There was a coil within him, taut and quivering for that tantalizing release. Wait...release? What was it that wanted to break free from those cautious shackles? He honestly didn't know. But he was certainly sure of one thing; that beast, unknown as it may be, should never be allowed out of its cage. HE should never be allowed out of that cage of his own creation.

Sun barreled down atop the relatively empty black top, unrelenting in its suffocating caress. M-21 grasped halfheartedly at his collar, unconsciously loosening his tie in an effort to cool down. Tao and Takeo were faring little better beneath the summer heat, Tao having resigned himself to pocketing his own tie and undoing the topmost buttons of his suit. Takeo however, diligently wore his own stifling clothing as directed despite the amount of discomfort it caused the sniper.

"We should seriously ask boss to get us some lighter uniforms" Tao drawled, bringing an ice cold can of soda to rest against his forehead. "At this rate the sun is going to kill us before the union does."

Both of Taos comrades face palmed at that, choosing not to respond and let the hacker rant about the weather to his content. It really was futile to stop Tao once he set his mind to something, no matter how strange his requests and plans ended up being. Especially when he crafted up ludicrous ideas to ask Frankenstien for new uniforms in his audacious, Tao-like manner.

M-21, despite the cheer and familial happiness that his comrades filled him with, felt completely worn out. On edge to say the least.

Beneath his skin, fury and something he couldn't quite place raged bright embers that roared through his veins, burning him from the inside out. It shrieked viscous curses at his family from within the confines of his mind. A chorus of horrors that only he could listen to.

Arguing was a moot point when in regards to the beast inside, it had no sense of anything beyond its primal instincts. It craved blood. No...not blood exactly. It craved a battle, the rush of combat between prey and predator. And it most certainly refused to be prey.

"Oi, M-21 were you listening?"

Jolted by the sudden shock of a hand resting on his shoulder, M-21 leapt backwards, a growl already finding itself ripping its way from his throat complete with a snarl marring his lips.




What brought him back to reality was not a sound or action of any sort, it was the lack thereof. Silence reined over the deserted school yard, and to M-21 it was louder than anything else could ever be.

He came to with his comrades mearly a few feet away, concern shining bright in their eyes while he gradually untensed his muscles.

When had his hands started to quake exactly?

"M, are you alright?" Tao asked. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Shakily M-21 snorted, looking away in mock offense. "As if you could ever scare me."

"Ehhhh? I could always show the kids that one picture of you sleeping all cute and stuff. That'd be scary right?"

"You wouldn't...Tao you wouldn't dare..."

The playful and almost manic grin on the hackers face assured him that the man would.


The next incident came while M-21 was alone with Frankenstein and Rai, carefully sipping at the tea sloshing around in his cup and cherishing the tranquil quiet that sung through the otherwise empty house. Everyone else had retired for the night and though M-21 wished that he too could hole up in his room and experience that blessed blank space unconsciousness wrought, he found himself far too keyed up to do so. The restlessness manifesting though the constant, nervous 'tap tap' of his bare foot against chilled tile.

At first, M-21 was so caught up in his tumultuous thoughts that he didn't even register the fact he was incessantly tapping his leg. It wasn't until he felt the questioning stares off the rooms other two occupants that he realized what was happening.

"Are you alright M-21?" Frankensteins eyes, so usually filled to the brim with that uncanny amount of confidence of his, now looked...


No, no definitely not cautious, concerned. Frankenstein was concerned for him.

Was he really so worn from his inner battles with his beast that it showed that apparently on his face? After another glance at Frankenstein and Rai he concluded that yes, it definitely was.

Unaffected by the werewolfs silence, Frankenstein asked again, his voice more gentle this time.

Maybe it was foolish to put trust into others, even ones such as this pair, but M-21 wanted so badly to tell them everything. To pour out his heart and lift the burden his own personal war had created. But his instincts screamed at him, shouted their accusations and intentions to people who couldn't hear it's crys.

He trusted them, these two men who took him in, rescued him from the rubble of the past and helped him build anew.

He trusted them, but the beast didnt.

A soft, heartless smile found its way across his scarred lips and he tried to keep the bitterness, the powerlessness, out of his voice.

