbing her after he sent his sister to check on Bonnie's progress.
"I've got to say… I'm quite surprised by you." He started as he walked over to crouch beside her again. She looked up to see Stefan imitating a breathing exercise for her and she copied him. "I don't get surprised often. I'm curious as to which wolf line you come from… it seems like I didn't get much information on you when I was in town before. It's not surprising since you couldn't have been used for my sacrifice because you weren't triggered…"
"You must really love hearing yourself talk." She said as she turned to glare at him. "And my life is none of your business." She stated with grit teeth and turned back to look at her friends and breathe while he gave a small chuckle.
"What's wrong with a little conversation to pass the time while we wait on your little witch friend to solve my problem?"
"Maybe the fact that no one really wants to talk to you?" She answered sarcastically and saw Elena's eyes widen before she felt the gym floor under her back with a glaring hybrid holding her down by the shoulders. "GET. OFF. OF. ME." She said slowly but kept her own glare fixed on her face and didn't break away from his eyes. He didn't look away as he ordered Chad to retrieve a knife from the cafeteria and bring it to him, and Elena started begging him not to hurt her friend.
"I think a little demonstration is in order…" He stated when Chad returned and handed him the knife before walking back to Dana to help her keep her foot up. Then Klaus gripped Caroline by the chin and she saw his pupils dilate, knowing he was going to try and compel her. "I want you to take this knife and stab Chad with it… and make sure you kill him." He ordered and she took the knife from him. She knew she wasn't compelled and knew exactly what she was going to do with the knife in her hand; she only hoped Stefan and Elena kept quiet until she got a chance to do it. Once he moved off of her she rose up and quickly thrust the knife into his leg, breaking the handle off and standing completely as he recovered.
"I told you to get off of me." She remarked and watched as he pulled the blade out of his leg before looking at her. She didn't get time to blink before he crossed the distance between them and sunk his fangs in her neck. She accepted he might kill her for resisting him, knowing there were worse fates than death, so she didn't fight him as she felt him drinking the blood from her neck. But when he stopped and dropped her to the ground, still alive and barely any blood taken, she glared as she stood back up.
"Not one drop of vervain in your system… yet somehow my compulsion didn't work on you." He mused out loud and started walking around her in a circle. "Seems like you'd be even more useful than I thought." He stated and quickly bit into his wrist, placing it over her mouth until he was sure she had enough of his blood in her system as she fought to break away from him. "But we'll just wait to see if your witch friend is successful with Tyler's transition before it's your turn." He said menacingly and released her to pick up Tyler's arm and dragged him over by the wall and Caroline walked over to stand in front of Elena.
"What were you thinking Caroline? He could have killed you." Elena whispered as she pulled her friend into a hug.
"I warned him… he was the one that wouldn't get his creepy hands off of me." Caroline whispered back in attempt to lessen her friend's fear. She glanced towards Stefan to see him looking back and forth between the girls and Klaus, obviously overhearing Caroline's answer and waiting to see Klaus do something else to her, but he didn't. When Caroline saw Klaus' sister come back in she placed herself more in front of Elena as inconspicuously as she could.
"It should be soon Nik… the little Bennett witch is having to ask on the other side."
"Rebekah I don't really care what she has to do as long as she does it and does so quickly." Klaus answered and moved closer to his sister.
"What the bloody hell happened to you?" The girl asked when she saw his bloody pants with a hole in them.
"Just a little misunderstanding with a certain blonde wolf… turns out she can't be compelled. Perhaps you should take her and the pup to another room for when he wakes up. Maybe you can get her to say which wolf line she comes from… and how she can resist compulsion without vervain?"
"Gladly." Rebekah answered and looked to Caroline. "I'd follow willingly if I were you. I'm sure you'd hate it if I ripped the mutt's heart out as soon as he woke up if you didn't." She warned and went to drag Tyler out of the gym and Caroline looked between Elena and Stefan before following her.
