Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or anything from any series written in the story. All characters and other things, including the empire idea, belong to their respective owners.

(Authors Corner)

I'm doing this to give you guys…something as to guess around with as to how it would apply to the story later on. Some of the 'true answers' to these are simple while some others…are not. Then again it really all depends. Also I really like some of the reviews you guys are giving me.

As for Tsunade just wait until you see what I am going to do. It IS A LITTLE up in the air for the moment but I'm not going to have it seem like Danzō didn't waste Kotoamatsukami on her for nothing. I had some ideas with it. ALSO I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END! Also please forgive if this is a little lackluster…or just lackluster. Actually, this really more of setting up for what is in store to be honest.

Speaking: "Hi"

Thinking: 'Hi'

Jutsu/Technique: "Jutsu"(Talk) / 'Jutsu' (Thoughts/thinking)

Powerful Entity Speaking: "Bold"

Powerful Entity Thinking: 'Bold'

Interlude: A Series of (Unknown) Events

Story 1: Comatose? I Thought I Was Dead!

She had believed that her crush killed her. She didn't hate him for it either. After all, she knew about the clan's plan for a coup and she knew how much her crush cared for the village. However she also knew her crush was in pain as killing your family while being sane is not something that can be forgotten easily. Maybe if she were just as skilled…she could have joined him and share the pain and guilt together. Be traitors together, but that wouldn't happen now. Oh well at least he used a jutsu to give her entire life in a dream. When she came out of it the dream she felt pain and blood all over her body, a sign that she was going to die. She never would imagine death would be like passing out or maybe she did pass out and died from blood loss.

'Wait…How can I imagine or even to think about my death when…?'

Then she felt…something. Like something…no someone was trying to wake her. She didn't know what was happening but she tried to respond like a normal person would…by opening her eyes. She tried but was struggling to move them. She tried again while putting in more energy into it.

She was successful.

She opened her eyes and looked around. She appeared to be in a large hospital room with three other beds, two of which were empty and other had another female occupant. The girl tried to make out whom the other occupant was but the other occupant's face was behind a curtain. 'Who is she?' the girl thought to herself. However, it was then she had a realization. "I'm alive…" the female spoke with shock. She wondered what kind of miracle had occurred for her to be alive.

The girl then struggled to get out of her bed, due to the lack of use of her muscles for who knows how long. She used the IV stand next to her bed to help her up. She then made her way to a full body mirror close by. She faced the mirror to look at herself. She had long brown hair with bangs framing her face and onyx eyes, with a mole under her right eye. She was wearing a blue gown that is normally used in hospitals.

Then she heard the noise of a door opening. She turned to see who it was. She thought it might have been the hospital staff only to two figures in hospital gowns, one with red hair and other who had green hair with orange strands. "Well Mikoto isn't awake but our new friend is." The figure with the red hair spoke. The girl realized that they were the other two occupants of the room.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The figure that possessed green and orange hair spoke first. "…Sigh…My name is Pakura. From Sunagakure."

'Sunagakure?' The girl thought to herself.

The red haired figure with violet eyes, spoke up. "I'm Kushina Uzumaki. I'm from Konohagakure. Nice to meet you, um…?"

The girl was silent for a moment but then…

"Izumi. Izumi Uchiha. From Konohagakure." The girl responded.

Story 1: End

Story 2: Undead Meeting

Somewhere in the Land of Fire (Hi no Kumi), several strange figures are discussing…something.

"So remind me why we haven't joined Naruto's group yet? I mean we have what he should inherit from his parents and more." Mele, the chameleon themed fighter, spoke.

"We will meet them either in the Land of Whirlpool or when they travel around the nation for a bit. The reason we aren't going to join them now is because we need our existence to the world a secret." Rio, the armored-lion themed fighter, replied.

Kamen Rider Baron, The Banana Knight, nodded at this. While he could call hiding from the world as a coward's tactic, this world isn't like the world he knew with the feats that these ninjas could accomplish. Therefore, hiding from the world doesn't sound like such a bad idea. Then AbareKiller jumped out of tree doing a front flip and landed. "I've taken care of the remaining ROOT ANBU." He said to the group while holding up a scroll.

