(Originally began: May 24th)

*Pikatwig sat and stared in anger at the Battle Tree.*

Muk: … what's wrong?

Pikatwig: ...I hate the Battle Tree. It honestly seems like the randomly generated Pokemon used by the AI are specifically chosen to kick my butt. Seriously, it kept happening. I took away my part Fairy type once for something else and then I had to go up against Pokemon who had type-advantage and were all weak to Fairy. Then, I had removed a Rock-type, and my foe's whole team the next match was made completely of Fire-types! The AI there is cheating!

Muk: Wow, that's rough. And aside from all those type advantage after taking some Pokemon out of your party, the battle tree is designed to be a test for competitive players, so items and EV's, that kind of stuff. It's possible with normal play through style, just very difficult.

Pikatwig: ...and I'm gonna remind you of something you got annoyed at in Sun and Moon, just so that I'm not the only one upset for a bit. *shows the fact you can rematch Tapu Koko after the credits roll* ...sorry, but I just wanted to show that off to the readers.

Muk: UGH! Why, I literally had to rebattle the champion multiple times all because I didn't catch Tapu Koko the first time, only to later find out he's catchable in the post game! I can't even express how much I am annoyed at this fact!

Pikatwig: I just wanted our readers to learn that story.

*Muk gave Pikatwig a look before showing a picture of how the Ultra Beasts were catchable*

Pikatwig: ...we're even.

Muk: Yes, yes we are.

Pikatwig: Anyway… sorry for the long wait from the previous chapter, it's just been a busy past… while. I've fallen behind with the dub of the anime and stuff… but I can comment the IDW Comic of Yo-Kai Watch has finally released… one month after it was initially said to be released. ...which means we could've delayed the half-wave of Yo-Kai Watch character Smash Trailers. ...yea.

Muk: Yeah, on some brighter news for Yo-Kai Watch, the Shin'uchi import has finally been announced, Psychic Specters. Also in the current going Scramble Battle in Wibble Wobble, I recently got Camellia and Mermother.

Pikatwig: I've had them both a while… also, I was nicknaming the Brave Tribe recolor of Blizzaria as 'Flarearia' until her name was revealed. I might use that in a future one-shot, but I don't know. Oh, and another thing. We have a confirmed English voice actor for USApyon, one Katie Leigh. She's done voice work for Sonic SatAM, Despicable Me and Aladdin, just additional voices in those three, and voiced a main character on Totally Spies. *gets a look* ...I looked up her wikipedia article.

Camera Guy: Ah.

Muk: Pretty cool, wonder how she'll do with USApyon.

Pikatwig: We don't have any word on who will be voicing Inaho, or what her dub name will be, at this time. Which is May 24th, for the curious.

Muk: Alright, so anything else to mention?

Pikatwig: Uh… not that I can think of.

Disclaimers: Yo-Kai Watch belongs to Level 5 and such.

"The honorable judge Kyle Keaton will be presiding over this court trial. Please rise," a guard spoke, his voice in a deep monotone, as the judge walked in. Everybody had remained standing as the judge walked to his post, "Everyone has been sworn in your honor."

"Thank you, everyone, and good morning. Please be seated so we may begin," the judge said as he adjusted his glasses a tiny bit to look over the papers of the case, "This is the trial for Kyu Be against Nathan Adams and Kaitlin Forester."

The judge proceeded to turn to Kyubi, who gave a silent scoff at how the court had read his name, as the judge spoke, "Mr. Be, you are charged with: kidnapping, assault on a minor, stalking of a minor and attempted murder. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty," Kyubi responded.

Nate rolled his eyes a bit, not that anybody noticed, and simply remained silent as court proceeded.

"Mister Nathan Adams, please come to the stand," the district attorney requested.

"Good luck," Katie whispered under her breath as Nate headed to the stand.

"Now then, could you please recount for me what has happened, from the start?"

"Alright," Nate nodded, "So… it was one day after school and I happened to see Katie with a net. I asked her what was up, she told me that she was going up to Mt. Wildwood to catch some fireflies, and I asked if I could join. She let me and we met up later that day."

"Was it just you two?"


"Please continue."

"We then had a small bet about who would catch more bugs and then returned to where we were, which I think was near the base of the mountain, and when I saw Katie hadn't come back… I went to look for her," Nate continued, "Then I saw her net and basket lying on the ground… but she wasn't there. I heard a noise and then I ran back down."