Klaus POV…
He watched the little blonde spitfire follow his sister out of the gym, her hair bouncing where it was curled slightly with each step, before turning back to Stefan and Elena. He kept quiet for a minute as he watched them, letting them think he was debating his next move with them while his thoughts stayed on the little alpha; remembering her first name was Caroline. He thought about digging his phone out and texting his contacts to get her last name but decided to wait on his sister to see if she could get it out of her; he didn't like not knowing everyone in the doppelganger's little circle. So he went over what he had already figured out; he knew she was an alpha and couldn't be compelled. She had great control of herself and was likely not even aware that she was an alpha since she had looked confused when she started shifting.
An alpha turning before making a kill was rare like he had said, but he left out that alpha females were even rarer since you had to be a first born of an alpha line to be an alpha yourself, so it was more typical to see alpha males. But for Caroline to be an alpha female with enough control to trigger the werewolf gene without making a kill was truly a sight; in a thousand years he hadn't heard of an alpha female becoming a wolf without making a kill. He doubted Caroline knew how unique she already was and he couldn't wait to turn her. A hybrid that can't be compelled would be useful against his father, but he would have to rein her in; it would be difficult but not impossible. He knew the hybrids he would make would develop a sire bond that would ensure they followed his orders.
He had plenty of leverage to use even if sire bonds didn't exist. He had learned there was a friendship to Stefan, the doppelganger, the Bennett witch, and to the vampire Matt that was supposed to be the vampire used in his sacrifice. It was a little surprising to see her friends with vampires because she was a werewolf but he overlooked it; the doppelganger was probably the reason behind it anyway. Not to mention the pup in transition being closer to her; especially from what he had interrupted in the hall. It was all setting up perfectly as long as he could turn them both; glad Tyler was the experimental leverage instead of Caroline since he would hate to see such potential die because of an incompetent witch. He decided to put a little pressure on the witch and quickly started playing a little game with Stefan; making him kill off Chad and Dana since they weren't important and then compelling him to kill Elena if she moved or when the buzzer went off on the game board.
When Bonnie and Matt told him that the doppelganger should be dead, he thought that something was off. He knew they had spoken with his mother and his mother had despised him; even before triggering the wolf gene. Then he remembered it was doppelganger blood that had turned his siblings and himself (a wolf) into vampires and decided it was time to experiment his own theory. Making sure to taunt Stefan some more he collected two vials of Elena's blood, hiding one in his pocket, and flashing to the room that his sister had the little wolves in; pausing to listen in on the conversation taking place inside.
Caroline POV…
To say Caroline was worried would be an understatement as she watched Tyler struggle with the pain he was feeling, helpless to do anything besides comforting him the best she could. She had already been threatened with his life just to get her last name and how she could avoid compulsion; to which she gave her name and said avoiding compulsion was something passed on through the generations in her family. Rebekah hadn't been satisfied with the vague answer to the second question and had snapped Tyler's arm. Caroline had helped Tyler snap his arm back in place and since then the room had been quiet aside from Tyler's panting and grunts from pain.
"You know Caroline… you really shouldn't piss off an Original… we're quite well known for our tempers."
"So are wolves." Caroline retorted and looked at the other blonde, but kept her hand on Tyler's back rubbing circles.
"So how does one generation teach the next how to avoid compulsion?" Rebekah asked lazily and Caroline rolled her eyes.
"Oh it's a long process… it takes time, instruments, and days and days of torture. But I think it's worth it… I mean I did get to stab your psycho brother in the leg." She said and smirked at the glare Rebekah was giving her.
"Maybe I should stab Tyler a few times to make up for it." Rebekah retorted and Caroline pressed her lips together as she thought of what to say.
"Or you could just stop talking since you don't like my answers." Caroline voiced and Rebekah was about to move but the door opened and Klaus walked in.
"Well the verdict's in…" Klaus started but paused as he glanced at the wolves in the room.
"And?" Rebekah prompted.
"The Original Witch says the doppelganger should be dead."
"Does that mean we can kill her?"
"No actually I think it means quite the opposite."
"What?" Rebekah asked in confusion but Klaus ignored her and held up a vial of blood in front of Tyler. When he did that, Rebekah grabbed Caroline from behind to keep her from interfering with her brother as he started talking again.
"Elena's blood… drink it." He ordered.