"When will our new contact meet with us?" Rio asked. Just then a shadow formed under the group.

"BIG BOULDER DA!" a shouted came from above. The group looked up to see a giant boulder about to crush them. Thankfully the group managed to get out of the way as the boulder slammed into the ground. "What was that? An enemy?" Rio asked.

As smoke cleared away, the group saw a female lion figure on the boulder. "Well? What do you think of my entrance?" she said as she waved to the group, who just stared back in disbelief.

"So this the newly revived member of our group." AbareKiller stated as a fact.

"…If Kazuraba had anything to do this…kill me now." Baron muttered quietly. Rio and Mele just stared at the girl's lion-like features, wondering if they can teach her Juken (Beast Fist).

"That was an interesting entrance. You certainly don't seem boring, Lion Girl." AbareKiller shouted to 'Lion Girl' who responded with a "The name is Leone. You're new member of this undead group."

If anyone could see inside Baron's helm they would have seen him raise an eyebrow. "Undead? Don't you mean revived?" he asked. Leone then smashed the giant boulder she was on into tiny pieces and responded to Baron's curiosity "Yeah sure we are revived and all but we had died before and were raised from our graves, doesn't this technically make us zombies? I won't know since this my first time being revived unlike you guys who were revived or brought back from the dead at least one time after you initially died you lucky bastards."

None of them could argue with that. There was just silence. Everyone in the group, excluding their new member, had been at least revived one time before being recruited and revived into this world. As if they were apart of a fictional world…weird. "Just to clarify. We are alive like a normal beings are but we won't start aging until a couple of years from now." Abare Killer said breaking the silence.

The group then asked about Leone's skills and abilities, as the divine beings back at Nova Chrysalia didn't really say anything about the new member could do. Then they respectively told Leone their skills and abilities. Leone got a bit curious when she heard about Juken and wanted to see it in action but Rio said they would show her later. By the time they were done talking sun was beginning to set.

"Lets just find a place to eat and sleep. It's going to be nightfall before we know it." Baron said. Everyone turned to each nodding.

"Wait! Do we have any food?" Mele asked. Leone then had a large grin on her face. "Leave that to me! *Sniff **Sniff*…Man I love my new heightened senses. Whose up for some Bear meat?" she said.

Story 2: End

Story 3: What is up with the (Fictional) Divines?

(Nova Chrysalia)

Kamen Rider Gaim, other wise known as Kouta Kazuraba, was taking a look around the rebuilt temple of Etro, which the Yeuls and Caius were using as a 'home' for eternity. Being a planet filled with beautiful plants and mutant creatures were fine with him at this point but a change of scenery was nice…even if that scenery was a bit ominous. He began to wonder if he should make a temple himself or a regular home like on his original home world/ his earth.

A Yeul came up to talk to him occasionally, honestly he could not really tell the difference between all of them. The story of their existence still baffled him…including the story a few certain people that essentially killed their god and take a new world that he created for their own to live on. But that is another story completely…

As Gaim continued walking a green blur ran into him causing the both of them to fall into the ground. "Ow…ow…ow…okay which bullet train hit me?" he asked. He then turned to see a green haired woman with pointy ears getting up with her back turned to him. It was Naga…unless there was another a green haired woman, pointy eared, Divine being here. "Hey Naga. Are you okay?" Gaim asked. The Divine Dragon turned around to see him. "I'm fine but I must return to my world fast. Caius will tell you about it later when the brothers arrive." She replied. Gaim knew whom she meant by 'the brothers' and nodded in response. Naga then took off again leaving behind Gaim who was now getting up. 'Well…might as well see what is going on…wait a second…why was she running? Can't we all teleport between worlds and make portals?' he pondered to himself.

Gaim went to search for Caius wasn't really hard when the Yeuls know where he is 24/7…Gaim pitied Caius for not being able to get a single moment of privacy.

