Disclaimer: Anything you recognise isn't mine, it's JKR's, etc, etc, etc.

Notes: A couple of things I've forgotten to mention up to now - the Marauders are in Fifth Year in these stories, unless stated otherwise. Alex (Alexandria Leaving) is also in Fifth Year. She's a Ravenclaw, and is recently back from Durmstrang. She's one of the Ravenclaw Beaters. Read 'Leaving Black', by Badger, for further information. I HATE Peter Pettigrew!!! This will become apparent in my stories! But for my convenience, he's in Gryffindor. Apologies to anyone who disagrees!

Peeping . . . Tom?

Peter sifted through James' trunk. "Now where is it? I know it's in here somewhe. . . ah!" He punched the air in triumph, then pulled out the silvery cloak and wrapped it round his shoulders. He walked to the mirror and sighed in envy of this wonderful cape.

Then he laughed at the strange sight of his head floating in mid-air. The cloak didn't look like much - the thin weave didn't look like it could keep anything warm, but that wasn't the point. The silvery material enabled you to drape it over your head, making you totally invisible while also letting you see through it.

Peter tried to cackle and grin evilly, but he choked and bit his tongue, so he gave up and headed for the girls' changing room, the cloak over his head.


Alex whacked the Bludger high into the air in triumph, causing every member of the Slytherin team to leap off their brooms and crouch on the muddy ground, trying to cover their heads with their arms.

Alex grinned as the rest of her team cheered, and as the Slytherins got up and tried to wipe their robes, attempting to look dignified.

Suddenly, the two other female members of the team grabbed Alex by the arms and frog-marched her in the direction of the changing room.

"Hey, cut it out, lads! I know where the changing room is!" Alex pushed them off, only half-joking.

"Sorry, Alex, got a bit carried away!" "Yeah, what with the winning streak and all!" The two girls were excited, so Alex decided to leave them get on with their play-by-play description of the match.

When they left twenty minutes later, they were still giving their rendition of the game. Alex breathed a sigh of relief and began to clean her bat - something she never did in front of anyone. It calmed her down.


Peter settled down on top of one of the rows of lockers. He had barely got comfortable when Alex and two other girls from the Ravenclaw team came in, joking and laughing. They were wet and muddy, which, he thought, would put any normal person in a bad mood, but Alex, normally so moody, was laughing as well.

What seemed like an hour passed without much action, but then the two chatting girls left, and Alex sat down, obviously much happier, and started to clean her bat. She began to hum, then to sing. She has such a lovely voice, Peter thought. I wonder if that's Russian? Maybe that's where Durmstrang is, in Russia.

Then Alex started to talk to herself. Peter couldn't hear the exact words, but "Sirius" kept popping up, and she seemed to be getting angry.

She began to change her clothes, to Peter's delight. But his smile faded when she dropped her bag in the dirt. A cloud of dust was rising, and it was making his asthma act up. Soon, he'd sneeze or cough, and then she'd find him. Shit, he thought, don't let that happen!

Unfortunately (AN: or, rather, fortunately!!!) it did happen. A huge cough erupted from his chest, followed by a wheeze not even a deaf person could have missed. Alex stiffened, then pulled on her skirt. Peter relaxed, prematurely.

When Alex was fully dressed, she picked up her bat, packed her filthy robes into her bag and walked straight to the corner where Peter was sitting. Almost as if she could see him, she grabbed a handful of cloak and pulled. The cloak came off Peter, who came off the lockers, right into the dust.

As he lay on the ground, wheezing, Alex put her bag on the bench, then dragged Peter to his feet. He gulped, looked up at her, and cringed when he saw the look of disgust on her face.

He should have just apologised and walked out, but instead, he started to plead with her not to tell anyone. Too late, he stopped, but the damage had been done. The dark clouds of fury crossed the sky that was Alex's face.

Peter started talking again, apologising and grovelling. Alex flicked her foot-long ponytail out of her face, hitting Peter in the face with it as it went over her shoulder. Then the muscles in her left arm, the one holding the bat, tensed, and she swung it right into Peter's still- open mouth.

He screamed as it connected with his teeth and nose. Blood started to pour from his nostrils, and his two front teeth came out, accompanied by more blood.

During all this, Alex hadn't said a word. Now she picked up his teeth, put them in his hand, and said "Put them under your pillow, the tooth fairy might come tonight."

Peter looked up and whimpered. Alex said "Oh, go to the fuckin' sick ward. They'll grow your teeth back!"

As he tottered off, Alex looked down at the blood all over the floor. Her face remained blank. Then she caught sight of her bat, blood dripping off it. "That bastard! I had it perfect!"