Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling and BioShock is owned and property of 2K and Irrational Games. I own nothing.
July 1984
Most kids would spend their birthdays surrounded by their friends and family, open presents, and then eat cake and ice-cream later on. That was not the case for Harry Potter, the boy who lived with his relatives at Number Four Privet Drive.
He was spending his birthday in the backyard pulling weeds from his aunt's garden alone while his uncle sat in the living room watching television as he brooded over financial problems. Harry knew that complaining would get him nowhere so it was best that he finish his work before his aunt got back from the store. If the weeds weren't gone by then she would tell his uncle who was already in a bad enough mood as it was.
As he worked away at his task he heard a knock on the front door and saw his uncle get up to answer whoever it was who was there. Before Harry could continue on with his task he was interrupted by his uncle yelling from inside. "Boy! Come in here." Harry set his tools down and went to meet his uncle inside.
Uncle Vernon was standing at the front door which was open to a redheaded man in a fine suit who stood on the doorstep holding a large briefcase. Uncle Vernon gestured for Harry to come over.
"So this is the boy?" The man asked.
"Yes yes," Uncle Vernon said in an excited tone. "Now for the money."
The man opened the briefcase to reveal stacks upon stacks of pounds. "The boy for the money that was the deal," the redheaded man said as he gave the case to Uncle Vernon who took it greedily before pushing Harry out of the threshold and onto the doorstep. "Consider your financial troubles a thing of the past."
Uncle Vernon made a move to shut the door, but was stopped by the man. "This is the last you will be seeing of your nephew," he told Uncle Vernon which only made Harry more nervous. "Don't you want to say goodbye?"
"Boy, don't ever darken our doorstep again," Uncle Vernon said as he slammed the door.
"Friendly fellow isn't he?" the man asked sarcastically to which Harry didn't respond. What just happened? He thought to himself. Who is this man? And why is this the last time his uncle would see him? Was this man taking him, and if he is why?
The man seemed to sense Harry's confusion. "Don't worry I'm not going to harm you," the man reassured him. "Although I wouldn't quite say your life is going to get any easier. Not in this reality anyways."
What was this man talking about? "What do you mean?" Harry at last spoke up.
"In truth it really is quite confusing, yet simple at the same time." That explanation only made Harry even more confused. "How about we take a walk to that park by Magnolia Crescent?" The man asked. "My sister will be meeting us there."
Magnolia Crescent was not an impressive park by any means, yet children still managed to find amusement in the swings and slide, but today it was abandoned save for Harry and the redheaded man.
"Hm," the man said as he looked around. "I thought she would have been here by now. We have all the time in virtually any world and she still manages to be late."
Once again the man wasn't making any sense to Harry. "Excuse me. But who are you anyways?"
"Oh forgive me," the man said apologetically. "I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Robert Lutece."
"And I am Rosalind Lutece," a feminine voice said from behind Harry. Turning around Harry saw a redheaded woman dressed very similar to Robert. His sister probably, and standing next to Rosalind was a girl around his age. "You didn't wait for me to get here before you introduced ourselves."
"You were running late."
"Or perhaps you were early."
"It's not impossible, but unlikely."
"Unlikely that I'm right?"
"No, unlikely that I'm wrong."
"Hm, I see what you mean."
"I thought so."
"Excuse me," the girl standing next to Rosalind said. "But what is going on?"
"Oh right, sorry about that," Robert apologized.
"We do tend to get caught up in our little debates quite frequently," Rosalind added.
"I would call it a constant," Robert said.
"As would I," Rosalind agreed. "But enough about us let's focus on the two of you."
"Us?" Both Harry and the other girl asked at the same time which surprised them both.
"Yes," Robert answered.
"You," Rosalind finished.
"Harry," Robert said.
"Meet Rose," Rosalind gestured to the girl she had brought. "Your sister."
"What?!" Both Harry and this "Rose" asked in disbelief. That couldn't be true he was an only child the Dursley's never mentioned anything about him having a sister. It couldn't be true.
Harry turned his head to look at the girl and saw that she was already staring at him. As Harry looked at the girl he saw that she had the same messy black hair as he did, the same round glasses, the same green eyes, she even had the same lightning shaped scar on her forehead. To top it off she was even dressed in one of Dudley's old shirts and pants. The exact same pair he was wearing right now. What was going on?
Rose seemed to get over her shock first. "But I don't have a brother."