"I'm fine, sorry it was just a really stressful day." He gently placed his cup on an empty coaster and rose. "I think I'll head in now, night."

He intentionally ignored the worried looks that followed him out.


It was beginning to get so much harder to control his basic instincts, and after weeks of this endless push and pull inside him, he began to wonder who was really caged in this situation. He pulled as far away from his friends, his family, as his heart would allow. On the surface, he was the same man he always was. Cocky, aloof and sarcastic to a tee.

But to those who knew M-21, who bled with M-21 and faced death head on with him, he was quickly becoming a stranger. He had always been rugged like the jagged end of broken glass, but now there was no glass to begin with. What were once loaded smiles and caring barbs had turned into a gaping chasm that was becoming deeper by the day.

Tao and Takeo, despite the futility of their challenge, continually tried to engage M-21 through any means necessary. But the werewolf just pulled further and further away. They would and did not give up however. They would fight for their comrade back to their dying breath.

Seira took to cooking his favorite foods wherever possible, trying to coax him to meals with a gentle hand and a kind, muted smile. Yuna had once told her they way to a mans heart was through his stomach. Seira didn't much understand, as she was certain the heart and intestines were in completely different areas of the body, but she still attempted.

Regis took the more brazen route, him being just as blunt, if not more so, then M-21. At first, he tried to goad his friend into sparring with him, or even making an effort to piss him off. Anything to break that mask M-21 plastered on. He would never admit it, but with every failed attempt to engage, Regis became more and more worried. He felt so...powerless.

He'd do anything to help M-21, but it seemed the man didn't want any help.

Little did M-21 know however, throughout his reluctance to reach for the assistance and companionship offered, Rai and Frankenstein were finished with leaving him to his own devices. They didn't want to see their friend suffer in solitude, and so it was that they decided to seek consultation from someone with far more knowledge on werewolves than themselves.

The werewolf king himself.


Muzaka stood with a resoluteness and confidence he was known to wield like an extra set of claws, giving the large house an appreciative look(human architecture had seriously improved in those eight hundred and twenty years of his slumber) before rapping his knuckles as softly as he could manage against the surprisingly thin wood. It really wouldn't do to break Frankensteins door. The peacock already hated him enough, thank you very much.

Within the confines of the house, Muzaka could sense two familiar energies. One coursing with dark miasma that managed to spill over its owners iron clad control and the other barely a whisper. One that, though soft, swept through flower filled fields to spread the smell of spring to the land.

Ah yes, very little had changed it seemed.

The door opened to reveal Frankenstien, wearing the same damn suit he always wore and with that look in his eye that made it seem as if he was deconstructing every plausible way in which to take him down.

"Please, come in." He said, walking back towards the couch where Raizel sat and expecting him to follow.

Muzaka flashed his old friend a mischievous grin and stepped inside. Only to have Frankenstein glare daggers at him, his aura radiating murderous intent.

"What'd I do this time?"

"Your shoes."


"You are tracking dirt into my household. Take off your shoes and put on the slippers near the door."

Oh. Yeah, he forgot how anal Frankenstein could be about having everything completely sterile.

"Ahhhhh...sorry" He really wasn't sorry in the least, but the stupid peacock didn't need to know that. "Better?"


Muzaka sauntered towards the empty couch, unceremoniously plopping himself down onto the cushion. Raizel, who sat directly across from him, was as unwaveringly elegant as ever, making the otherwise pedestrian seat look like a throne. Muzaka sprawled himself across the empty couch, creating a throne of his own making. They were both beings of absolute power and it showed.

"So what is it that you had to have Frankenstein call me? Are you two finally eloping?"

Raizel looked completely unaffected by the suggestive remark, Frankenstein however seemed to exude even more distaste and vitriol than Muzaka thought was possible. That man always did manage to surprise him.

"It is our companion." Raizel spoke, raising the miniature cup to his lips in a fluid motion. "He is...unwell."

"Eh? What does that have to do with me?"

This time Frankenstein spoke. "Because he's a werewolf and I'm certain it a biological issue more than a psychological one.

Muzaka relaxed further into his seat, damn this couch was comfortable. "I see. What's the signs he's been exhibiting then? I could probably tell you what's happening based on that, but it would also be a good idea to check him in person. Just in case."

