A/N Hi everyone, I know it's been a while since I've written this Story, but I plan to get back into it... this is supposed to be a big story and I loved writing it so I'm continuing it.

Now presenting Chapter 8...

Vokun's Pov via journal

*Vokun's journal... day 1*

*well... I don't really know what to write... other than I've left everything I've ever known, to join a group I know nothing about... to follow a voice in my head... and follow the voice... all the way to hell. I sound a little bit crazy right now, but then again so is the place I'm going, the people I'm with, and everything about this whole damn ride along, I mean. I blew up a damn bridge! Oh well... the plane is about to land in the Dead City, hopefully I don't end up Dead like the name suggests...it's night here, the moon looks rather odd too but it's probably normal here... whatever guess it's something new for me, Vokun out.* Vokun puts down his journal

"Vokun... plane's landing, grab your gear and head with me... vehicles will be taken care of" Nexus said"

"Hey Nex... can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, shoot kid"

"What's the base like?" Vokun asked as he gave a cockeyed curious look

"Eh... kid imagine a giant city within a more gigantic city... eh just... nevermind look for yourself when we get off, the airfield is in a mountain above and away from the base" Nexus explained as they felt the wheels hit the runway and the cargo door began to open as the pups began to walk out

"Wow, this place is massive" Vokun commented on the massive aircraft hangar in the mountain

"Yeah, this is the largest and I may add best defended airfield in the known universe, it's the hub for many Merc armies and also houses the living, and the living dead armies of hell, to tell you the truth, expect to see strange things here, some of the canines here are fueled by warfare, blood and hatred, yet we all somehow manage to deal with the differences... and given that some of the armies of hell are of soviet lineage, we fall under jurisdiction of the Russian Border Troops Directorate, so although we do not associate our quote *nationalism* with the Russian people, we fall under KGB service, however no one else knows we exist... only select members know we exist and the rest of people who know us are KGB agents under the special project we are part of... the American version of our project was or what turned into Shadowhawk.. which ultimately failed" Nexus explained as they walked to the outer runway and out to the mountain railway tracks and the elites got on the train

"So you mean we're one of the secret Soviet departments? One of the old cold war projects?" Vokun asked

"Exactly, you seem to know history kid" Beast commented

"They think I inherited some of my dad's memories, and they think I have other abilities that I don't know yet"

"That could come in handy, a newbie with abilities yet to hone?" Sparky said

"Agreed, it will be helpful, especially if he is meant to enter the Elites as out top soldier" Zakari said as the train cam to a halt in the Barracks area of the base...

The base looked like a city on it's own separate from the rest of the overall five-hundred square mile super-complex, which had it's own water, power, food, factories and everything to run a society in it's own... plus the base's weapons which included massive artillery cannons inside the walls, and anti air defenses on the walls

they walked past Barracks with different language writings, everything from German, Russian, English, French... even sub canine languages, and also demonic languages. The buildings displayed insignias from ever canine military group, which listed in the Barracks complex on a plaque "Three Million Hounds Strong" the base had a database of digital copies of every canines tags and info. All the visuals of this place were making Vokun's head fill with questions

Vokun saw five Black dressed German Shepherds with red arm bands enter a large concrete command building that said *Deutscher Schäferhund, Einsatzgruppen, Standarten Befehl*

"What's that building? Vokun asked as he pointed with his paw

the Elite's eyes widened as he pointed

"Uh kid... that's the Equivalent of Canine Aryan race as they're the closest dog breed to wolves and some are wolves, Nazi SS, that's their killing unit's Headquarters, I mean... we work with them because their combat tactics are fierce, but otherwise avoid them... they kill the small mutts who stray from their units barracks " Nexus said

Vokun looked down the road to a large stage with several Dobermans in snow uniforms and pointed with his paw "who are they?"

"Those are Soviet War dogs, also known as *Sulimov Dogs or Wolves* they're largely part of the KGB overwatch, so not many groups act against them... and surprisingly they're well liked" Nexus said

"You see Canines from every major country or political group or merc band... it's an odd system and cannot really be explained, however it seems to work, like one big canine union" Yumi said

"Perhaps why our project was named *Project C.M.U.* also known as Canine Military Union, we're our own part of the KGB although in a sub department... Damn this host country bullshit, we should be free to govern ourselves" Beast said

"I mostly see large dogs, and they're divided by breed, unlike us" Vokun pointed out

"Yes... exactly, and that's the point Shadow" a pup said from behind

Vokun turned to see the pup he knew would call him by his father's name... Shade seemed to be aged in look since he had left... yet still young followed by a group of what seemed to be the leaders of the Major Canine groups

"The Elites are going to become a grandeur version of what they are now... the new slots that will be opened shall keep the Elites Competitive for title, although I already have the top ten set in next to stone" Shade said

the Doberman and German Shepherd both spat upon him saying that

Shade glared at them both

"Anyways... I should escort you guys to the Elites Barracks, don't mind my guests, we we're in the middle of a meeting, but we have met a block in the debate for today, after you settle in you can head to where the real night life is..." Shade said as they walked towards the biggest Barracks...

A Barracks which it's plaque read "Elite is one, Second to none, Three million Canines in number, For one cause, Five districts in all, Our guns make the Sixth, Seven political powers, The Underworld makes an eighth, Nine Elites Defend the greatest Tenth"

A/N ok, now Vokun has entered the Canines base... one which unifies all participating militant groups into a massive Canine army... seemingly not that Kikio was art of years ago, but something rebuilt to be better, faster, stronger. Shade is the Leader under the Russian KGB secret Departments, leaving it to be questioned if he can be trusted... what lies in store for the Super Complex of Canine warriors? And what does the Country of Russia have to do with all this? And how did they gain the power to create all this?