Chapter 1
A/n I hope you like my new story! I have so many ideas I am working on. Remember I do my own editing so please forgive any mistakes.
*** Warning this story contains stories of bullying. Please don't be upset, I was bullied in high school and I want to write a story about overcoming obstacles. We can all achieve our dreams if we succeed and try hard enough and come out stronger at the end. ***
As I am applying my stage makeup I make sure to cover my scar on my face and cheek. Every time I see this scar it reminds me of my past that I ran and was taken from. However, I love my new life as I am doing what I love. I have come so far from that day in high school. I have become a worldwide country singer. I sing about anything and emotions that I could never express in words. When I am on stage I get lost into my music and myself. I was always a loner in school as I only listened to music and loved to sing. Every day I would hang out in the choir room until my father came to pick me up. That is until that fateful day I wish I never stepped foot into that school.
I'm rehearsing to try out for the lead in the yearly school musical. I want the role of Cinderella, as it is a classic. I can hear the whispers and feel the stares on me. I try to block it out but being bullied day after day just brings me down. I finish the song and as I walk off the stage, head cheerleader Kate, and her cohort Lilly approach. "Anastasia what a loser name. Who are you a princess of? No one important that's for sure, you are just a fat little choir nerd who will amount to nothing. No boy will ever want you, you are a disgusting rag whore who smells. Look at all those rolls on your disgusting body. Your voice is horrendous no one will ever want to see or hear you perform. You are no one and no one can stand to look at you." I honestly try and ignore them but I just try and walk around them.
Next thing I realized I was tied up backstage and gagged. I could not move. The two of them and a newbie as they called her Mia joined in on the torturing. Mia seemed reluctant but still participated. I tried to be strong but then the impossible happened. They brought clippers out and completely shaved my head. I was frozen as I couldn't move as I was in a trance. I was crying as I treasured my long brown hair but I couldn't move, talk, scream, or kick my way away. This wasn't the first bullying episode I've dealt with. I have been spat on as my hair was pulled. I have been teased consistently about my weight but I'm only a size 4. I know I'm not fat but hearing these words make me think I am. Kate would have the boys try and grab my butt and try and grope my boobs. Luckily somehow they never accomplished as I would kick or bite them away. I heard footsteps running to me as they ran off.
I was untied and the gag was removed as I was staring into the greyest of eyes. He has the most beautiful shade of copper hair. I became lost as he pulled me to him and just held me. I realized that in the process of them shaving my head my cheek was cut in front of my right ear.
He applied pressure as he looked into my eyes. "Anastasia your blue eyes have captured me since I first saw you. I know we have never officially met, but you have bewitched me. I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you. I will always be here for you no matter what." He kissed my shaved head and kissed my lips so softly and placed my hand on his chest. I felt myself explode into fireworks, it felt so wrong here I was attacked and he expresses his feelings. I don't even know his name but I felt so safe into his arms and I felt at peace, and that I belonged with him. Here I was at my worst and he wanted me just me. The feeling deep into my stomach and chest and I couldn't breathe.
"Grey eyes who are you?"
He walked me to my father and before I could ask his name, as I was in a trance with everything going on my father sped away.
That was six years ago and the next day my father moved us out of state. I never learned the name of my grey eye mystery man but he is always in my dreams. I dropped out of public school and was homeschooled until I was 17. I loved to sing and be on stage as it was a dream ever since I was a little girl. I would sing on base for my father and his fellow officers. One day I was scouted and 2 weeks later I signed a record contract on my 18 birthday. Four years I have traveled the world and performed by myself. My father died of lung cancer 6 months after my contract and I never knew my mother.
Ray my father told me Carla my mother had me in the hospital. The next day she just got up and left and was never heard from again. So here I am at 22 and I am a top billboard country singer on stage, the radio, and everywhere. I will interact with my band members on stage but that is it. They are not allowed to interact with me off stage. I trust no one as the memories from high school are still so fresh that I can't let anyone in. I have my manager Molly that I converse with daily on my schedule but that is it.
The media has claimed I am gay, aloof, and too controlling. They are right with everything except the gay part. I never want to go through that humiliation again. I have my daily routine to maintain my weight, and my strict diet. I have had offers to pose for magazines but I will not do it. I keep myself fit and toned for my own being. I know I'm good looking and I've worked hard for my body. I can mentally prove too all of my bullies that they were wrong. If they could only see me now. I have everything I can ever want in life but something is still missing.
