Natsu let out a pained groan as he traveled along through the dark forest. He had a large gash across his chest from when a piece of the Eclipse portal had hit him, and while it wasn't life threatening it still hurt. "Jeez, I wish Happy were here." he complained, allowing himself to sit down and slump against a tree, "Maybe I'll just... rest... a bit." With that he was out like a light.
Natsu, Lucy, and Happy were gathered together in front of Eclipse, joined by both Arcadios and the princess. "Alright, let's bust that thing up!" Natsu exclaimed.
"But how?" Arcadios questioned, "Eclipse is made of magnanium alloy which is highly resistant to magic."
"Still we have to try." Lucy said, "If we can't destroy it then everyone is in danger." It was then that Natsu realized what he had to do if he wanted to protect everyone.
"Get back." he told them.
"Wait, Natsu!" Lucy called out, "What are you planning to do?"
"Isn't it obvious?" he asked, "I'm going to destroy that thing from the inside!"
"But if you do that-"
"Don't worry, I'll be fine. After all I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard." Lucy stared at him for a moment before nodding her head.
"Yeah! I believe in you Natsu."
"I know. Happy get Lucy outta here."
"Aye!" with that Happy took hold of Lucy and flew off.
"You better come back alive!" Natsu paused heading towards the portal before raising his arm and sticking out his index finger and his thumb. With that he took off again before jumping into Eclipse.
" with it sis?"
"...leave it."
"But we can't just leave it, it's injured."
"It might be dangerous. You can feel how much magic it has, what if it decides to turn on us?"
"Just because it's different does not mean it is a threat, sister, and I will not brook any more objections."
"Very well Luna, but on your own head be it."
"Ugh." Natsu let out a groan as he regained consciousness.
"Oh, you are awake. Do not worry I'll take care of you."
"Thanks." he managed to mutter.
"Ah, so you can talk. Well then might I ask what your name is?"
"Well then, it is a pleasure to meet you Natsu. I am Princess Luna, diarch of Equestria. May I inquire as to how you acquired such wounds?"
"Dragons." was all Natsu managed to say before he felt his conscious fading again.
Natsu let out a loud yawn upon awakening and did a few stretches before he opened his eyes and took note of his surroundings. He had been moved, likely by the person he had talked to earlier, into what seemed to be a rather luxurious room. The room itself was made from a pure white marble and was filled with various expensive looking furniture. Even the bed he found himself on was something he'd imagine a rich person to have.
Upon looking down and examining his own body he found that he had been wrapped in bandages and his wounds had been treated. It was then that his enhanced hearing picked up a sort of clopping sound heading in the direction of his room. After a few moments the sound stopped right outside of his door and he watched as the handle was turned, the door pushing inwards to reveal a dark blue horse with a horn and a pair of wings. Her hair also appeared to be stuck in a phantasmal wind.
"Ah, I am glad to see you have awakened." she spoke, "You may not remember, but I am Princess Luna. I'm the one who brought you here and healed you."
"Oh, you're the person I talked to earlier," Natsu said, "Thanks for helping me out."
"Twas nothing, it is my duty as a princess to help those in need." she told him, "By the way, may I ask what species you are? I have not met anything quite like you before."
"Sure, I'm a human. What are you?" he questioned.
"I am a pony. Or more specifically an alicorn." she answered, "Excuse me Mr. Natsu, but-"
"Just call me Natsu." he interrupted.
"Very well then Natsu," she agreed, "Earlier you said you acquired these wounds from dragons. Would you care to elaborate?"
"Huh? Oh, these aren't actually from dragons, I mean there were dragons involved but it's kinda hard to explain."
"Do not worry, I have plenty of time to listen."
"Right, well it all started when we entered this tournament."
"And that's how I ended up here." Natsu had just finished explaining the events that had brought him here to the Princess and she looked at him with interest.
"I see," she said, "That is a very interesting tale indeed. So what is it that you intend to do now?"
"Actually I was hoping that you could tell me."
"Well you did help me after all, and a Fairy Tail wizard always pays his debts!"
"Very well then, I suggest that you get some more rest right now. If you don't mind though I would like to see a display of this 'dragon slayer' magic later."
