Chapter 1
Nerdy Weirdos and the Hopeless Hussys
"Are you at it again?"
My best friend, Rosalie, is a ninja. Every time she comes over to my house I never hear her walk in. Apparently giving her the spare house key wasn't one of my most brilliant ideas.
"Do you ever knock?" I snap as I continue to pound away at the keys, looking at the backspace key with disgust as it keeps popping out of place. Stupid laptop. "I'm gonna buy a big, ferocious dog to keep you from sneaking up on me."
"I swear, you came flying out of your mama's vagina with a serious case of PMS. I still don't know how you and I ever became friends," Rosalie says, hovering over my shoulder. "Oh. My. God, Becky. You have some serious reality issues. Don't you ever get tired of writing that crap? I mean, hell, you don't even get paid for it."
My name isn't Becky, by the way. It's Bella or Bell's to my friend's, and Rosalie is referring to a hobby I acquired a few years back and she understands nothing about it. Ever since I started writing she's had something negative to say. She's right, though. I don't get paid for it. But it's what I love to do in my spare time, and besides, I love to hear the feedback I get and all the crazy reviews from my readers. Some are funny as hell.
"For shit sake, Bella, it's fan fiction! Faaaan fiiiiiction. Ya can't get any nerdier than that."
Don't judge. I get enough of that from that pain in the butt. I mean, my life could be worse. I could be using drugs, selling my rear on a street corner or something equally off-putting.
And you're probably wondering what fan fiction is and why the Rosalie is getting her panties in a twist over it. Let's just say that it's a whole other fabulous world where you can do whatever you want with beloved characters from television, movies, and books that anyone who knows what I'm talking about would understand.
"So, what is it today? Sparkling vampires or fuck-hot, murderous bikers? And if it's both in the same story, having a three-way with some sexy blonde bimbo, I may have to check it out."
Stabbing the ninja in the throat with a sparkly fang sounds like my next plan.
"What exactly is it that you need, Rose? I'm kind of busy here."
"Welp, my nerdy weirdo," she replies, hopping up on the corner of my desk. "I need a favor."
"That's nothing new." I continue to type away, trying relentlessly to get lost into my story of vampires and werewolves. However, I'm completely thrown off by Rosalie's next words. "What do you need now?"
"I kinda need you to go with me…on a blind date."
I whip my head up to meet Rose's batting eyelashes. She should really know better than to ask me to do something like that. The last time I tried to help her with this sort of thing, she left me sitting in a darkened movie theater with some guy named Jacob that smelled like a wet dog. Seriously. It wasn't pleasant at all.
"I don't think so you hopeless hussy. Not gonna happen."
"Pretty please?"
"Ha! I knew you'd say yes!" Rosalie says as I silently reprimand myself for not paying closer attention to her wordy manipulation. Falling into her web of idiocy and finding myself caught, trapped and super screwed, I watch as she quickly runs to my front door, turns around and says, "See ya at six!"
Damn it!
{Author's Note}
Thanks for entertaining this new story by giving it a go :)
The chapters for this one will be less than 1,000 words, short and sweet.
I hope that you enjoy this fun little fic because it's gonna be one hell of a ride :)
Until Next Time...