Nanny or Mommy
Prologue/Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I Don't own Naruto.
Naruto Uzumaki a spiky haired blonde in his late 20s a famous actor with too many things on his plate. Movie after movie show after show he rarely ever had time for his family. It wasn't that bad but after his wife suddenly disappeared he threw himself into his work.
His missing, presumed dead wife Hinata Hyuga Uzumaki was a model that came from a prestige family, she was meant to be the heir of the Hyuga Empire before having their son. His wife disappeared a couple of days after giving birth to their youngest child Himawari, who was now 3 years old. Himawari inherited Hinata's dark blue hair and Naruto's blue eyes.
They have one more child the oldest who's a boy named Boruto 5 years old. Boruto bears a striking resemblance to his father with his blonde hair and bluer eyes.
Despite getting the children everything they wanted it still didn't satisfy them. After Hinata disappeared Boruto developed a dislike towards his father and sometimes his sister. Which caused him to act out just to spite his father.
Naruto sighed as he sat across from his manager Jiraiya. Yet another nanny quit on him. Evidently, Boruto got his hands on permanent dye and dyed the woman's hair a seaweed green color somehow. He just got done telling his manager the story and was patiently waiting for him to stop laughing. His five-year-old was just too much trouble some people found it entertaining but Naruto found it just annoying. Jiraiya wiped a tear away from his eye.
"Most of the woman you hire to be the nanny are not there for the kids but for you to wife them." Naruto rolled his eyes having heard the same thing from Jiraiya time and time again. "They quit because they weren't expecting Boruto to be so difficult."
Naruto just sipped his tea as he felt the heat from everyone's eyes on him. Why wouldn't people be staring at him he was a famous guy sitting in a tiny cafe. "Hm, why don't you take the kids out to the carnival this weekend I'm sure they'll enjoy it and appreciate you more."
Naruto groaned another conversation he and his manager often had. "You know I can't do that I'm far too busy."
The white-haired man looks around confusedly, "yet you're sitting with me here now."
"This was supposed to be a meeting about my next movie!" Naruto angrily shouted attracting, even more attention to himself.
"Look all I'm saying is just to spend the weekend with them while looking for a new nanny." Naruto sighed in defeat how many times did he sigh he wasn't sure.
"Fine, I'll take them." He briefly thought to himself, that's if Bolt stops hating me for a second.
He stood ready to go to one of his movie sets the one he was looking forward to most was the action related movie. His other movies in the making were romantic comedies which he hated doing. "Well, I have to go to set I'll see you later." Jiraiya nodded as he watched Naruto be escorted to his carpool by his bodyguard/driver.
"So boss are you actually going to spend time with the kids?" He glared at the brown haired man for bringing it up once again.
"Just drive Kiba I'm not paying you to ask questions." Kiba the brown haired man childishly mocked his boss when he wasn't looking. Unfortunately, it seemed that Naruto already knew what he was doing.
"We're here boss."
Naruto arrived home at around 8 at night to find the place looking like a child's war zone. Crayon marks on the wall water all over the floors. It smelled a bit like something was burned.
He walked over broken crayons and puddles of water and mentally prepared himself for whatever was behind the kitchen door. Slowly he opened the door to find it empty and spotless. It made him wonder where his kids were and what they were doing. Hopefully, they were in bed and asleep.
Naruto went up the stairs after he looked around for his kids on the first floor. It was as if he was in a horror movie as he walked up the stairs to his awaiting demise.
"Boruto Himawari where are you guys?" He called out not receiving any reply. Naruto first went into Himawari's room and saw she was fast asleep. Then he went to bolt's room to find the five-year-old also asleep to his relief. He really needed a nanny that would put up with his children behavior.
He sleepily wandered to his room after thinking about lying in his comfy bed all day. Tomorrow was Saturday and he would clear his schedule just to take the kids to the carnival. One shoe at a time he removed them and tiredly lied on his back looking up at the ceiling deep in thought.