Frankenstein nodded in agreement. It seemed his scientific side was trumping over his utter distaste for Muzaka. Good, it was easier to get thing done when he was like that. And especially if it regarded a werewolf, he was after all the former werewolf lord. It was his duty to protect his kind by any means necessary.

"He has been receding from us for the past few weeks. At first it started out with bursts of anger occurring at random, especially in regards to whenever there was physical contact. That seemed to be the primary trigger."

Frankenstein heaved a heavy sigh, it was brief, but it painted a fairly detailed picture for Muzaka. Frankenstein was worried. Terribly. And considering it was Raizel who contacted him, it was safe to assume he was too.

"It seemed he realized this too and before I could intervene he completely withdrew. He mostly runs away in the evenings, thinking that we aren't aware of his nightly excursions. We've been trying everything to get him to engage but anything we do seems to push him further away." Frankenstein pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "If I had to give my opinion, it seems he's afraid. More than likely of himself. But whatever he's suppressing is beginning to take its toll on him. I'm worried that-"

"If he doesn't fix whatever's going on that he'll completely lose control." Muzaka summed up, his gaze knowing.

"Precisely, hence why we reached out to you. I don't have much data on werewolves and Master has had very limited reactions with your kind, so I figured you could assist us."

Silence settled over the room like a blanket, Muzaka and Frankenstein stared at one another for a time span that seemed to stretch with every passing second. Muzaka, surprisingly, was the first to look away, his mind sorting through the facts presented to him with a single minded fervor.

He knew their friend was part human, remembered the kid who, despite not being a full wolf, was still able to transform. That in itself should've been impossible, but there it was. In Muzakas mind, though he bore that human taint he vowed to destroy, the pup had earned his respect.

Especially considering he had to deal with Frankenstein on a daily basis. Muzaka sincerely respected anyone that could do that.

His mind whirred, cogs gradually turning and placing together a picture that shocked the former werewolf lord.

This kid was a human...or half human. Therefore what he suspected should have been considered absolutely ludicrous and rejected without a second thought.

But, he had seen the werewolf with his own two eyes. It seemed like the kid- no, man, was an impossibility in and of himself. So that meant...

Muzakas brows raised in shock as the answer rushed through his head.

"Ah, I think I know what's going on with your friend."

Frankenstein gave an impatient wave of his hand, motioning for Muzaka to continue.

"Well I thought it wasn't possible, considering he's half human and all. But apparently it is." He thoughtfully rested his chin atop his hands. "Basically your pup is turning into a full blown wolf."

Again silence reigned. This time incredulous and disbelieving.

Muzaka let the information he had unloaded sink in, watching as Frankinsteins face morphed from denial to anger at the werewolf lord for saying something so stupid to contemplation and then finally, understanding. He couldn't blame Frankenstein really, it was quite a lot to swallow all at once.

"I see. But that still doesn't necessarily explain why he's withdrawn so far from us."

"That's probably due to the fact that he's not part of a werewolf pack. With young ones who make the transition into adulthood, there's usually a pack leader that keeps them in line and assures that said wolf has someone to handle the more carnal aspects of it. They play matchmaker essentially."

Muzaka tapped a finger against his lips, considering how to properly word what he was about to say. "Your friend is, ah... Well I guess you could say he's going into heat. Since he's maturing now is the time that breeding instincts are developed. From what you've told me he has absolutely no clue what's going on. So to keep himself in check he's been distancing himself, which is pretty smart actually considering prolonged exposure to that instinctual part can cause a werewolf to lash out and attack practically anything that moves."

Throughout Muzakas speech, Frankenstein recalled the little bit he knew about werewolves, such data being from his younger, more desperate days of searching for power. He knew their physiology quite well, but that was only in regards to full blown adult werewolves. There were quite a few scientists at the time who experimented on the younger wolves, but Frankenstein refused to touch that vein of science with even a ten foot pole made completely of his darkspear.

Children were children, no matter the species.

"I see. So how should we proceed from here on then?"

"Well, considering how long he's been holding out, there's really not much time until

he completely loses it. I'm honestly surprised he's managed to refrain from his instincts as longs as he has."

