Dean stared at Renee. She couldn't have said what he had thought. There was no way she was with Tom. She was just trying to mess with him. That had to be it. Because if it wasn't she had been playing him. He didn't get played. He was the player not the game. Yet he saw no sign of her joking. She looked like she was going to start crying any second. She had sounded serious. If she was serious he needed to find out more. Why had she found him? He may not have known her long but he knew her long enough to know that it couldn't be a coincidence.


Renee was wishing that Dean hadn't stopped the elevator. She was wishing that she knew how to start it back. She was wishing that Tom had come for her. More than anything though she wanted to know why he hadn't gotten her. "I need to see him."

"I can't help you with that." If it was true he felt bad for her. She was his wife and crying over the fact her fiance had left her. By pretending to die. Of all the ways to get dumped that was probably the worst. So he would be inhuman if he didn't feel some sympathy for her.

"You have connections, husband."

"You expect me to help my wife find a man?" It was a cheap get out of jail free card but he was willing to play it. He didn't like that she was trying to find him.

Renee nearly rolled her eyes at his cheap attempt to get out of it. The only upside, if he could play dirty. So could she. "Is it hot in here?"

"Not to-" Dean's eyes widened as he realized what she was doing. She was trying to seduce it out of him. "I don't know where he is."

"You sure?" Renee began unzipping her dress. She didn't know if she should feel proud or disgusted when she saw her dress hit the floor. Her eyes connected with Dean's before his eyes began roaming her body. He moved closer to her. She smirked and slowly began to run her fingers down his shirt. She hated that she was using sex as a tool. But mixing business with pleasure was always a treat.

"It's warming up." Dean removed his shirt not taking his eyes off of her body. The only thing on his mind. The only thing that mattered at the moment. Was Renee. Without much more thought he pushed her up against the wall of the elevator. He began kissing her.

She laughed before pushing him off of her before pushing him against the elevator. Control was a necessity. Control was what she was going to use to get what she wanted. Control was hers. She knew it when their lips reconnected. She was waiting for the perfect moment. She forced herself to remove her lips from Dean's. "Help me."

"Renee." He didn't like the position she was putting him in. He didn't like that she wanted to use him to find another guy. He didn't like that there was another guy.

Renee knew exactly how Dean felt. But she needed to see Tom. She needed to figure out why he left her. Was he forced to? Did X do something to him? Did he run off with X? The thought of Tom leaving her for the maniac she had come to know as X made her feel sick to her stomach. The more she thought about it the more sense it made. X probably knew that Dean would tell her about their meeting after the got married. X wanted Renee to be married to someone else so she could have Tom. Or so she could feel better about stealing Tom from her.


Seeing the desperateness in her eyes made Dean upset. He made sure not to show it. Instead he was probably supporting a more conflicted look. "I'll try my best."

"Thank you."

Dean frowned as Renee began to put her dress back on. "Hey!"

Renee laughed before walking over to Dean and kissing him. She was still concerned about Tom. But she didn't have to do anything or change her relationship with Dean. At least not until they got out of the elevator.

Renee sat on the bed of her hotel room. Her was mind was racing. One minute she was thinking about Tom, wondering if she should be relieved or angry. The other minute she was thinking about Dean. That confused her. She had known Dean for a week. Less than a week. But yet there she was married to him. She couldn't believe she was married to him. There was a point where she had to have known a guy for month just to let him kiss her on the cheek. The only reasonable conclusion she could come to was that she was so crazy over Tom's fake death that she had allowed herself to get sucked into a plan by X. She had allowed herself to be pawned off on a man who killed people for a living.


Renee groaned as she recognized the voice. It was Dean's brother. His annoying little brother. "What?"

"I have some information on a guy named Tom."

Renee went to the door and opened it. Her heart was racing. She could find him. "What did you find tech monkey?"

"Tech monkey?" Seth rolled his eyes. "Look I don't know why my brother is trying to help you find this guy. I don't care either. I'm just glad you'll be out of my life when you do."

"But don't you know I'm your sister?" Renee couldn't help but smirk. She enjoyed picking on Seth and it was certainly making her feel better.

Seth's eyes widened. He couldn't have heard her right. Dean wouldn't have gotten married to her of all people. "Say that again?"

"You don't want me to add in-law do you?" Renee's smirk grew as Seth looked like he was about to vomit. Picking on Seth was an amazing distraction.

