Note: Sorry for lack of updates, real life has been a bit busy. If anyone has a prompt then just comment or message me and I'll see what I can do with it.

"How is it fair that I get both the underage kids?" Harry complained, shaking his head at the team he had been given to defend against the team of Weasleys. It was five-a-side without any designated roles and he was with Teddy, Hermione, Angelina and Victoire. The latter two technically could play for the other team but the present siblings - Ron, Ginny, George, Charlie and Bill - had sorted themselves immediately. The family was between courses of the meal celebrating Molly and Arthur's anniversary and naturally they had gravitated to the garden.

"Quidditch doesn't, or at least shouldn't, involve the use of magic," His wife commented, not even trying to be subtle as she placed her wand in the pocket nearest her hand.

"You aren't even a Weasley any more - Hermione has more of a claim to that than you." The sport was the one thing that could make them disagree passionately, whether playing or just watching.

Her eyes sparkled with playful mirth, "Oh, come on Potter, you aren't scared that you've lost your talent, are you?"

"I taught you everything you know." He smirked, as they mounted their brooms.

Ron moved across and muttered to Hermione, "I can't believe this is how a successful marriage survives."

She raised an eyebrow, "In comparison to how I simply ignore you?"


The ever-increasing number of small children were being fawned over by Molly who was loving having family in The Burrow again. James, who was five years old had sneaked out from her gaze to watch the adults - his own broom locked in his parent's holdall after he had spent the morning flying around Ginny's head to her annoyance. Teddy Lupin - who was more than willing to admit he was not the best rider - saw the boy with his unmistakable scruffy hair and found the perfect excuse to get back to solid ground.

"James, I'm sure your granny and granddad will have a broom to fit a future Quidditch captain if you want me to help find one?"

The younger boy played with his sleeve and avoided eye contact, "I'm not supposed to be outside."

"Seems you already are. What's one more little bit of disobedience?" The Marauders spirit and Tonks' playful attitude had passed on well to their child who had been called to his Head of House's office more times than most of his year combined.

He took the boy's hand and went to the broom shed. As presumed there were multiple different sizes, spanning the past four decades of manufacturing. Taking an appropriate one they flew to the makeshift pitch, the older boy barely having to slow for the already-skilled flyer.

"I won't be in your mummy and daddy's good books if we go too high and spoil their game of dodging each other's jinxes but we can circle down here."

After half an hour the more mature members of the group playing the match were beginning to realise how much they had let their fitness levels slide and were immensely grateful to Charlie who made an unrivalled stretch to catch the Snitch.

Landing next to the pair who were still near the ground, Ron motioned into the house where they could hear children excitedly squealing in approach as Molly called them in too continue the meal, "Teddy, we are always looking for a babysitter if you are willing."

The bickering between Harry and Ginny had begun again within seconds as Harry caught sight of Teddy and their eldest son. "I'm a player down, no wonder I lost."

"It wasn't Teddy's fault you couldn't see the snitch right on the end of your nose. Are you sure you went to that opticians appointment the other week?" She asked, smiling sweetly as she leaned in for a kiss. He didn't hesitate before responding ardently to the contact, they had their moments but even with three small children being together was the best parts of a day.

They were interrupted very soon after starting by James knocking sideways into them, almost causing Ginny to lose her balance had Harry not already put his arms around her waist.

When his parents turned to him with mirroring glares he had the decency to look sheepish, trying to ignore the giggles from the teenagers who were watching, "Sorry, I pulled up too late."

"Would banning you from ever riding again make absolutely any difference?" She grumbled, lifting James off the broom and putting him back on his feet.

"Gin, you do remember how many rules we broke when we were younger… and are still breaking, may I add," Harry whispered against her neck as he slid a hand into the pocket containing her wand, "You're such a bad example."

"And your angelic history is legendary in our world."

She turned her head to face him, pressing her lips to his jaw, "We should go back inside or mum will start giving away our food." The matriarch in question had never let her extended family's fame or noble acts change how true she stayed to herself, causing everyone to still fear her wrath.