Frankenstein winced, a sense of bitterness threading through his heart. So there was truly nothing they could do for M-21. But Muzaka-Frankenstein shot upwards as the epiphany smacked him upside the head with the proverbial bat. His gaze considered Muzaka, regarding him as if he were simply another experiment.

Which wasn't too far off, considering what he was about to request.

"Ehhhh? What's with that look?"

"You said M-21 needed a pack leader, yes?"


"Then why don't you take that role?"

Muzaka completely stilled, disbelief rushing through him and pouring out into his aura. Frankenstein seriously had no clue what he was asking Muzaka to do, had no understanding of the severity of what that would mean. A retort was fresh on his tongue when a sudden thought occurred.

If M-21 didn't have a pack leader, or even someone appointed to mark him, he was essentially free game for whatever werewolf happened to be around. Sudden images of packless, markless weres flitted through his mind.

He'd seen the horrors that resulted in the wrong people finding a werewolf in that state. Limp corpses decorated with dirt, as thick as a second skin, blood and all forms of bodily fluids. Young weres subjected to a horrific fate, simply because there was no one to protect them.

Something inexplicably fierce flared in Muzakas chest.

Though he knew in his heart he had failed his own pack, that he didn't deserve the right to protect anyone, he couldn't let the possibility of this wolf faring the same fate of so many of those he hadn't been able to help.

Muzaka snapped out of his contemplative state to find Raizel, crimson gaze pleading and (he never thought he would ever use this word in conjunction with his friend) desperate, staring at him.

Well shit. That definitely decided it then.


It was getting far harder than was comfortable to remain in control of the beast within, to maintain those chains that prevented it from completely breaching the surface. Feelings roared tidal waves through M-21's mind, and if he had to be honest, he was getting so tired of fighting it. The will that had once been so resolute, dimming to a wavering flame beneath the relentless assault of urges.

His body was an inferno, M-21 had to check quite often that he wasn't already set ablaze, and there was no way to quell that scorching fire. He had never experienced the torrent of emotions and sensations before, the union screwing with his head and all.

It was like he was grasping at some intangible concept that, every time he got close, close enough to take his claws over that confusing thing, it twirled that much further from his grasp. There was no solidity, no way to completely combat what was happening to him.

So he tried to stay away.

M-21 knew that the family he had made, that he valued more than anything else, wanted him back. He knew how the distance he forced himself to erect hurt them. They tried so hard to reach him, so fucking hard M-21 wanted to cry and give in. But the thought of physically injuring them, becoming nothing more than an instinctual, rabid monster that they would be forced to put down, encouraged him.

Though what was happening now damaged their relationship, that...that would break them.

M-21 barely even came home anymore, isolating himself in the woods where the urges didn't rage so badly. Destroying the land around him had settled his mind for a time, a short and ultimately finite respite.

He wanted more.

More of what though?

M-21 didn't know anymore.

But he wanted to see them, his family. He just wanted to be somewhere safe again, where the people who legitimately cared about him were.

Just for a moment, that's all he needed.

Such a lie.

M-21 darted through the forestry, smashing trees as he simply barreled through oak after oak. The way the wind tore at his skin, through his hair, as chaos reigned around him, he could almost convince himself it sated the urges that sat like a hot poker in his gut.


M-21 didn't know how long he ran, or even where he was in conjunction to the house, but he let his instincts guide him for once. After what seemed like an eternity, the land around M-21 evened out, dirt and earth morphing into concrete and light. He took to the building then, still in enough control not to destroy the city.

Time bent and warped once again and M-21 came to standing directly in front of the place he called home for so long. Sucking air into his lungs, enough to the point where it hurt, M-21 schooled his expression into one of indifference. Though he couldn't keep his hands from shaking, no matter how hard he tried.

It was then that M-21 noticed something was off about the house. It wasn't the structure itself, not at all, in fact it was something WITHIN his home.

Nose pointed up in the air he finally realized why it seemed so terribly off. There was someone he didn't know inside.


With his family.


For once M-21 didn't fight against his baser instincts. His family was in danger. Someone was in there. Someone he didn't know.

A werewolf he didn't know.