"No… that could kill him!" Caroline interrupted in a panic as she kept fighting Rebekah and Tyler looked at her before looking at the blood, but Klaus carried on.
"He'll die anyway love if he doesn't drink it."
"What are you doing Nik?" Rebekah asked as Caroline felt the other blonde's grip tighten further due to her squirming.
"Call it an experiment… drink it." He ordered and Caroline fought harder. She didn't want to see Tyler go through this; much less go through it alone. Since he had triggered the wolf gene she had been locking him up the same as her father and she couldn't stand not helping him. She kept screaming for him and saying no as he held up the vial to his mouth and drained it. Her fear escalated when he started coughing and fell to the floor screaming, and anger came in when she saw Klaus leaning back against the table watching in amusement as Tyler writhed in pain on the floor. When Tyler sat up on his hands and knees grasping his head, Caroline thought he was dying but he lifted his head towards Klaus as he crouched down to Tyler's level and she stopped fighting to see what was happening. "Now that's a good sign." Klaus stated and stood as Caroline finally got out of Rebekah's hold and got in the floor with Tyler.
When he turned and she saw the veins under his eyes highlighting his yellow eyes she nearly ran, but kept still with her hands on his shoulders until he calmed enough the veins started disappearing. He kept telling her he was alright but she couldn't answer anything back as she moved forward and put her arms around him, burying her face into his neck to hide her face. She was thankful she had managed to keep from crying but now she was even more worried for Tyler; she didn't know how he would adjust to being a hybrid. He hadn't taken to being a wolf easy at all and was just starting to come to terms with it, so adding being a vampire in on top of that with everything heightened could be disastrous; she might have to get advice from her dad on how to help him.
Klaus POV…
He watched the couple in the floor, still trying to figure Caroline out; Tyler was now a hybrid and she didn't run from the vampire side. Now that he had the key to making his hybrids he would collect the doppelganger's blood and start making them, but only after he changed Caroline; that was a must before their time at the school was over. He took his sister out of the room so neither of the two inside would hear their conversation.
"Did you get the information out of her?"
"Mostly… she's got a mouth on her."
"As long as she gave you the information I need, I'm sure you can handle a few remarks."
"She's a Forbes and it's a family tradition to avoid compulsion. She mentioned torture so I assume it's the same way as in Tibet. You know how they are over there."
"It's a start… I'm sure that once I turn her she'll answer my questions. She won't have a choice with the sire bond that'll form; I already felt it with the pup."
"Good… maybe then you can keep her under control. Any more time in there with her and I would have snapped her neck."
"I already had my blood in her system just in case little sister. Now go send Stefan, the Bennett witch, and the vampire quarterback home. I need you to start collecting doppelganger blood for me so take Elena wherever you can get it from her discreetly. I have another wolf to turn." Klaus instructed and watched his sister smirk before flashing off to do as he asked before walking back into the room. He saw Tyler notice him and tighten his hold on Caroline, causing her to pull her head back to look at Tyler. Noticing the direction Tyler was looking, he saw Caroline turn her head and see him staring at them. "Now Tyler… do be smart and help me with your girlfriend here."
"What are you going to do with her?" Tyler asked and stood with Caroline standing up with him.
"I'm going to make her a hybrid… surely you want her to turn." He stated and made sure to put as much influence in his words as he could to get the sire bond to effect the boy's actions. Tyler looked back at Caroline to see her shaking her head and looking between them.
"She doesn't want to turn though…"
"Don't you want her to feel like you do right now? I'm offering to do this the easy way but I can always change my mind." He voiced and watched as they started arguing with each other. He saw Tyler gently pulling on her, trying to get her to go to him, but she kept pulling back and saying no. Becoming impatient he sped behind her, biting into his wrist and feeding her again as she scratched at his arm trying to get it to dislodge from her mouth. He knew she already had enough blood in her system to turn but he wanted to be extra sure; it wasn't every day you found a Forbes alpha female. When he saw her started to get dizzy he moved his hand away and turned her around to face him; placing a hand on each side of her neck. "Sweet dreams sweetheart." He said and snapped her neck, watching as Tyler rushed forward to catch her.
