"SAIC Leroy Jethro Gibbs. We've already met. UC Aaron Hotchner and this is SSA David Rossi. Do you understand that you are still under oath?"

"And if I ask for my JAG representative?" Gibbs glared hard at Aaron as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"As a former decorated Marine that is your right, or your bureau rep of course. But, if you invoke either of those options then this conversation is done, but our investigation isn't." Aaron saw how much Gibbs mind was running though all of the possibilities.

Gibbs leaned forward staring Aaron in the eye, "I want my JAG rep."

"Dave, let's go." Aaron stood and turned, "You could have probably saved yourself if you just talk to us. We can't help you if you get your lawyer involved. You know the drill Gibbs."

Gibbs didn't move, didn't blink he stayed silent as he watched the two FBI agents gather up the files. One slipped out and he froze.

"Why do you have a file on Agent Caitlin Todd?"

"I'm sorry I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you since you asked for your counsel." Aaron grabbed the files and straightened them out as he put them away in his briefcase.

Gibbs stood and walked around the table, getting in Aaron's face.

"Why do you have a file on Kate?" Gibbs growled low in his throat.

"Are you revoking your right to a lawyer at this time Agent Gibbs?" Rossi asked as he leaned against the wall of the interview room.

"Fine. If you tell me what's going on, I'll answer your goddamned questions."

Tony was once again watching through the glass. He knew he should just walk away from it all but this, this one hurt even more than Abby. Gibbs had been a friend, more than a friend and it all had gone so horribly wrong.

"Anthony, you cannot let yourself get hurt by Jethro anymore. He made his bed and now, as much as it pains me to say it, he is lying in it. He never saw what it was he really had in you Anthony, but from what I have observed you have found something much better."

"Thanks Ducky. I don't understand what happened. It's like he never truly came back after the explosion on the ship. And, I think sleeping with him was a mistake. It changed our relationship too much. I'm ashamed to admit it Duck, but I was using him as much as he was using me. But this, I never thought his ego would get him into this much trouble."

"Jethro always did have a healthy sense of self-righteousness, but it was always balanced with care and compassion. I think you are right, though Anthony, after reliving the death of his wife and daughter all over again, he never came back from that."

Tony turned up the mic so he could listen to what was going on.

"Are you charging Ziva with the murder of Haswari now?"

"No. When Dr. Reid analyzed the evidence we knew it was to protect you. However, I'm not sure if you will be charged with perjury. That will be up to SecNav once they receive our final reports. Personally, I'd throw you in jail for a lot of the blatant abuses of power that we were able to skim just from the files and some of the computer evidence we have. Especially, when my analyst found McGee's digital fingerprints all over the FBI's database. He came clean, told us everything."

Gibbs glared at Aaron and was about to say more when Aaron stopped him just with a look.

"I really don't know what will happen. I'm just here in an investigative capacity as are my teams. Once we give your bosses our findings, they will decide what to do with you, Ms. Sciuto and Officer David. SA Timothy McGee has been cleared, but again we don't know what will be decided with him."

"You think he'll stay loyal to you?" Gibbs lifted a brow as he leaned on the table toward Aaron.

"I think my personal relationship with UC Anthony DiNozzo is none of your business. And if you think you can use it as a bargaining chip for leniency, well we came clean to both FBI Director Mueller and SecNav."

"And those famous fraternization rules, it must have gone over real well." There was a dark gleeful gleam in Gibbs eyes as he thought he had one-up on the man he thought stole Tony from him.

"Face it Gibbs, you lost the best man that walked into your life. I know because I was stupid in walking away from him the first time. I am not making that mistake ever again." Aaron got up out of the chair and as he and Rossi were making their way out the door Aaron couldn't help the little petty streak that came over him when he turned around and said, "Face it Gibbs, you lose."

Gibbs sat there and frowned as he pondered Aaron's words. "Fuck, fucking Baltimore."


It hadn't taken much longer to wrap up the investigation. Only one more day spent going over files and pulling relevant information. When all was said and done it was all turned over to the Attorney General and copied to Clyde Easter and SecNav. Aaron hated doing it. He hated investigating another agency, but when there was that much violation of protocol and basic trust it tainted, in a lot of ways, all the agencies. He wanted to put it all to rest and behind him.

It was about a month later when the verdicts came down. Gibbs was offered retirement. They would keep all of the events leading up to his forced retirement quiet if he acquiesced. All they knew was that Gibbs agreed, Tony really wasn't interested in the specifics.

Vance was left in office, but put on a very short leash. SecNav made it very clear to him that he was going to be closely watched and was ordered by the Attorney General and SecNav to cut all ties with Eli David. His closeness with the man already created a security nightmare, but the higher ups wanted to give Vance another chance. It was made clear that one more screw-up and he's be out on his ear.

