This is my second story. After a refreshing break, I'm eager to write again. I believe that I improve significantly from the past. Let see if this story will be better than the last one. My mentality and confidence change a lot since then.

I will also reply to reviews this time so feel free to do so. In addition, I create a poll about your favorite contestants. Check it out in my profile. The maximum selection limit is three.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon and Total Drama.

Episode 1: A Splashing Start

The Sun radiated mild rays of heat against the beach area of an island. Apparently, there was a wooden post with the word 'Skarmory Island'. Next to the post was a dock and a silver bird with magnificent golden eyes. Skarmory stared at a camera, while taking a sip of coffee from a plastic cup he held with his right talon.

"Hello, dear viewers and fans. Welcome to watch Total Skarmory Island and I'm your humble host, Skarmory." Skarmory introduced to the camera and placed his cup of coffee down. "In this show, thirty-two Pokemon will compete for one million P. There will be tons of drama, interesting personalities and challenges or so I hope. Before I introduce our contestants, let me explain the rules to any newbies to this game show format." Skarmory continued to explain as he flew from the dock to the camp.

"Our contestants will be divided into two teams, each with sixteen contestants. In each episode, they will compete in a challenge and the losing team must vote someone from their team off this beautiful island that I purchased legally. They will keep on doing this until the merge. The merge will destroy the two teams making every Pokemon fight for themselves." Skarmory explained near the bonfire.

"This will be where the elimination take place. Now, let-" Someone interrupted Skarmory before he can finish.

"The first contestant already arrives, explain everything else later. You fool, hurry up!" Chef Drapion shouted from the beach area. Skarmory groaned as the chef rudely insulted him.

"And that is our wonderful chef, he is known as Chef Drapion." Skarmory said quite sarcastically. He quickly flew over to the dock to make up time for his poor schedule management. Of course, he brought his cup of coffee with him. There was a certain purple scorpion with sharp fangs in the dock. Chef Drapion tapped his feet impatiently as the first contestant was about to reach the island. Skarmory gave Chef Drapion an annoyed look before he continued doing his job.

The first contestant jumped off the Lapras excitedly. He was a black canine with four bone bracelets above his paws. There was also a skull design on his head.

"This is our first contestant, Houndour." Skarmory introduced the first contestant just in time.

"You actually own this island? That is cool, dude. Anyways, are there cool environments for us to explore? Is this island interesting or unique?" Houndour asked as he looked around franticly.

"Too many questions. If I'm the host, I will stuff your mouth with my special delicacies to shut you up." Chef Drapion threatened as Houndour stepped back a bit. Skarmory glared at Drapion. Chef Drapion just grumbled to himself.

"Calm down, you will know soon enough, if you survive a couple of episodes. Stand on the beach area and wait for the other contestants." Skarmory instructed and Houndour ran over obediently.

The next Lapras was seen from a distance. Skarmory widened his eyes so he can see clearly. It was a female contestant this time. She had a heart-shaped horn. Furthermore, her body was masculine. She was a beetle with intimidating claws.

"This is our next contestant, Heracross." Skarmory revealed as Heracross stomped down on the dock. She took a glance at Houndour.

"If all the other contestants are like him, this competition will be easy. I'm ready to show what I'm made of." Heracross commented and Houndour gave her a questioning look.

"Time will tell. Wait until you see some of the other contestants…" Skarmory built up suspense for the viewers.

"I like her. Tough and strong, there should be more contestants like this." Chef Drapion stated his opinion.

Heracross walked over next to Houndour. The two didn't say much to each other, they just looked at the next Lapras. Skarmory took another sip of his coffee in the meantime.

The next contestant was another bipedal female. She had white curved ears, two white curved tails and blue collar of fur. In addition, her fur color was dominantly white while the other parts of her body like her legs and hands are blue. She lifted a blue and white striped suitcase with Psychic and dropped it… It clashed against the wooden plank of the dock.

"Be careful, Meowstic! You will pay if you destroy the dock. Why do you need to bring a suitcase? The show provides basic necessities so that we are safe from angry parents and lawsuits." Skarmory warned as he cringed at the sound of the suitcase colliding against his wonderful property.

"Oh, there are magical props in this suitcase. I'm a magician, I will show what I'm capable of to the viewers and other contestants." Meowstic indicated her interest.

"A magician, seriously? Hahaha…" Chef Drapion laughed, Heracross laughed soon after as well. Houndour made no comment. He was just itching to go off and explore the island.

"Just go and stand next to the other contestants." Skarmory ordered as the next contestant approached. Meowstic showed an angry expression to the laughing chef before standing next to Houndour.

The next contestant was a wood gecko with leaves on his wrists, a large leaf on his head and leaf-like tails. His belly was pinkish red. He seemed agile as he jumped down the Lapras.

"Everyone, meet Grovyle, the fourth contestant." Skarmory pointed with his steel wings toward Grovyle. Heracross nodded in approval while Houndour waved at him.

"Nice to meet all of you. Let us have a great time and if anyone wants an alliance with me, I'm fine with that. I'm loyal, I will stick by my word to the very end." Grovyle offered.

"Decent strategy, coattail rider, as known as stereotypical blind alliance minion moron. At most, you will get second." Chef Drapion predicted. Skarmory tried to distance himself from the chef a bit so the contestants don't associate him with the Drapion.

Grovyle looked a bit annoyed but doesn't reply back, he walked over and stood next to Heracross. "At least, you look stronger than these two." Heracross elbowed Grovyle jokingly. Grovyle looked at the two other contestants and nodded a bit.

The fifth contestant was another male. He was a fish with yellow whiskers, orange scales, pink lips and crown-shaped fins. This contestant splashed out of the Lapras and landed on the dock. The other contestants spectated with sympathy as the Magikarp splashed slowly over to the beach area.

"Magikarp, struggling already?" Skarmory asked. "The journey ahead is going to be worse."

"What can I do? I'm born like this. Hopefully, my team see my potential. I can evolve into a mighty Gyarados." Magikarp created a reason to keep him from being the first one eliminated as he splashed over to the beach area.

"Yeah, hopefully… someone sees m-my potential." Another contestant arrived behind Magikarp before anyone noticed him. He was a stone with a triangular nose. The guy trembled a bit upon seeing his fellow contestants.

"Nosepass, scared already? Come on, they don't bite or at least I think." Skarmory assured.

"I'm starting to regret signing up for this show." Nosepass complained. Skarmory pushed Nosepass with his wings over next to Magikarp, who was splashing next to Meowstic.

"This is awkward." Meowstic said quite uncomfortably.

"Another weakling. Hahaha…" Chef Drapion mocked the contestants again as he witnessed the situation. Magikarp and Nosepass looked down at the ground in misery.

"That is very cruel and rude of you. Pokemon that insult others are the ones that actually need help. Perhaps, you can't make edible food so you try to find flaws in others instead of trying to improve your personality and skills." A certain female orange mouse with antennae like whiskers criticized the chef.

"You, you little *beep*." Chef Drapion swore at the contestant.

"How dare you swear in this show? There are kids watching!" The contestant scolded Chef Drapion. Chef Drapion was about to hit her. The other contestants gasped at this. Luckily, Skarmory got in between both of them.

"Are you crazy, Chef Drapion? Do you want lawsuits? I also need to edit out your vulgar language before kids are actually watching. I don't want sensitive parents carry pitchforks over to my house." Skarmory nervously described the consequences. Drapion was seething with anger.

"What kind of paranoid host you are? This is Total Drama for god's sake. Can you actually host a show like this?" Drapion doubted Skarmory.