"Steele five minutes till curtain call." Molly my manager yells out to me. That damn scar every time I see it I have the flashback of that day. The only regret I have is I didn't get the name of my grey eyed man. He is the only man or boy that I have ever had an instant connection with. I'm definitely not gay as that kiss made me feel so many foreign feelings. I just want to feel special for that someone, and I feel that time has passed. I never had that electric zing as I did with grey eyes. Yes, I am a 22-year-old virgin and will probably remain that way. I trust no one so I do not socialize outside of performing, or communicating in meet and greets.
I walk out of my dressing room and hear the roar of the crowd waiting for me. Every time before a show starts I always have these butterflies. Once I reach that stage all of my insecurities fade away as I am in my element. Sometimes I feel like an actress on stage and just play the part I know I want to be. I want to be confident, happy, and most of all loved. I know my fans love Anastasia Steele the singer but no one knows the real me, the troubled me.
"Ladies and Gentleman with my pleasure here is the double platinum, all time and new and most wanted performer ever Anastasia Steele" That's my que.
Every time I leave the stage after my performance I have to take a shower as I work myself into a sweat. Molly my manager knows that I need to decompress for an hour, as I am not to be bothered. This is my time to decompress and come off of my performance high. It's almost like I become a different person on stage, the person I know I truly am inside. I just can't let my true self out in public as I am still so insecure. I'm the most wanted singer out there and I still have no self-esteem. How pathetic am I?
As I'm drying my hair and finish my dinner Molly walks in with her iPad in hand and on her phone. I hear Seattle and freeze as I swore to myself I would never go back there.
"Miss Steele, you have an opportunity to perform at a charity function in Bellevue. Its located just outside of Seattle. It benefits children and families in abuse situations. It also promotes against worldwide bullying; this will be perfect for your image. The press is becoming relentless with your image. We need good press and to show that you care. It is in 4 days though, their performer bailed at last minute."
I see where Molly is coming from in regards to my image. I'm considered the country's princess on stage, however when I'm in public I don't interact with the public. They say I don't truly love my career as I don't love my fans. They are so wrong as I would do anything for them. They made me and I need to start opening up to them or eventually my fears and my past will haunt my future and I don't want that.
"Molly, I do care but I don't trust anyone unless it's you or on stage. I will do it but they have to meet my rider of demands. Most importantly they have to have room for my two motorhomes. Also I will not bill them as that is my contribution to the charity. What are the details? Is it a dinner, Do I perform and we are out?"
"It is black tie and invitation only. There is a sit down dinner, but they stated it is your choice if you want to participate. They would like you to possibly do a meet and greet after you perform. You will only have to perform four songs and your band is not needed, unless you want them. They also have a request to have the songs be related to abuse somehow. They want the songs to really hit home and be truthful."
"Ok I have those couture gowns that were sent to me. I will wear one on stage and then change as I decompress. I will eat after as you know I cannot eat before. Can I have the meal in my motorhome and do the meet and greet after? The entire band and crew are not needed. Let's bring three; I need Paul my pianist, James my violinist, and of course Jessica for the guitar and backup vocals. I have some songs in mind but let me think about them. Will there be room for both motorhomes?"
She nods as she leaves to make the call. I never ever thought I would step foot back into Seattle let alone Washington. I will never turn down charity events as I despise abuse of any form. I make my way to my motorhome my home away from home. I receive the text from Molly as all of my demands are fine with the charity and there will be room for both motorhomes. I have had my motorhome custom fit to meet my traveling standards. This home on wheels cost me five million and I love it. I have a California King bed, with my 60 inch tv. My bedroom is soundproof as I still have nightmares so my driver cannot hear me. The bathroom has a full walk in shower and a double vanity. I have a full size washer and dryer so I can do my laundry. Fully loaded gourmet kitchen and a full size sitting room with an electric fireplace. The only person here in this motorhome with me is Luke Sawyer. He is my driver and also personal bodyguard. He's gay but keeps to himself. When we stop on tour or travelling anywhere there is a second motorhome the band travels in and he stays with them. This Home away from home has top of the line security as I set it when Sawyer leaves to go to the other motorhome.
I make myself comfortable in my bed and watch my favorite channel on tv Lifetime. I love all of the movies of happiness, love at first sight, and families. I know my true happiness and love has come and gone as I dream of grey eyes every night. I know I will probably never see him let alone never know his name. So I will do what I know best, which is sing and wish about him and the past.