A/N: Heya, everyone (Do people even use this website anymore?! I know I do, whenever I find something good to read...)! Fairly new to Magi, just recently watched and read everything I possibly could, haha. Took a long break from fan fiction but lately life is a little boring and I have a bit of time on my hands. A lot of time. I thought, "yo why not use this time for some fun" so here we go!

I'll try to keep both humor and seriousness in a modest package. THANKS FOR READING! Enjoy and leave your thoughts, haha sorry for any mistakes! ALSO as for pairings, they might be subject for change. I'm aiming for Jafar x OC x Sinbad drama but I might change my mind if the MC ends up synergizing well with someone else. SORRY FOR SPONTANEITY. There's just too many good people in Magi...

Disclaimer: I don't own Magi but if I had to own something...it would be Focalor!Sinbad, am i right heh heh

Book 1: Wanderers

'why are we born only then meant to die?'


A crumbling tower, a shower of blood. Children's laughter and choking widows. Crying when your hopes threaten to spill from the rim, sobbing when a loved one's breath goes still. Life becomes riddled with joy and sorrow, yet the seasons will pass.

The girl watches with intrigue filled eyes at the play that begins.

Like little dominoes, each revealing a personal story, connected and intertwined. A soldier that dies for his country. A princess married off, never to be seen again. A king raising the tides of war. It's all a part of a grander scheme and she has seen it all and more, hungry in the pursuit of knowledge.

Within her many memories a child slave starves and is beaten alive by his owner. Another reflects a momentous celebration of the alliance of two countries: the sweet fruits of labor. Isolated, she watches with vacant eyes stretched as far as the world of the living can see. A voice that is one with her whispers and declares like a promise,

"This is your fate."

Bound and unbound, she's as free as a wanderer with no country to stake her claim. Yet like all others she is trapped by the will of fate. An unending cycle where you live and die, only to reset and start the whole process over, watching others as their lives rise and fall before their very eyes.

She is wise but the problem is the wise cannot fool themselves. She cannot fool herself into becoming like them, because in the end it will all be for nothing. This is a lesson she must learn every cycle, because that feeling of solitude is the only one that ails her. It is painful and hard when that realization comes, when those bonds she built up intricately are forced to crumble around her, laid victim to insatiable time.

At the end and beginning of every cycle, her slate is wiped clean; she becomes a woman without a name. Those feelings and relationships that haunt her are as useless as petals caught in the wind. Still, there remains a reason she can sleep and wake so peacefully.

"…Because I'll have forgotten you."





The moment she steps foot into the plaza she's already engrossed by the myriad of activity that went on. Unfortunately she was the kind of person that only shopped with her eyes, lips parted with fascination at the fresh foods for sale. Especially the juicy looking meat that a cook had skewered on display. She liked all kinds of meat but nothing beat whenever it was served so conveniently like skewers.

The more she stared at the meat the more her face changed to suit those thoughts she tried to keep hidden. Before she could decide whether or not to delve into her super tight savings, a voice within her head tempted her towards the dark side.

"Come on, you know you want it. It's just meat!"

The girl stepped out of the way for the more prodigal people, eyeing them with the slightest of envy as they purchased and tore into their meat kebabs. Was that Maurenian lamb? It looked so good and tender she could hardly stand it and she knew the entity within her could feel it too.

"Don't you have some gold to spare?"

It was a question she didn't like answering because whenever she did she felt embarrassed how frugal she lived. Constantly traveling and sleeping cost most of her budget, so she couldn't help but look away whenever she saw something that looked so succulent. She really needed more money and the only way to get that easily these days were dungeons, and hell if she was ever going to put herself through that.

"No…if I spend it now, I won't be able to stop…do you think only one lamb kebab is going to cut it? I'll need at least 3—no, maybe 4!" she whispered passionately under her breath, pushing herself to turn her back to the stall.

"You'll need at least twice that amount to feed me, too. Oh! I have an idea…" whenever her head was vacant of thoughts she knew that nothing good was going to happen. The blonde instantly tensed up, feeling a strange sense of unease as she meshed with the growing crowd. It felt like a part of her had been eaten up, or stolen, in that sense.