"I might be a new host. I might lack experience. However, don't you think it is too early to judge me? I have a few tricks up my wings. Let the viewers decide at the end of the season what kind of host I'm." Skarmory stood up against Chef Drapion with a serious, determined expression. Chef Drapion saw the host's expression and retreated back to the kitchen.

"That is awesome, Skarmory. You are better than the majority of hosts nowadays." The contestant complimented.

"It is still too early to judge me, Dedenne." Skarmory smiled nonetheless at the compliment. Then, he took another sip of coffee.

Dedenne walked over to the other contestants and introduced herself properly. "I own a blog where I argue and criticize Pokemon on the internet that post rude and mean comments. I really despise swearing and rudeness in general so please don't do anything like that or else…"

"Why are you interfering with our freedom of speech? I might agree with some of your points but a little rudeness doesn't hurt, you know?" Heracross argued.

"Freedom of speech is a pathetic excuse for mean jerks to say whatever they want. It should be eradicated." Dedenne stated a controversial opinion.

"Are you crazy?" Heracross and Dedenne argued back and forth.

"Can't everyone just get along?" Magikarp asked Nosepass.

"Just don't involve me in it, I'm scared." Nosepass closed his ears.

"This is taking longer than I thought." Skarmory complained about the slow pace of the first episode. A contestant nudged him with a leek stalk.

Skarmory turned around to see a male Farfetch'd.

"There are like three contestants waiting to be introduced. I don't want to interrupt you but Mr. Stalk and myself are getting impatient." Farfetch'd showed that Cryogonal and Aromatisse were waiting in their respective Lapras.

"Who is Mr. Stalk?" Skarmory asked bafflingly.

Farfetch'd lifted his leek stalk up and presented it dramatically. "He is my one and only true partner. Together, we are undefeatable. Who needs an alliance when you have a leek stalk? Mr. Stalk can cut trees and rocks like they are children toys. No one can comprehend our true power. Right, Mr. Stalk?"

"Maybe you need some friends, dude. I don't think it is smart to talk to a non-living object." Houndour suggested.

"Haters like you don't understand us. Mr. Stalk, let us create our own path to victory." Farfetch'd walked over to the beach and stood alone, far from other contestants.

"Our next contestant is Aromatisse." Skarmory called for Aromatisse to step down from her Lapras.

Aromatisse held the Lapras' neck carefully before making a leap over to the dock. She carried a pink handbag with her. All the contestants smelled her perfume as she arrived.

"What is in that handbag?" Skarmory asked.

"My make-up kit, I must ensure that I remain beautiful and fabulous all the time in this dirty island. Dear host, please decrease the number of disgusting physical challenges and put more beauty and Pokemon contests as challenges." Aromatisse requested.

"I can't do that. It isn't fair for other contestants. I will probably get a lawsuit too. If you hate physical challenges, I doubt that you sign into the right show. Our challenges are mostly physical and mental. My island is also perfect." Skarmory reasoned.

Aromatisse shook her head in disappointment. She walked over to the contestants and made a simple request. "All of you strong and bulky Pokemon out there, take care of those physical challenges for me then I will help you with the rest, a fair deal?"

"We don't even know the teams yet, don't jump into conclusions." Houndour pointed out. Aromatisse gave up and stood behind Nosepass. Nosepass tried to keep his head low and be distant from the center of attention.

"Now, next is our genderless contestant, Cryogonal. Please keep your introduction short and simple." Skarmory signaled for Cryogonal to move quickly as another one, no two Lapras arrived.

"I'm Cryogonal, nice to meet all of you. I prefer to be identified as female as that is how my friends and family treat me." Cryogonal said in a cold yet friendly voice, then floated next to Aromatisse. The fairy type polished her claws and greeted the snowflake Pokemon.

The next contestant was genderless as well. It was a brown bug with a halo on its head.

"Hey." Shedinja greeted emotionlessly and floated past Skarmory.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm. It will boost the ratings greatly." Skarmory said sarcastically.

The next contestant stepped on the dock, it was a weed Pokemon.

"Moving on, this is our next female contestant, Oddish." Skarmory revealed.

"Wow, there are like twenty contestants already." Oddish said while tilting her head. All the other contestants gave her weird looks.

"Are you acting stupid?" Skarmory questioned.

"Obviously not." Oddish sweated.

Skarmory rolled his eyes as the next Lapras delivered the next contestant. It was a brown dinosaur with a white bib fastened around his neck. He stepped down and sighed as he saw the island.

"What's up, Tyrunt. What is with that face?" Skarmory asked curiously.

"My parents forced me to join this show. This place looks worse than the brochure. It is too outdoor for my taste. Well, at least I might win and earn some money." Tyrunt complained with a dissatisfied tone.

"Contestants nowadays, they are so spoiled and pampered. There is nothing wrong with my island. Your preferences are just abnormal." Skarmory defended his island, while shaking his head.

Tyrunt walked over and stood behind Houndour.

"What is wrong with the great outdoors? This island looks exhilarating. Also, you wear a bib?" Hounour started a conversation with Tyrunt.

"I am a gamer that sat inside my house, playing video games all day. We probably have different backgrounds. My parents believed that it is wise for me to get some fresh air a bit. Whatever, it is too late to go back now. I need to try my best to win." Tyrunt answered but he dodged the question about his bib.

The next contestant, no... contestants share the same Lapras. They were both female. One was a yellow lizard with black frills. Another hid behind the back of the yellow lizard, she was a snow hat Pokemon.

"Two contestants on the same Lapras? Did something horrible occur? Law... lawsuits?" Skarmory spoke with concern. Skarmory dread the lawsuit as the two Pokemon reached the dock. The yellow lizard thanked the Lapras as she introduced herself.

"I'm Helioptile and here is Snorunt. She is scared of travelling alone on a Lapras so I offer to go with her. Come on out and introduce yourself, Snorunt. Don't be shy, we are all friends here." Helioptile encouraged. However, Snorunt refused by shaking her head.

"We are friendly or at least most of us." Houndour reassured.

"H-hi" Snorunt's voice trembled.

"She will warm up to all of you soon." Helioptile said hopefully.

Skarmory took another sip of his addictive coffee before looking at the next Lapras. It was a male contestant this time. A black knight with blades for a ribcage.

"Bisharp, welcome to Skarmory Island." Skarmory welcomed as he took another sip of coffee.

Bisharp glanced around at each contestant in an analytical manner before speaking. "I'm Bisharp, it is my honor to serve whichever team I'm in."

"Cool, I want you in my team. We might win more often that way." Grovyle showed his interest in Bisharp. Bisharp reciprocated the look of interest.

Another Lapras carried a contestant. The contestant flew to the dock soon enough. She was a bird with yellow and blue feathers. She landed on the dock proudly with her wings stretched.

"This is Archeops, everyone." Skarmory introduced another contestant.

"It's great to meet everyone. I will bring my skillsets to raise the competition. My opposing team better watch out." Archeops spoke confidently before flying over to the other contestants.

Skarmory looked ahead to see three Lapras heading to his island. Skarmory smiled as the pace picked up a bit. There were about fifteen contestants left to be introduced.

The first contestant was a prestigious looking cat with an opulent feel to him. His eyes were filled with business charm. The contestant took his first step into the dock and held his hand together close to his chest like a presenter promoting a product. He introduced himself right away without Skarmory.

"Good morning, my lovely acquaintances. I'm Meowth and I look forward to our cooperation both in terms of business and the competition." Meowth said in a persuasive tone.

"That is quite formal of you." Houndour commented.

"It is my habit to make myself presentable and polite." Meowth replied.

"What is business?" Oddish asked. No one made a comment about that. They focused their attention on the next arrival.

The next female contestant stepped into the dock as well. This time, the steps were powerful. She was a pink cow with a masculine appearance.