"Oh god she's gonna kill me." He heard Tyler say and watched as he lifted her up on the table where he had been.
"Lighten up… I did you both a favor. Now neither of you have to turn unless you want to."
"She hasn't turned yet though."
"You missed quite a lot while you were dead." Klaus offered, still amused by the little blonde wolf they would now be waiting on to wake up for a while.
"What do you mean? What did you do?"
"I didn't do anything mate… but I did figure a few things out about your little girlfriend."
"Like what?" Tyler asked as he glanced at Caroline before moving to stand closer to Klaus. Klaus thought it would be a good time to gather information and give a few details that neither of them likely knew.
"Did you know she was an alpha; an alpha of a very strong alpha line?"
"Well then I guess you don't know that an alpha doesn't need to make a kill to trigger their wolf gene?" Klaus asked as he wondered whether or not both Tyler and Caroline knew anything about being a wolf; he'd have to rectify that if they didn't.
"No I didn't know that."
"She triggered hers… she nearly shifted completely until the rippah helped her calm down."
"That's not possible… it ain't even a full moon." Tyler commented and Klaus remembered her trying to shift in the gym; it hadn't been abnormal for an alpha until she stopped the shift. That was yet another thing that threw him for a loop; he hadn't seen that before. Most wolves may fight against the change, but inevitably they have to endure hours before it's over if it isn't a full moon; and if it was a full moon they would just become the wolf.
"She wouldn't have turned into a wolf, but she would have broken every bone in her body trying to."
"What does that have to do with you turning us?"
"It has nothing to do with turning you… but she's a different story. She's already meant to be stronger and faster; like the alpha she is. Making her into a hybrid gives me a better advantage in regards to my army." Klaus stated thinking there wasn't any harm in broaching the topic of what he would expect of them.
"Why do you need an army?"
"You never know what you'll need an army for, but it's best to be prepared for anything mate."
"So if Caroline is in the army she won't be an alpha anymore?" Tyler asked confused and Klaus looked at him, wondering how he could have ever thought that. He hoped the boy was smarter than he seemed because if he wasn't he wouldn't have any use besides keeping Caroline in check.
"She'll always be an alpha… she just won't be THE alpha. That would be me. We'll have to see how useful she proves to be before I decide what to put her on."
"What do you mean?" Tyler questioned and Klaus resisted the urge to kill him or compel him to shut up; he needed information and he should really fill Tyler in on a few things.
"I mean that there are jobs I will have you do… I need to see what each of you are good at before I decide. Her being an alpha puts her in the running for a higher position than you or any other common werewolf."
"Can you tell whether or not another werewolf is an alpha?" Tyler asked as he glanced back at Caroline again and Klaus took a breath to keep himself calm.
"You wonder if you're one too?" Klaus asked as he thought of how funny the situation was; it was obvious that Tyler didn't like the fact that his girlfriend was stronger or higher-ranked than him.
"I just want to know that me and her won't get separated."
"That would have happened regardless mate… an alpha female is rare. There are certain traditions in wolf communities I'm guessing you aren't aware of." Klaus explained and watched the boy's face contort in confusion and slight anger as he shifted from foot to foot. He knew he'd eventually have to separate them, but until he was sure Caroline could be reined in he would let them indulge in the belief they could stay together.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm sure you pictured her and yourself 'together forever' even before tonight?" Klaus asked sarcastically with a roll of his eyes; love was for the weak and he didn't intend for his hybrids to be weak.
"You're saying that we're not? You don't know anything about us… nobody has a say in what we do together."
"An alpha female can only be with an alpha male… you should know the customs of your own kind." He informed the pup as his face changed to fear; no doubt panicking over the little blonde wolf.
"Is that why you wanted to turn her? You want to take her from me?"
"I don't need her for that mate… but I'm sure there are plenty of alpha males waiting to be turned that would line up for her." Klaus replied and he meant it, but he couldn't help but glance at the girl; he wouldn't mind doing a few things with her.
"Don't do this… if she's an alpha it means she'll have a choice; especially considering the point in putting two alphas together would be to combine packs and make a stronger bloodline. She'll be a vampire… and she's the only child her father has so her bloodline is finished with her." Tyler begged as he tried to reason and Klaus wanted to laugh at him; although the fact she was the last of her bloodline would be a factor against getting control of her, he couldn't really see what point there was worrying about it.