Careful to keep calm near the faces of civilians the girl muttered under her breath, "B-Beleth? Are you still there?" instinctively, her hands brushed against the bronze of her necklace, and she felt he was still there. Shouting ensued from behind her and she turned around abruptly.

At least, a part of him was still there…

Teal eyes alight with shock and horror, she watched helplessly as the meat kebab salesman frantically began to scramble around the confines of his tiny stall. Even nearby onlookers took notice whenever he ducked beneath the table and knocked over some spices, resulting in a decent amount of noise. The look on his face was a mix of anger and confusion, and whenever he collapsed against the back of his stall he looked desperate, "T…t-thief?!"

Why had his cry for help been filled with uncertainty? The girl almost fell back with the few people that were watching when a blue flash dashed out of the stall, stealing the breaths of witnesses. She alone immediately knew what had happened, and she pushed her way out of the plaza, using her senses to seek him out.

After all, he was a part of her, an extension of her magoi.

The distance he scurried off to wasn't that much, and as she neared his hiding spot she tried to decide what kind of reaction would be suitable for this situation. After all, she was really hungry, then again, wasn't it wrong to steal food so impulsively like that? The girl's eyes shifted at the sight of something bright blue sticking out from between a pair of crates, and she immediately yanked on it.

"Y-YOWCH! What human would dare…oh. Yuuna, hello," two glowing yellow eyes greeted her, and she could feel her anger dissolve at his cute, feline face. After all, she was speaking to a rather strangely colored cat right now, and she loved cats. The animal turned around and purred affectionately, hoping for some love from his companion.

His king.

"Beleth, what have I told you about stealing? It's not right, even if you pretend to be a cat!"

"But technically I am a cat, so who's pretending~?" she never saw a cat smile before but the slight turn of his lips revealing his sharp white teeth was enough of an indication.

The blood within her body boiled slightly and she stared at him vacantly whenever she lifted him into the air, letting the rest of his legs dangle. Again, the more she stared at him the more helpless she became, trapped within those big beady eyes. A sigh escaped her exasperated lips and she relented, "Well, at least you got some. Where is it?"

"I ate it."

"Ehh?! You little cheat, you didn't even get any for me?!"

"Ahahaha, Yuuna, stealing is bad so I couldn't bring myself to fully commit~ Don't worry, the lamb was sooo good, I can still taste the sauces in my mouth!" a cat's laughter was much more irritating than one might think, that was the thought that crossed her mind as her hands ever so slightly squeezed him between them, "Ooooouch, I'm so delicate in this form stop~!"

With the harsh pain of betrayal in her eyes the girl tossed the blue cat onto the ground, stomping away with a determination in her step. Just as Beleth suspected she might succumb to her earthly desires and buy a kebab, she went in a different direction, and he followed curiously in her footsteps.

Beleth easily kept up to her gait, causing her shoulder to tilt whenever he took perch there. She was far too busy with a written notice on a board than to humor him, and the spirit cooed with excitement at the words he began to read, "We at the coliseum? Are we going to watch someone fight?! Yay, carnage!"

Yuuna slightly squeezed his muzzle for his bad behavior before replying, "I just told you we can't afford to be spending any money. The Coliseum is a huge tourist attraction for Reim, so tickets will be more expensive than a meat kebab."

"Then why don't you just join it and make money? Two birds with one stone!"

The girl recoiled slightly, face contorted with doubt, "I-I don't think so…it's pretty gruesome in there."

"Nonsense! My king, you only have to rely on me!" the cat paused, "Er, us! Even though that other guy is weak as hell..."

Yuuna's fingers rubbed against the soft fur of his neck, and she quietly replied, "I don't know…isn't that cheating? I heard only the strongest fighters can survive against the beasts of the Coliseum. I'm not that strong by myself, so…"

"As long as we give them a show, it's alright isn't it? Look, the fight today is a bunch of Maurenian tigers! Just stall for a bit and make it look like you're going to lose, and then make a flashy comeback. I'll do my best, so don't worry."

"I have no doubt with you on my side we can beat a bunch of tigers, but what if—"

"What if you win and earn this huge prize? That's enough to buy at least 20 lamb kebabs!"

Yuuna's eyes glanced over the numbers and she could not help but frown. Only that much? Considering people went in there at the stake of their life, she didn't think those numbers were nearly enough. She sighed, using a feather quill provided near the registration board to sign her name. The process itself was very anonymous, and she suspected she could get in without any cause for suspicion.

