Athos frowned to themself. They picked up their phone and pulled up a new conversation. Quickly they tapped Milady's face and began to write a message.


athos: where r u

Seen 20:21

Milady had gone out just after dinner and hadn't returned. It was odd not to see her; she liked spending time at the Garrison more than anyone else.

milady: please

milady: just not now ok?

athos: why

athos: what's wrong?

Seen 20:23

With Milady, there was never a "not now". She liked people paying attention to her. She liked people knowing how she was feeling. She didn't do hiding.

The phone buzzed in Athos's hands.

milady: would you miss me

milady: if i went away and never came back

athos: youre not running away?

athos: i thought you liked it here

milady: no im not running away

milady: i meant like never ever coming back

athos: like getting adopted?

Seen 20:29

Athos didn't see the point in the conversation. Nobody at the Garrison would go away and never come back. Even if one of them got adopted, they still had their group chat and they all kept in contact. The only difference would be that they wouldn't see each other all the time.

milady: i meant like dying

milady: fuck im sorry

milady: im sorry i just

milady: would you miss me if i died

athos: god yes

athos: i would miss you every single day of my fucking life

athos: how is that even a fucking question

milady: i was just wondering

milady: what's your favourite song

athos: ?

athos: but its a tie between the circle of life or miss atomic bomb

milady: the killers song?

athos: yeah

milady: when i die i want you to play flowers for a ghost at my funeral

milady: im sorry ive just been thinking about it a lot

athos: milady please where the fuck are you

milady: im coming home its ok

milady: talk to me about something

milady: anything

athos: have u got ur headphones

milady: yeah

athos sent a link.

athos: playlist of happy songs^^

athos: do u want me to make u some hot chocolate for when u get home

athos: i'll get a movie ready?

milady: that sounds nice :)

milady: can we watch mulan

athos: sure

Seen 20:52

Athos was shaking as they busied their hands with flicking the kettle on. How could she have sent those words? Had they really been so blind? How could they not have seen that Milady, the closest thing they had to a sister, was hurting?

"Olivier?" They almost jumped three feet into the air at Treville's voice. "What's wrong?"

And so, Athos passed their phone to Treville. The man's frown got deeper, and Athos suddenly realised that their conversation nicknames used their chosen name. They winced quietly, and Treville passed the phone back.

"You handled that well. I'm proud. I'll speak with Milady tomorrow ... I have some paperwork to do, but don't hesitate to come to me if you need me."

The kettle boiled just as Treville left the room, and Athos quickly poured the boiling water into a Star Wars mug. They stirred the chocolate powder in and added a lavish amount of whipped cream as well as several marshmallows.

milady: i'm outside

athos: come in then

athos: you live here

milady: well no shit

The door opened and closed quietly, and Milady padded through the hallway and into the kitchen. She was wrapped up in one of Athos's old coats and a red scarf was draped over her shoulder. Tears stained her cheeks, and Athos's first instinct was to hug her. She grabbed the fabric of their jumper, breathing in their scent before pulling away. Quietly they handed her the mug of chocolate.

"Star Wars," she commented. "I see you've got good taste."

They laughed and they both went to sit in the living room, where there were several blankets left out on the sofa. She leant against them, huddled up underneath a soft blue blanket patterned with yellow Pikachus. She smiled as the familiar Disney theme played. This was good. This was safe. Maybe she had been wrong. The easiest way out wasn't always the best.

She found she didn't even want to think about it. She was perfectly happy sat with Athos, watching a film and feeling relaxed. She wouldn't go the way her father did. No ... she'd never die that way. Besides, there was so much more to look forward to. She couldn't risk never knowing what the future had in store for her.