"I could sit here and go into specifics with you all night but the fact of the matter remains that the customs of werewolves are the same once they are hybrids. There's nothing to be done about it mate… you'll just have to get used to it." Klaus explained annoyed with his first successful hybrid. He started influencing his will for the pup to shut up so he could use the remainder of their wait in silence. Tyler was glaring at him but eventually turned to go sit next to Caroline. He wanted to kick the boy out of the room, but knew he would need Tyler to get her to finish the transition; he couldn't compel her and the sire bond wouldn't activate until she was completely turned.
Walking over to Caroline, he snapped her neck back in place to speed up the process as much as he could, feeling impatient, and pulled his phone out. Rebekah had taken the doppelganger to the hospital so they could draw blood, and was waiting there in case someone showed up to try and rescue her. He let his sister know it wouldn't take much longer before the girl woke up and finished the transition, chuckling when she complained even more about Caroline. Finishing up his conversation he put his phone back in his pocket and looked back to the table to see that Tyler was standing over her looking for any sign that the girl was waking up. About a half an hour later Klaus was starting to wonder if something had went wrong and she couldn't be turned at all when she sucked in a breath and shot up off the table.
"Finally… let's get down to business." Klaus stated as he dug the vial out of his pocket and walked over to where she was standing in Tyler's arms; obviously in pain but glaring at him. "Now Tyler… you want her to live so I think you should make sure I get this blood down her throat." He instructed and Tyler looked down at her before wrapping an arm around her chest and the other holding her head as she tried to go limp and fall out of his arms. Tyler sunk down with her and used the hand he had on her head to reach down and pry her mouth open. Klaus poured the vial in her mouth and Tyler moved his hand to cover her mouth so she wouldn't spit the blood out.
Caroline POV…
She couldn't believe Tyler had let Klaus turn her without even a fight; and now he was making her swallow her best friend's blood to become a hybrid. She didn't want this but Tyler was now a lot stronger than her. She breathed through her nose, trying not to panic, and determined to not swallow the blood in her mouth. Tyler must have figured out what she was doing because he shifted his hand enough to cover her nose; leaving her with the option of swallowing so she could breathe or suffocate. Deciding her fate she closed her eyes; not wanting to look at anything as she felt everything going fuzzy. She could hear Tyler begging her to swallow the blood but she just fisted her hand and jerked her elbow back.
When the hit didn't affect him she knew it was hopeless. She felt him twist her quickly, keeping his hand in place, and push her down on her back. She nearly gave in and swallowed from the impact but held on. It would be any time that she died and she was looking forward to it compared to living with the betrayal she felt in that moment. She didn't notice what he was doing until she felt his hand move and his mouth cover hers, using the air from him to push the blood down her throat. She nearly choked but kept resisting until he felt Tyler's other hand trying to massage her throat; a trick on her body to coax it into what he wanted. Out of air her body couldn't fight and when Tyler forced more air into her mouth, pushing harder at the blood, she lost control of the muscles in her throat and the blood slipped down.
That's when she felt like a fire spread throughout her entire body and she jerked herself away from Tyler. All she could think of was the pain she felt radiating everywhere as the veins crept up under her eyes and her fangs lengthened. Before the pain stopped she pushed herself up, punching Tyler in the face and running out of the room. She could hear them both following her so she tried to speed run like she had seen Stefan and Damon do and managed to get to the gym where her jacket was when she saw Dana and Chad lying on the floor dead.
Picking up her jacket she felt a hunger rise up and knew it was the blood on the floor calling for her, but ignored it and sped on until she was outside. Knowing it was safe to breathe again she took a few lungfuls in and looked around. Everything was brighter in the night sky and she could hear everything. Pulling her hair over her ears she took off again trying to get away from town and into the forest. She didn't make it far before she felt herself pulled into an alley and pushed against the wall.
"Although I'm glad to see you're already adjusting to one of the perks of being a vampire, I did not give you permission to leave." Klaus said as he held her against the wall by her shoulders.