Abby was fired and was told that law enforcement directly was off the books for her. She was able to find work in an independent lab but was given limited access until she could prove that she wouldn't violate anyone's trust.

Ziva was handed over to Homeland Security and Tony decided he was not going to delve too deeply into what happened to her, he just didn't care enough.

Fornell brought McGee over to one of his teams as a tech analyst. He was monitored till he too could prove himself. Fornell promised that in a year, if he kept his nose clean, he could earn his place on an investigative team. McGee jumped on it. His relationship with Tara was slow because they were building trust between them. Neither wanted to jump into bed with each other till they were sure. McGee was just happy that he had a second chance with Tony. He had once cherished that friendship and realized how badly he had screwed it up.

Aaron knew Tony was feeling a little raw after they learned what happened to his former team, so he vowed to take care of him. Dinner, wine and a movie in the background was on the agenda for the evening.

Jack had just gone down for the night and Aaron was sipping some wine that Tony had poured them right before he sat down next to Aaron.

Aaron took Tony's glass from him and set them both down on the table then he reached out and pulled Tony close to him, kissing him, letting his mouth fall open a little so Tony could flick his tongue inside and pull him into a deeper kiss. After a moment Aaron pulled back and cupped Tony's cheek, rubbing his thumb in slow circles just under his cheekbone.

"I love you Tony DiNozzo. I never stopped caring about you. Some nights in strange hotels, alone, I'd see your face and wish, more than anything that I had turned around and called you out. I'm glad we're here now and I don't ever want to lose you again." Aaron let his head fall on Tony's as he indulged in touches and kisses. "Make love to me." Aaron whispered against Tony's neck as he left a trail of butterfly kisses to the flesh he could reach.

"Aaron," Tony's voice caught in his throat as gently laid his hands on Aaron's shoulders and pushed him back till he could see his lover's face. "Aaron, are you sure? I don't ever want to hurt you."

"I'm sure Tone." Aaron laid him out on the couch and kissed harder as he slipped a hand under Tony's shirt. The two men took their time as they made out like teenagers, teasing each other with their hands and mouths.

"Why don't we take this to the bedroom." Aaron smiled and slowly stood. Tony swallowed hard as he followed behind Aaron, anticipation and nervousness both welled up inside him.

Tony grabbed Aaron's hand once they shut the door. They weren't worried about Jack, he knew to always knock if he needed something from them.

Aaron turned into Tony and wrapped one arm around his waist and the other was around his back. They took their time as they traded kisses going from a gentle glide of lips to hard and needy. Tony worked open Aaron's shirt and slid it off his shoulders. His hands wandered to Aaron's hips and slid his hands inside the well-worn jeans his lover still had on.

"Aaron," Tony was silenced by a finger on his mouth.

"I want this, I want you."

"Okay." Tony wanted to say more but when Aaron pulled the shirt he was wearing off him and he felt a tongue flick across a nipple he was lost. It wasn't much longer before both men were naked and on the bed with a bottle of lube waiting. They had both been tested quite recently and decided to forgo the condoms.

"I want to feel just you Tony." Aaron whispered in his ear as they lay down together on the bed. Tony just nodded, he was feeling took much all at once, the trust that Aaron was showing in him was a gift he wasn't going to abuse.

"Just promise Aaron, if you feel uncomfortable at any time tell me."

"Promise." Aaron pulled Tony on top of him, wrapping his legs around Tony's waist as he pulled him down to kiss him. He thrust up, experimenting as he touched and tasted. He didn't let his mind wander, but he let go of those insecurities and fears as Tony took his time touching and caressing him. He closed his eyes and just let himself feel, let his lover slowly take him apart inch by inch. When he felt a cool slick finger breach his hole he almost moaned obscenely.

Tony bent down and sealed his lips over Aaron's swallowing the noises his lover was making. He hummed in pleasure as he slipped a second finger in and curled his fingers and watched as Aaron's body bowed slightly in pleasure. He pulled his fingers free and wiped them on the bedspread and grabbed the lube, he generously slicked-up his cock and positioned himself between Aaron's legs.

"Look at me Aaron," Tony was holding still till he saw those dark eyes that he loved so much look directly at him. "I want you to look at me, I want you to see me Aaron and know that it will only ever be me that will touch you this way, the only one that will ever be inside you like this. Look at me as I slip inside you, feel me as I move with you and make love to you." Tony never took his eyes off Aaron's as he guided the head of his cock inside Aaron's slick hole.

Aaron's hands were on Tony's waist and he didn't look away as he felt the burn of the breach. His breath caught as he saw the love and care in Tony's eyes. He couldn't speak, he was too full of emotion and could only nod his head, telling Tony he was okay.