He found Caius in what he called the 'Observation Room' where they have seeing the events going on. Gaim approached Caius curious about what was happening with Naga. "Hey Caius, what's up with Naga? She bumped into me and said that she had to return home quickly." The Kamen Rider asked.

Caius sighed. "You know how the D.A.F. has entered, effected, or left some of its energy dormant in some worlds? Including Naga's?"

Gaim nodded in response. Caius then turned to him with the same look he usually has when he isn't angry. "Well the energy the D.A.F. left in her world is now beginning to take effect in a way we had predicted and was a matter of time until it happened. Her world and the people that lives in it will only be half of it currently is."Gaim thought for a moment to understand what Caius meant but then it hit him. "You mean Naga's world and another world are going to fuse together…don't you." Caius nodded and spoke once more, "However the worlds have interacted at least one time. The energy from the D.A.F will open a portal to between the worlds two more times for brief periods. Then the countdown for the fusion will begin. Naga can handle this on her own by her own terms, but it depends on who she chooses…"

Gaim was now puzzled. "Who she chooses? For what?" he asked. Caius only responded with three words: "You'll see…eventually."Then two bright lights appeared in the room then faded away to reveal two figures: Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki and Hamura Ōtsutsuki. "Gaim, Caius, Yeul, how have things been? Has Naga left for her world?" Hagoromo asked. A Yeul appeared beside Caius with a face clearly saying 'I'm not happy…I'm pissed off Mo********er!'


Caius, Gaim, and the Ōtsutsuki brothers just stared at the Yeul who just had a mini-rant…or rather a rant about what has been going on with them. However, Caius was more shocked than the other three combined…he had never Yeul so vocal and angry before…'I don't want to witness that again. Note to self: Never piss a Yeul off unless you want your head torn off!' Caius thought to himself while still being bug-eyed.

"Umm…Can I go home? I think I hear my wif- I mean Mai calling…" Gaim said while slowly backing away…then disappeared into a zipper-like portal that quickly opened up and closed. And thus there was only the Yeuls, Caius, and the brothers to look after Naruto and the new world.

(Meanwhile on Plant of Helheim…Author: Seriously that is what it is called on the Kamen Rider wiki site and I'm sticking with it.)

Gaim returned to his planet mentally being thankful for the ability to jump between worlds. He felt for just leaving the brothers and Caius like that but he needed to see Mai anyway, she probably was worried sick. He undid his rider transformation, returning to his Overlord Inves form or 'Man of the Beginning' appearance. After 5 minutes of walking, his eyes widen and his mouth hung open at what he was seeing: Mai having a dance party with several female divine figures such as Paluntena, the Goddess of Light and Viridi, Goddess of Nature.

Mai then noticed him. "Kouta? Your back?" Everyone else present turned to look at him. "A-a-ah I'm back…what is... Never mind I'm just going to… visit Micchy and the others. C-carry on." Kouta could only say in response as he walked away.

Story 3: Finish!

(Author's Corner)

Wow I think I just realized how many female characters are not going male partners…it slightly bothers me but what are you going to do.

Important: So while some people feel like this is more crossover-ish, the point of the last story (Story 3) was to get rid of some of it while setting up another story: my Noire-in-Fates story, if you didn't know. I haven't started it due to a shit load of projects I have for College and I haven't finished the pairings (I know people will ask about that! NO SUGGESTIONS THE REVIEWS PLEASE!). However I feel the need to start it, so this story update will be the last one for a while…or maybe I'll switch back and forth between the stories. Who knows?

Anyway I to remind people that I DO have a NarutoxRWBY challenge/Story idea posted on my profile (or RWBYxNaruto …does it matter which order it's in? It's still a crossover between Naruto and RWBY). I also posted the challenge as a story as well to get it out there. If you do like to try it, please Private Message me or let a review on the story-posted-version saying that you are going to try it so that way I know who is doing it. I also have an idea for a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Crossover with either Fire Emblem or Naruto, but that is something else and I might not put it out for a while. Please Review!