She was just about to go to the facility and prepare herself when a foreign voice called out to her, and she turned around in sync, "Hey there. Did you just register yourself?"

Yuuna looked over the tall male, the gold of his armor shining a bit too bright for her taste. He looked well-kept, and had a friendly look in his eyes, but the thing that kept her occupied was his long, red hair. One, there was only a single race that had such bright follicles, and two, she never really liked men with long hair. Her own hair was cumbersome enough, how could he fight with such luscious locks?

"I did. I'm Yuuna, and you must be a fanalis."

The curt way she was speaking seemed to catch him off guard, and he rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, "Uh, yeah, half-fanalis. Call me Muu Alexius. I handle a lot of the Coliseum events."

"I see," the girl replied, Beleth staring fixedly at the man's armor, probably enthralled by how elegant and shiny it looked, "To answer your question, yes! I did sign up. Am I not allowed to?"

Muu's eyebrows dropped slightly, "Not really…well, how do I say this…? You look a little delicate, I was wondering if perhaps there had been a mistake. D-don't get me wrong, I'm not underestimating women or anything—my sister is a monster—but you…you look like a performer, so I thought maybe you meant to sign up for the Ampitheather. It wouldn't do if you showed up, expecting to perform only to have a tiger show up…you understand?"

The blonde slightly tilted her head at Muu, her feline companion doing the same, it was always unnerving how silent he became whenever others were nearby. People would think her a lunatic if they saw her chatting with a blue cat, "I know; there wasn't a mistake. I'm seriously going to participate in the Coliseum. See, I travel a lot and am running low on cash for food…" She blinked, "Does the Ampitheather pay, too?"

"It does, but the process isn't as simple as this one. We're also booked for the entire week, so I'm afraid you're gonna starve," his laughter held some kind of melancholy, "At any rate, I hope you'll be okay…the Coliseum can be a brutal place. You look fragile, but I'm hoping you have some sort of trick up your sleeve."

"If you're going to be at the Coliseum, you'll see, won't you? Be sure to say hi to me, okay?"

"Hm? Sure, I'll be there to congratulate you if you win…I mean…I hope you win…sorry, I'm not really sure what to say," he avoided meeting her eyes, but she could tell his sheepish honesty from actions alone.

The corners of Yuuna's lips curved into a smile and she laughed, "It's fine, the least you expect, the more surprised you'll be. Oops, I hope I didn't jinx myself. Okay, well I'm going to get prepared…see you later, Muu!" And even though the fanalis looked unsatisfied with their conversation, the girl spared him the awkwardness and frustration of trying to persuade her otherwise.

After all, there were few things that can come between a starving person and free money. Beleth yawning near her ear was even more of a representation of that, his tone bored and sleepy.

"That Muu guy is such a girl…worrying over you like that. And that hair! I can't wait to see the look on his face when we take his cash, ahaha!"

"Can you blame him? I'm not that impressive looking…maybe I should change." her fingers stretched the fabric of her skirt, other hand touching the skin of her exposed midriff. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't feeling embarrassed, girly looking thing like her mixed in with scarred, armored people.

"Yeah, you'll look pretty stupid there. But hey, the only chance you'll get to fight in a Coliseum is in Reim! When you win, you can spend your money on some nice, manly threads."

"You're so confident," the girl muttered, face lifting at the sight of the grandeur of the Coliseum. It was larger than she remembered, hordes of people and their voices filled the entryways, and she could ever so slightly catch the scent of sweat and blood. On this bright sunny afternoon, the people would surely become baffled at this feminine foreigner.

Beleth leisurely kneaded her shoulder before disappearing in a poof of "smoke", that essence returning itself to her jeweled necklace, "I'm sure you too, are excited, my King. You haven't been able to use me properly since you woke up."

The vessel's blank expression changed into a small smile, eyes shining with a hunger different to that of before. The hunger of anticipation, of excitement, of delving into an unknown.

"I'm excited."

. . .


