A/N Although I am happy to call this one finally finished, I also know that every bit of ciriticm of this story only made me grow as a writer. So now my next projects can become that much better for you guys. Thanks a million to my Beta SunFlowerfran, and thank you every reader and reviewer! You all keep me working.


"It was a stunning ceremony wasn't it?" Nana Cullen said, perhaps for the thousandth time that conversation.

"It sure was Mrs. Cullen. Absolutely stunning." Bella deftly peered behind the frail woman in search of some sort of rescue; any other guest or relative to make an excuse to talk to, but she couldn't find one.

"Too bad they had it up here instead of in Chicago. I bet EJ would have loved to show off his beautiful business—"

Bella nodded, warming to know that very business was named after her, until Nana grabbed a hold; her bony fingers wrapping around Bella's like a vice. "I bet you wanted the cabin for your own wedding. It's a pity I heard you said no, it would have been charming to come up here again."

"What did you just say?" Bella's narrowed her gaze when she took in the old woman's words.

Nana blinked back, her tiny eyes shocked by Bella' sudden tone, "Oh, nothing dear, just how you turned down poor E.J. He's a sweet boy, we all know he could have timed it a bit better, but you should be flattered he just couldn't wait!"

"What do you mean he couldn't wait? Wait for what?" Bella stopped for Nana to answer, but something dawned on the woman's wrinkled face.

"Oh, forget me dear. Just the ramblings of an old woman!" She chuckled.

"No, Nana, I insist, what did—" Bella narrowed her eyes to where Edward stood talking to the rest of the groomsmen. Nana couldn't have meant what she thought she did….

"—Nana! There you are!"

Bella looked over to see Charlotte's tight face, before she grasped Nana's tiny shoulders to lead her away, "I'm sure Bella has other guests to speak to. Lets not burden her with gossip."

"That all right, I was just—" Bella reached to stop them, but Charlotte maneuvered out of her grasp.

"It's lucky I found you. Bella, I think your mother was asking for you." Charlotte gave her a forced smile.


"You should probably go find her." She said. And before Bella could answer, the two women had scurried off.

Bella remained stunned to silence, too weak to say anything else as her eyes retreated towards Edward. She couldn't imagine him doing something so blatantly rash…

No, she shook her head at the silly thought. It was outrageous to even think that he tried proposing to her. And at Alice and Jasper's rehearsal dinner no less.

But she couldn't ask him, because he was now deep in conversation with what looked to be the family pastor; and she was unable to catch his eye.

"There you are darling." Renee appeared at her side, "Gorgeous, reception, isn't it."

"Yes, gorgeous." Bella responded. Dazed, her mind elsewhere as she looked to the expanse of smiling faces, some dancing, some eating and others socializing under the star-filled night.

Had some of them witnessed something from last night that Bella couldn't remember?

Maybe she had imagined what Nana Cullen had said…

"Mother, what happened last night?" Bella turned, only to see her Renee hesitate.

"What do you mean, dear. Quite a few things happened yesterday, you'll have to be more specific than that." Renee gave a weak laugh that told her something indeed had occurred.

"Jasper mentioned that you and Edward had a disagreement."

"I believe you're imagining something that didn't happen," Renee answered sternly, but her face went pale.

"That's why I'm asking, I can't remember."

Renee rolled her eyes, "That's nice to hear; that drunk, were you?"

"Just answer the question, Mother," Bella said with narrowed eyes.
"We might have had a disagreement about your future. But I assure you, nothing happened beyond that." Renee said before her gaze skittered to a passing guest; anything to avoid Bella.

"My future. You mean the future of the cabin." Bella clarified, her voice hard as stone, "Is that it? Edward told you he was buying the cabin, and you just decided to turn him down? What, out of spite?"

"Of course not—"

"Then what aren't you telling me?" Bella pressed, looking into her mother's face only to see resistance. "I've had too many surprises to last a lifetime, so could you drop the act and say what you mean?"

"You'll have to ask him that." Renee raised her chin, venom seeping into her voice as she made a move to leave. However, Bella caught her arm.

"How about you tell me now." Bella's own voice was darker than she'd ever heard it, and perhaps for the first time in her life, her mother looked unsettled.

"Fine. Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, if I hadn't made that quite clear already," Bella said sarcastically.

A sudden animosity rested in her mother's features, "Fine, Edward proposed to you last night."

Bella's heart stopped beating. And then slowly, as if paralyzed, she felt it start to pump blood back to her limbs, her fingers, her toes ... until she managed to look towards him.

Everything suddenly made sense. The events of the entire day, what Bella thought was anger was actually shame.

