"Hi! This is the Drug Information Services and Silena speaking!"

"Hi! ...Annabeth?"

"Not even bothering to greet Silena, Seaweed Brain?"

"Hey, I would if she actually held onto the phone once she hears my voice. But more importantly, remember that I asked you to compute the KCl dose for one of my patients?"

"Of course I do. So you want to give your patient with hypokalemia-"



"She doesn't have hypokalemia, Annabeth."

"But you were asking for the KCl dose-"

"Because her potassium serum levels are too low for comfort and her new meds would induce diuresis so-"

"Why didn't you tell me this in the earlier?"

"I did tell you! I asked you to compute the oral KCl dose for hypokalemia prevention-"

"But you forgot to tell me about the patient using diuretics!"

"Well, you forgot that I asked you to compute for hypokalemia prevention, so we're even!"

"No, we're not! I, ugh, I nearly OD'd a kid, Percy."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did! The dose for treating hypokalemia and preventing hypokalemia are drastically different and I was about to give you a dose that could have caused cardiac arrest to a kid, Percy! A kid who has her whole life ahead of her!"

"Annabeth, calm down!"

"I'm such a dumb blonde."

"Woah! Wait, what?! Dumb blonde? Where did you get that idea?"

"It's true! I mean, making a stupid mistake like that-"

"You made a mistake, yeah. But that doesn't make you a dumb blonde. There's no such thing as a dumb blonde."

"What are you talking about? It's one of the most prevalent stereotypes in media."

"Yeah, but Annabeth, all the blonds I'm surrounded with are brilliant and beautiful. Take Jason for example. That cousin of mine is the youngest neurosurgeon in this hospital that Hera can't fire him even though she hates his guts so much. Or Malcolm, your mutinous deputy in the DIS, who has the whole orange and red books memorized. Who even does that? Then there's Will, you know, Nico's boyfriend, who is also the god of the E.R. And then there's you, the most beautiful and brilliant of them all. So you see, no such thing as a dumb blonde."

"...You know you just called Jason brilliant and beautiful, right?"

"Meh. Piper won't mind. Nico would probably throw a fit though, thinking that I'm gonna steal his boyfriend or something."

"Would you?"

"Maybe? I mean, Will is hot."

"Really now, Seaweed Brain?"

"I mean, have you seen how he handles his patients? He's seriously sexy. That's probably why Nico practically jumped on Will when he was admitted into the E.R."

"You think dealing with patients is sexy?"

"I think being kickass at your job is sexy. And you, Annabeth Chase, kicks so much ass with your job."


"Which is why I called, because we have to change the route of administration from oral to IV so you gotta recompute that for me, please?"


"I'll call you back, okay?"


"Thanks, Annabeth. You're the best, never forget that."

. . .

"Good morning, this is the Drug Information Services. Malcolm speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hey, Malcolm. Pass the phone to Annabeth, will you?"

"...She's not here."


"She's busy."



"If you don't give the phone to her right now, I'm going to the chief pharmacist and report your department."

"You hate Athena."

"More like Athena hates me, but I swear I'll go to her if you don't put Annabeth on the phone now."

"...What do you want, Seaweed Brain?"

"You didn't do the computations."

"Lacy needed the practice. But Malcom verified it, so it should be correct."

"You didn't do the computations."

"Yes, Percy. I didn't do the computations."


"Percy, I made such a stupid mistake. You really trust me to do computations?"

"Yes, you did. You made a mistake. Too bad, so sad. But humans will always make mistakes, no matter how good you are, remember? And you're the best of the best - and don't you dare argue with this about me because there's no way you can convince me otherwise - but you're also only human. So suck it up, you made a mistake and you know better than to make it again."


"But to answer your question, I trust you. I'll always trust you because you and I? We're a team because providing the best possible healthcare is a team effort. So that if one of us makes a mistake, the others can catch it before it reaches the patient. Or remedy the mistake if it does reach the patient."

"You and I, huh?"

"Against the world."

"I...Thanks, Percy."

"You're very welcome, Annabeth."

. . .