"Here, we have Miltank." Skarmory said as he drank his coffee again.

"If anyone dares to insult my weight, that reckless idiot is dead. Understood?" Miltank threatened. Nosepass and Magikarp gulped.

"Impressive, you are tough. I will be glad if we are on the same team." Heracross complimented and offered a handshake.

"I will be glad too." Miltank accepted it.

"Mark for elimination." Bisharp whispered to himself. The only Pokemon that heard it was Grovyle and he nodded at this.

The last of the three floated into the dock. She was the mitosis Pokemon. There was a dark green substance surrounding her body. In addition, she had three bumps on her body.

"Duosion, anything to say to the other contestants?" Skarmory asked.

"It is my pleasure to sign in for this show. If an opportunity is presented, I will share my interesting knowledge with all of you." Duosion said before she floated next to Meowth.

"Fair enough. Let us move on, we don't want to wait too long until the challenge, do we?" Skarmory attempted to engage with the contestants. Most of the contestants nodded like Grovyle, Heliopile, Archeops and Duosion. However, a few shook their head violently like Nosepass and Snorunt.

"Heck yes, I'm tired of standing in this beach for decades as the first contestant." Houndour was pumped up to explore the island and compete in the challenge.

"Patience is a virtue, Houndour." Skarmory used a platitude to calm the impatient contestant.

The next batch of contestants arrived. This time, there were three male contestants. The first one was a venomous centipede with a skeptical look in his eyes. The second one was a yellow Pokemon with black stripes and a plug head. He brought a yellow toolbox with him. The final one was a green, rocky reptile with a red diamond-shaped belly. His Lapras in particular, flung the contestant out to the beach.

"Argh, stupid Lapras. How dare you flung the great Larvitar! Just because I call you an inferior living being doesn't mean you have any rights to attack me." Larvitar screamed as his head was buried under the sand. The other contestants started to laugh at him, including Skarmory. Larvitar dug his head out and his face was red with anger and embarrassment.

"Stupid fellow contestants. All of you are nothing compare to me. I will crush all of you in every challenges. If all of you don't vote with me, I will beat all of you up." Larvitar ranted and threatened the other contestants.

"Big words for a little guy." Heracross mocked Larvitar. Larvitar's face got even redder.

In the corner of his left eye, Larvitar saw that Nosepass stood still with his head down. An easy prey for the bully. Larvitar strode towards the nose Pokemon and whispered something.

"If you don't follow my orders, I will make your life a living hell." Larvitar crossed his own neck to show his seriousness. Nosepass gulped in fear.

"Ten out of ten for your social game, Larvitar." Skarmory stopped laughing and rated sarcastically. Larvitar smiled at that, which makes the other contestants laughed even harder, except Nosepass and Oddish.

"Is his social game that good?" Oddish asked.

Skarmory ignored the question and introduced the next contestant. "Scolipede is our next fully evolved contestant."

"I'm interested to see what kind of masks all of you wear in this show. Is that your true, genuine mask or is it a fabrication that you create to progress further in the game?" Scolipede said as the contestants became silent. Scolipede looked around, trying to observe any signs of unease before he moved to the beach area.

"Interesting, our next contestant is Elekid." Skarmory stepped aside to reveal the contestant behind him.

"Hello, I'm an inventor. When it comes to machinery and mental stuff, you can rely on me." Elekid told the others about his skills. A few of the contestants like Bisharp and Archeops nodded in approval.

The next contestant was a female seahorse with clear blue fins. Intriguingly, she held a book named 'The Night Falls and the Darkness Rises' with her fins. She was absorbed by the book to the point where Skarmory needed to interrupt her.

"Skrelp, please get out and meet the other contestants. Or else…" Skarmory warned as the Lapras was about to leave. Skrelp noticed this and hopped off the Lapras.

"I guarantee that my unrivaled knowledge will increase the average intelligence of this show by at least 50 percent. I plan to bring strategical depth and sophistication to the viewers." Skrelp boasted before she moved to the beach area using her fins.

"Did she insult our intelligence?" Grovyle asked Bisharp.

"Don't mind her arrogant and overconfident words." Bisharp assured, albeit his tone wasn't the most reassuring.

The next contestant arrived soon after, she was the cottonweed Pokemon.

"Jumpluff, how are you feeling about getting to compete in the show?" Skarmory asked.

"Oh my god! It is like a dream comes true. My friends will be so jealous when I spam this on their social media pages. I will have so much fun with the contestants. We will form alliances, mingle with each other and do so much more." Jumpluff spoke excitedly as she floated over with interest toward Skrelp. Skarmory looked at her weirdly before he shrugged it off.

"What are you reading about?" Jumpluff asked with curiosity.

"Please don't interrupt my reading sessions." Skrelp politely rejected her.

"Just tell me a bit." Jumpluff insisted.

"Please-" Skrelp tried to say before getting interrupted.

"Come on, talk to me." Jumpluff nagged. Skrelp closed her book and moved far away from Jumpluff. Unfortunately, Jumpluff seemed to be following her.

"The next contestant is Rhyhorn." Skarmory introduced the next contestant in the meantime. He was a tough looking rock rhinoceros.

"I don't want any powers-that-be messing around in this show as if we are nothing, okay? We are not your puppets. I believe I speak for the majority of us here." Rhyhorn said quite threateningly.

"We are down to the final six." Skarmory announced to Houndour's delight.

"Finally! I'm about to sleep." Houndour exclaimed.

The next contestant was female. She was a purple blimp with a yellow X in the center. In her red eyes, there were signs of passion.

"Finally, I get to compete in a Total Drama. I signed up multiple times but this is the first time that I'm accepted." Drifblim spoke with joy.

"That is great. A super fan finally gets to compete in this show." Skarmory congratulated, which made Drifblim confused.

"What kind of host are you? This is the first time I see a host acting like this in a Total Drama. Also, you drink coffee during the show? How unprofessional." Drifblim criticized as she stared at the cup of coffee.

"This is my island, my show. I can do whatever I want." Skarmory defended himself before he sipped the coffee again. Drifblim shook her head before leaving to the other contestants.

"Ungrateful contestant." Skarmory said as he gave her an annoyed look. Afterwards, Skarmory looked at the next contestant that reached the island.

He was a fire ape with long, fiery and bushy eye brows. He had a masculine appearance as each of his steps pressed firmly on the dock. Furthermore, he seemed calm as well. This contestant walked toward Skarmory and offered his hand.

"Darmanitan, glad to see you on this show." Skarmory greeted as he offered his wing for a hand shake.

"Glad to see you as well, Skarmory. I'm just going to compete in this island casually. If I win, that is great. If not, oh well, money isn't everything. The most important thing is that I stand by my zen principles. Let us all chill out, homies." Darmanitan made his introduction.

"A decent strategy in my opinion. Let see how it plays out." Skarmory said with interest before he looked at the final batch of contestants.

The first one was a female fish. She looked ugly as there were irregular dark spots on her light brown body. The next male contestant was a humanoid like Pokemon. He wore a golden power save belt. Most noticeably, he looked thin and less masculine than most of his species. The final female contestant was a red ladybug with black spots on her back. The final male contestant had spikes on his paws and one on his chest. He emitted a powerful aura around him.

"First up we have Feebas." Skarmory announced as Feebas splashed onto the dock. She struggled as much as Magikarp.

"Hopefully, I evolve soon. I want to be a beautiful Milotic so that others appreciate me. I hate this cursed body of mine. It makes my life tougher than others." Feebas complained depressingly.

"I totally understand how you feel. Others laugh at us, insult us, bully us. However, we will have the last laugh when we evolve. Our journey might be rough at the start but it will be smooth in the end." Magikarp empathized with Feebas, encouraging her because of their similar background.