Edward was reserved not because he was angry, but due to the fact he didn't know where their relationship stood anymore.

Because Bella had said no.

"He proposed." She repeated out loud, dazedly as her eyes immediately fell to where he stood across the tent. He didn't sense her attention as he chatted happily to a couple, but her mind flooded with the news.

"Yes, but I wouldn't quite call it a proposal, more like an attempt because he was so nervous. I had to stop him so he wouldn't embarrass himself," Renee cackled out a hollow laugh.

"Oh, God," Bella groaned as she dragged a hand across her face, "How did I say no?"

"You were a bit surprised, let's just say that. Besides the fact he popped the question at your brother's rehearsal dinner. I always knew you weren't meant for each other—"

"Stop, just stop." Bella threw up a hand, "Stop saying what you think is right. Because it sure as hell isn't what's right for anyone else." Her stomach started to revolt against every ounce of food and drink she had consumed that day.

She didn't know if she was elated or furious, relieved or crumbling under the stress. Each emotion rushed through her like when her mother interjected.

"I was trying to protect you from a life thrown down the drain."

"Well then, for the love of God, stop trying to protect me." Bella pleaded, "It only drags me through the mud, as well as anyone else in proximity. It happened with Dad, and I won't let you do it to Edward, not again." Bella pushed away her mother's hand as she started to walk away.

"He killed your father, Bella, just remember that. Charlie chose that boy over his own family and look where it got him!" Rene spat.

Bella spun in a sudden fury, gaining the attention of several concerned guests. But she couldn't have cared less, "No! Edward didn't get Dad killed, and neither did I! Dad died in an accident. But just now, by continuing to hate Edward, the one person that never gave up when everyone else did, you just murdered your relationship with your own daughter."

Her mother's face flickered out like a dampened flame, and she left Renee gaping there, alone.

Bella only continued to ignore the staring faces, the quiet whispers as she made her way toward him.

He either sensed the silence, or her deathly stare, but somehow, some way Edward spun around just as Bella reached him.

"Bella?" His face was concerned as he lowered his head; his voice going hushed once he saw the countless eyes resting on them, "What's wrong?"

"Edward Cullen, did you ask me to marry you last night?" She placed her hands on her hips and quirked her brown eyes as he absorbed the source of her anger.

"Who told you?"

"So you did propose to me, on the eve of your sister's wedding? What kind of timing is that?" She threw her hands up as more and more people started to watch.

"Yes, I did." He admitted, "But as I told you last night, I thought it was what you wanted. But your mom made it crystal clear that I was out of line."

"What made you think I wanted a proposal a day before each of our siblings' wedding? You could have done it literally any other time. We could have talked about this, but you chose to ignore me." She cried under her breath.

"I wasn't ignoring you today, Bella, you turned me down. I was licking my wounds, that was what I was doing." His eyes had gone darker; sadder, "But I've learned my lesson, believe me."

"I didn't turn you down!" She stomped her foot, "And then how could you proceed to act like nothing had happened the very next day—"

"Because I was mortified!" He finally shouted back, and the entire tent went quiet. A beat of silence passed as he ran a ragged hand through his hair.

"Because," He lowered, "When I imagined asking you to marry me, I didn't quite picture you drunkenly telling me to stop talking; or that your mother would say it was a mistake after she was the one who told me to do it in the first place. And, the real topper is, that you can't remember any of this even happening!" He finished in a fury.

"My mother told you to propose?" Bella felt her face relax in realization,

"Forget it," He straightened his suit coat with a quick tug, "Now if you'll excuse me, I can just about handle one night of public humiliation. But I can't quite take two in a row." He said before walking out of the tent.

And as Bella watched him leave her for a second time in two days, what had really happened that fateful night hit her like a derailed train.


Bella stood at the bar the bride and groom's rehearsal dinner, quietly watching as Edward laughed at something Jasper had said across the bar. She could barely see him because it was stuffed to the brim with family and friends, but Bella still saw his ruffled bronze hair as it bobbed to and from guests.

And as he shot her a wink after catching her watching, she felt her chest tighten in what was pure contentment. Her life was finally back on track to happiness.

"What are you smiling at?" Her mother asked after handing Bella another Martini; one of many she had already consumed.

Bella shamelessly dropped her eyes, but it was no use hiding.

"Ah, yes, Edward. I still quite can't believe you two are back together." Renee said tightly.

"What does that mean?" Even in her blissfully buzzed state, Bella heard the bitterness in her mother's voice.

"It's just, you should know your father wanted more for you than to end up with your high school sweetheart." She said with a shrug.