The district attorney nodded a bit and motioned for Nate to continue.

"Some of my classmates thought I had done it since… I… I uh…" Nate continued before he began to stammer a bit, "...I… like Katie…"

Katie blushed a bit at that remark as she gave a faint smile.

"My friends Barnaby and Edward, or as I call them Bear and Eddie, both believed I was innocent. As did my… sort of friend… Inaho," Nate added, "But as I was getting back home from a trip to the market-"

"Why were you not in school, if you mind my asking?" the district attorney inquired.

"Uh… due to how people thought I was the guilty party… the school felt it best if I stayed home until things were resolved," Nate explained.


"I was getting back home from a trip to the market… when I saw somebody following me. I thought it was the kidnapper and I ran home," Nate continued, with Kyubi trying to contain his anger at that, "...my parents sent me to Harrisville so I would be safe. On the way there, I asked for Inaho's help in looking into things."

Mumbles of confusion came from some of the people in the room.

"She runs a detective agency,"

The court room nodded a bit as Nate was motioned to continue.

"I ended up with recurring nightmares after Katie went missing, so I went out for some air and… next thing I knew I was back on Mt. Wildwood. I eventually met up with Inaho and we found a clue to where Katie was, so…" he paused a bit before giving a quick look to his parents and then resumed, "Me and Inaho decided to try and storm where Kyu was hiding."

His parents and Inaho's parents both gasped, Inaho giving a small sly smile and shrug in response, and Nate simply gave a look to his parents that basically said 'sorry'.

"...and the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital," Nate concluded.

"No further questions," the district attorney told Nate as he went back to his seat, "May Miss Inaho Misora come to the stand?"

"Ok," Inaho nodded as she headed up to the stand.

Outside of the room, Jibanyan, Komasan, Punitrance and USApyon were watching as Inaho went up to the stand and answered questions.

"She seems as cool as a cucumber," Komasan noted.

"Not much can get past her head at times," USApyon responded.

"How exactly do you know Nathan?" the district attorney asked.

"We go to the same school," Inaho responded plainly, "As for how we met… uh… I think we just bumped into each-other and talked. Like he said, we're not exactly friends… he thinks I'm an idiot and I think he's annoying."

Nate simply gave a look to her that said 'wow, thanks'.

"...alright…" the district attorney nodded as he regained his composure, "How exactly did you get caught up in this case?"

"Like Nate said, he asked for my help."

"And your contribution is appreciated," the attorney commented, "Nathan and Kaitlin both don't remember how they got to the hospital. Was it you who brought them there?"

"Nope," Inaho shrugged, "I don't know who did. All I know is that Nate's parents found them and they were in the hospital,"

"Nothing further," the district attorney responded as Inaho walked back to her seat, "...hopefully I won't need headache medicine…"

"I know the feeling," USApyon muttered.

"Miss Kaitlin Forester, may you please come to the stand?"

Katie gave a nod and slowly walked forward, gripping onto the Yo-Kai Watch that was presently in her pocket, and sat down.

"Tell us as much you can remember about recent events."

"Well… I did plan to go catch fireflies since I heard it was a nice night to do so… and then… I felt something knock me out," Katie informed, "...I vaguely recall seeing Kyu, but… my memory's really hazy about what happened between him knocking me out and waking up at the hospital."

"Nothing further,"

Katie gave a nod as she slowly returned to her seat, ducking out of Kyubi's line of sight. Nate then put an arm around her after she sat, making her smile softly at him.

"Mr. Be, as the defendant, you may now go to the stand and speak," the district attorney informed as the golden haired Yo-Kai, disguised with his leaf, sat down.

The defense attorney walked over to Kyubi to begin, "So… tell us you side of these events."

"Well… I had met Katie in the past, just one day bumping into her and I hung out with her at an amusement park once…" Kyubi began, Katie slightly paling in her seat, "And I had carried a torch for her for some time. ...one day, I just heard this… voice telling me to take her for myself. I don't know where it came from, but it made me want to try and do it."

"So… what happened next?"

"I went to her the day that she was at the mountain and asked her if she wanted to hang out, and she said yes."

"...I didn't…" Katie mumbled.

"Objection," the district attorney spoke.

"On what grounds?" the defense attorney responded.

"The defense is lying,"

"...I'll hear him out…" the judge added.