"And I don't have a sister," Harry said.
Robert and Rosalind shared a look. "Perhaps sister was the wrong term to use," Robert suggested.
"Well how else would I explain it that would make sense?" Rosalind defended.
"Well perhaps explain what I am to you?"
"Robert not in front of the children."
"No I don't mean that, I mean our trans-dimensional theory."
"Yes, but how to explain that that?"
"Perhaps an example?"
"What do you have in mind?"
"Ice Cream?"
"I couldn't agree more."
The Luteces put a hand behind their backs and each pulled out a scoop of ice-cream complete with cones.
"Would you like chocolate?" Robert offered.
"Or vanilla?" Rosalind asked.
"What?" Both Harry and Rose asked in tandem.
"Chocolate?" Robert asked again.
"Or vanilla?" Rosalind asked again. "Or now that I think about it perhaps we should include strawberry."
"Perhaps," Robert agreed. "It does tend to be the forgotten flavor."
"I'll take vanilla," Rose said before the twins could continue to talk.
"I'll take the chocolate then," Harry said. Robert handed it to him and he took a lick. "It's good."
"Yeah," Rose said. "The Dursely's never let me have sweets." That statement only added to Harry's confusion. How could she know the Dursley's? He's lived with them since forever and he never met her until today. Were the Dursley's hiding her somewhere?
"As delicious as it is the ice-cream also serves to prove a theory," Rosalind told them. "Rose you chose vanilla correct?" Rose nodded her head.
"What if we told you that you also chose chocolate?" Robert asked the girl.
"But I didn't," Rose said.
"But you did," Rosalind agreed with Robert. "In another reality you chose the other flavor."
"The same could be said for you as well Harry," Robert told the boy.
"That doesn't make any sense," Harry said.
"Try to think of it like this: What if?" Rosalind explained. "Have you ever wondered: 'What if I chose that instead'?" Harry nodded his head. "Well you did."
"In another reality that is," Robert added.
"But what does that have to do with us being brother and sister?" Rose asked.
"Well if in other realities outcomes of a choice can change," Robert said.
"The same can be said for the gender of a person," Rosalind concluded. "Robert and I are a prime example of that."
"Are you saying you're the same person?" Harry asked a little less confused, but not by much.
"Well…" Robert began.
"We share the same parents, only in different realities," Rosalind clarified. "You could say we're the same."
"But our own persons at the same time."
"How can someone be different and the same?" Rose asked.
"Sounds like a question DeWitt could answer," Robert remarked.
"That depends is he still alive?" Rosalind asked.
"That depends if the circle is unbroken."
"We're getting off topic again," Rosalind said as she looked at the two confused children. "The point we are trying, and evidently failing, to make is you two are like me and Robert."
"Robert and I," Robert corrected.
"Don't get cheeky."
"So Harry is me if I was born a boy?" Rose asked.
"It looks like the girl is catching on rather quickly," Rosalind noted.
"But what does this have to do with anything?" Harry asked still confused, but slightly less than before. "Why did you bring us here, and why take us away from the Dursley's?"
"Do you two believe in prophecy?" Robert asked.
"Is that when something is going to happen no matter what?" Rose asked.
"Predestined, yes," Rosalind answered.
"Not really I guess," Rose answered.
"I haven't really thought about it," Harry admitted.
"Well others do I'm afraid," Robert told them.
"And let's just say that they can be the cause of quite a few problems later on in both of your lives," Rosalind informed.
"What do you mean?" Harry asked.
"What does prophecy have to do with us?" Rose asked.
"Should we tell them?" Robert asked his "sister."
"No," Rosalind answered. "I say we let her explain when the time comes."
"Perhaps you're right," Robert agreed. "I supposes we should be off then."
"Wait," Harry said. "Where are we going?"
"That is only half of the question," Robert answered.
"The other half is when," Rosalind said cryptically.
Before either Harry or Rose could ask what they meant by that, they were both overcome by an otherworldly sensation followed by splitting headache.
Harry clutched his head in pain as he tried to focus on one point of the ground until the pain subsided. Shaking his still throbbing head he looked around to find that the four of them no longer stood in the playground, instead they were in some kind of lobby that was, underwater?
The walls were made of glass so Harry was able to see a school of fish swim past as well as a whale in the distance. Above him a large banner hung that read: Welcome to Rapture.
They were in an underwater city.