Bella's heart fell silent, "I don't understand—"

"We all know your father loved Edward as a son. But I know he didn't want him as his son in law. But then again, that was a while ago before the accident." Renee pursed her lips as she feigned indifference.

"What are you getting at, Mother?" Bella asked.

"Oh, nothing dear. Enjoy the party now." She sang before drifting back into the throng of well-wishers.

"Ah, Bella. There you are." She was snapped out of her trance by Edward, holding out his hand. "I promised you a dance, remember?"

"Of course," She nodded dimly before setting down her drink.

And as soon as she put her hand in his, he twirled her effortlessly past the crowd of people before settling in the middle of the floor.

They swayed like for a while; with his hand pressing her even closer to him. But all she could do was muddle over what her mother had meant; was it possible Bella's father hadn't wanted her and Edward to end up together after all?

"I have another present for you." He murmured into her ear, his arms wrapped around her waist as his thumb lovingly stroked the skin of her open back.

They were at Alice and Jasper's rehearsal dinner, and Bella was already far into a few drinks, but she was content to dance all night as long as she could stay in Edward's arms.

"What is it?" She asked incredulously. But he was smiling down at her, "And why did you get me another present? If the cabin wasn't already a gesture, this dress was over the top."

"Because," Edward chuckled as he untangled her hand that curled behind his neck, only to bring it to rest against his heart, "Just think of it as another birthday present."

"My birthday isn't for two days." She giggled, but her stomach warmed at his thoughtfulness.

"It matches your dress rather nicely if I say so myself. Think of it as sort of a package deal in addition to the cabin."

"Oh really? What kind of package deal." She teased with raised brows, but his face remained serious.

"What would you say if it included me?" He kissed her once, twice, "For the rest of your life?"
"Mmm," She hummed, "Sounds good to me."

His chuckle vibrated through her, sparking that same lust that never went away when she was with him. "Bella, love, do you understand what I'm asking you?"

"No." She hummed distantly while the martini did its job.

She did know that she loved the way he held her; the feeling of his body against hers, so hard and warm; so perfect…

"Bella, what I mean to say is—" He stopped dancing and took a step back. But he still held her hand in his; her left hand that is.

Everything around them lurched into slow motion as Edward shook his shoulders lightly before clearing his throat.

"Bella Marie Swan." He started, "I've known you almost my whole life. And my love for you has only grown since the first moment we met. So what I'm about to ask you might seem sudden, but it feels like second nature to me because I can't imagine loving anyone else the way I love you." He then proceeded to pull a tiny velvet box from his pocket.

And Bella gaped.

"I can't help but wonder if someone, somewhere, meant for us to be together, because we kept finding each when it seemed impossible. And I'll be damned if I'll ever let you get away again. So—" He took a deep breath and dropped down to one knee.

Bella blinked as he stared up at her. And her comprehension slowed to a standstill.

"—Will you do marry me?"

Her heart stopped altogether now, as the crowd hushed with awe. But Edward hadn't paused a beat before opening the box, which revealed a diamond ring: sparkling in the dim light of the dance floor, surrounded by a perimeter of tiny sapphires ... her birthstone ... and as promised…

It matched her blue dress.

"Please do me the honor of becoming my wife."

Her eyes widened as her brain flitted through thoughts like scattered dust in the sun, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, Bella. I'm serious." Edward let out a nervous chuckle, but he remained on the floor, both hands offering up what she now noticed was a huge diamond.

The crowd waited with bated breath as she did the same, "But—Alice" She stuttered before grabbing hold of his forearm, "Your sister, what would she think?"

"You know Alice would be elated." He gave a wary glance to the crowd gathering, and when she didn't answer again, he slowly rose to his feet. "Bella, what's wrong, I thought this is what you wanted?" His brows scrunched together as she helplessly stared up at him.

"I do. But what would he think?" Her thoughts went cloudy with the image of her father. Would he approve?

"He?" He repeated. "What do you mean?"

She drunkenly looked to the expanse of guests, now with pity on their faces, but she looked past them in search of Alice and Jasper. But they were nowhere to be found.

"Bella!" Edward called, forcing her to look at him when he took her face between his hands and led them away from prying eyes, "Alice wants us to be happy. Both our families want this for us. Are you telling me that's something you don't want?" He asked gently.

"No!" She pressed her eyes shut at her useless mouth, "I mean, no, of course, I want this—"

"Then what's wrong?"

"—Edward." Renee said, suddenly appearing, "I think she's made her answer quiteclear."

Her mother then deftly took Bella from Edward.

