JAG'ed Bones in the Caskett came up with this story idea. Thanks.

A Day in the Life FanFic Challenge: This is a Bonesology fanfic challenge story. It centers on a minor character and portrays a day in their life that shows us a behind the scenes day at the Lab, the FBI . . . anywhere our heroes will be.

I don't own Bones.


He was having a rather bad day. He was feeling tired and lethargic. He wasn't sure why except maybe the fact that he was 87 damn years old and didn't he have a right to feel poorly once in a while without everyone acting like he was dying for God's sake? His hand over his heart, he knew he was working himself up and it wasn't good for the old ticker. Damn it.

Frustrated with the nurse who'd insisted that he stay in his room and rest, Hank decided that he was bored and he wasn't going to stay in his room one more minute. After he folded the afghan neatly, he made sure it was placed on the end of the bed where it belonged. His late wife had made that for him six months before she had died and it was his most valuable treasure besides his wedding ring and the St. Christopher medal his father had given him which he always wore around his neck.

After he pulled his loafers on, he checked his hair in the bathroom mirror to make sure he didn't have a case of bedhead. The Booth men were proud of their hair and why not? It was pretty cool to have a full head of hair in your eighties. Good Booth hair. Yeah.

As he left his room, he glanced back and saw the envelope on the couch. Reminded that he hadn't shown the pictures to anyone yet, he walked back into the room and snatched them from the couch. That accomplished he left his room and walked down the hallway to the games room.

Entering the room, he spied his friends, Agnes and Bill. "Hey there you are. You want to see my pictures of my family. Seeley dropped them by yesterday when he came to visit."

To make room on the couch, Agnes stood up and sat closer to the end of the couch. "We sure would. Sit between us so we can both see them."

Hank could always count on his friends to want to share his pictures. Settled on the couch, Hank opened the envelope and pulled out the pictures. "Seeley and Temperance took Christine to a kid's party last weekend. That party must have been a hoot. Wait until you see the pictures." Proudly, Hank placed the first picture on his lap. "See this is Christine and I guess it was a theme party. She'd dressed as a princess . . . notice the tiara . . . Seeley said Temperance made the costume . . . she doesn't like the cheap flammable materials they use in costumes that you buy in the store."

"Ooh, such a lovely child." Agnes adored Christine. Her own granddaughter rarely came to see her and her daughter tried to make excuses, but . . . well never mind. "She just gets prettier by the day."

Proudly Hank nodded his head. "Good Booth genes." Flipping over the next picture, they saw Christine standing between Seeley's knees and laughing at something she was seeing. "Seeley said that there was a magician at the party and Christine loved him."

Bill tapped the picture. "It wasn't one of them clown magicians was it. I know Seeley don't like clowns." Bill remembered the last time they had a clown to entertain the folks at the home and Seeley Booth had happened to be there. He'd felt sorry for the boy.

Gratified that his friend cared enough to ask, Hank shook his head. "Nah . . . Seeley said the guy wore a tuxedo . . . He said he was pretty good too."

"That's good." Bill liked Seeley. The boy came with his family every other week to see his grandfather. He liked that, plus the boxes of homemade cookies that Temperance made for everyone. They're just the best couple of kids.

The next picture showed Brennan and Booth holding Christine's hand and singing. "They sang Happy Birthday to the little boy . . . I can't remember his name . . . They had a photographer there to take pictures and the parents could buy pictures if they wanted them. Temperance bought a set for her and Seeley and one set for me."

Agnes patted Hank's knee. "What a thoughtful child. You'd never know she was a famous author. She's just the sweetest thing."

In full agreement, Hank nodded his head. "I knew she was right for my boy the minute I met her. She's a real keeper."

Bill loved Brennan. "She sure is. She's a real sweetheart. Remember when she gave us all copies of her latest book. I mean hardback copies too and she signed them. Not many famous people act like real human beings, but she's a real gem."

Hank glowed in the love his friends felt for his family. "Yeah, my boy and his wife and their little girl and Parker . . . we can't forget Parker and now . . . and now my Temperance is going to give me another great-grandchild. Three little Booth monkeys to carry on the Booth name. I'm just so proud of them both . . . I just . . ." Hank stopped and cleared his throat. "I hit the jackpot when God gave me Seeley for a grandson. His brother Jared tries to do his best . . . well, maybe someday he'll get his act together. It's not too late for him." I hope. He flipped the last picture over and they saw Christine in her princess costume and tiara handing a present over to her little friend.

"That tiara is just so cute." Agnes loved the way it sparkled. "It really looks so pretty."

Bill nodded his head. "Yeah . . . it does. A real little princess. I bet the next great-grandbaby will be a real beauty like this one . . . do we know if it's a girl yet or is it a boy?"

Proudly, Hank rubbed his thumb along the edge of the photo. "It's a boy. The kid finally cooperated the last time they took a sonogram."

Excited, Agnes placed her arm around Hanks shoulders. "That's wonderful. Three great-grandchildren. That's so wonderful."

Amused, Hank smiled. "Yeah wonderful." Carefully, he placed the pictures back in the envelope. "I just hope I get to see him."

"What a thing to say." Bill didn't like that kind of talk. "You're in good health . . . of course you'll get to see him, you lucky dog."

Not so sure about the health part, Hank agreed he was lucky to have such a family. "Yeah . . . I wasn't sure Seeley was ever going to get married. I worried about that. That boy has been through so much and . . . well, I almost lost him with that brain tumor and when he was kidnapped . . . I'm so happy he made it through. I love him so much and . . . well, he makes my life worth living . . . and Temperance, what a jewel she is. Tough as nails, but underneath such a sweet woman . . . she loves her family and I just love her to pieces . . . I'm so damn lucky . . . Oh hey, they're coming this weekend and they're bringing a cake to celebrate their anniversary. They want us to be part of their celebration."

Impressed, Bill shook his head. "No kidding? Wow . . . those wedding pictures you showed us were so nice . . . and well . . . cake huh . . . I love cake."

Amused, Hank laughed. "Yeah I know. Just make sure you wait until they cut it and not sneak a piece like you did when Helen had her birthday cake last month."

Outraged, Bill shook his head. "I didn't do that . . . how'd you know I did that?"

Hank pointed at the camera in the corner of the room near the ceiling. "How do you think you big dummy?"


Let me know what you think of my story. Thank you.