Tony closed his eyes only for a second as he slid all the way in and stilled for a moment. Aaron reached up and curled his fingers around Tony's neck and lifted up to kiss him. Tony moaned softly then started to move. His movements were slow and gentle as he slid in and out of Aaron. His eyes never leaving Aaron's. He knew he was taking the man apart by the way he was moaning and writhing under him. Tony wrapped his hand around Aaron's own hard erection and started to stroke him.

"Tony, please," Aaron started begging not even sure what he was begging for. It was all too much and not enough at the same time. He could feel his body tensing, could feel that all over pull that told him he was close. He gripped Tony's waist tighter, he knew he was going to leave bruises but he just couldn't let go. Tony moved faster, snapping his hips spurred on by his lover's pleas for more. He let go of Aaron's cock as he too wrapped his hands around the man's waist and felt how close he was to release.

"God, Aaron," Tony moaned as he stilled, the orgasm shook him right to his core. He once again wrapped his hand around Aaron's cock and started to pump in earnest. He watched and knew when he felt Aaron contracting around him that he was close. "Come on Aaron, cum for me." Tony's voice was low and full of so much emotion that it made Aaron thrust up in Tony's hand as the orgasm burst from him and he was cumming in Tony's hand.

Tony watched as silent tears leaked from Aaron's eyes and he reached his clean hand up and gently touched his face, wiping them away.

"Tony," Aaron's voice hitched at the gentle touch. He captured Tony's hand and held it against his cheek, closing his eyes he tried to settle. After a moment Tony was able to safely pull from Aaron's body and he quickly went to clean up. He came back with a warm, wet cloth and cleaned Aaron as well before he lay down in arms that held him close.

"I, Tony, that was," he had no words that could adequately convey all he was feeling.

"Shh, Aaron, you don't have to say anything. Let us just lay here together." The two men stayed wrapped around each other all night as they slept.

In the morning, they were on their sides and Aaron was waking up spooned in behind Tony. He was softly stroking his side and trying not to wake him. He placed a kiss on his shoulder as he silently left the bed. Throwing on a pair of sweats he padded out to the office he and Tony shared. Sitting down at his desk he unlocked the bottom drawer, pulled something out, then padded back to the room. Smiling to himself as he stood in the doorway and just watched Tony his heart constricted for just a moment as he reflected on how much he loved this man.

Aaron walked back to the bed and took the box in his hand, he opened it and without waking Tony and slipped the ring on his finger and sighed. Getting up he walked out to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

Aaron already had a stack of bacon and rosemary and sage waffles warming in the oven. He also had sausage done and was working on some slow scrambled eggs with a little cream and goat cheese when he heard it.

"Aaron Michael Hotchner, what did you do?" Aaron smiled to himself as he heard Tony running into the kitchen. He wasn't startled when he was pulled into Tony's arms and kissed very obscenely. "You're a bastard."

"And you love me." Aaron smiled as he held Tony one armed against him.

"I don't know why," Tony teased as he lay his head on Aaron's shoulder. "And before you get your panties in a twist, of course I'll marry you."

Aaron closed his eyes as he laid his head on top of Tony's, "Good because I'm not letting you go this time Anthony Dimitri DiNozzo, Jr."

Aaron reached over and turned off the eggs so they wouldn't burn then he wrapped his other arm around Tony and the two stayed like that wrapped together for a few moments. They only broke apart when they heard the patter of feet on the floor.

"Dad? Papa Tony? Is something wrong?" Jack looked up at the two men worried.

Tony looked stunned as he looked down at Jack and his heart about stopped. He looked back up at Aaron with confusion and just a touch of fear in his eyes.

"Tony, you shouldn't be surprised. He loves you."

Smiling Tony turned to Jack, "No Jackster, nothing is wrong. In fact, everything is just about perfect." Tony ducked his head against Aaron's shoulder as he settled his emotions. Aaron rubbed his back a moment sensing Tony needed some grounding, a little bit of normalcy he turned to Jack.

"Who's hungry? I've got waffles."

"Me, me, me," Jack jumped up enthusiastically as Aaron pulled the food out of the oven and laid it out on the table as well as the eggs and a bowl of fruit salad he had made earlier in the morning. The three of them sat around the table, passed food around and relaxed and enjoyed the meal. Tony took a moment to reflect on what it took to get here and knew, that even though it took almost fourteen years, he didn't think he would have changed one thing. He decided on no regrets, he only wanted to look to the future and was grateful for the second chance he had been given. Not just in his career, but in the man sitting across from him.

"Tony, everything okay?" Aaron smiled wide letting his dimples show and it made Tony's heart soar.

"No, nothing is wrong Aaron, like I told Jack, everything is just about perfect." He took a bite of the soft fluffy eggs and knew what would make this complete and he would take care of it later in the afternoon. Aaron needed a ring on his finger, then, then everything would be perfect.