When Marinette woke up the next morning she lazed about, not wanting to get up. It was Saturday so she didn't have school and she didn't have anywhere she really needed to go.
She was too busy thinking about yesterday. When she told Adrien that they could actually kiss instead of pretend. Just thinking about it got her heart racing. Under her covers it made her too warm. She kicked them off and sat on the edge of her bed.
She trudged over to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror she could see how flushed her cheeks were. She sighed and hopped in the shower. The cool water felt nice against her warm cheeks. When she had finished she went downstairs to see her mother

"Good morning Marinette."
"Morning mom."
"Could you run a few errands for me today?"
"Sure." She grabbed the list from her mother and went on her way. Her mind was on Adrien so she hadn't really registered what she was doing. She began wandering around aimlessly. She bumped shoulders with someone which knocked her out of her wandering
thoughts. "I'm sorry." The other person just nodded and continued walking. What am I doing? I need to focus. She was able to make it through almost all of the list without her mind wandering. She was about to do the last errand when she heard someone
"Nino stop. It's not like that." Marinette gasped. It was Adrien talking. Oh no, oh no, oh no! She looked around and hid in an alley. She heard the footsteps approaching. Please don't see me, please don't see me! She held her breath as Nino and Adrien
walked past her. She let out her breath and peeked around the corner, making sure they were gone. She saw them take a left and they were out of sight.
"That was close." She walked off intent on finishing as fast as she could and going home. When she had finally finished the sun was sinking, turning the sky a reddish-orange color. She stopped to admire the view of Paris in the sunlight.
She walked in the door carrying a few bags. "Mom I'm back."
"Hello Marinette."
"Oh hey dad. Where's mom?"
"She's in the kitchen. Are those the bags she needs? I'll take them for you."
"Thanks dad." She handed over the bags and started upstairs.
"Aren't you gonna eat?"
"I stopped at a cafe on my way home."
"Night dad," she said continuing up the stairs. That night she crawled into bed and snuggled up in her blanket. She sighed to herself, knowing that come Monday she would have to see Adrien face to face.
Monday after school Marinette was preparing herself for talking to Adrien. They hadn't spoken to each other at all that day. She was taking deep breaths to calm herself. Alya patted her on the back.
"It'll be fine Marinette. You'll work things out."
"I hope so."
"Besides you two are good friends. It'll take more than this to break that." Marinette had told Alya all about what had happened and she was being supportive like always. Even though when she first heard about it she laughed so hard that she had tears
running down her face.
"You're right."
Alya mumbled,"Although you someone wants to take this relationship to more than just friends."
"What did you say?"
"Ah nothing, nothing at all,"Alya said wavering her hands around. Oh man. She almost heard. I can't believe I said that out loud.
"Alright see you later Alya." Marinette left the classroom and was looking for Adrien. She saw him standing by the doorway. "Adrien!"
He turned towards her. "Hey Marinette." She walked over, and could feel her face burning. Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it.
"Adrien. We…" she trailed off.
"We need to talk." He nodded his head. "Let's go to the library then."
"Alright." So they made their way to the library. Marinette took some deep breaths. She didn't know what was going to happen, but she hoped that things wouldn't be so weird between them anymore. They chose a table at the back of the library to have some
"So what did you want to say?" asked Adrien.
"It's about what I said on Friday."
"You were right. We can just pretend so please just forget what I said."
"Good. So can we practice some more?"
Adrien smiled. "Yeah. Let's go." Marinette smiled back at him and they made their way to her house to practice. Most of the awkward between them was gone.
They practiced everyday after school for three weeks. Marinette became better and better at putting emotion into her character. She was able to memorize her lines. When she had trouble Adrien would help her and give her advice. They both enjoyed the time
they spent together.
As the time for the play drew near Marinette became more and more anxious. Adrien told her not to worry, that she had improved a lot. She would be fine, according to him. Then finally the day of the play arrived.
Marinette walked into class, seeing that everyone was excited for the play. She walked over to Alya.
"Hey Marinette. How was all that alone time with Adrien," she said nudging Marinette. Marinette just nodded. "Hey don't be so nervous. You'll be fine." Again Marinette nodded. The teacher walked in and had a few things to say before the play.
The class had moved to the auditorium getting everything ready. Marinette was getting her costume, along with a few other classmates.
Everything was ready and it was almost time to start. Marinette stood on the side watching as people filed in. She took some deep breaths to prepare herself. Alya walked up.
"You ready Marinette?"
"You're not nervous?"
"No I'm fine. I worked hard with Adrien. I'm. it gonna screw up."
"Way to go Marinette. Stay positive."
"Thanks Alya."
"Well you're up Marinette. Good luck."
"Thanks." And she stepped out into the stage.
Everything was going well. They hadn't had any problems. Marinette was excited. She hadn't messed up and she was having a lot of fun. It was about time for the final scene which Marinette was starting to get really nervous about. Oh no! It's almost time
for mine and Adrien's k-kiss! Here we go Marinette. Don't screw up, don't screw up!
"Oh princess! I'm so glad that you are unharmed."
"Thank you my prince. You saved me." Marinette walked towards her 'princess' Adrien. Deep breaths, Marinette deep breaths.
"My lady if you wouldn't mind. May I…" she trailed off. This was so embarrassing! She looked at Adrien and he nodded. "May I kiss you?"
"Oh your highness!"
"I love you princess. Please may I kiss you."
"Of course." This was it. Everyone on stage was preparing for it. Alya and Nino especially. Would they really kiss? Or just pretend. The whole audience waited in anticipation.
Marinette was so nervous she wasn't watching where she was stepping and tripped over one of the props. She lurched forward. Adrien tried to catch her but it was hard to in his costume. Marinette fell into him and they both began to tumble. She closed
her eyes. Oh no! I messed up!
She felt something warm and soft on her lips. She opened her eyes was was staring at the emerald eyes of Adrien. She had fallen on top of Adrien and.. their lips were touching! She was really kissing Adrien!
The whole audience cheered. Nino and Alya high-fived. Marinette moved away from Adrien her face turning as red as a tomato. Adrien's face was also turning red. The curtains closed ending the play. Marinette scrambled off of Adrien holding her hands to
her cheeks. Adrien sat up holding a hand over his mouth.
Alya walked over to Marinette. "That was awesome! It was a totally awesome ending." Marinette didn't respond. How could she? Her mind was too focused on her lips and how warm they were.
"Dude. Nice." Nino sat down next to Adrien. "So? How was it?" Adrien tried to say something but he couldn't form any words. Nino laughed. "Dude I can already tell you enjoyed it. And it helps that I know you like Marinette. Why don't you just tell her?"
Adrien said nothing. Only turned his face slightly so he could see Marinette. He was disappointed he couldn't see her face, but he figured it had to be just as red as his. He remembered how warm it had been. He'd never felt anything like it. He smiled
to himself thinking about how cute Marinette was.
"Come on Marinette. This is the first step to you two having a relationship."
"Come on girl it was bound to happen eventually."
"But.." She felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw Adrien standing behind her.
"Hey Marinette. I know that kiss was an accident but…" He paused to gain his composure again. "You know I don't mind.. since it was… you." Marinette felt her heart skip a beat. Did he just say he enjoyed kissing her?! Marinette didn't know what to say.
Her mouth opened and closed not knowing what to say. She felt happy and excited.
"I… I like you Marinette." She looked in his eyes and could tell that he wasn't lying. She smiled. He held out his hand. "You like me too, don't you?" Marinette didn't need to think about her answer.
She reached out and grabbed his hand. "Yes."