Paw Patrol: A New Dawn: TLDOTCS Series #2

(please read "Paw Patrol: The Love Dilemma or The Coming Storm" prior to reading this story…this is part 2 of that story)

Prologue: ( Two Years After Shadow's death, Shadow's Children are beginning to become young pups and begin to question the world around them… and one question has Rocky and Zuma wondering if the pups are ready for the truth)

Unknown Pov.

I never really knew my father….he died when I was merely a pup, he seemed to be a great person that accomplished many things in his life…. Sadly I never got the chance to meet him… they say I'm a lot like him….. it seems to make them happy….and worried at the same time. I never really could understand that… but at least I know the rest of the pups see something good in me… maybe in time I'll find out who my dad really was…maybe I can continue his great name…but not until they tell me, who he really was.

Vokun Pov.

My name is Vokun… it translates to the same as my father, Shadow. I live with the Paw Patrol and my siblings, Auriel and Xenokai. I've been told that they're like my parents in certain ways, but not as much as I am… I've seen pictures of my dad and I resemble him…even how he looked as a pup, it's almost scary how much we look alike, but I guess it's expected… I am his son after all…but I always get this weird feeling…I feel like, well…I can't quite explain… I just feel like there's something I'm supposed to know that I don't… I wonder what it is.

Rocky's Pov

Rocky walks into Zuma's pup house with a concerned look on his face, Zuma notices something appears to be wrong. "Hey Wocky, what's up dude" Zuma says as he goes to kiss Rocky on the cheek "Zuma… I think Vokun wants to know more about his dad…" Rocky said "awen't we both his dad?" Zuma said "I meant his REAL dad Zuma… he looks like him… he acts like him… and I wonder how far the similarities go on… and there's no knowing until we tell him about Shadow…" "Wocky… he's still young… and I feel like he'll seek out the answews when he's weady, I pwomise you it'll be ok, just give it time Wocky" Zuma said as he went to comfort Rocky "well… I guess you're right Zuma, I'm just worried, He's going to want to know about his dad sooner or later… and I don't want the truth to hurt him" Rocky said "it'll be fine… we've gotten this faw… I think Shadow will give us a sign when he's weady" Zuma said" "What do you mean Zuma?" Rocky questioned "you'll know when you see the sign…I can feel it in my heawt" Zuma said

Chase's Pov

Chase was at the top of the lookout watching Shadows pups play in the field, he was mostly watching Vokun and began to think… "He looks so much like Shadow… he acts like him even…is it possible that he is him?" Chase said as he looked at the scar on his paw from when he touched Vokun's collar years ago "and everyone else has touched him since then… why did only I get burned by it?... it doesn't make sense" Chase wondered why only he was marked by Vokun's collar as was a mystery to him, it was a mystery to everyone else also…but it was a mystery Chase was determined to solve.