Without a second thought, reared back his head as a roar, a twisted melody that sung of ferocity and protectiveness. It was not a roar that decimated cities, but a call. A challenge.

Why did he want to fight again?

Who knew at this point.

Not even a second after the call left his lips, M-21 was surrounded by strange people, each keeping a safe distance. Something at the back of his mind screamed stop, banged uselessly against the cage that kept him.

It didn't matter anymore.

He gave another growl in warning, he didn't care about these people. They weren't what he wanted. He wanted the werewolf.

M-21 could feel the werewolfs energy prickling against his skin, it was off putting. Too powerful.

But oh he didn't care anymore.

"Oi, M-21."

M-21 turned and leapt, narrowing his eyes at the man standing where he had been moments before. The man was, for all intents and purposes, intimidating to say the least. A shock of unruly silver hair danced lazily in the wind, framing a face that spoke of danger, of power. Even looking at the werewolf, M-21 could easily see the strength in that scarred, muscled body.

"If your gonna call a challenge like that, you better be serious."

M-21 sneered.

Before he could even blink, Muzaka had secured an arm around his middle and leapt, using his strength to carry the two of them into a clearing devoid of human life. Just as he had promised Raizel.

M-21 slipped through Muzaka's grasp and attempted to put enough distance between himself and the werewolf lord so as to give himself more room to maneuver. Claws extended, he barreled towards the man who seemed completely at ease.

Strike after strike, Muzaka dodged lazily, reaching out to correct M-21's punches or strikes wherever he could. It frustrated M-21 that this man wasn't taking him seriously. It grated against some primal desire to be respected by one of his standing. For the life of M-21 he had no clue where it came from.

But both sides of himself seemed to agree, they wanted this man to respect them. Treat them as an equal.

M-21 grasped deep within himself, grazing against that bundle of power that made his heart race. With every beat, it stretched over his body and within the blink of an eye he could feel the tell tale burn of fur sprouting on his arms and neck. With new eyes he settled his gaze on the werewolf, who was simply giving him a thoughtful look.

"Ohhhhh, you're really serious about this. Well come on then M-21, let's fight."


His mind was so addled by the wild fire that blazed through him, seeming to only be encouraged by their fight, that M-21 didn't realize the severity of his wounds untill his scraped and bloody knees gave out beneath him. He had no idea how long they had been at this, it felt likenan eternity that M-21 tried to breach Muzakas defenses and get a solid hit on the elusive man.

The chase, the strain, made his blood boil in some strange, alien sensation. The blood pooled into his groin and if M-21 was of sound mind, he'd be thoroughly embarrassed that he was sporting a hard on while he got the crap beat out of him. But as it was, all he could do was listen to the steady, increasing chant of 'more' that seemed to repeat in perpetual need.

On his knees, M-21 gave Muzaka an appreciative once over. The man had hardly broken a sweat, but he sported a handful of scratches that M-21 had painstakingly stuck him with during the duration of their battle. He had taken him seriously once he'd landed a hit, both to M-21's pleasure and misfortune.

He didn't remember ever feeling so alive. Adrenaline and something else raced through him, and through exhaustion hung over his bruised frame, his bare chest heaving in exertion, he felt like he could do anything.

But what did he want to do?

That infuriating, deceptively simple question had been present throughout the entirety of this ordeal and M-21 felt like he was on the cusp of an answer.

He wanted...

M-21 regarded Muzaka as if he held the solution in the palm of his hand, which, once he put some thought into it, was probably a true statement.

Speaking of the werewolf lord, he was now towering over him in victory. But not just victory. Patience, as if he were waiting for something.

Everything clicked together with a frightening intensity in that short moment, all those cogs that endlessly turned in his head clicking together. He knew what Muzaka was waiting for, what M-21 himself had been aching so desperately for. He had been fighting so implicitly against the truth that was shouting for release in his blood. He didn't want to admit it, still didn't in fact, but...

It seemed so tantalizing.

Once again, M-21 stopped thinking and let his instincts guide him. They knew what to do, what he wanted, more so than M-21 himself knew at least.

Pushing his aching body up, to rest on his folded knees, he barred his neck to Muzaka. Uncertainty blended together with arousal and anticipation, it really was an intoxicating cocktail.

