„Jay, I couldn't force him to stay any longer. We're not at the precinct. And he had a licence and a passport", Erin explained her boyfriend, while holding her son in her arms, who was still crying.
„Not to forget about the blood on his boots and his pants. Strange hunter that is hunting without a gun."
„This is speculation. We have no proof for out theory."
„No, we don't. But Terry thought about it the same way. He was digging for something", Jay added what made both parents to look at their son.
„Big guy, I know you hope that you caused us a lot of trouble", Erin said angry, reproachfully looking at their boy.
„I think Dad gave you a clear order. Why didn't you follow?"
The grade schooler sobbed, shrugging his shoulders.
„I thought you were mad at me and that I'm the reason that you're fighting. I don't want you to split up. I love both of you."
Erin shook her head.
„Hey, who said that we stop loving each other?"
The boy shook his head.
„I don't know. Jeremys parents did the same, before they got a divorce. And he isn't allowed to see his daddy anymore, because he hast o stay with his mom and…I don't want to be like Jeremy."
„Buddy, we will never do that. It was just a discussion. An argument. Sometimes parents do that when they have a different opinion."
„I thought you were angry, because Dad didn't look out for me. I know, I shouldn't but I listened and I heard you screaming. It's not his fault. I wanted to help him. Don't be mad at Daddy, okay?"
Erin and Jay got tears in their eyes. Lindsay ran her hand through Terrys hair and placed a kiss on his cheek.
„I'm not mad at Daddy anymore. I promise you that."
„Come on, let's get you out of here. It's getting dark outside", Jay picked Terry up to carry him on his back.
Both parents glanced at each other and swallowed hard, before they made their way tot he cabin…
„His name is Eric Myers. He pretends to be a hunter in the area of Florence in Nicolet forest. Brown hair, a beard and a tattoo with angels wings, showing the number 75", Erin described to Mouse on the phone after she decided it would be better to inform the team about the events.
Greg typed something in his computer.
„I will call you as soon as I'm looking it up."
„Thank you", Erin said good bye, before she ended the call, sipping on her coffee.
„Mouse tries to ping his phone. He's looking into his file, but they are still busy with the Parker case."
„Great", Jay commented on the issue, when they looked at each others eyes . There was a long ongoing silence.
„Listen, Jay. What I said to you, before Terry went missing. I'm really sorry. Forget about it. I know what he means to you and it was really bad to have any doubt about it. It was stupid. It's just… I had a doctors appointment around 2 days ago, because of intermenstrual bleeding and cramps and…"
Erin couldn't end her sentence. Jay stared at her in disbelief, eyes wide open.
„There was something on the ultrasound that I didn't expect."
„Are you dead sick or something?"
Erin didn't know where to look. Shaking her head, it became red ad a flash light.
„No. I'm not. I'm pregnant with a baby girl."
Jays pupils became as big as someone who stayed on drugs for a week.
He bursted into laughter, covered his mouth with his hand.
„When did you plan to tell me?"
„I carry a baby with me since 16 weeks and the craziest thing is: I ignored all signs of my pregnancy. Maybe because I'm living a life that is not ready to be a mom for a second time?"
Jay became sad, touching Erins hand.
„We have an eight year old boy. It's not like he's 17 or 18. But he's a second grader. We are both working full time. To be honest: I don't know how to deal with our jobs while having two kids in such a vulnerable age. Voight is going to retire in a few weeks. What means we are ready to get a new boss. It's like being 23 again. Prooving our knowledge, showing that we are still ready to give our best at the job. If I'm staying at home, I won't make it back to the district."
Jay sighed, placed his hand on her belly.
„However. It's too late, anyway."
„I'm just totally overwhelmed by the news. Every time something goes wrong with Terry, I'm questioning if we are able to succeed to raise a second child. It's not that I don't like to be a mom. But I'm not the youngest. I'm already in my mid 30s. We were barely able to combine Terrys school days with our work. Now we have to deal with a baby, a grade schooler and our jobs as detectives. I mean, it's not that we're sitting in an office all day long, dying of boringness. There are days you're just fighting for your life. At 12 you're being held hostage and six hours later you're sitting on the kitchen table, watching Mickey Mouse like nothing happened", she thought loudly.
„So, you're not happy?", Jay asked disappointed, when Erin shrugged her shoulders.
„I'm surprised, shocked. It's not that I hate the little thing inside of me. I always wanted to have a girl, that is getting the father I never had. But…it's just strange right now. So unreal."
Jay took his hands.
„We can do that. We already did before."
She nodded.
„I just need time, okay."
Jay kissed her not without giving Erin a bright smile.
„I can't believe it. I'm getting a little Erin."
„You still have 6 months to prepare yourself", she joked, slowly dealing with the fact that the family would grow bigger soon…