"Miss Asia there's mail for you I took the liberty of sitting them on top of your dresser." Asia's heart quickened a little at the mention of mail with her name on it.

"Thanks Alfred. Is there anything else you need?" Alfred shook his head as he sat on the couch with the newspaper.

"Master Bruce won't be home till late. Work at Wayne Enterprise and then he has an outing. You have the rest of the night off." Asia nodded and put the blanket she had been folding down and went to her room.

Dear, Qatal Alfarsan

Ra's A Ghul has requested you skills to bring back one of his assassins that has refused to come back. You know what you have to do. When you are finished there will be a helicopter waiting for you at Gotham Harbor. HE'S WANTED ALIVE.

Asia let a smirk come to her face as she finished the letter and burned it in her hand not leaving in trace of it.

She slipped into some blue jeans and a t-shirt that covered the black cat suite she had on underneath.

"Alfred I'll see you later tonight." Alfred didn't have a chance to say anything she was already out the door and he just stood their shocked.

"Well ok then." He continued to dust the mantle when Bruce walked in. "Evening Master Bruce I trust your day was all but uneventful."

"You'd be right. Where's Asia on her way to she barley said anything to me when she walked pass me."

"She mentioned something about a lovely gentleman she had just meet, earlier this week. I guess they've decided to enjoy each other's company.

Alfred noticed how Bruce's eyebrows knitted together but as quick as it appeared it disappeared just as quick.


Asia squatted on top of the roof her eyes following her target into an alleyway. The black mask that covered her upper face but only showed her dark violet eyes, the very thing She was known for her eyes, how if her eyes had a certain glint in it then she was planning on or ordered to kill you. She swung down some fire escapes landing right in front of the man startling him.

"Mr. Killing?" He didn't move as his name dripped off her tongue like poison. "You took something that wasn't yours and he wants it back." She smiled as she finished in a taunting manor.

"So he sent you? A kid to take me to him." He scoffed and spit at her feet as she shook her head.

"You're going to regret that." He smiled and turned around.

"Tell him we can talk when he comes to get me." She sighed and kicked her foot into his back. He turned around and looked at her. "What the hell kid?"

"My job is to bring you in alive. Alive is a very broad category." He looked up and down at her.

"Have it your way kid." He kicked her in her side and she dropped and kicked his feet out from under him and kicked him in his chest.

He hopped up fast and grabbed her arm twisted it behind her back and pushed her up against the wall.

"Kid you've got guts." She used her free hand and took one sai of her hip and stabbed it into the man's side making him let a out a series of curse words.

She ran up the wall and flip landed behind him. Turning him around and took the other sai and pierced him in his stomach making him scream.

"It's Qatal Alfarsan to you." He looked at her and his face pale. He tried to talk but she ripped the sai out that was in his stomach and swiped it across his leg making him fall.

"Qatal Alfarsan the car is here." Four men in mask and ninja suites stood in front of her waiting for her signal so they could start putting him in the car. She nodded as she watched them load him into the trunk of their car.

As soon as she turned around she barley missed a blade that cut In front of her and landed stuck in the trunk car.

She looked at the blade that was black and in the shape of a bat. In a swift move her opponent landed in front of her dressed in all black and a flowing cape.

"Batman." He didn't move as he looked over the situation. "Would you believe me if I said it wasn't what it looks like?"

"No." He bluntly said and she smirked.

"Good because I wasn't about to say it." She turned around and aimed a kick at his side but he caught it and turned it causing her to scream and take the sai to his shoulder tearing through the leather and his skin.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" She smiled as he let her leg go and grabbed a blade throwing it at her which glazed across her cheek.

"The cavalry assassin." She punched him in the face and the side but he kicked her feet from under her making her fall back.

"You're the first one to know what it meant." He stabbed the sai that was propelled in his shoulder into her wrist.

"Not me people speak or know Arabic."

"I c-can do this all day." She kicked up hitting his jaw, taking the sai out her wrist she put it back on her belt and landed on her feet. "I'd live to continue this but I've got business to attend."

She got on the motor cycle and before he could get up she was gone. He felt the blood oozing out of the wound in his shoulder and the scene around him started to spin.

He mashed the middle button on his utility belt and moved to rest against the wall. He tried to keep his eyes open but darkness soon just surrounded.

"Bruce wake up!" Bruce's eyes jolted open and he looked around him. The first thing he noticed was the big monitor and the gadgets that surrounded the bat cave.

"Alfred?" He sat up but was pushed back down gently by Alfred.

"You've lost quite a lot of blood. You need to rest." Bruce pushed Alfred's hands away and walked to the monitor and started to type away. "Have you gone hard of hearing did you hear what I said?" Alfred put the towel that was on his shoulder down and stood behind Bruce.