"If what you said is true, why were here belongings still on the mountain and why did she never return home or say something to her friend?"

"...I don't know," Kyubi responded.

The judge gave a small roll of his eyes as he turned to Kyubi, "You are under oath to tell the truth, need I remind you."

"I am,"

Nate gave Kyubi a small glare which Kyubi returned.

"Anyway… we hung out, I got her some dresses and stuff… and we were going to hang out more, when Nathan, in some jealous rage, attacked me."


"Now what?"

"We saw no evidence of Kyu being injured."


"And I simply got arrested because somebody thought I kidnapped her."

"Nothing further," the defense attorney spoke, "However, I do wish to ask questions of Nathan Adams and Kaitlin Forester before we proceed."

Nate gave a slightly nervous look as he walked over to the stand.

"You like Miss Forester, do you not?"

Nate was silent for a moment before he simply nodded.

"What's there to not say that you aren't the guilty party…?"

"I'm getting really sick of people thinking that…" Nate responded, "I may like her, but she's my friend before that. I would never do anything like that to her."

The defense attorney simply motioned for Nate to leave and Katie to walk over to his place.

"Uh… hi,"

"Now then Miss Forester, do you like Kyu?"

"...define like…"

"Do you see him as something more than a friend?"

"No, I don't think I even consider him a friend at all."

"How do we know that you faked being kidnapped so you could be all alone with a boy you like?"

"...he kidnapped me…" Katie said as she began to cry, "He kept me away from my family… locked me away… and changed me into different outfits without me saying I wanted to wear them… why would I fake it just to go through that."

"Nothing further," the judge told them.

Katie simply hurried back to her spot as tears streamed down from her eyes before Nate hugged her as she cried on his judges then began to deliberate before time then suddenly seemed to slow as they hugged, with only Nate, Katie and Inaho still able to move.

"Ara?" Inaho blinked, "Uh… what happened?"

"It's time for Yo-Kai Court," Lord Enma informed as he walked over to the three watch bearers. He snapped his fingers and a Yo-Kai dashed over to Kyubi, "Sir Berus, get him to the court."

Yo-Kai: Sir Berus

Tribe: Eerie

Rank: A

"This here," Enma began as the two-headed dog barked Kyubi away, "Is my helper in trials. And I'm in charge here,"

Katie gave a nervous look as she buried her face into Nate's chest.

"She's a bit Yo-Kai-phobic because of what's happened," Nate informed.

"Ah, understandable," Enma noted, "Luckily your butler informed the court about this and we have taken precautions."

"So… what will happen with the human court?" Jibanyan asked.

"Uh… I'll need to consult somebody about that. This is the very first time in recorded history that there's been a Yo-Kai who's committed a crime against both humanity and Yo-Kai…"

"...what happened to everybody?" Katie nervously asked.

"They're simply temporarily frozen in time," Enma explained, "Nothing bad will happen to them as long as they're in this state so we can do the trial without interrupting anything."

Katie gave a small nod as she slowly turned to face Lord Enma, "...you look… almost human…"

"Yea," Enma nodded, "Makes blending in with the humans easy."

"...ok…" Katie nervously nodded as she slowly stood up, "...I'm a bit scared…"

"Don't worry," Nate told her, "It'll be like a human court, right?"

"...close enough to one," Enma informed, "Come on, let's go…"

Pikatwig: I do apologize for the wait for this chapter. Muk being on a trip had to make me put this on temporary hiatus but we're back to it.

Muk: Yeah, so sorry about that people but here we are, back with more of this story.

Pikatwig: I will say that updates may slow a tiny bit in August due to college stuff. Keyword is 'may'. I don't know yet. We'll see. So, before anything else, I would like to thank my mom for minor help with this chapter. She's a fan of cop shows and I got a few pointers from them about a court room.

Muk: Oh well that's neat.

Pikatwig: My favorite part was some of Inaho's answers to when she was questioned. She's holding such a calm head and it's kinda funny.

Muk: Yeah that was good, although my favorite had to be when Nate was comforting Katie while she was going through stuff.

Pikatwig:That was indeed cute. ...uh… one thing I wanna bring up. The Shiny Tapu Koko is finally available to us Americans. I got it. You?

Muk: Yeah I got it.

Pikatwig: Alright. Well, wrap up time. Just Live More.

Muk: Sain'ofu.