Yes, I am alive and no I still don't own Overwatch.
Well, Tracer has a canon girlfriend. Doesn't really change anything in all honesty, still more Tracer Dva stuff to come.
Hana and Lena were at a small little grocery store in a more quiet part of London. They were currently staying at a safe-house in said city, as they'd just been assigned a mission in the area. Lena had wanted to stay at her own apartment, having been more than willing to show Hana where she lived, but Soldier 76 had caught wind of her plan and made several remarks about how unprofessional it was.
After giving the man a glare, Lena was more than happy to be 'professional' if it shut him up. She was one of Overwatch's best field agents the organisation had ever employed, 76 could cut her some slack.
Jack Morrison had changed, and it wasn't entirely for the better in her eyes. Thinking of the old man made Lena roll her eyes as she trailed after Hana. Somehow he thought simply wearing a jacket and saying his name was 'Soldier 76' would stop people from recognising him. Anyone who had fought alongside him before could tell it was Jack, the idiot even used the exact same weapon as he did in his Overwatch leader days.
"Earth to Lena, come in Lena. Do you read me?" A accented voice drawled out slowly next to her. Hana was tapping her foot against the ground and staring at her.
"Sorry love, got a bit lost in my thoughts." Lena let out a easy laugh as she deflected Hana's ire. Hana wasn't one to be ignored. The Korean loved to be in the spotlight after all.
"What type of tea did you want? All you wrote is the brand." Hana inquired, remaining the picture of exasperated and slightly annoyed. Until a hand came from Lena, grabbing one of her cheeks and stretching it out.
"Naww, you're so nice for thinking about little old me!" Lena was grinning as she lightly teased her girlfriend. Hana immediately tried to bat away her hand, but the Korean simply didn't have the physical strength that Lena did. Not that Lena was grabbing her cheek particularly hard or anything. It was more, not that Hana would ever admit it, that the younger girl simply wasn't trying at all to stop her lovers actions.
Lena kept lightly pulling the tattooed cheek, until a mess of red hair appeared past the Korean's shoulder and down the aisle they were on. Lena slowly tilted her head so she could see more of the person, and as she did so, her hazel eyes widened in surprise and shock.
Lena did an odd crouch, hunch, hide maneuver thing that Hana couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at. It didn't help that the Brit pushed Hana more in front of her.
"What are you doing, Lena?" Hana questioned, slowly turning her head to look the way Lena was apparently hiding from.
"Shush and don't look, you'll attract her attention." Lena was now kind of poking her head over Hana's shoulders. She looked like a sort of meerkat to Hana now, with how she was poking up and crouching down again.
"Who's attention?" Hana had grabbed Lena by the waist to simply hold the energetic woman still, Lena had been poking her head over and around Hana for the past few moments.
"Uh… My ex's?" Lena wasn't too sure how Hana would react to that. Probably get all possessive, but she hoped Hana wouldn't try anything. Like go up and try to scare Emily or something.
It wasn't too likely, but Hana wasn't always the cute ditzy act she put on for her stream sometimes. If she got passionate about something, there were no breaks on the Hana Song train. It was definitely a thing Lena liked about the younger woman.
Hana moved her arms up from Lena's waist and embraced her. Lena blinked in surprise, it wasn't exactly the reaction she expected from her. As she returned the embrace around Hana's neck, Hana turned the two around so she was facing the direction Lena had seen this person.
"So the redhead down the aisle? That's your ex?" Hana's breath was hot on Lena's ear.
"Yeah, that's Emily." Lena's voice trailed off as she answered Hana's question.
Hana winced slightly, the tone Lena had used wasn't really a happy one. Melancholic was the word Hana would use. She narrowed her eyes at the redheaded woman who was moving out of the aisle they were in. Had that woman hurt Lena?
"Messy breakup was it?" Hana made an effort to keep her voice light and to not let her anger at the redhead out.
"No love, just a sad one." Hana watched as Lena tried to smile at her, but it fell far short of her usual cheery ones.
"What happened Le-Le?" Hana was frowning now. A hand lightly thumped against her back. Hana pulled back to see Lena's lips twitching, whether it was out of amusement or irateness, Hana wasn't sure. But it was better than seeing a sad Lena.
"Don't call me that, you know I hate it. And for what happened… When I learnt Overwatch was seriously reforming, I had to break it off. For her." At the end of her sentence, Lena let out a huff of air and rested her forehead on Hana's.
The Korean blinked a few times in confusion. What did Overwatch have to do with what Lena did in her free time? Aside from leaving the woman with less of it of course.
"Why..?" Hana trailed off in her question as she saw another sad smile adorn Lena's face. This wasn't how she liked the woman, she was meant to be full of cheer and energy, not this somber mood.
This shopping trip really wasn't the nice little domestic thing Hana had envisioned it would be.
"A few years before Overwatch disbanded, a wife of an agent was kidnapped. She was tortured until she simply lost all trace of her identity. Then she was used by her kidnappers and torturers to infiltrate and kill her husband. He was an important member of Overwatch, it hit everyone hard. You know her as Widowmaker." Lena had a far off look in her eyes as Hana pulled her head back to gaze upon her British lover's face.
"You still have feelings for Emily then?" Hana wasn't accusing Lena of anything, but she had to be sure.
"What? No,no love I swear I d-" Lena's hurried assurals were silenced by Hana capturing her lips in a soft kiss.
Hana pulled back and hugged Lena again. "I'm not saying you do, I was just asking to be sure. I'd rather this not be a mistake."
Lena simply hugged back tighter.
As the two got to the cashier, Lena began to unpack all of their shopping items onto the designated area. As she was doing that, she never noticed a certain redhead with her bought shopping walk by, or notice that her girlfriend made a 'I'm watching you gesture' by pointing to her eyes and then the redhead.
Emily was a very confused woman at the time, wondering why a small Asian woman seemed to think that she needed watching.
AN: Haven't updated for a while due to reasons of the personal nature. Apologies for that, but I couldn't really do much to stop it. Hope you enjoyed this rusty writing, I've also done a small TracerxMercy fic if that interests you. Shameless plug ahoy.
The grind in comp is real right now though, got placed at low platinum now I'm in high masters which is alright for mainly solo queue I guess
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