"It's a flesh wound Alfred I'm fine. I've got to find out who she was." Alfred sighed and decided to let it go. Knowing nothing he could say was going to stop him. "Qatal Alfarsan. That was what they called her."

"The Cavalry Assassin." Bruce nodded while Alfred cleaned up all the instruments he used to fix Bruce up. "Did she kill?" Bruce shook his head.

"She said she was ordered to take him in alive." Bruce thought and thought. What organization had assassins left and right and gave Arabic titles?


"Qatal Alfarsan, Ra's al Ghul has thanked you for you services and has asked that you stay till he's finished." Qatal Alfarsan just nodded and leaned against the wall.

"Well, well look what the cat dragged in." A smile made way on her face. Her eyes drifted to detonator he held in his hand that he always carried.

"Look at yourself, Detonator." His black hair was slightly tussled from his hat and his brown eyes traveled up her body. "My eyes are up here."

Detonator smirked as he put one hand on the wall. His face was inches from hers and she could smell the faint scent of alcohol on his breath.

"I saw what you did to Mr. Killings. Barley left him alive. Must've killed you on the inside." She keep the smirk on her face.

"My orders were to bring him in alive. I did what I was told. What are you doing here?"

"Ra's called needed us. Something tells me you need something too." He smile matched the one of the Cheshire cat's and he pushed his lips against her making him drop the trigger he held in his hand and push her up against the wall.

His hands rubbed up and down her sides making her moan softly and run her fingers through his hair slightly tugging it. He pulled away and started planting kisses on her neck.

"We're out in the open anyone can see us." He pulled away but keep his knee in-between her legs.

"Well let them." She rolled her eyes and hooked her arms around his neck.

"I'm not doing this right here. You can either find somewhere for this to happen or it can not happen. Your choice." He groaned and let her down gently.

"Fine." He grabbed her hand and the broken detonator he carried around. He pulled her through the halls until he found a room with an Assassin and a man on the floor bleeding. "Get out!" The assassin looked at him and gestured to the man bleeding. "I don't care get out, now!"

The man quickly drug the man that was bleeding on the floor out and closed the door. Leaving Detonator and Qatal Alfarsan in a small grey room that had a metal bed attached to the wall and had a faint smell of blood.

"Happy?" She shrugged and he pushed her up against the wall and smashed his lips into hers.

He moved his hands to the front of her suit and fumbled to find the zipper. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hooked her arms around his neck while he carried them to the bed and laid her on it.

"I've been waiting on this since I've gotten back." He straddled her and kissed her.


"He's probably done now I've got to go." She zipped up her suite and turned to look at him with the tan cover covering his lower body leaving his chiseled abs.

"Yeah ok. When will I see you again, Jade?" She trailed her finger from the top of his chest to the line of his defined v and kissed him.

"You have my number Danny you just choose not to use it." He smiled at her and grabbed her arm as she got up. "I have to go it's Ra's." He licked his lips and she smiled.

"I did miss you Jade. I always miss you." She nodded and left hearing him whistle.

"Qatal Alfarsan, Ra's al Ghul is ready for you." She nodded and opened the door seeing Ra's al Ghul standing in front of Mr. Killing who was curled into a ball, with other assassins behind him.

"Ah my prize possession!" Qatal Alfarsan smiled. Ra's al Ghul had a crooked smile on his face his black hair and white edges were in every direction and he had blood on his arms.

"Ra's al Ghul." She bowed lowly until he grabbed her chin and brought her head up so he could kiss her cheeks and forehead.

"You Qatal are the best and shall never let anyone tell you less. You've always done exactly what was asked of you in your own way." She nodded and he pointed his sword as Killing.

"Thank you." He nodded and held his hand up. Killing stood up and bowed to him.

"This man has betrayed my trust and shall suffer dearly from it. I give Qatal Alfarsan the joy of granting your pain." He handed her his sword and stepped back.

She smiled and twirled to sword around until she took and pushed it down into his back.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" She ripped it out of his back and her arched it screaming. She kicked her foot into his stomach and took the sword and slid it across his throat. The crimson liquid spilled from his throat and she gave the sword to Ra's.

"Calvary Assassin you will become the best assassin in the whole league one day." Qatal Alfarsan looked up at him and smirked.

"One day? I could've sworn I was the best now. So who's over me?" Ra's looked behind him and smiled.

"Me of course, you are a close second." She put her hand on her hip.

"I know I can fight circles around you. I mean you old, Ra's you might as well hand over your title already." Ra's let out a low laugh.

"This is why I love you and you are my favorite. You are dismissed till further notice, Jade. Goodbye." Qatal Alfarsan bowed and exited the room leaving the other assassins wondering how easily she could joke with Ra's and not be slaughtered on the spot.