"You are right Magikarp, we will have the last laugh." Feebas agreed.

"Both of you are wrong, I will have the last laugh as I send you losers packing as a godlike Tyranitar." Larvitar demoralized the two weaklings as they looked down on the ground.

"That is just insufferable, who do you think you are?" Dedenne asked the bully.

"Your supreme overlord. Bow down to me!" Larvitar commanded shamelessly. Rhyhorn had enough with this brat so he tackled Larvitar, sending him flying into a tree near the campsite. Everyone applauded Rhyhorn for getting rid of that nuisance.

"Ouch!" Larvitar groaned in pain for a while as his face collided roughly against the tree.

"I consider that as self-defense." Skarmory allowed it to slide before he introduced the next contestant.

"This is Machoke, our next contestant." Skarmory pointed with his wings to Machoke, who was currently laying down comfortably on Lapras's back. Luckily, he wasn't harmed by the blunt spikes. Machoke got up and jogged down the dock.

"I'm Machoke and I… what am I supposed to say again? Where are my notes?" Machoke scratched his head in confusion. After an awkward moment, Machoke continued. "I'm strong and reliable. It also isn't due to luck. It is pure skill, yeah, you can count on me."

"Homie, why are you so thin? I think you are supposed to have more muscles than this." Darmanitan asked curiously.

"Err… I lost some weight. There is nothing wrong with me." Machoke explained.

"You better tell me how to lose that much weight, muscle boy. I want to lose some weight too." Miltank demanded Machoke to help. Machoke didn't look confident but he breathed in deeply before he talked his way out of the situation.

"Obviously, I will teach you if I can. However, it is the Machoke Super-Secret Weight Busting Technique. My family will be mad if they know that I teach it to strangers. It also takes years to learn so I must d-deny your request." Machoke tried to sound confident.

"That is a shame." Miltank said in disappointment. Machoke sighed in relief as he heard this. Scolipede noticed it and started to suspect the Machoke of hiding something.

"Our final female contestant is Ledyba." Skarmory said as the ladybug flew over to the beach area.

"I'm so interested to stay in this island with all of you for as long as I can stay. I'm fine with all of your personalities. So feel free to do whatever you want, alright?" Ledyba said optimistically.

"Everyone? You are too optimistic. Whatever, you will learn it the hard way." Skarmory disagreed with her perception on the other contestants. Ledyba had a confused expression at this.

The last contestant landed on the dock. His aura was tremendously powerful. His steps commanded obedience and respect from the dock. Skarmory was about to introduce him but this contestant raised his hand up, signaling that he will do it himself.

"I'm Lucario, the captain of the Aura Beast. For your information, the Aura Beast is the current champion of the Pokeathlon Plus Nationals event. I expect all of you aspiring contestants to give maximum effort in every, single challenge. There will be no slacking off or else there will be severe consequences, got it?" Lucario said with his loud and demanding voice. Most of the contestants nodded at this.

"Homie, I watched you competing in that event. You are an inspiration! I also compete in Pokeathlon, as a casual unlike you. Why does a professional athlete like you apply to a reality television show?" Darmanitan socialized as he offered his hand to Lucario.

"I'm here to promote my team and build hype for our fans. Glad to see a fellow fan of our team." Lucario shook his hand.

"Now that all contestants are introduced. Let me show you a little bit more of Skarmory Island." Skarmory said, his eyes directed to the camera.

"Finally!" Houndour smirked with joy.

"This island is divided into many different areas. First, the beach area. There is no need for me to explain, you saw it. There might be some challenges that take place here. Second, follow me to the camp area." Skarmory guided the contestants through a path, which connected the beach area to the camp area.

"The first thing you see will be the bonfire. This is where the elimination takes place. Once you are eliminated, say your last words, head over to the dock and depart the island immediately." Skarmory explained. Magikarp and Feebas looked with fear toward the bonfire.

Skarmory passed the campfire into a large clearing, it was surrounded by trees. There were also a few benches. "This is where I will announce the challenge, most of the time. Please gather here quickly. To the left of the clearing are two cabins, the restrooms and a confessional room. You can use the confessional room to complain, whine, whatever. It is soundproof so feel free to use it. To the right are two cabins and the mess hall where Chef Drapion will serve your food. Each side is for each team. The winning team for the first challenge get to pick the side they prefer." Skarmory sipped his coffee for the final time. The cup was empty.

"Refill, Chef Drapion." Skarmory ordered as Chef Drapion exited the mess hall, placing the cup down.

"What a lazy host." Chef Drapion grumbled to himself and picked the cup up. He grumbled even more when he passed Dedenne on his way to the mess hall. "I hope you take the other side."

"Obviously, I prefer the side without an angry, rude poison type." Dedenne retorted. Skrelp and Scolipede raised their eyes at this. Chef Drapion seethed as he slammed the door of the mess hall.

"I'm pretty sure the viewers are uncontrollably curious about all of you. Why don't you take this opportunity to use the confessional?" Skarmory persuaded. "Also, remember to never reveal your name or else I will force you to do a voice over. The viewers don't want to waste their brain cells memorizing that. Reveal it when the entire season is aired."


Drifblim: "Skarmory is a very weird and unique host. I never see this variant of host in a reality game show before. I guess I can't expect the expected with my vast knowledge of Total Drama. The first challenge probably will not be cliff jumping. Hmm… Anyways, I own a blog about game shows in general. I'm an expert, really. My friends will be very disappointed if I don't spice this season up." Drifblim had a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

Larvitar: "Stupid confessional. It is just an empty wooden stall with a camera. Stupid island, stupid contestants. *beep* this show."

Bisharp: "I have an ambitious desire to win. However, I also have a line on the sand that I won't cross. I don't consider myself as a villain. Rather, I believe I'm a strategist. First, I want a loyal partner. Grovyle seems to fit my criteria."

Helioptile: "Everyone in this show seems nice for now, except Larvitar. I hope that this season can be a great season without all the crazy drama. I just want to avoid all of that and make some friends. Right now, my main concern is with Snorunt. She is too shy for her own good."

Scolipede: "There is literally no way that everyone in this island is nice and dandy. Skarmory knows that he needs some sort of antagonist to cause drama. I have a few suspicions. Oddish and Cryogonal felt uneasy when I accused them of wearing masks. The cold ones are Bisharp, Skrelp and potentially Lucario. I have other suspicions. However, I will keep them to myself for now." Scolipede looked around warily a bit before exiting the confessional.

Oddish: "Viewers, please don't think of me as a stupid idiot. I'm aware of what I'm doing. My strategy is to play dumb so that I stay under the radar. I believe that this will help me to win a million."

Nosepass: "I'm nervous as hell. I hope the team kick Larvitar out soon."

Feebas: "I need to prove my worth to the team or else I'm going to be the first eliminated contestant. That will be very humiliating…"

"Now that some of you are done with the confessional, I have a special announcement. There will be two twists in play this season…" Skarmory paused dramatically.

Most of the contestant either looked interested or excited. A few like Nosepass dreaded the worst.

"Chef Drapion, bring me the coffee and the twist." Skarmory ordered as the chef gave the items to him unwillingly. The twist was covered with a piece of cloth. Skarmory sipped his coffee first, ruining the suspense.

"The first twist is a secret advantage. I present to you the silver Skarmory statue!" Skarmory revealed excitedly as he removed the cloth. The twist was a mini statue resembling the host himself.

"Does it give you immunity?" Drifblim asked.

"Nope, it gives you a secret advantage." Skarmory corrected. "In order to get this, you will need to explore the areas that I'm about to reveal. However, there are more obstacles than that. Ursaring intern!" Skarmory called a bear like Pokemon with sharp claws.