Muzaka refused to move, to M-21's displeasure. It seemed the werewolf lord was still waiting for something.

"Please" he whimpered, whined.

If begging got him what he needed then he'd happily beg, pride be damned.

With a small, almost imperceptible smile, Muzaka leaned down, connecting his lips to M-21's. The kiss was chaste, light and cautious. He was afraid to hurt him, M-21 realized, another flare of irritation jolting him at the thought. He wasn't dainty, nor was he fragile. M-21 was strong, and damn if he wasn't going to prove that to Muzaka.

Reaching a hand to fist itself through the mane of silver hair, M-21 growled into Muzaka's lip and let his own lips part. At his desperate urging Muzaka deepened the kiss, tongue tracing the inside of M-21's mouth as if he were trying to memorize it.

The kiss sent shocks down M-21's spine and he shivered in want, Muzakas tongue was particularly sinful and he couldn't help but picture that mouth on his cock. The image set a whine pitching through his throat.

He wanted more.

Briefly pulling away, Muzaka chuckled. "So you want it like that do you? Very kinky, M-21."

Muzaka pushed him down to the point where he was sprawled out on the dirt, the werewolf lord straddling him and giving him a look that spoke of a deep, carnal hunger. Much like his own really.

"I was gonna fuck you nice and slow, but if you wanna do it this way I definitely have no problem with that."

With an impatient growl, M-21 rocked his clothed erection against Muzaka own. He wanted the man to see how much he wanted this. How much he needed this.

In response, Muzaka connected their mouths in a sloppy kiss that had teeth scraping against teeth, and lord help him, a fair amount of biting. He liked it when Muzaka took his bottom lip into his own mouth and gave it a nip. M-21 moaned in an effort to encourage the man.

This time, Muzaka was the one who ground against M-21 and with the stimulation of the kiss and the rocking against his dick, he seriously thought he was going to fall apart.

Muzaka, after giving his lip yet another affectionate nip, trailed kisses down M-21's jaw, pausing to suck every so often. A whine met the werewolf lord at the lack of kissing but when his mouth found M-21's nipple, all he could do was pant breathlessly.

He still wanted more, so much more.

"Yea, yea, I hear you."

Without a second thought M-21 was divested of his already torn jeans while Muzaka quickly removed his own in a similar fashion.

"Damn, you're really fucking sexy like this." Muzaka admired the man beneath him, M-21 blushing and writhing as Muzakas hand found his dick and gave a few rough pumps. "You're gonna love this though."

With cheeky grin, Muzaka brought his fingers to M-21's mouth, ordering him to suck, to which the man happily complied. Muzaka drank in the sight of M-21, legs spread and lavishly licking and sucking on his fingers. Damn, he really wanted to fuck him already.

"Okay I'm gonna stick em in now, it might hurt a bit."

If M-21 were more aware, he might have laughed at how Muzaka carefully and considerfully warned him. But as it was, he really didn't care. He wanted to feel. To experience. Pain, pleasure, whatever worked really.

Muzakas fingers found his entrance without much more urging and pushed in, making M-21 gasp. It stung a bit and felt incredibly strange, but it was something tangible. A respite from the hell he'd been subjected to these past few weeks.

Tears escaped his eyes of their own accord and Muzaka leaned in, kissing the falling liquid away with the soft touch of a lover while growling safe platitudes to help calm the younger wolf, before recapturing his lips once again. Once M-21 adjusted, Muzaka moved his fingers, pumping them into M-21.

He felt so good, so fucking good. The inferno that blazed inside him wasn't so painful anymore, instead it had morphed into something entirely more delicious, something that had M-21 whimpering into the kiss that seemed to want to devour him and shifting his hips to slam right onto those fingers.

After a few thrusts, Muzaka struck something in M-21 that had him completely engulfed in those flames that burned so wonderfully. He arched his back and curled his toes at the sheer pleasure the action had wrought.

"Please" M-21 begged as Muzaka siscored into him. "More. Want you inside"

"I can definitely do that" Pulling his fingers from M-21's ass, Muzaka spit into his palm before coating his dick in saliva. "I like it when you beg, it's really hot."

