Summary: Max Caulfield can rewind time. After the destruction of her hometown, she and best friend/girlfriend Chloe Price learn that Max was adopted and that Max's parents parents were from San Francisco. They head to San Francisco to find Max's birth parents and to see if they know why Max has these powers to rewind time.

A/U: Set post Episode 5 of the game Life is Strange and starting with Charmed Again of Charmed.

Disclaimer: Charmed is owned by Warner Brothers (or is it CBS as they had planned to do a reboot). Joss Whedon owns Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Square Enix and Dontnod own Life is Strange.

Author's Note: Changes to the source material from the Life is Strange game will be seen in this story to mesh it with the Charmed and Buffy universes (I.E. the fact Max gets nosebleeds and migraines after rewinding time, which no one in Charmed has that kind of detrimental effect to their powers, that I can remember). Buffy Crossover is likely to be minor in this story, that said there is a possible spin-off story set in BTVS. It's why Buffy and Dawn are mentioned here. Can you imagine the changes to BTVS if Joyce had known from the start that the supernatural existed? What if David after leaving Arcadia Bay had become a cop instead of the security officer her was in the game, how would a cop affect Buffy's calling. That's why there is a possible spin-off here.

You do not have to need to have played the game, though it would be helpful. This chapter gives a small recap of a little bit of the game and what I added that gets them to San Francisco.


Max Caulfield looked at the Golden Gate Bridge as she proceeded to take a photo of the bridge. She glanced at her best friend Chloe Price as she thought back on the last couple of weeks since Max had gotten her power to rewind time and even jump through time through a picture.

First there had been Chloe. She had saved her friend's life over and over using her power. Then there had been her teacher Mark Jefferson who had kidnapped young girls and took sick and twisted photos of them drugged and bound. Then there had been the tornado. At the time Max had thought that the tornado had been her fault, that it had been created to even out the fact she continued to save Chloe time after time.

The last time she had used a picture to go back in time to save Chloe, had been the last time she had used her powers. She told Chloe everything that had happened and they had changed the course of several personal destinies as a result.

Chloe's mother Joyce, step-father David and sisters Buffy and Dawn had been the first personal destinies they had changed. In one possible timeline, Joyce, Buffy and Dawn had died during the tornado in an explosion at the art gallery that Joyce had worked at. After jumping through the picture back in time, Max and Chloe had warned Chloe's family about the tornado. It had taken time to prove to them it was true, but with the help of Max's rewind powers, they had managed it much the same way Max had proven to Chloe that she had these powers. Joyce, David, Buffy and Dawn had gotten a motel in a neighboring town with the intent that after the tornado they would return, clean out the remains of their home and leave Arcadia Bay for good.

The next thing they did was make sure Mark Jefferson landed in jail. After proving Max's rewind power to Chloe's family. They told David what had happened to Max in another timeline, where Max had been kidnapped and photographed against her will by Jefferson, and almost killed. David led local police to the secret dark room where Jefferson took his pictures and arrested him.

Finally they warned their friends. Some of course did not believe them about the tornado, but did agree to stay at Blackwell Academy, the school they and Max attended as it was far enough inland that it would not be devastated by the tornado as those buildings closer to the Oregon coastline.

After the tornado had destroyed the town Max and Chloe had checked in on their friends and of course Chloe's family. Chloe's family had survived of course, thanks to Max's warning. Max's fellow students at Blackwell Academy had survived as well, including Max's closest friends Kate and Ashley.

During the week after the tornado, Max and Chloe had left town and headed for Seattle, where Max's parents now lived. Vanessa and Ryan Caulfield had been grateful that their daughter had survived. When Max showed them proof of her rewind power and explained everything that happened. They revealed a truth, Max was adopted. Max was curious about her powers and told her parents she wanted to find her birth parents and see if they knew anything about these powers.

Vanessa and Ryan agreed and gave Max her original birth certificate which labeled Max's parents as Prue Halliwell and Andy Trudeau.

Now as Max took the photo of the bridge, she wondered if it had been her destiny all along to come to San Francisco? She remembered in one alternate timeline she had come to San Francisco when she had won a photo contest. If not for rewinding time to save Chloe, she wondered if she would have met her birth parents then?

"This is hella insane, you know?" Chloe said as she looked at Max.

"I know," Max said. "But if they know where my powers came from. I have to find them."