"What can I do for you, boss?" Ursaring appeared as he stomped on the ground angrily to intimidate the contestants.

"Keep this statue with you. If you manage to keep it safe from the contestants for the entire season, I will quadruple your pay check." Skarmory handed the statue to the Ursaring and he grinned happily.

"Contestants, if you want to take my bonus away from me, you will taste my fists." Ursaring cracked his knuckles.

"Is he allowed to do that? Think about the lawsuits. I detest violence!" Dedenne protested.

"Yep, it is in the contract, remember? Violence is allowed as long as the contestant isn't severely injured." Skarmory countered her argument. Ursaring ran away with the statue to somewhere far, far away in the island.


Lucario: "I'm not intimidated by him. In the Pokeathlon, I encountered some Ursaring and I beat all of them. I just hope that he doesn't run away when I find him." Lucario slammed his fist on his own hand.

Nosepass: "There is no way I'm going to fight Ursaring for that advantage. Hell no!" Nosepass trembled at the thought.

"The second twist is more fun and friendly. I assure all of you." Skarmory sipped his coffee again, ruining the suspense.

"All of you probably see the path that Ursaring took, it connects to an intersection." The intersection connected the camp area, the forest area, the gym area and the mountain area. I will leave you to figure out where Ursaring hides at. However, my point refers mainly to the mountain and forest area. In those areas, there are minerals and rare items. You can trade them for…" Skarmory took a silver coin out. It had his face on it. "A Skarmory token. You can trade Skarmory tokens for good food and leisure items. No advantages will be sold though." Skarmory explained.


Houndour: "This is my kind of twist. I like to explore the outdoors and find some items. Tasty food, here I come."

Meowth: "Interesting, this is an opportunity for business. This twist allows me to engage in a lively transaction with the other contestants."

Dedenne: "I don't like going to the forest and mountain areas much but if this allows me to see Chef Drapion less, then I will gladly take it."

Tyrunt: "Why are these twists all about us going to the outdoors and exercise? Does the show want us to be healthier? I just want to be in the cabin, relaxing. Although, good food…" Tyrunt licked his lips before he realized what he did. He fled the confessional in embarrassment.

Duosion: "I like this twist more than the first one. I want to see the entire island and use my precious time here efficiently. If there are interesting landmarks like caves and ruins, it will enrich the experience further."

"All is said and done. Therefore, let us move on to the teams. The first team will be called the Feckless Flygon. The members of this team will be Lucario, Miltank, Machoke, Meowstic, Darmanitan, Duosion, Meowth, Feebas, Scolipede, Ledyba, Houndour, Aromatisse, Magikarp, Cryogonal, Shedinja and Oddish. Everyone else (Archeops, Tyrunt, Drifblim, Elekid, Skrelp, Grovyle, Jumpluff, Bisharp, Dedenne, Rhyhorn, Helioptile, Nosepass, Snorunt, Larvitar, Heracross and Farfetch'd) belong to the second team, which will be called the Crazy Crawdaunt." Skarmory read his notes.

"Feckless?!" Lucario shouted in anger.

"Why does the teams have a negative connotation to them. Please elaborate, Skarmory." Skrelp asked politely.

"Well, they are randomized, so I have no control over this." Skarmory explained.

The contestants complained at this.

"Yeah, Feckless Flygon. That name suits all of you losers." Larvitar tried to get under his enemies' skin. Lucario clenched his fist and marched towards Larvitar. He ran away immediately with a horrified expression.

"What a coward." Lucario insulted Larvitar. All the other contestants agreed.

"Now, it is time for the long awaited challenge. It is inspired by the concept of brain, brawn and beauty. There will be three tasks in this challenge. First, you must carry a statue of your respective mascot with your brawn power. Next, you must paint it to make as beautiful as possible. Last but not least, you must debate on whether or not it is better to be a Feckless Flygon or a Crazy Crawdaunt with your brains. To add depth into this challenge, you will split your members in a 5/5/6 format. This means that there will be one task where you have one more member. Head off and discuss your game plan." Skarmory explained the challenge before he sipped his coffee again.


Drifblim: "Despite being a coffee addicted host, Skarmory is creative. I give him that."

The Feckless Flygon was in the mess hall. Lucario was leading the discussion.

"First, we need to plan how to split our members into each category. I believe that five Pokemon on brawn is enough because I can breeze through the challenge. Any objections?!" Lucario said with his loud and clear voice. No one said anything.

"Now, let us decide on whether to put six members in brain or beauty. Any ideas?" Lucario showed off his leadership. Duosion floated forward.

"What is your idea?" Lucario asked.

"We should prioritize quality over quantity for the brain task. For example, having five of our smartest members and Oddish isn't going to help with the debate." Duosion presented her idea. Everyone nodded at this, even Oddish.

"Is that a compliment?" Oddish asked. Nobody replied to her fake stupidity.

"Good, now let us make this simple. Say 'yes' loudly if you want to be in the brawn task, this includes myself." Lucario started to divide his fellow members.

"Yes!" Darmanitan, Miltank, Machoke and Scolipede shouted in unison.

"Beauty task?!" Lucario asked, his voice was loud as ever.

"Yes!" Aromatisse, Oddish, Ledyba, Feebas, Magikarp and Shedinja (the ghost bug said it in an unenthusiastic manner) replied.

"So, Meowstic, Duosion, Cryogonal, Meowth and Houndour will take the brain task. Is everything clear?!" Lucario said his final words, asking to make sure.

"Yes!" All the members shouted. Lucario seemed happy with the energy and obedience of his team.


Houndour: "I want the brawn task but all of them look stronger than me. I don't want to be a dead weight. Although, Machoke looks a bit too skinny for the task."

Machoke: "I will prove my usefulness to my fellow members. I'm strong. Don't judge me by my appearance."

Aromatisse: "Fortunately, there was a beauty challenge for me. I can show the world how artistic and fashionable I'm."

The Crazy Crawdaunt discussed outside in the clearing. Archeops stood on the bench so she became the center of attraction.

"I believe the Feckless Flygon are more athletic than us so we should put six members in the brawn task. Anyone disagrees?" Archeops said, her voice was pretty loud.

"I disagree because I'm the strongest. You only need Larvitar for the brawn task." Larvitar flexed his non-existent muscles.

"Said the guy who ran away from Lucario." Heracross retorted. Larvitar face reddened.

"It seems like we are all in agreement. Tell me your preferences." Archeops asked each of her member individually unlike Lucario. This took more time.

"I'm obviously the most intelligent contestant around here. No offence, I can prove it, if you desire, Archeops." Skrelp said confidently.

"I believe you. Who's next?" Archeops proceeded to ask all of her members.

For brawn: Larvitar, Rhyhorn, Heracross, Grovyle, Farfetch'd and Archeops.

For beauty: Dedenne, Snorunt, Helioptile, Tyrunt and Jumpluff.

For brain: Skrelp, Drifblim, Bisharp, Elekid and Nosepass.


Tyrunt: "I think I'm more of a brain material. However, I don't want to put a target on my back. Beauty is the least threatening of the three B's. I also played a game called Pokemon Art Academy, it is pretty fun."

Archeops: "I'm well rounded so I can take any task. It seems like we have a shortage of brawn in this team."

The brawn competitors were on their starting line at the clearing. They must head back to the beach and dig up the statue that was buried in the sand secretly. Afterwards, they must bring it back to the beauty station in the clearing. The atmosphere was tense as each contestant looked at each other. Most of them looked at Lucario. They wanted to witness the professional athlete's power.

"Three…" Skarmory started the countdown slowly.