He hoped everything would go well tomorrow but part of him doubted it.
Beep beep beep
A groan from under the comforter was the only sound in the room after the alarm clock. Multitudes of profanity came from his mouth as he rolled the wrong way and ended up on the floor.
Naruto quickly sat up noticing how quiet it was. Usually, a maid or even his kids (who got the early bird trait from their mother) were up/here by now causing a racket.
He got up as fast as possible and once again checked up on his kids whose beds were empty and made. Naruto began to panic until he heard laughter coming from the kitchen downstairs. He was relieved when he saw the chef entertaining his kids. They looked to be enjoying their selves one other thing he failed to notice in his haste to find his kids was how clean the house was once again.
"Daddy!" Himawari held her arms out to be picked up by her father. Naruto smiled at his three-year-old and picked her up.
"Hey, Hime." Himawari wrapped her arms around her daddy's neck hugging the man tightly. Looking at Himawari was like looking at Hinata and it made him miss her even more.
"Since I have today off I'm thinking we can go to the carnival that's in town." Bolt who was glaring, albeit rather adorably at his father stood up instantly in excitement.
"Really?" Naruto nodded as Bolt happily danced around with his sister joining him. He smiled down at his children sadly. He felt bad for being distant from his family and wanted to make it up to them. It was too bad that he would have to find another nanny for them.
"Alright, kids I want you two to get ready when you finish your breakfast." Bolt dashed off to the stairs his breakfast long forgotten. Himawari tried to also run behind him with her tiny legs but instead tripped and fell. The dark-blue haired child eyes started watering.
Naruto chuckled inwardly and went to pick the three-year-old up. Himawari loved following behind her big brother and that often proved to be a challenge for the toddler. "Let's find you a nice outfit to put on ok?" Naruto said while whipping the small child's tears away. She nodded and let him take her up the stairs to her room to find an outfit.
It was a beautiful day out and not a single cloud was in the sky. A girl stood out the most among the crowd of people. Her name was Sakura Haruno early 20-year-old who was dragged to a child's carnival by her friend.
"Cheer up Sakura this carnival isn't just for kids but adults also." Sakura rolled her eyes at the blonde who decided to run a stall at said carnival. Ino Yamanaka was a gorgeous woman aiming to be a model in the future. But she was still in college pursuing her other dream and backup plan, being a psychologist.
Anyway, Ino's stall wasn't a game stall but a face painting stall. "I can't believe I'm even here I could be at work or something." This time, it was the blonde's turn to roll her eyes. Sakura was a proud workaholic who claimed she rarely had time despite only working at a bakery. Then again she was in college trying to become a doctor which was really expensive.
"Since you're here at least help me set up and paint some kids' face. If I remember correctly you're pretty good at painting." Sakura sighed but nonetheless helped her platinum blonde friend set up.
Ino with the help of Sakura put up the sign that had "face painting" in big colorful letters. "Now we wait you stay here while I go get us snow cones," Ino grinned as she walked the wrong way to the snow cone stall. She knew the blonde was going to be gone for most of the day off flirting with guys or actually enjoying the carnival.
Looking at her phone she saw that it was 10 in the morning. She waited bored out of her mind for at least one child to come up to her and it seemed her prayers were answered. "Mommy can I get my face painted." The woman looked over at Sakura who tried her best to smile but it looked more like a grimace.
The woman sighed and let the little girl pull her to the stall seemingly not caring too much about the whole face painting thing. The brown haired girl sat down in the chair in front of Sakura. "What's your name?" Sakura opened the paint as the girl watched enthusiastically before answering her question.
"I'm Ami." The brunette smiled widely missing her front tooth.
"Pretty name my name is Sakura." Ami nodded happily. "What do you want to be painted on your face?"