"No, Renee. She hasn't." He looked at Bella expectantly, and so did her mother.

"It's just—" Bella sputtered uselessly, but he had stepped away from her; sadness, too much sadness resting in his eyes.

"What Bella is unable to say is that the answer is no, Edward."

"Forgive me, but I need to hear Bella say it." He ignored Renee and looked back to her.

But all of a sudden, her tongue felt leaden in her throat …"Edward I—"She started

"—I think she just needs some air, Edward," Renee said sweetly as she pulled Bella farther and farther away from him.

That night she hadn't noticed it when her mother deftly maneuvered them from the bar, since Bella was too complacent and weak from all the alcohol. But now, she could clearly remember the satisfaction in her mother's eyes at the sight of Edward standing alone in the middle of the dance floor; just waiting for Bella to come back.


"Holy shit." Bella blinked after she remembered every tiny detail; Edward's heartbreaking expression down to Renee's smugness.

Her mother had somehow ruined the whole thing; perhaps planning the entire debacle. Her mother didn't want Bella and Edward to be together at all.

Renee had manipulated each of them in order to break them apart.

"Fuck me," Bella grumbled as she hauled up her dress and tossed off her heels in preparation to run after him.

"Hey, what the hell just happened?" Jasper rushed up to Bella's side, but she kept her eyes to where Edward stalked beyond the tent. "Alice and I were dealing with the caterer, and we come back to hear you and mom fought, and that you yelled at Edward?"
Bella kept her eyes to where he had disappeared into the forest even as Alice joined them, "Mother set it all up."

"What? What do you mean Mom set it all up?" Jasper cried.

Bella shook her head only to grab another champagne as a waiter went by.

"Bella, are you okay? I heard you, and Edward fought again." Alice asked.

"I'm fine, thanks. And somehow, I'm going to fix this."

"Fix what?" Jasper exclaimed, "You're talking in riddles, Bells."

Her eyes were still glued towards the dock; the motion light of the boathouse signaling just where he had gone: Their favorite meeting place as teenagers.

"I want to spend my life with him, you guys. I just realized that, beyond all the shit we've put each other through, he was right."

"Huh?" Her brother grasped at her shoulder, but Alice wrapped a hand around his arm to let her go. "Right about what?"

"I can't imagine loving anyone else the way I love him." She announced with a grin.

Jasper's face was still knit with confusion, but Alice looked as if she now understood "About time. Go and get 'em."

Bella flashed her new sister-in-law a grin, "Be right back."

And then was running into the night.

She ran through the groves of trees, past the cabin and down to the water.

The path was rather difficult; especially with the only light able to reach was from the wedding tent. But Bella found her footing through the pines easily, having memorized the run out her window and down to him, a long time ago.

His back was to her when she finally reached the dock. And Bella could do nothing but watch as he furiously ripped his tie and collar open after discarding his tux jacket.

He angled his head towards the moon as his shoulders heaved with each breath. In the dim light, Bella could see his hair an in absolute disarray, and seemingly on cue, he ran a hand through it in frustration.

"What are you doing?" She asked cautiously as his feet teetered on the edge of the dock.

He didn't move, but he at least answered her, "I'm brooding. Pretty sure I've screwed things up with you, my best friend, and my sister by ruining their wedding. So I had to leave before my entire life went up in flames."

"You didn't ruin anything. I did." She murmured, "Well, not without the help of my mother, that is." She gave a half-hearted chuckle, but he gave no inkling to her teasing.

"Somehow I let your mother get into my head as if I was a teenager again. And I managed to push you away in the process." He said glumly, "To think your father actually gave me his blessing. And I threw that away, too."

"What?" Bella blinked. "My father gave you his blessing; how is that possible?"

Edward dropped his head with a huff, "I asked a while ago, I think I was eighteen and at a swim meet, and it just kind of burst out of me."

"What'd he say?" She asked as tears starting to wick in the corner of her eyes.

"He told me as long as I promised to love you in every way I could, then I had his blessing."

"Oh," She sucked in a breath as treacherous tears started to fall, "I didn't know that."

"Yeah," He gave a hallow laugh, "I even had your mother's permission. When I told her I was buying the cabin with everyone else two days ago, she gave me an ultimatum. But I didn't even blink at her order to propose, and actually went out to buy a ring that same day. Which pissed her off even more than me telling Jasper and Alice that I planned on asking you before their wedding."

"I didn't know any of that either." Bella bit her lip.

"I know," He sighed, the great expanse of his back broadening with the movement. But he still kept it turned to her.

She took one step, then another, "I was a drunken idiot to refuse you." She said sadly, "Can you forgive me?"