"Got it!" he exclaimed, giving her a large smile. Luna couldn't help it as a smile of her own wormed it's way onto her face.
"I look forward to it."
It was the day after Luna had found him and brought him in and Natsu sat waiting for Luna to come and get him. He had stayed inside the room the whole time he had been here so he was excited to be able to get out and stretch. It wasn't too long before he recognized the familiar clopping of Luna trotting along the hallway. A few moments later the door opened, allowing Luna to trot in.
"Greetings Natsu." Luna greeted as she entered the room.
"Hey." Natsu greeted back.
"Are you ready to leave?" she questioned.
"Very well then, follow me. There's a field not too far from the palace that we can use. We shouldn't disturb anypony there."
"Got it!"
It had taken the pair a little while, but eventually they managed to make their way out of the castle and over into the open field that lay next to it. Once they were a good distance away they stopped. "I believe that this will suffice." Luna said.
"Right, what do you wanna see first?"
"How about you start by showing me how you produce flames?"
"Well there's not really much to it," he admitted, "I just," With that he held his hand out and a flame popped into existence.
"That is indeed very interesting magic. Those are no ordinary flames either, they are laden with powerful magic, like the flames of a dragon. Such magic truly does deserve the title of 'dragon slayer'."
"Anything else you wanna see?"
"Ah, yes, I understand that you use these flames to fight in a multitude of ways, but I believe that I would like to see this 'breath' attack next."
"Sure!" Having said that Natsu took in a deep breath before tilting his head up. "Roar of the fire dragon!" With that Natsu unleashed a large torrent of flames from his mouth which flew a good ways up into the air before dissipating. Eventually Natsu ran out of breath and the flames died down as he stopped. Luna was staring at him in awe as she spoke, "To be able to produce flames of such strength with such ease. You indeed garner much power which is why I believe-"
"Luna!" Both Natsu and Luna turned their heads in the direction of the shout to find a white winged unicorn a little taller than Luna herself gliding down towards them. Once she touched down she raced towards them, coming to a halt in front of Luna. She spared a moment to toss a glare Natsu's way before focusing on Luna.
"Luna, I saw the fire. What happened?! Are we under attack from a dragon?!"
"Calm down Sister," Luna tried to reassure her, "Twas no dragon, rather it was merely Natsu giving me a demonstration of his magic."
Celestia's eyes widened upon hearing this. "What? What kind of magic could have possibly created fire like that?"
"It's called dragon slayer magic." Natsu said, lighting a small fire in his hand.
Without warning Celestia turned on him, her horn alight, and shot him with a ball of magic. The force of the blast sent him flying away into a tree with enough force to topple it.
"You heard him yourself Luna! He's a dragon slayer!"
"You do not understand sister! It is not named as such because it is used to slay dragons, rather that it is taught by the dragons themselves!"
"And why should you believe him?!"
"And pray tell, what has he done to garner our distrust?!" Luna questioned, her face beginning to turn beet red in anger.
Celestia was about to respond, but a loud groan caught their attention.
"We will finish this conversation later dear sister," Luna said, glaring daggers at Celestia, "For now I must tend to Natsu's wounds, which you created." With that she flew over to the fallen tree where Natsu lay. As his eyes fluttered back open they landed on Luna and gleamed with recognition.
"What happened?" he questioned.
"I'm sorry Natsu," Luna apologized, "My sister overreacted when she heard about your magic and took rash action. I hope you are not too harmed."
"Nah, it's fine," Natsu waved her off, "I've gotten a lot worse from my fights with Erza."
Upon hearing this Luna let out a sigh of relief, glad that Natsu was safe. "Well, while I would very much like to see more of your magic I believe that it is best that we do such at a later time. For now I believe that you should get some rest, I will escort you back to your room."
"Thank's Luna!"
"Think nothing of it," Luna told him, blushing, "You are great company, plus you enjoy my nights as well."
"Your nights?" Natsu questioned, confused.
"Ah, that's right, I've been so fascinated by your world that I have yet to tell you about mine. Very well I shall remedy that. Come, I believe that it is time I taught you about my own world. The world of Equestria."