M-21 snorted in mock laughter.

Lining up his cock with M-21's entrance, Muzaka pushed in gradually, despite M-21's pleas and cries to go faster. Gods above M-21 was so tight, and the constant shift of hips really wasn't doing anything for his self control.

"Moreeee" M-21 panted.

After one last shove Muzaka was fully in, it didn't take long for M-21 to beg the werewolf lord to move. And after a few thrusts, he didn't need any encouragement In that regard.

Muzaka paused for a brief moment, appreciating the honest way the younger werewolf allowed his aching body to react. It was quite the sight, having M-21 beneath him, only able to beg for Muzaka. It was endearing, that absolute vulnerability that accompanied letting the beast within roam unchecked.

"What are you waiting for?" M-21 hissed. "I want you, damnit. Fuck me."

Well shit, what could he say to that.

Flashing a heated grin to signal that he was about to resume, Muzaka began to thrust his hips. The sensation of M-21 beneath him, rolling his hips to meet Muzaka, was overwhelming. It unsettled him somewhat, that this werewolf was completely obliterating his self control so effortlessly.

M-21 clenched around him, drawing Muzaka back to the present moment. The moment of having a beautiful, seductive werewolf melt like putty beneath his experienced claws.

Muzaka met M-21's needy stare with his own unsure, cautious one. He sincerely didn't want to hurt this wolf by completely giving in to his inner beast. But every time their eyes met he could hear the plea that the younger wolf was unable to voice.


He wanted so much more, wanted to feel the passion of the former werewolf lord first hand.

Well, who was Muzaka to deny such a lovely creature that simple request.

Lips clashed against one another as Muzaka applied more force to his thrusts, hands grasping M-21's hips in a bruising vice. M-21 shrieked and howled with reckless abandon as Muzaka repeatedly struck that sensitive spot that seemed to only stoke the violent flames within him.

Completely lost to the his own instincts, Muzaka allowed himself to nibble playful bites across the expanse of younger werewolfs skin. It felt so natural, that deep insatiable urge to mark. Somewhere in the back of his mind a voice he really didn't care to listen to warned him he was getting carried away.

Self control be damned.

He could feel M-21 clench around him, signaling he was quickly approaching his own climax. Speeding up his pace, Muzaka buried his face into the crook of the mans neck, tongue darting out to tease and taste the tantalizing flesh . Without a second thought he bit down, hard. The delectable tinge of iron bleeding out onto his tongue.

It was a contract in it's own way.

Claiming and possessive.

Beneath the ethereal night sky, lit by stars that glistened like ripples through a calm stream, the two melded together for a brief moment. Fear, passion and a sense of utter belonging intertwining to bring about a single being.

Muzaka wasn't sure who came first or who screamed what, but to be honest, he didn't quite care anymore.


The first thing Muzaka realized as he lay beneath the stars with an unconscious, sated M-21 curled up beside him, head resting against his chest, was the absolute sense of peace that seemed to radiate from the younger wolf. It seemed the beast within had gotten what it wanted and finally left M-21 to enjoy the tranquil, blank space of deep, satisfied sleep.

Like this, M-21 seemed so...beautiful.

Despite the dirt and blood that had caked itself to his skin, there was something so defenseless about him in this state. So truthful and innocent.

Running his fingers through the tangled, silver mess of M-21's hair, Muzaka carefully groomed the sleeping man. Gaze roaming over the content, unguarded face and traveling to the raised mark, an angry shock of red flesh, that resided on his neck. Muzaka felt a strange, overwhelming sense of pride and possessiveness at the sight.

Huh, that was strange.

Shrugging it off, Muzaka brought the M-21's body closer to his, inhaling his scent with a soft smirk. He smelled of the faint tinge of cinnamon and pine, reminding Muzaka of the vast forests that he had grown up in. It was nostalgic in a sense, and for the first time in a very long while, he didn't feel so alone.

He had someone to protect, and he would make sure that this time, he succeeded.

With a jaw cracking yawn, Muzaka rested his chin on the younger wolfs head, eyes drifting shut as a foreign, and welcome emotion rolled through him.

It was contentment.

edit; sorry bout the spacing, fixed it ;u;