"Two, one, go!" Skarmory speeded up suddenly to take the contestants by surprise.

Lucario sprinted ahead of everyone else. Followed shortly by Heracross, Archeops, Grovyle, Farfetch'd and Rhyhorn. The rest of the Feckless Flygon were in the middle of the pack. They were ordered by Lucario to save their energy for the carrying task.

The slowest ones were Larvitar and Machoke. They were neck and neck.

"I'm just saving my energy." Larvitar said while sweating a little.

"I'm also saving my energy." Machoke said, sweating a bit as well.

Lucario arrived at the beach area first and dug through the sand rapidly. In seconds, he found the Flygon statue as it wasn't buried that deep. The statue was dull, colorless, gigantic and heavy as hell. Heracross and Archeops dug after Lucario found his statue. They found it soon after as well. Both of the statues weighed the same.

"Lift!" Lucario shouted as his entire team except Machoke arrived. They gripped the head of the Flygon and pulled it out slowly. They panted, sweated and groaned. However, they eventually managed to lift it out and lay it upside down. They dragged it slowly afterwards.

"Losers, eat this." Larvitar insulted as he kicked a mouthful of sand at the Feckless Flygon. It hit Lucario in the face. Obviously, he wasn't amused in the slightest. Lucario kicked the giant pile of sand that they dug back at Larvitar. It buried Larvitar completely.

"Help!" Larvitar screamed for help.

The Crazy Crawdaunt didn't waste their time helping Larvitar. They were currently lifting the statue. Archeops lifted the star on the Crawdaunt's head with her talons while the others tried to lift up the pincers.

"One, two, three, pull!" Archeops shouted with a burst of effort as they gave it their all for the final pull. The Crawdaunt statue was lifted as well, landing upside down similarly to the Flygon.

The Feckless Flygon was in the lead as Machoke helped them to move the statue. They reached the bonfire at this point.

"We are halfway there. Let us keep on going." Lucario encouraged.

"Let us take a break." Scolipede stopped tackling the statue forward as he took a short break.

"Don't slack off!" Lucario scolded him.

"I'm exhausted from getting that statue out. We don't have as much endurance as you. We are also in the lead." Scolipede reasoned. Lucario looked at each of his teammates. Darmanitan sweated heavily even for a fire type. Miltank panted exhaustingly. Machoke's muscles looked sore.

"Fine!" Lucario allowed them to have a short break.

Larvitar dug himself out of the sand trap and reunited with his team. He pushed the statue slightly, while panting and groaning heavily so that it seemed like he was putting in a lot of effort.


Larvitar: "This is what my team deserve after they left me!"

Lucario: "In a real Pokeathlon event, there is no slacking off. If I see anyone slacking off in the Aura Beast, that Pokemon will be kicked out of the team."

Archeops: "I'm starting to regret putting Larvitar in this challenge."

The Feckless Flygon continued as the Crazy Crawdaunt was about to catch up. They were about to reach the finish line.

Machoke strained himself so much that his muscles were all red and sore.

"Homie, are you alright? If you struggle, talk to us. No one is going to blame you." Darmanitan asked with concern.

"No, I still have my Ultimate Machoke Last Stretch Technique." Machoke came up with random words.

"Cool." Miltank said with slight sarcasm. Lucario rolled his eyes at the name.

The Crazy Crawdaunt edged closer. All of them gave it their all, except Larvitar.

"Don't give up team! We still have a chance." Archeops encouraged. She sweated heavily, which wasn't very encouraging as the leader of the team.

"We are trying our best. They have a professional athlete on their team." Grovyle said as he pushed the right pincer. The gecko sweated rapidly.

"That is no excuse. We have six members on our team." Heracross pointed out.

"Yeah, I'm putting in the most effort too." Larvitar lied as he pushed the end of the Crawdaunt inadequately.

"I don't feel a lot of force from back there, Larvitar." Archeops noticed as she dragged the star. Larvitar stayed quiet, hoping that they ignore it.

"Mr. Stalk agrees. He said that you are slacking off." Farfetch'd accused as he panted from exhaustion.

The entire team looked with accusing eyes at Larvitar. Larvitar whistled as if he was innocent.


Heracross: "I can't believe this little brat... Wait until I get my hands on him." She said with a threatening tone.

Farfetch'd: "Don't mess with Mr. Stalk. He is a lie detector."

"Keep on going, the finishing line is close. We have bottles of water and refreshments for all of you." Ledyba cheered from the beauty station.

"Team, you can do this. A victory from behind isn't out of reach." Helioptile cheered for her own team as well.

Lucario hustled in the end. With his last efforts, the Feckless Flygon won.

"Congratulations, Feckless Flygon, you are the winners of the brawn task. If you manage to win the next one, you automatically win." Skarmory announced.

"What?! This means there is a possibility for the brain challenge to be cancelled. How unfair and disgraceful." Skrelp complained.

"Too bad. Rules are rules." Skarmory said simply.

The other contestants took care of the exhausted brawn members. Specially, Machoke was checked up by Skarmory. His body heated up badly.

"I think he overworked himself." Darmanitan suggested.

"This doesn't look good. He is about to faint. Chef Drapion, transport him to the infirmary." Skarmory ordered as Chef Drapion carried Machoke on his back.

"I will go and check on him." Darmanitan told his teammates and headed to the infirmary, which was located in the gym area.

"Will he get a medical evacuation?" Lucario asked with a worried expression. Other Flygon members had a worried expression as well.

"Probably not. Chef Drapion is a decent doctor." Skarmory said without sarcasm this time.

"Really?" Dedenne asked in disbelief. Skarmory nodded before he walked to the beauty station.

"Anyways, let's start the second round. You have ten minutes. Beauty contest begins!" Skarmory declared as all the contestants rushed to their respective statue. They were held upright with the help of their brawn members.

"Listen to me for a moment. I want this statue to be perfect and fabulous. Therefore, we will make it a shiny Flygon." Aromatisse suggested.

"That is a great idea." Ledyba agreed.

"Suits me fine." Shedinja drawled.

"Do you remember the shiny colors?" Magikarp asked with concern.

"Obviously, duh. The trim of the wings and tails are light orange as well as the eye covers. Its antennae and stripes are light blue. Everything else is green." Aromatisse answered expertly. All the other beauty contestants opened their mouth in awe except for Shedinja, he didn't care.

"How did you know this?" Ledyba asked.

"From fashion magazines. Most models and superstars are shiny Pokemon." Aromatisse held her head high as she led her fellow members.

The Crazy Crawdaunt started right away without any discussion. They hurriedly grabbed their brushes and palettes. Tyrunt painted the legs with red and white paint. Heloptile stood on top of Snorunt so she could paint the pincers. Jumpluff floated to the top to paint the star yellow. Dedenne painted the mouth blue and white. In a short duration, they finished their task.

"Five minutes left." Skarmary announced and widened his eyes in surprise as the Crazy Crawdaunt were already done. Their statue was rushed… Paint dripped over to the other parts of the statue and it wasn't accurately painted. The lines were messy as well.

"I think we messed up. Mayday, mayday! We are going to elimination." Jumpluff panicked.

"Don't panic, a miracle can still happen." Helioptile said optimistically. Snorunt nudged Helioptile to look at the Flygon statue. Helioptile sighed in defeat instantly.

In contrast to the mess that was the Crawdaunt statue, the Flygon was accurately painted with shiny colors. In addition to that, Aromatisse sprayed shiny powder and glitter all over the Flygon. She was supported by Shedinja and Ledyba, they held her in the air. However, they didn't finish their painting task yet. The eyes and the pair of antennae were still colorless.

"Why do you have shiny powder with you?" Skarmory asked in interest.