"I don't need your permission…" Caroline replied angrily as she began pushing at the Original; even if she knew it wouldn't do any good because he was a LOT older and stronger than her.
"Yes you do… you're a hybrid now; one of mine. Now don't move." He ordered and tried to put influence in it, but couldn't feel the connection like he had with Tyler. He saw her scoff and start to flash away so flashed in front of her and put her against the wall again. "I can see you're going to be difficult about this so let me make it clear for you… you're going to do as I say or the people you care about will suffer for it. I may find amusement in you, but don't test me… I can make you suffer in ways you've never even dreamed of."
"News flash… I'm not your slave. In case you haven't noticed… this is a free country…" She stated sarcastically even though she meant every word.
"Blah blah blah… I'm sure I won't have to make you watch out for your friend Elena; make sure she stays alive instead of getting killed or becoming a vampire. I would put you in charge of collecting her blood but I don't see you cooperating for that…"
"I won't…"
"Well in that case sweetheart… I could always take you with me to track down more wolves…" He offered and she didn't miss him looking down at her neck before his eyes started to move down and she scoffed.
"I'm not going anywhere with you, you crazy psychopathic ego-maniac." She replied firmly as she pushed at him again.
"Now now love… behave or I'll start with your father. Tyler mentioned you were HIS only child while I was trying to figure out your heritage… leading me to figure out your father is a wolf." He warned and she froze, but kept glaring at him. "Is your mother a wolf too?"
"You are surprising me more and more love. An alpha female with only one parent being a wolf. You certainly are an anomaly." He said and she felt like the star of a freak show in that moment, but she caught his eyes looking her over again and her anger crept up; she knew she needed to get away or she'd end up turning.
"Get off of me."
"I would but you would run again… and I don't want to be chasing you around all night; even if it is rather refreshing." Klaus answered and finished with a smirk and she scrunched her face up in disgust.
"You're sick…"
"And you're intriguing but I have important things to do. Get adjusted to your new life and keep Elena safe so I can make more hybrids." He said before flashing in the direction he came from. She was still fuming so she flashed off to the forest, draining a few animals before stopping to clean herself up at a small stream. She pulled her phone out; she was terrified of calling her parents so she called Bonnie.
"Care are you alright?"
"Not really… Tyler forced me into finishing the transition."
"Where are you?"
"I don't really know… I'm scared to go home… you know my parents both hate vampires. How am I supposed to tell them I'm a hybrid?"
"I don't know Care… do you want to stay here tonight? Matt is staying here since you don't need an invite at his house and my dad is out of town."
"Are you sure?"
"As long as you don't drain me or bite Matt you can stay here."
"I just had a few animals… I'll stop and try to get some blood bags from the hospital just in case."
"That'll work because Matt hasn't went to get any from his house and I don't feel like him feeding off of me either."
"Ask Matt how many he thinks I should get."
"He said to fill a cooler full in case you guys have to stay a while. Are you going to compel someone if you run into anyone?"
"I'm not for sure how but I'll figure it out… I promise I won't hurt anyone."
"Text me when you're leaving the hospital."
"I will… thank you Bonnie." She whispered into the phone and heard her say welcome before hanging up and calling her mom to let her know she was staying with Bonnie. Her mom told her she was working so she wouldn't be home until morning, but to come home to see her before going to school. After agreeing she hung up and flashed towards the hospital, sneaking in and trying to avoid running into anyone. She made it to the room where the blood was stored and gathered a cooler full before turning to leave and running into a nurse. Before the nurse could make a sound, Caroline covered her mouth and started trying to compel her. She was thankful her compulsion worked the first time and she flashed out of the hospital to avoid any more run-ins. Texting Bonnie she started walking towards her friend's house, but heard Damon's voice.
She moved to hide in the bushes as she watched him confront Klaus and listened in as Damon threatened Klaus with a name; Mikael. Seeing Klaus actually look afraid before tossing Damon had her confused. What is a 1000 year old hybrid afraid of? She held her breath while he gathered the blood bags from the ground and flashed away. When she was sure he was gone she flashed away to Bonnie's house; not stopping until she was on the porch knocking.