She could hear the cries of furor from beneath the stadium. It channeled fear and tenacity into her fellow gladiators, and she both admired and pitied the looks in their eyes. Even though people knew what they were getting into, it was still a little disheartening when she thought that it was possible only a fraction of them were going to walk out of there alive. In the heat of battle, a moment's hesitation could cost someone their life, and in Reim's Coliseum, there was little room for mercy.

The image of Muu's concerned face reminded her of the fragility of human life, and a part of her wanted to do something about it. Something only she could do, something that could perhaps save one or more of their lives—

"Do not tamper with the course of fate."

Yuuna's eyes shot open at the voice that warned her, in a tone that lacked Beleth's playful aura. It was pure order and calm and she knew better than to go against it. With a lengthy sigh, the girl watched one by one as the gladiators walked through the gates with anxiety and bloodthirsty, not batting an eye when one of them failed to return. She would be lying if she herself wasn't feeling fluttery in her stomach, the worst of which came whenever the gatekeeper stared at her, gesturing with his hand.

"You're up," there was an unimpressed look in his eyes when he scanned over her, "Your weapons are over there."

Despite the blatant way he was handling her, she acquainted him with a smile, "Thanks, but I won't be needing those."

The man couldn't decide whether he should laugh or get annoyed with her, but he was just a lowly gatekeeper and his job wasn't to talk sense into people. It was to open the damn gate and so, as curious as he was, he didn't say anything when he opened the bars to the girl's potential deathbed. When the gatekeeper separated the two of them with the gate, he avoided looking into her eyes.

"…Everyone's totally dissing you. Cheer up, okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little nervous," Yuuna took in a deep breath, making each of her steps forward as slow and antagonizing as possible, just as the crowd began to roar at her appearance. Of course, the moment she stepped into that white light she couldn't really see their individual faces, there were just so many people filling the auditorium, and frankly, she was glad she didn't have to see their faces.

Their words of discouragement were enough, because she looked nothing like a fighter nor a gladiator. Despite that heavy, demoralizing feeling that weighed on her all around, she stood on her side of the arena with a resolute disposition, eyes glued to the gates of the beast. Her ears began to ring with the voices of the crowd, but she shut them out mentally. Isolating herself had become almost too easy for her.

When the sound of screeching steel resonated in the stadium and the eyes of a giant saber-tooth tiger hailed down on her their chants began to change.


She wished she didn't have to hear that, but she wouldn't get the chance to think when that beast bounded for her smaller body. With all of her reflexes catching on fire, she jumped backwards, just out of the reach of its claws. She backpedaled and strafed, trying to get herself away from the Coliseum wall.

"…I-it's faster than I thought…" she muttered, sweat already beginning to slide down the contours of her face. That was close—she didn't expect it to immediately pounce on her. She thought maybe the announcers would say something but maybe that was too much to expect from humanity. Either way, she signed up knowing those people wanted to see blood.

"Be careful, one wrong step and you're dead meat. Those claws and fangs are poisonous."

"Thanks, I already—" The tiger lunged at her again, and she maneuvered her body ever so slightly enough its claw passed right beside her. Her teal eyes widened at the mere sight of its fangs within her reach, "Shit!" Heart colliding against her chest the woman slid away from the tiger, creating distance.

Maybe it was wrong to be too reliant on metal vessels in the first place…

. . .


Muu let out a sigh of relief as the girl just narrowly escaped the tiger's clutches. He was even leaning against the railing, trying to get a better view while vacating himself from the crowd's tumultuous cries, "Damn, that girl is going to give me a heart attack!"

A soft voice behind him calmed his nerves, "Curious Muu. Are you worried for that girl? You must be acquaintances, then."

The fanalis glanced at the holy presence behind him, tearing himself away from the event and positioning himself in a formal kneel, "Lady Scheherazade…I just met her today. I'm…a little worried…I don't really want to see an innocent lady die a horrible death," lifting his gaze to meet hers he added, "What brings you to the Coliseum, my lady?"

The magi also stepped up to the podium, her normally shut eyes opening ever so slightly, "…I was curious."

"About today's events? Nothing out of the ordinary my lady, besides that woman. We hardly get anyone besides gladiators in the stadium."

Her silent reaction unnerved Muu. Of course, Lady Scheherazade hated watching these fights, so she wouldn't have appeared for no reason. He suspected there was more than what met the mortal eye. Even Yuuna, who looked so delicate, displayed an unwavering, almost vacant confidence in her eyes that he couldn't bring himself to talk her out of it. A sane person wouldn't enlist them self to die, would they?