"This isn't something to take lightly, Bella. I meant everything I said yesterday; with everything I have, just like Charlie made me promise. Yet you can't even remember any of it." He swallowed thickly.

"You're wrong." She ached to touch him, as the dock creaked under her hesitant attempt, "I remember everything now; down to the moment I was going to say yes, until my mother led me away from you."

He finally turned to her, "You expect me to believe—"

"—Well, not until I had asked Alice for my own permission to overshadow her night," She chuckled, "But I was going to say yes."

"You're not lying." He asked warily as he took a step, shaking the plank of wood under her. "You're not just saying any of this to make me feel better?"

"I'm not lying." Bella promised, "I love you, and of course I want to marry you. What kind of idiot would I be if I turned you down?"

He cracked a grin as he neared her. "A drunken idiot, as I remember you saying."

She rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop her own smile from breaking, "Yes, now get over here and kiss me."

He grinned wider this time before quickening his steps, but before Bella could even comprehend what was happening, Edward was careening into the water.

She started to laugh harder as he came to the surface; entirely soaked to the bone. And she started cackling when he spit out water, only his mouth showing because his waterlogged hair covered the rest of his face.

"You think this is funny?" He said as he sloshed towards her. "You could have reminded me about Emmett breaking the dock during the wedding pictures."

"I honestly forgot," She covered her mouth when a snort escaped, "Because I was too pissed at you, remember?"

"Well, isn't this romantic?" He raised his arms to look at his sleeves that hung heavy with water. And Bella's mouth went a bit dry at the way it clung to his torso, "Care to join me?" He quirked a brow in pure mischief; somehow his hurt and anger evaporating as soon as he looked up at her.

"Don't you dare," Bella started to move back towards shore with her hands up, but he rushed forward to cut off her escape with his arm.

"Alice will kill you if you ruin my dress. We have to get back to the reception anyway." Bella warned, but her blood thrummed as his eyes darkened.

"It's past midnight, so it's already over." He revealed a feral grin. "Resistance is futile, Bella. You're ending up in this water one way or another."

"Please" She cried. "The water's going to be freezing, you wouldn't want me to catch a cold!"

"I believe I've already heard that excuse before." He growled before his hands came to grasp the back of her knees, probing her towards him.

She let out a dull scream as she fought to free herself from his grip, but he was already scooping her into the lake.

Bella heard his rumbling laugh even before she surfaced. "Thanks for that, asshole." She grumbled with a scowl that only made him laugh harder.

"Think of that as payback, so now you can be forgiven!" He said as he grabbed her hand before she could push him into the water. But he only brought it to rest against his heart.

"You're still an asshole." She glared up at him, but he was only smiling down at her.

"You're right. I forgave you the moment you rejected me on that dance floor." His words made her soften just as his hand went to his pocket.

And when he saw where her gaze rested, he raised his brows, "Now, running the risk of being rejected twice—" Bella smiled as he dropped to one knee, the water just below his chest"—I'm going to ask you again."

She couldn't help but gasp when he revealed the ring, her ring, which was even more stunning under the moonlight. And she also couldn't help but laugh at him, drenched to the bone kneeling in the lake as he held up her engagement ring.

"You kept it with you?" She whispered.

He nodded, "Call me a hopeless romantic, but I knew, despite everything we've gone through, we wouldn't be beaten by some botched proposal. And I wanted to be prepared. So—"

She bit her lip because tears were starting to form again. But he just smiled before looking to the water that surrounded them, "Sorry it couldn't be more romantic than us soaked in a lake, but I can't wait to make it official."

"No, it couldn't be more romantic, this is perfect." She said solemnly.

"Then, Bella Swan. Will you—"

"Yes." She cried before silencing him with a kiss.

He willfully joined her, but not before Bella felt him effortlessly slip the ring onto her finger as they stood together. And he only pulled her closer once that ultimate symbol rested on the one place that had a direct route to her heart.

She couldn't feel enough of him as he hiked her out of the water, and her lips couldn't kiss him deeply enough when he groaned for her.

His arms continued to tighten around her like a vice with each stroke of his tongue, and she gasped against the sensation.

More, she would always want more of him, but she would also give every ounce of herself to him for as long as he wanted it.

"Thank you," He breathed when they finally separated, "Thank you for making me the happiest man I could ever be."

She rested her forehead against his, "Thank you for not giving up on us. Even when it seemed hopeless."

He kissed her one last time before slowly lowering her to her own feet. And suddenly the water didn't feel cold against her skin, as if the waves that gently rippled around them were actually her father's way of saying:

I approve.