"Kitty!" Sakura smiled and used the pink paint to paint triangles signaling the cat ears above her eyebrows. Next, Sakura drew an upside-down pink triangle on the tip of her nose with black lines outlining the pink then drew a straight line from her nose base down to her lip. She then created the whiskers with a clean stroke for each one. Next, she used the white paint to put a white oval above her lip and paint black dots over it. She then painted the girl's lips red to finish up the whole thing. Instead of just simply drawing a cat on the side of her face Sakura decided to paint cat features on the little girl.
"Done!" Sakura picked up the mirror to show the girl her reflection. Watching her reaction closely it seemed that the girl was more than happy with the face paint.
"Look, mommy, I'm a kitty." The girl's mother chuckled and gave Sakura her payment of 50 cents. Sakura put it in a box as the mother and daughter duo walked away to enjoy themselves some more.
Before Sakura could even stretch a bit another child ran up to her with their mother behind them. Sakura knew that it was going to be a long day full of painting people's faces without Ino's help despite it being her idea.
Boruto was not having fun everything he suggested was shot down in favor of what Himawari wanted to go to. Himawari was on their dad's shoulder pointing to yet another stall that didn't interest him.
Boruto looked around wondering if he ran away would his father even care. Bolt pouted as his 5-year-old mind processed everyone around him. He stopped once he realized he was lost, he couldn't see his father or his sister, not even his dad's bodyguard.
Bolt looked around panicking slightly as he was surrounded by talking people and it seemed too loud. He ran blindly through the crowd of people to find his dad but couldn't.
The familiar prickling in his eyes let him know tears were going to start falling from his eyes. He eventually collided hard into someone falling on his bottom that's when he started crying in the middle of the street. "Hey, are you ok?"
Bolt looked up through his tears at a concerned looking pink haired woman. Bolt shook his head unable to speak through his hiccups and sobs. Sakura gave him the nicest smile she could muster before helping him to his feet and wiping the dirt from his shorts. "You must be hungry let's get you some ice cream and talk."
Bolt nodded as she took his hand and guided them through the crowd. Sakura was on a break from the stall and hadn't been back since Ino came back two hours later. She saw the poor kid running blindly through the crowd and knew something was wrong. She could guess what the problem was anyway but just to be sure she'll hear him out.
The two got their ice cream and sat on one of the benches eating in silence. "I'm Sakura and you are?" She spoke breaking the comfortable silence.
"I'm Boruto but people call me Bolt." He grinned up at her brightly proud of his nickname. Sakura also grinned from the boy's contagious smile.
"Why were you running with your head down? That's very dangerous Bolt." He rarely ever got reprimanded for his actions since his father was almost never around and his mother was way too nice to do so when he was younger.
"I-I'm lost." He could feel his eyes stinging as more tears built up there. He didn't want to cry but the thought that his father left him wasn't helping.
Sakura does something unexpected by wrapping her arms around the poor boy who was just as surprised as she was. He hadn't had a hug since his mother left which at the time he couldn't understand.
Once the first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Bolt clutched her shirt in his hands as he bawled in her shirt crying with the force of a grown man. Sakura rubbed his back soothingly looking down sadly as her shirt got wetter from his tears. She could see that the small blonde needed a good cry and someone to comfort him.
She felt two emotions anger and sadness. Anger towards his parents for not looking after the child better and sadness for Bolt. He tightened his hold on her as if at any moment she would leave him.
After a while, his tears dried and he finally let her go no longer needing to cry. Sakura took the napkin they gave her with the ice cream and wiped Bolt's face. He couldn't be any older than 5. She threw their cups of ice cream away and held out her hand for Bolt. "Why don't you tell me about your parents?"
They began walking without any destination in mind. "My dad is a jerk." Sakura lifted her eyebrow at his choice of words. "He loves Himawari more than me." Bolt looked down sadly not yet done talking about his dad. "He's always busy..."
"I wish I wish my mommy was still alive." She felt the boy grip her hand tighter causing her heart to clench.
"Bolt I'm sure your daddy love you both equally and he's just trying to keep his family together by working all the time." Bolt sighed before nodding in agreement.