"From my make-up kit. I must ensure that I look fabulous." Aromatisse said as she painted eyelashes on the Flygon.

"Can I paint the antennae?" Feebas pleaded with a sympathetic gleam in her eyes. Aromatisse looked with anxiety as she stared at her fabulous statue. It was nearly perfect. Aromatisse knew that she can guarantee their victory. On the other hand, Feebas looked so sympathetic, like an ugly fish that never accomplish anything beautiful.

"Fine, don't mess up. Take your time." Aromatisse advised. Shedinja and Ledyba dropped her down safely.

Feebas smiled as she grabbed the brush with her mouth. She splashed up to the sky without waiting for Ledyba or Shedinja to hold her. For a moment, she could taste victory. The Crazy Crawdaunt anticipated their defeat. However, like a tragedy. Feebas flopped and fell into the red paint bucket. The bucket toppled and splashed the Flygon statue in red. Aromatisse fainted at this.

"A bleeding Flygon?! The Crazy Crawdaunt are victorious." Skarmory announced the result.

"Yay! A miracle!" Jumpluff shouted in joy with all of her teammates. They ran around wildly at this.


Aromatisse: "I'm really regretting this. She ruined my masterpiece! All of my efforts died in vain. I know who I'm voting for if we lose." Aromatisse started to sob in anger and pain.

Feebas: "I know that I should have waited for Shedinja and Ledyba but I just want to prove it to my team that I'm capable of doing this by myself. I don't know that it is going to end like this. I guess I'm too desperate to please my teammates."

Meanwhile in the infirmary, Machoke lied in a bed with an ice pack over his head. Chef Drapion was feeding Machoke some Leppa Berries so he regains his strength.

"The situation is getting better, after a few hours, he can rejoin all of you." Drapion said as he exited the room. Darmanitan remained in the infirmary still.

"I'm fine, Darmanitan. Rejoin with the others." Machoke flashed a thumb up.

"If you say so, I will leave. Don't overwork yourself again, homie." Darmanitan cautioned. He then opened the door and exited the infirmary.

"When will I become strong with a body like this?" Machoke asked himself as he reflected upon his poor body.

Lucario punched a tree due to their defeat. His temper flared as he growled.

"Lucario, I'm sorry." Feebas apologized shamefully. Lucario turned around slowly, his eyes were quite sore.

"I hope you are ready for elimination." Lucario said in a much calmer voice and left. Feebas looked down at the ground, red paint dripping from her body.

As Lucario walked over to spectate the brain challenge, Darmanitan met him.

"How is Machoke doing?" Lucario asked.

"He is in the safe zone. Probably, he will join us in a few hours." Darmanitan told the athlete. Lucario nodded at this. Shortly after, both of them made their way to the statues, the place of the debate. The statue faced each other as if they were in a battle.

"We will start the debate now. Hopefully, all of you already plan everything out. This is how it works. Each team will send a member out for the opening speech. Then, another member will come out to counter the points. This continues until the final member comes out for the conclusion. The Flygon start first. I will decide the winning team. Let's go." Skarmory announced lively.

The first member of the Feckless Flygon was Houndour. He walked to the front of the statue slowly and repeated some words to himself. Eventually, he took a deep breath and started his speech.

"It is more exhilarating to be a Flygon because it can fly. This opens new opportunities for life. Even if the Flygon is feckless, it can at least fly. Imagine yourself stretching your wings in an endless sky, meeting wonderful flying and dragon types. In addition, Flygon are generally stronger than Crawdaunt so it is natural for them to win in a battle." Houndour finished with a smile of satisfaction. His team clapped for him.

Bisharp stepped forward next. He started right away with occasional body language like pointing at the Crawdaunt statue.

"Crawdaunt can both adapt to the land and water, increasing the number of opportunities it may receive. In the vast and abundant ocean of this world, there are beautiful corals, ancient water temples and rare items. Land Pokemon must be in a submarine or wear inconvenient and heavy equipments to enjoy these experiences. The sky is empty and meaningless. Lastly, the term 'crazy' can be perceived in a positive light. For example, being overly creative, which allows it to invent new things that normal or sane Pokemon might not be capable of." Bisharp bowed his head slightly as a polite gesture at the end. His team clapped loudly.

The second member for the Feckless Flygon was Cryogonal. She floated over and began talking.

"I prefer to be feckless than crazy. Being crazy reduces your chances of socializing and making friends. Craziness is linked to aggression. Therefore, who wants to be with a crazy person? I doubt that a crazy Crawdaunt can properly appreciate the beautiful corals or whatever in the ocean when most of the time, it rants and rambles about weird things." Cryogonal countered. Her team clapped for her as well.

Elekid appeared next, he cleared his mind before the counterargument.

"When it comes to social life, the same can be said for a feckless Flygon. It is mostly a matter of preferences. There will be Pokemon that are interested in a crazy Crawdaunt in this wide world. It is quite ignorant to assume otherwise. In addition, being crazy doesn't mean that you are incompetent. This means that the Crawdaunt can probably find better jobs and earn more income than an unskilled Flygon." Elekid finished as he received another round of applause.

"This is boring." Larvitar complained, yawning loudly. Heracross chased him away so he doesn't interrupt the competition.

Meowth debated next. He had body language when he talked as well. Meowth waved his arms up and down sometimes.

"When it comes to business, a feckless Flygon has the clear advantage. First, Flygon has well-rounded stats. This makes the Flygon a flexible workforce. To compensate for its fecklessness, the business can train it to be more proactive and efficient. The start-up wage for the Flygon can also be low, netting the business more profit. On the other hand, a crazy Crawdaunt might cause trouble inside the business. Every business wants to avoid a bad reputation. Having a Crawdaunt potentially picking fights with others due to its aggression is a bad public relations move. The meeting is adjourned." Meowth finished as his team clapped energetically.

Drifblim floated to the front next. She spoke confidently in an engaging tone.

"All of you miss one significant fact, we don't know when or where these two Pokemon exist. Therefore, we can't assume that they live in a civilized, corporate world. Most likely, they live in times of raging war and conflict. In those turbulent times, what we need is pure strength! Crawdaunt has a one-hit knock out move like Guillotine, making it a formidable enemy against a Flygon. Thanks to Cryogonal, who said that craziness links to aggression, it is even more likely for a crazy Crawdaunt to win against a feckless Flygon." Cryogonal frowned at this. "I rather be a Crawdaunt that lives than a bleeding to death Flygon." Drifblim ended as her teammates cheered loudly, including Skarmory as well. The Feckless Flygon started to be anxious and agitated.

The fourth brain member was Meowstic. She brought a pack of cards with her. Skarmory and the Crazy Crawdaunt were confused. The Feckless Flygon spectated nervously.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Meowstic's Magic Show. Today, we will see which side the heaven favors with a simple game of cards. The statue that picks the highest number wins. Luck is very important, sometimes even more than skill and logic. Therefore, I hope all of you appreciate this show." Meowstic shuffled her cards as Scolipede eyed them with suspicion. Next, she gave a card to the Crawdaunt statue with Psychic. It was held in the right pincer. Meowstic picked up the next card and revealed it for the Flygon statue.

"A ten of hearts." She said as she used psychic to slowly open the Crawdaunt's card.

"A four of spades. Too bad, the Flygon wins." Meowstic announced as accusations were thrown at her.

"What kind of swindling tactic is this? It is very obvious that you cheated with your psychic abilities." Skrelp accused.

"This is not exactly what I expect in a debate. You probably cheated as well. I don't think you shuffle the cards properly." Skarmory showed his disappointed expression. Meowstic opened her mouth to argue but then decided against it. She walked away, face palming herself in the process.

