Final Chapter

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach.

Ten years later….
Fon Family Manor; Ichigo & Soi-Fon's room

Ichigo slept soundly in Soi-Fon's bed, his lover snuggling into his chest. As the dawn filtered through the windows, his eyes drifted open. Seeing the girl he'd come to love snoozing peacefully in his arms, Ichigo ran a hand through her hair and kissed her forehead. Hearing a small creak, he turned and saw the door open.

Standing in the doorway was a small girl, the spitting image of Soi-Fon. "Daddy! Mommy!"

Soi-Fon stirred awake as their daughter hopped onto the bed. "Yoru, what is it? Did you have another bad dream?"

Giggling, the little girl hugged her father's neck. "Nope! Daddy promised to play Flashstep with me today!" Yoru looked up at Ichigo with prideful eyes. "I practiced! Just like I promised, Daddy!"

"You have, eh?" Soi-Fon playfully smirked, patting her daughter's head. "Well then. Are you fast enough to dodge…this?"

"Ahahahahahahahahaha!" Yoru laughed uncontrollably as her parents started to tickle her, lying her down between them as they watched their daughter laugh. "Mommy! Daddy! Ahahahahahahah! That tickles!"

The trio heard the door open and saw Yoru's sister, Masaki, standing in the doorway. "Hey! I wanna play too!" The orange-haired girl hurried over to the bed and hopped inot her mother's lap. "Mamma!"

Soi-Fon gave a sigh of faux-exasperation. "Oh, if you insist. Take that!" Laughter filled the room as the mother tickled her daughter, Ichigo joining in by resuming tickling Yoru. The laughing twins rolled around on the bed while their parents tickled them, tears leaking down their faces until they finally stopped. Ichigo picked up Yoru and hefted her onto one arm, scooping up Masaki into his other arm.

"So you ready girls?"

"Yes, Daddy!" both girls said as they hugged their father.

Because of the peculiar way that Soul Reapers age, even though the twins were ten years old they barely looked a day over five. Ichigo himself had hardly changed, his hair growing out a little bit, which Soi-Fon liked while she had stayed the same.

As Soi-Fon slipped on her haori she turned to her husband. "Ichigo, remember, the captains meeting is at one o'clock. Don't be late like last time." When Ichigo set his daughters down he slid his lieutenant's badge into his pocket, making a mental note to put it on when he met up with Renji and Rukia later.

After Ichigo had stepped down from his role of Acting-Captain he was told by the other captaisn that Soi-Fon's recommendation for him to be instated as her lieutenant had been approved, noting how Ichigo didn't do that bad of a job in leading the squad, even though Ichigo himself thought he did horrendously at the job. Sadly for the hapless Omaeda, he had been removed from his position, on the grounds of incompetency by Soi-Fon, and had been shunted to the unseated officers, though it was for the best as Soi-Fon's merciless beating had left him severely incapacitated. Thankfully for Ichigo Soi-Fon was still the head of the Fon family, as it was agreed by the both of them that the clan's future was far more safer in her hands.

After Ukitake had stepped down from his position as captain of Squad Thirteen his position had been offered to Ichigo since he was more than familiar with the role, although Rukia chafed at the thought of Ichigo being her captain. However, Ichigo declined the offer, telling the other captains that while it was tempting now that he was more familiar with the inner workings of a squad, he felt that his place was by Soi-Fon's side. Plus there was the fact that he wouldn't be able to spend much time with his daughters if he was stuck shouldering a captain's responsibilities.

His recollecting was interrupted when Yoru and Masaki tugged at his sleeves. "Papa! C'mon! Let's play!"

"Yeah! Let's play!"

Smiling, Ichigo held his twin daughter's hands and lead them out of the room, their mother watching the scene with a touching smile. Parenthood had changed her even more then her marriage to Ichigo. While she was still harsh and mean in front of her men, she showed far more acts of kindness of her fellow captains.

Getting up, she walked out of the room, ready to lead her squad once more….

Later that night….

As Soi-Fon entered the manor's grounds she looked over to her favorite tree and smiled. Sitting underneath it was Ichigo, their children playing with their dolls a few feet away. Walking over to them, Soi-Fon sat down and laid her head on Ichigo's shoulder. The young man kissed his wife and held her hand. "How was today?" he asked.

Soi-Fon watched little Yoru and Masaki play for a minute before answering, "Fairly average. Captain Kyoraku showed up at the captains meeting drunk again."

"Again?" Ichigo asked. "He was always sober when I was at those meetings."

"Ever since Lisa rejected his advances he keeps hitting the sake bottle more and more. I'm pretty sure the Head-Captain is busy right now giving him a scolding. Wish I could see it." She continued to watch her children play, amused when she saw that Masaki was holding a doll that was made in the likeness of Yoruichi. "Did your friend Uryu make that?"

"Yeah, he and Orihime have been really hitting the crafts ever sicne they got married," he said. "She made one of Yoruichi, Kenpachi and Komamura. Right now she's working on a Rukia doll for them."

"That's cute," she said smiling. Seeing how late it was getting, she stood up. "Girls, it's time for bed."

"Aww!" both girls said as Yoru picked up their dolls.

"C'mon, girls, I'll tuck you in." Ichigo got up and walked over to his little girls, picking them up and carrying them inside. Soi-Fon chuckled at the adorable sight before getting up herself, heading for their room. After getting undressed and slipping on a nightrobe, she sat on the bed and waited for Ichigo, who didn't keep her waiting long. As Ichigo closed the door behind him Soi-Fon crawled into bed. "How were you today, Ichigo?" Soi-Fon asked her husband.

"Alirhgt. Renji and I sparred today but other than that I'm fine." Ichigo said. As he got in bed Soi-Fon cuddled next to him. Laying his head next to hers, Ichigo kissed his wife one last time for the night. "Goodnight, Soi-Fon. I love you."

"I love you too, Ichigo," replied Soi-Fon. "Goodnight."

As the married couple fell asleep, Ichigo did what he had always done since that very first night so long ago, when Soi-Fon had been poisoned:

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

The End