"Is Himawari your sister?" Bolt nodded unenthusiastically.
"Yep, she's three." Sakura understands now a three-year-old needed more attention than a 5-year-old.
"Your sister is only three she's going to need you to be there for her along with your daddy-"
"Forehead there you are those kids are like demons I need your help." Bolt looked up curiously at the pretty blonde who seemed to not have noticed him.
Sakura used her eyes to tell Ino to look down at her right which she did. "Forehead did you kidnap someone else's kid?!" Sakura resisted the urge to curse the woman out for saying something like that and so loudly too. She sighed before walking off to their stall to help her slow friend.
"Sakura-chan who's this lady?"
"That's Ino sadly she's my crazy best friend." Ino trailed behind them hearing every word they said.
"I can hear you guys." Sakura and Bolt laugh loudly at the pouting blonde.
While managing the stall Sakura and Bolt got closer she even painted a dragon on his face. Until a voice called out his name.
"Bolt! I've been looking everywhere for you what the hell were you thinking running away like that!" Sakura stood up suddenly glaring at the much taller blonde.
"Oi! There's no need to yell at him he got lost not purposely ran away!" It seemed that their yelling was causing quite a scene as the two held a glaring contest.
"Who are you?" Sakura crossed her arms angrily feeling quite annoyed with the blonde.
"I'm Sakura Haruno and who are you?" Naruto's snarl turned into a smirk that she didn't even know who he was.
"Naruto Uzumaki." A loud gasp came from behind Sakura before a blonde quickly stood in front of him and started shaking his hand.
"Sakura this is THE famous actor Naruto Uzumaki," Ino said excitedly damn near close to fainting. Ino still happily shook his hand while staring into his cerulean eyes.
"Bolt let's go we're going home." Naruto yanked his hand out of the tight grip of the ponytail wearing blonde. He started walking away but noticed that his tiny counterpart wasn't following. "Bolt?"
"No, I want to stay with Sakura-chan." Bolt said defiantly shocking both Sakura and Naruto.
"I want to stay with you Sakura-chan can I stay with you please?" He looked up at Sakura with those oceanic eyes that were filled with adoration towards her. She felt kinda honored.
"Bolt you have to go with your dad." Bolt looked as if he was going to cry or throw a temper tantrum.
"Kiba get my child." The brown haired man who they finally noticed picked the child up and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The child started yelling all while pounding on Kiba's back.
"Sakura-chan!" Sakura looked away sighing. She felt as if she betrayed the small child.
"Thanks for looking out for Bolt Sakura-chan." Sakura glared as he smirked down at her calling her what his son just called her. Naruto turned to leave but not without throwing one last glance at the pinkette.
"Wow, we met THE greatest actor ever." Sakura had a deep frown as she stared at the way they went. Ino gushed to herself over her whole day.
"All that matters is that I won't be seeing him anymore." Ino frowned she could see in his eyes the amusement and interest when he spoke to Sakura. "I just hope Bolt is ok."
"Don't worry Sakura Bolt is a tough kid." Sakura shook her head to clear her thoughts (which barely worked). She smiled down at the kid who was shyly approaching for her face to be painted.
"Hello, what would you like painted on you face?" The rest of her day went like that until it was nighttime.
Meanwhile, at the Uzumaki home, the only noise that could be heard was the screams and shouts from Boruto. Naruto couldn't concentrate on his lines with the noise.
"Kiba!" Said person opened the door to his study ready for whatever he was getting ordered to do. Sighing he finally came up with a decision. "I need you to bring Sakura Haruno to me."
"If you don't mind me asking why?"
"Bolt misses his Sakura-chan so much I'll just make her the nanny," Naruto smirked to himself as he played their first encounter over in his head. She was quite fierce for someone with pink hair.
"R-right and if she doesn't want to be the nanny?"
Naruto just shrugged once she saw how much he was paying her she wouldn't say no at all. "We'll just have to see won't we."
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Revised: 12/5/18