Nosepass moved to the front nervously to start his counterargument.

"Err…" Nosepass stuttered at first, making Larvitar laughed at him. Nosepass started to sweat nervously. Heracross grabbed Larvitar and threw him far away.

"I will come back and make all of you losers pay." Larvitar promised as he blasted off to the sky.

"I don't think it is smart being a feckless Flygon because it is going to get bullied a lot by mean Pokemon. Even with high stats, others can still beat the Flygon up. Also, flying is stupid as accidents can occur in the sky. Err… that is it." Nosepass left with his head down.

"It is a bit too short." Skarmory commented. "Well, move on to the conclusions."

Duosion inhaled and exhaled deeply as she floated to the front.

"In conclusion, a Feckless Flygon can ascend to the sky and travel across countries conveniently without the need to pay for expensive airplane tickets. The Flygon is also a better individual to the society as the government prefers Pokemon that can be controlled easily. A crazy Pokemon often shows signs of unpredictable behavior and aggression. Historians have records of their atrocities for many generations. Living as a Flygon ensures more opportunities in jobs due to its well rounded stats. Finally, in a battle, it is likely that a Flygon will win. This is because of powerful type coverage moves like Bug Buzz." Duosion spoke breathlessly. Her team applaud deafeningly. However, Skrelp smirked victoriously at this.

"To conclude, I will clarify something to the Feckless Flygon as they overestimated the word 'feckless'. Flying across countries, finding rewarding jobs and even learning Bug Buzz are all abnormal achievements for someone 'feckless'. This terminology usually refers to someone that lacks strength and initiative. An individual like this specific Flygon will never be of use to the society. Neither is it right for any of you to advocate generalization of crazy Pokemon. Do you really believe that all of them are deranged killers with aggression? Do you think they can't ride flying types to explore the lonely sky? Do you think they don't appreciate the beautiful corals? Don't you think all of you are being insensitive?! A glaring weakness when it comes to battling for the Flygon is also blatantly obvious. A quadruple weakness to ice! If the Crawdaunt can use an ice type move like Ice Beam or Avalanche, it is an uphill battle for the feckless dragon. I rest my case." Skrelp ended with a smug look. Everyone looked at Skarmory for the results. He was currently absorbing and analyzing the debates, his face was deep in thought.

"The winners are the Crazy Crawdaunt!" Skarmory decided. The Crazy Crawdaunt cheered.


Archeops: "Our first victory! I feel proud of myself and my team. I think I will be a great leader."

Skrelp: "I believe that I contributed the most to our victory. I'm the smartest after all."

Lucario: "I lost?!"

Darmanitan: "I like Lucario, that homie works hard as hell for his team. However, I think he needs to chill out a bit."

Ledyba: "I don't want to do this. She should have waited for me and Shedinja."

Magikarp: "I'm going to have no allies left after this."

"Choose your side." Skarmory reminded them.

"I don't like Chef Drapion, we can exchange Skarmory tokens for food anyways, choose the side with the confessional and the restrooms." Dedenne persuaded.

"I agree. She does make a good point." Archeops nodded.

"The Chef insulted me, I don't like him." Grovyle supported.

The Crazy Crawdaunt chose the side without Chef Drapion. The Feckless Flygon were all frustrated at their first loss, especially Lucario.

"Damn it!" Lucario yelled as he punched a tree again.

"Meet me at the bonfire tonight. You will vote in the confessional." Skarmory instructed before he sipped his coffee again.

Lucario rallied all of his teammates before the elimination. They all stood next to the mess hall, waiting for his announcement.

"I just want to make this clear. We always vote for the weakest link. No scheming to get strong members out, got it?!" Lucario shouted in his usual loud voice.

"Please, give me a second chance." Feebas begged. Glancing around, everyone except Magikarp didn't look convinced. Feebas accepted her defeat.

It was the bonfire ceremony, Machoke returned after he fully healed.

"I already received all the votes. Well, it is a landslide. Let's get this started shall we? When I call out your name, you will receive a Leppa Berry, this means you are safe." Skarmory explained.

"Miltank, Darmanitan." The two ate their berries comfortably.

"Scolipede, Aromatisse." Scolipede observed the berry before he ate it while Aromatisse ate it normally.

"Duosion, Houndour, Meowth, Ledyba." Skarmory tossed the Leppa Berries to them casually before taking another sip.

"Cryogonal, Oddish, Shedinja, Meowstic."

Machoke was getting nervous, he was in the infirmary so he didn't know how his team feel about his performance. He voted for 'someone' randomly.

"Machoke." Machoke sighed in relief.

"Magikarp." Magikarp already expected it.

"Lucario, I don't know why you are here. Feebas, you messed up in the beauty challenge. It could have been an easy victory. However, your desire to please your teammates ruined everything." Feebas knew what was coming next.

"Lucario, you are safe." Lucario caught the last Leppa Berry easily. Feebas left to the confessional for her last words.

Elimination Confessional

I guess this is what I deserve after I messed up really badly. I think my downfall is that I'm too greedy. The easy route was in front of me, I never take it. I want Magikarp or Dedenne to win, both of them are pretty cool. Just anyone but Larvitar is also fine.

Feebas headed to the dock. Magikarp waited to see her departure.

"Try your best out there and don't go out like me." Feebas said as she got on the Lapras.

"Take care, I will try my best." Magikarp said as he splashed back to the boys' cabin.

Skarmory then landed on the dock to say his closing words.

"What an exciting episode, for me at least. I'm interested to see how these personalities develop overtime. Some contestants just didn't get enough screen time. I know what a few of them are capable of. Will anyone find the secret advantage? Will romance start to develop? Will alliances be formed? Stay tuned for more drama and excitement in the next episode of Total Skarmory Island."

It was nighttime, the Feckless Flygon was about to head off to sleep until Lucario blocked them.

"I have a last minute announcement." Lucario said seriously.

"Can't you tell us tomorrow?" Miltank said as she yawned.

"No. Tomorrow and everyday onward, I want all of you to assemble for a daily, routine exercise to improve your fitness." Lucario announced. Everyone else looked tired as they wanted to sleep badly.

Larvitar was lost in the forest area. He looked around for any of the interns or contestants. However, he failed to find anyone.

"Stupid, stupid, *beep* them all." Larvitar swore as he kicked a rock at some bushes.

"Ouch," Someone shouted in pain.

"Who's there?" Larvitar asked worriedly.

Ursaring appeared and he wasn't pleased.

"Hah, I will get the- Aahhh!" Larvitar screamed as Ursaring threw him back to the camp. The Skarmory statue was still safe.

Larvitar landed in front of the Crawdaunt boys' cabin. The landing was rough to say at the very least.

"My face hurts." Larvitar whined as he tried to open the door. It was locked. Larvitar screamed at his misfortune.


Lucario: Feebas

Miltank: Feebas

Darmanitan: Feebas

Duosion: Feebas

Aromatisse: Feebas

Houndour: Feebas

Machoke: Feebas

Cryogonal: Feebas

Shedinja: Feebas

Meowstic: Feebas

Meowth: Feebas

Ledyba: Feebas

Scolipede: Feebas

Oddish: Feebas

Magikarp: Lucario

Feebas: Lucario

Feebas: 14 (eliminated)

Lucario: 2

It is harder to create a Total Drama than I thought. I have much more respect for other Total Drama authors now. I will try to upload as soon as possible. I try to make my Total Drama as unique as possible. I hope you enjoy it. Review if you want.

If you don't know, the team names refer to my first story, Desire Tunnel. If you are bored, you can check it out. I believe that it isn't as good as this story though. Regardless, the contestants exist in the same universe as Desire Tunnel, you might see some references to that story in later episodes as well.