In the words of Frodo Baggins, IT. IS. DONE.

Finally finished it! Woot! Took me a while, but it's done.

Now all I have to do is wait for Dragon Age 4… and it's probably going to be a long wait. T_T

To my subscribers, sorry for dropping 26 chapters again. This is just how I work. I just wanted it done, because if you could see my desk now, I have a TON of books to catalog for our library (Yes, I am a librarian.) XD


Thank you so much to the following people who helped me with their recorded playthroughs on YouTube, where I was able to base the story and the banter on. I don't have an Xbox One or PS4, so I wasn't able to play the DLC myself, but their channels helped me with the flow of the story. You guys are awesome and I'm sure I won't be able to finish this without all of you. Don't forget to check and subscribe on their channel!

-ScaredyCris (additional credits to this person for playing almost the entire DLC with my all-time favorite party members [Cole, Dorian and Bul])

-DanaDuchy (for her recordings of the banters)




Dragon Age: Inquisitions and its characters are the intellectual property of the awesome and creative people of BioWare.

Great! Now that I'm done with this… I wonder what I should write next? O_O

Like/ Favorite/ Subscribe, y'all! Or I'll hit you with bee-infested cookies! XD