"…you don't have to worry, Muu."


"…she has a trick up her sleeve, after all."

. . .


She was already beginning to run out of breath with how many mini heart attacks this animal was giving her. She was lucky she was small, or else she wouldn't be slender enough to evade its powerful attacks. Alone, there was no way she could defeat it, but she needed time to channel Beleth. If the tiger kept attacking her so relentlessly there was no way she could use him.

Yuuna's heart sank, 'Time. I need time.'

Just when the tiger gave off a lengthy roar and began to sprint towards her, Yuuna pulled herself to her feet, a hand outstretched to her side, "Orobas!"

Time was cut short and the tiger had already made its way in front of her, eyes hungry for blood. The crowd cheered as both its claws raised and forced them down on its opponent. She was there, it could smell it, right within its grasp.

The crowd became silent at the sight of her idle figure between the tiger's forearms, hand in that same outstretched position as before. Both the crowd and the tiger needed a moment to process if she was dead or alive, but it would be obvious when she lifted her face, a smile playing about her lips.

Echoes of surprise coursed through the stadium, and the tiger immediately acted, jaws snapping shut at the spot the girl had been standing in. Its small, golden eyes stared at the now empty space, and then it glanced around before seeing Yuuna walking casually towards the opposing side of the stadium. She had her hands clasped on her necklace, eyes aimed at the floor, glued shut.

The tiger, infuriated at its slippery prey, launched itself at her exposed back, only to narrowly miss when she seemed to calmly move to the side, a single step ahead of her beastly opponent.

"Beleth, Spirt of Courage and Fidelity. Lend me your strength so that I may overpower my foes."

A black, obsidian like film covered her hands, running as far as her wrists. Each of her fingers looked as sharp and menacing as a new forged blade, and when the tiger turned to meet her gaze she lifted her hands in a certain position. The tiger wailed and moaned the moment its momentum drove her digits into its eye sockets, swiping the air around him and recoiling away. Blinded, the creature's paws grazed at its bleeding optics, a soft whimper in the air.

Even so, the crowd cheered on, and the tiger channeled that anger and pain into fury. Yuuna could see it sniffing the air, but when it sluggishly aimed towards her she didn't need "that power" to retaliate. Using the hand that gouged out its eyes, she aimed it at the tiger, face slightly turned with glee.

"Down boy."

The tiger immediately stopped moving, its limbs as well as the earth beneath it beginning to tremble. A heavy feeling dispersed in the air around them, and even the crowd began to murmur with a sense of unease. Yuuna's hand slowly inched downward, and the tiger's body began to kneel along with it, that "force" growing denser and denser. With her other hand she raised it near her head, and a massive black force materialized with it.

Resembling her animalistic hand, the black force that had manifested followed her movements, and she rotated it around teasingly. Just as the crowd stirred with bewilderment, she clasped the tiger within that giant hand, clenching around it tightly. Cries of jovial amusement and amazement erupted from the audience at the sound of a brute crushing force, and the remains of the animal that fell whenever Yuuna released her hold. The Coliseum event had quickly ended with the flesh and blood of the animal decorating its floor, and that was enough cause to send the audience wild.

"Easy. Now let's go see that Muu guy and get some food, yeah?" Beleth groaned in her conscience, the effects of her Djinn Weapon Equip removing itself from her pale hands. He seemed unfazed by the fickle attitude of the crowd.

From bouts of discouragement to screaming her praise. The world could be such an ugly place.

And she wouldn't have it any other way.




End. Sorry if I didn't please you. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions, I am by no means a flawless writer! I just hope I wrote well enough to entertain you!

Not sure if I gave enough hints on her powers, Beleth's is pretty obvious. Oh well, I love the mysteriousness and ambiguity : It's like, vague enough it's confusing but if you think about it...maybe you could figure out what the other djinn does. Also what is fight scene. ANYWAY. WHO LOVES PICTURES. I DO.

Yuuna/Beleth/? pictures on profile. I suck at describing people and a picture speaks a thousand words so HAHA CONVENIENCE.

Next Chapter Sneak Peek?: probably going to be heading to Sindria soon lololol