"Good day. Drug Information Services. Annabeth speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hey! I got a question."

"Don't you always, Seaweed Brain?"

"Hey! I thought the DIS existed to answer questions?"

"It does. Fine, your question."

"Wait, did you just say that I'm right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You didn't say I was wrong. So I must be right!"

"Seaweed Brain. Question?"

"Oh, right. Does our hospital have verapamil? 160 mg tablet?"

"Why would you need 160 mg for your patients? 40 mg is more than enough for pediatric patients with supraventricular tachycardia."

"It's not for them. It's for me."

"What! Percy! Have you had a check-up with Piper for that? Do you have angina? Arrythmia? What happened? How did this happen?"

"Well, I can't help it if my heart skips a beat when I hear your voice."

"...Perseus. Did you just use a pick up line on me?"



"Because it makes you happy. Don't lie to me, I can hear you smiling."

"Seaweed Brain, you can't hear smiles."

"So? Doesn't mean I'm wrong."

"Do you really need verapamil?"

"Nah, I just need to know that you're happy."

. . .

"Hi! This is the Drug Information Services and Silena speaking!"

"Hi Silena!"

"GUYS! GUYS! PERCABETH IS SAFE! Where have you been all this time, Perseus Jackson?"

"Ouch. ...What?"

"Where have you been? It's been three days since you last called! Three whole days!"

"There was this out-of-town pediatrics convention I had to attend if I wanted to keep my fellowship. What happened?"

"Why didn't you tell us!"

"I didn't think I had to?"

"Ugh! You're hopeless. Knock some sense into your Seaweed Brain of a boyfriend, Annabeth."

"Boyfriend? Percabeth?"

"They think we're together."

"Everyone thinks that we're together. …So why aren't we?"

"Why aren't we what, Percy?"

"Why aren't we together, Annabeth. Like boyfriend-girlfriend?"

"For one, being your girlfriend sounds very immature seeing as I'm a grown woman. And two, we're not together because you haven't asked."

"So what? You want to be called lovers? Partners?"

"Really? That's what you're going to focus on?"

"Well, I was planning to ask you to be my girlfriend, but since you don't like that, then I want to know what you do want to be called."

"I thought we were already partners?"

"Then lover then? You really want me to ask you to be my lover when I go to the DIS later?"


"Call me old school, but I won't ask you to be my, uh, special someone? Or whatever you want to be called, just over the phone."

"Just do away with the labels and ask me to be yours."

"My Annabeth. I like the sound of that."

"Sounds as good as My Percy."

"…It does. See you in a bit, Wise Girl."

"See you, Seaweed brain."

. . .

"Good morning. Drug Information Services."

"Hey! You sound new. Are you the new intern? Mitchell, right?"

"Uh, yeah. How did you know?"

"Annabeth told me about you. You mind passing the phone to her, please?"

"You're Miss Chase's boyfriend! Just a moment, sir!"

"Miss Chase's boyfriend. What happened to being Doctor Jackson?"

"You got a better title."

"Can't argue with that. So, I gotta question for you."

"Don't you always?"

"True. So how do I know if I'm overdosing?"

"What drugs are you taking?"

"Your love."


"Your love is my drug?"

"Did you just quote Ke$ha to me?"

"Uh. No?"

"Liar! I don't date liars!"

"But Annabeth! How am I going to survive the withdrawal if you break up with me?"


"Because I'm an addict and you're my opium!"

"Now I'm your drug?"

"Aren't you?"

"Okay, what's up with all the pick-up lines? Why did you call in the first place?"

"I can't help it. The lines come out naturally. And I called because I need to know if I'm being too much?"


"Am I being too much of a bother to you? Too clingy? Should I stop calling the DIS every day?"

"Percy, breathe. ...Do you know the difference of a drug and a poison?"

"It's the dose, right? But what does that have to do with-"

"And remember when I asked you to pick your poison?"

"I chose you. I'll always choose you."

"You've already been overdosing on me all this time. And I don't mind."

"Said the opium to the addict."

. . .

done. thanks to everyone who's dropped by and read this. :3