My Allegiance

Chapter Fourteen

Third Person POV

'I'm sorry.'

Bellamy sat on his bed, looking at the words coved into the dirt.

'I'm sorry.'

His heartbeat was drumming in his ears as he read it again and again.

'I'm sorry.'

Allegiance was gone. He know it, those two words said it all.

She had spent the night with him. He had slept like a rock knowing she was safe next to him. She had left the tent at sunrise, he had watched her go.

She tied her shoes and pulled her hair back. She had kissed him on the cheek and told him to go back to sleep. She must have written the note when she had been putting on her shoes.

'I'm sorry.'

What hurt him most was she didn't trust him to keep her safe, to save her from her father. He should have let the grounds kill him. That would have been the right thing to do.

"She's just a girl!" A woman's voice yelled. Bellamy quickly ran from his tent to see what was going on.

People were gathered around the front gate. The gate was open and a few people were going outside.

"What's going on here?!" Bellamy asked pushing his way to the front of the crowd.

"There was movement outside," Finn said filling Bellamy in as he reached the gate.

"So why the hell are the gates open! Get back inside," Bellamy demanded. There was only two people outside the walls, his sister of course, and Wells.

"She's hurt!" Octavia called from her place on the ground. As Bellamy's eyes adjusted to the morning light he could see a small body curled up at his sisters feet.

"She?" Bellamy asked as he moved to stand over his sister. "Charlet?" Bellamy was both disappointed and terrified in the same second. The girl was covered with dirt and blood, hardly recognisable under the grime. She looked dead. "What happened?"

"Grounders," Charlet whispers, clinging to Octavia for dear live.

"Get her in the ship!" Bellamy yells. "I want theses gates closed, guards on all the walls. Guns ready to shoot at anything that moves."


"Her fingernails have been ripped off Bellamy! They beat her, tortured her!" Bree hissed across the drop ship, even though she wanted to scream she tried to keep her voice down. Charlet had passed out after they got her into the camp, now she was curled up in the corner of the drop ship.

"I don't like this," says Finn. "Why would they let her go?"

"No one even noticed she was missing?" Peter, the large red haired man who was rescued from the Exodus ship yesterday, growled.

"We were kind of busy," Bellamy said pushing past the older man to leave the drop ship.

"We need to do a head count," Wells said following Bellamy.

"Don't bother," said Octavia. Both boys stoped walking and everyone in the room stoped to look as Octavia ran a cloth over the Charlet's mouth. She held it up to the light and everyone started at the fresh blood glistening on the fabric.

"She's bleeding?" Bellamy asked his sister.

"No, she's sick. Look at her," Bree sighed. Everyone started at the girl and watched in horror as more thick red blood draped from her mouth, her nose, her eyes. The girl was starting to glisten with sweat; Bree didn't have to touch her to know she was running a high temperature. "She didn't escape. They let her go."


"We have to hunt," Finn says to Bellamy as they move towards the front gates. The sun was now high in the sky.

"With a whole grounder army out there, it's suicide," Bellamy responded.

"Can't fight if we starve to death first, can we now? And did you see what was happening to that girl, we might be safer out there then we are in here. We got some good supplies off the ship yesterday but no food, with almost an extra twenty people we need food." Bellamy was silent for a moment as he though it over.

"Okay, if you can convince someone to go with you, go for it. One group, and anything happens out there you're on your own, no ones coming to save you. Understand?" Bellamy asked.

"Yeah I understand. I will make sure my volunteers understand as well. Hey do you know where Alice is?"

"No, why?" Bellamy said defensively.

"I just, haven't seen her this morning," Finn shrugged.

"Yeah, well... neither have I," Bellamy growled walking away from Finn. He stopped at the front gates where two boys and a girl were on look out, all with guns at the ready. "Anything to report?"

"No movement," the girl reported.

"If you see Murphy can you tell him to come swap, he should have been here by now for his turn on the wall," complained one of the boys on watch.

"Okay, I'll find him," Bellamy nodded heading off to Murphy's tent, knowing him he is probably still asleep. Bellamy found Murphy's tent but no one was there. The place was a mess, it looked like a tornado had been throw it.

"He packed his stuff a few hours ago," Miller said appearing behind Bellamy.

"Where was he going?" Bellamy asked.

"He wouldn't say, I just assumed he found a girl willing to share her tent with him. Can't say I'm sad to lose him as a roommate."

"You see him, you come find me! Understand?" Bellamy said already having a very bad feeling about this.

"He in trouble?" Miller Asked.

"Just need to talk to him," Bellamy said walking away. Raven was hard at work making bullets when Bellamy intruded her tent.

"Still no work from the ark?" He asked looking at the dead display monitor.

"Nothing, it's like they locked us out from their side," Raven said not looking up from her work desk.

"What are you doing?"

"Just making bullets."

"Really you can do that?" Belmar asked looking over Ravens shoulder.

"Yeah I can do that, I can do a lot of things," she shrugged.

He had more questions for Raven but Bree came running into the tent. She was out of breath and red in the face.

"Bellamy, it's spreading," She sputtered as she tried to catch her breath.

"What do you mean?" He asked jumping up from his bed.

"Conner just collapsed, blood running from his eyes," Bree hissed. "And, and-"

"What's going on?" Raven asked looking up at Bree.

"Spit it out!" Bellamy demanded.

"Charlet's dead. Around ten minutes ago I went to check on her, but she was already gone."


"Nine people are sick, one dead," Bree announced to the small gathering of people outside the drop ship. It was getting dark out and the camp was overly quiet for this time of night.

"Everyone who had contact with the girl when she got here is now in that ship," Wells said.

"And what about everyone they had contacted with?" Bellamy asked running a hand over his face.

"We can't lock up the whole camp, this is a start," Wells said.

"We'll re check everyone in the morning, anyone who isn't sick by then may be safe. This thing seems to hit fast," Bree said not very sure of herself.

"Finns hunting group isn't back yet?" Raven announced, pushing her way into the group.

"Are you sure?" Wells asked.

"Yes I'm sure," Raven growled.

"Who was with him?" Jasper asked.

"Two of the new people and Cassie, I think. I asked the gate people but they weren't much help with descriptions," Raven replied.

"Could Allegiance be with them?" Wells asked. "I can't find her either."

"No she's gone," Bellamy announced.

"What do you mean?" Raven asked confused.

"She left camp, she's not coming back."

"Are you sure this time?" Bree asked.

"We don't need her. No one else is leaving this camp. They know the risk before going out there. We have other problems to deal with."

AN please read: Its been almost a year since my last update and I'm really sorry, I'm sure most of you have forgoten about this story or thourght i was never going to updat again like most Fan Fic writers. I got busy with lift and just lost all inspration, i literly woke up last night and wrote all of this out of the blue in less then an hour and I'm sure it shows but i realy like it and think it wraps up this part of the story well.

This is the end of My Allegiance.

Now starts My Destiny the story following Allegiance as she leaves the 100 and finds out what earth is all about.

Would you like me to start it as a new story with its own link, cover phote and discription or just add it onto this story.

Please leave commetns, thank you have a nice day / night.