As Harry was sleeping in the spare bedroom, Severus pondered on what to do. The kid was malnourished and had suffered abuse, both physical and emotional. Getting away from the Dursleys wouldn't be enough, the boy needed a real guardian, someone who would look out for him. An adult who would educate and care for him. Severus sighed. Harry seemed to be a good kid - polite and quite intelligent. He was also timid and had no sense of self-worth, but that was the Dursleys fault. For now, Severus would help the kid with getting ready for school, he'll make sure he's healthy and watch out for him at school. He'll talk to Dumbledore and they'll figure out where Harry could live, who could adopt him.

Dumbledore. He was another issue. The man must have known about what was happening at the Dursley household. Severus knew for a fact that a member of the Order of the Phoenix was reporting every detail from Privet Drive. Oh, why did he see that letter? Severus sighed and got ready for sleep. It was for the best, the kid was more important than any turmoil he could be going through. Maybe Harry will be good for him.

The next morning Harry got up early and was met with a big breakfast and a sleepy Severus.

Something in the grumpy older man made Harry trust him. He almost smiled when the teacher grumbled about mornings and basically shoved the food in front of Harry.

"Eat. We have a long day ahead of us. Besides, you're too skinny as it is." Harry lowered his head and nodded.

"Thank you."

After they both ate and Severus had woken up entirely, they apparated to Diagon Alley. Severus had to stop himself from smiling at Harry, who seemed not to know what to look at, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.

"Have you seen the list in your letter?"

"Yes, I've read it yesterday. But, professor… I don't have any money. And uncle Vernon won't pay for me." Severus shook his head.

"You needn't worry about finances. Your family left you a fortune."

"My family? They were wizards? Didn't they die in a car crash?" Harry asked, his voice slightly higher. The Dursleys wouldn't have hidden that from him? Severus sighed and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"They were wizards and they died in a duel. However, this is not the place for this conversation. To make this trip quick, we will pay from my pouch. You may repay me at a later date. When we get back home, I will answer all you questions about your family and Hogwarts."

"Yes sir."

They decided to start with buying a wand. They made their way to Ollivander's. Harry was visibly nervous, a wand seemed to be a big deal. Severus noticed this.

"Ollivander is a very strange man. He knows everyone and always scares new customers. He likes jumping out from seemingly nowhere." He warned the boy, trying to ease him a bit.

"Did he ever scare you?" Harry asked. When Severus didn't answer, he felt his heart sink. Why did he think that's an appropriate question to a professor? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"He did." Severus interrupted. "He scared the living daylights out of me." Harry laughed. "I don't like the man, to tell you the truth."

He was right, when they entered the shop, Ollivander was no where to be seen. They looked around and suddenly the man appeared out of a bookcase.

"Mr Potter. I was waiting till you'd come." Severus mouthed told you so. "I remember every costumer that bought a wand from me. Every single one. It seems like yesterday when your mother and father were here buying their's. Lily had a-"

"Ekhem." Severus coughed. "If I may, we are in quite a hurry and would just like to get a wand." Ollivander squinted at the wizard and sighed.

"Very well. Which is your wand hand, Mr Potter?" Harry frowned.

"Umm, I'm right handed if that's what you mean." The shopkeeper nodded. He murmured a spell and swished his wand. Suddenly a tape measure was spinning around Harry's arm, taking lengths. Ollivander reached out and took one of the many wand cases.

"Let us try this one. Give it a flick, will you?" Harry did as he was told and was met with a small explosion.

"Sorry?" He asked, timidly.

"No worries." The wand-maker brought another case. "Try this one."

They went through 12 wands and Ollivander was getting even more excited. Suddenly he slowed. "It can't be. Maybe?" He retrieved a black case with strange markings. "Try this one. Holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple."

Harry grasped the wand and immediately felt a surge of power. He couldn't help but smile, the feeling was amazing. Ollivander however frowned.

"Curious. Very curious."

"What is curious?" Severus barked.

"I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather - just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother why, its brother gave you that scar."

Harry swallowed.

"Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember... I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter... After all, He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things - terrible, yes, but great."

"Thank you." Severus said curtly and quickly paid for the wand. The two wizards quickly exited the shop.

"I don't like him." Harry said frowning. Severus smiled. He hadn't smiled like this since… well, it's been a long time.

"He is rather peculiar, isn't he?" Harry nodded, also starting to grin. "Welcome to the magical world."

They headed to buy the rest of the items on the list and Severus found himself liking Harry more and more. The boy was filled with curiosity. The older wizard bought him books for extra studying (he already saw talent in him, there was no reason for it to go to waste). When they walked into the potions store, Harry actually gasped.

"Well, your list says you should get a pewter cauldron, standard size 2. It's decent, but you'll be better off with a size 3, and you'll want it to have a silver lining. I'll cast some spells later so that it doesn't blow up in your face when you do something wrong."

"How do you know so much about cauldrons?"

"I'm the potion's master at Hogwarts."

"Oh." Harry felt stupid for not asking what Severus taught earlier. "How about the phials? Should I get glass or crystal?"

"I have no idea why they put crystal on that list for average students, none of the potions I teach would require them. However, if you feel you will enjoy potions, I could be able to show you some more advanced potions and then I'd advise you to take the crystal phial. The same is with the scales. The brass ones are not bad, but if you'll be treating potions as more than a lesson you have to pass, then buy the silver ones."

Harry took both the crystal phials and silver scales. Severus couldn't have been more glad.

Their last stop was the animal store. Harry chose to buy a female snowy owl. Severus nudged him.

"You can also get another animal if you want."

"But the letter says…"

"No one actually cares how many animals you have. Many students have more animals. I'm not saying you should buy another now, just know you have that option. I would advise you to keep that slot open. Some magicians meet animals who become their familiars."

"Like in the books?"

"Well, exactly."

They finished up quickly, Harry choosing to buy the owl and a couple books on familiars and mythical animals ("Do you think a dragon could become my familiar?" "I don't know, maybe.").

In the meantime Severus let Harry call him by his name ("It's not school yet, you can stop calling me professor").

By the time they got back home, both of them were extremely happy.

Right, Chapter 2 is up, I hope you like it. Sorry for taking so long, when I get this story rolling, I'll be updating more often.