"Oh god." Seth groaned as he took a seat on the bed. He was hoping Tom Phillips was connected to a divorce attorney.

Renee rolled her eyes as she sat net to him. "Don't congratulate me."

"I won't."

Renee sighed. Even though it was fun to make Seth mad she needed the information. "You know tech monkey I'm kind of waiting for my information."

"Fine. Tom Phillips died-"

"He's not dead." Renee's voice sounded harsher than she would have thought.

Seth glared at Renee as he tried to remember how Dean had talked him into helping her. "Let me finish."

"Dance monkey dance." Renee mockingly snapped her fingers.

"But he was seen in multiple places after it. Almost all sources say he was with a brunette woman who looked to be in her mid to late twenties."

Her heart dropped to her stomach. Her theory that Tom had ran off to be with X was starting to seem more likely. "X?"


"Forget it."

"Whatever. Anyway I think if I can find this woman I can get to this Tom."

"Then do it!"

"I don't have much to go on. She's brunette woman in between the ages of twenty and thirty. Do you know how many people match the description?"

"I'm guessing more than six."

"Of course there's more than six!"

"No need to get offended."

"I'm not-." Seth stopped himself. Even when crazy people yelled at him he needed to stay calm. Well he needed to stay calm if he couldn't kill them and he would probably get Dean mad if he killed his wife so staying calm was his only option.

"You're helping this girl find Tom? Are you insane?" Stephanie's voice echoed throughout the room. "Why would you do this?"

Dean looked at the ground. The truth was he had no clue why he was helping her find Tom. He could easily say that he just wanted to clear his name. But he knew that wasn't the truth. "Is it that hard to believe I'm trying to be nice?"

"So nice that you're trying to set up your wife with her ex? I raised you Dean which means I know you better than that." Stephanie still didn't believe the words coming out her son's mouth. How could he help the woman who was so obviously manipulating him.

Dean rolled his eyes before looking up at the ceiling. "Then what's your theory?"

"That I dropped you on your head and just don't remember." Stephanie muttered almost so low that Dean hadn't caught it.

"How nice." Dean's eyes dropped from the ceiling to Stephanie. He knew his mother had her heart in the right place and wasn't going to understand it. But he also knew that he had to tell her what was going on. "I'm out of here."

"Wait!" Stephanie grabbed his arm and prevented him from leaving. "Dean can't you see this girl is using you?"

Dean sighed refusing to look his mother in the eyes. "I don't care."

"Why?" Stephanie asked although half of her wanted to smack him until he came to his senses.

"Because I'm the reason they're apart in the first place." Dean told her trying his best not to sound guilty. When he had met Tom the only reason he had spared him was because of a woman. Although at the time he had no idea that the woman was Renee. If he had just killed him then he knew for a fact that he wouldn't be under any murder charges. He was to good at what he did-what he used to do-what he was on leave from to ever be caught.

"That's not true."

"Then why aren't they together now?"

"Because they aren't supposed to be."

"You didn't hear the way he talked about her."

"No but I do know that he left her."

"Because of me!"

"No because of a decision that he made."

"That he wouldn't of had to make if it wasn't for me."

"You don't know that." Stephanie sighed softly as her motherly instincts begin to take control over her. What she saw was her son blaming himself for something that most likely was his fault. But that didn't mean she had to say that. "I'm going to help you find this man Dean."

"Seth is working on it." Dean informed her in a sly business manner. Seth hadn't been too eager to start looking into Tom after all this time had passed. He had gotten even angrier when he had learned it was for Renee for some reason. He had the feeling that his brother and wife weren't on the best of terms. But he couldn't worry about that. Not at the moment.

Stephanie nodded accordingly. "Okay what is he doing?"

"He's trying to find X."

"Good thinking. If we find X we find Tom."

"That's what the plan is."

"Then you're off the murder charges."

"And Renee has her fiance back." Dean added. He couldn't wait until he saw the look on his wife's face when she was reunited with the love of her life. Even if it wasn't him. He felt his phone vibrate and slowly took it out of his pocket.

You will never find him


A/N I'm back! Okay yeah it's been awhile... a very long while. I kind of lost my inspiration for this story back in August but I've regained it now. So if you'll stick with me I'd really like to finish this story. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and I really hope you'll tell me your thoughts.