She still hadn't thought of a way to tell him.. Here they were only married for a half a year and still trying to settle into their new life in the new village. Of course they weren't alone. The dragons and Yun lived right next to them in the village.
This brought comfort to Yona, the fact that they were still a close family. They chose a small village located on the coast.. This made it perfect for her adopted mother, Captain Gigan, to come and visit frequently along with her crew of fishermen,
who also became like family to her. Yona sat at the table on board Captain Gigan's ship as a wave of nausea hit. She covered her mouth and fought the urge to lose her recent lunch. Captain Gigan smiled at this and placed a cup of hot tea in front
of the princess.

"It'll help with the nausea.. Can't have you getting sick on my ship." Yona smiled and took a sip of the tea. Taking a deep breath, she let out a soft 'thank you'.

"Have you told him yet?" Her adopted mother asked while sitting back down in a chair. Yona shook her head while watching the steam rise from the cup in her hands.

"No.. I can't figure out how to tell him.. Everything has happened so fast.. We just got married and are still settling down.. I don't know how he'd react knowing he will be a father." Yona softly touched her belly that now had a small hint of a bump
surfacing beneath her clothes.

"You can't keep him in the dark forever. It's been 3 months since you found out.. It's best to give those stupid idiots time to sort everything out before the kid comes." Captian Gigan's voice was rough, but her face was soft and encouraging. The princess
smiled and nodded her head.

"Thank you, Captian Gigan. I'll do my best!"

"That's my girl." Her adopted Mother let out a little laugh and began filling her smoking pipe with tobacco. "He will be fine. Might get worried at first, but knowing him, he will be happy."

"I really hope so…" The former princess responded before taking another sip of the calming tea.

The sun was beginning to set by the time Yona made it back to her house. She carefully walked up the pathway and entered into their new home. It was a small yet beautiful home that was already filled with so much love. However, her precious little secrety
kept the princess from truly enjoying their new home. As she closed the door she breathed out a heavy sigh.

I have to tell him eventually…. I wonder if our baby is a boy or a girl… He would want a little boy right? Will he be disappointed if it's a girl?

"What's with that face? Your going to get wrinkles if you keep that up." The sound of her lover came up behind her. Yona turned around to see Hak standing there, his cool calm composure intact.

"H-Hak, your home."

"Yeah. I've actually been home for quite a while… Did you go to see the old lady again?"

"Mm.. She's kind of like a mom to me so I like visiting her."

Upon hearing her words, a soft smile crossed Hak's face. Yona walked past him and into the kitchen area. She breathed in deeply, smelling something delicious in the air. On the table, sat a loaf of freshly baked bread.

"AH! It looks so good! I guess Yun brought this over?" Yona's eyes gleamed causing Hak to laugh.

A teasing look flashed across his face as he leans in closer to Yona. "It does. It seems like that is all you are wanting to eat here lately."

Yona couldn't help but feel herself get defensive.

"I-It is not! I eat lots of things! It's just.. Yun's bread is the best."

I'm really craving that bread now… Baby, hold on a minute. Let me finish talking to daddy first please….

"Yeah, He's' a really good cook. I'm pretty sure that if anything happens to Yun I will starve to death... What a troublesome wife I have. She doesn't even know how to make rice..." Hak let out a sigh before leaning back against the door frame in the
small kitchen.

"Ehh?! Hak, you are so mean! I do too know how to cook.. some.. I just don't right now.. Besides Yun is always bringing food over to the house.. And everyone always comes over to the house to eat his cooking.. There's really no need for me to cook quite
yet.. I think it would be better if he still cooks for everyone.. It gives him peace while we are all still settling into this new life." Yona laid her hand on top of the table with a small smile crossing her face. Hak silently walked up behind her
and pulled her into his arms.

"Yeah..this new life." Feeling his breath on her neck still made her body go weak. Hak smiled at her expression as he softly kissed her neck. This made the princess moan slightly, her body becoming warm. Just as she was about to lose it, Hak swooped her
up in his arms, bridal style, slightly startling her. He started walking towards the bedroom.

"Ah, This husband is going to be crushed under his love's weight. What am I going to do?.. Maybe if she cooked her own food she wouldn't eat as much.. Maybe she'd start training again too.." Hak teased causing Yona to get defensive.

"S-Stop it! I'm not that bad!"

"Sorry, I can't concentrate on what you are saying. It's taking all of my strength to carry you to the bed. Why did you have to eat so much bread? I'm going to tell Yun to stop bringing over food… Maybe then my wife will train with me again." Hak continued
to tease causing his wife to get upset at his little remarks.

"Excuse me! I can't help it that I'm eating for two, and I can't train right now because it might injure the baby!" Yona blurted out before quickly covering her mouth. Hak stopped immediately beside the bed, still holding his wife in his arms. For what
felt like an eternity, he stood there emotionless. "Hak.."

"Say.. Say it again." He said, his voice raspy. He looked down at the princess, who looked terrified, but also slightly excited. Yona took a deep breath and looked into her husband's eyes.

"Hak.. We are having a baby." At this the Dark Dragon sucked in a deep breath before carefully setting his love on the bed. He then fell on his knees in front of her and placed his head against her lap. "Hak.. I'm sorry. I know this is so soon, and it
would have been best to wait. I know you are probably upset and not ready for-"

"I'm not upset... I just... really don't want to wake up now.."

"Wake up?" The princess repeated, confusion evident in her voice.

"I'm still expecting to wake up and all this be a dream.. Our love, our marriage... Our child... It seems too good to be true… I just don't ever want to wake up." At this the princess felt her eyes cloud over with tears. She slowly lifted her husband's
face to look at her.

"It's not a dream." She said through her tears. "I'm your wife. I love you more than anyone or anything.. And we are going to have a child.. You are going to be a daddy, Hak. You are going to be a father."

At this, Hak leaned up, hugging his wife's waist. She hugged him tightly, tears now streaming down her face. After a few minutes, the dark dragon pulled away and looked at her tummy. She smiled at him, taking one of his big hands and placing it on her
stomach. He was hesitant at first, unsure and clumsy, not wanting to put too much pressure on her stomach in fear of hurting their child.

"Do you feel this warmth?" He heard Yona say as she looked down at her tummy. "This is your Father's warmth. He can be rough and always teases everyone, but he's also gentle and kind and will always protect you….."

Hak slightly rubbed her tummy as a happy loving smile adorned his face. He then stood up and laid Yona down on their bed before laying down next to her and cradling her body in his arms.

"How long have you known?" He asked, rubbing her tummy.

"Three months."

"Three months? Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was calm and gentle, not upset or angry like how she had feared he would be.

"I didn't want you to worry... Everything has happened so fast, and we are just starting our new life.. I didn't want you to be upset." Yona admitted. Hak leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

"How could I be? This is a dream that I never thought was possible... I'm really.. Really happy." The dark dragon responded as he turned his attention to his hand on Yona's tummy. "I guess I have two to protect now... I'm going to be busy keeping up with
the both of you."

"Well Excu-" Yona was cut off by the sweetest, fullest kiss.

"But... I wouldn't have it any other way."

Yona nodded, tears once again falling from her face. Hak laughed a little and kissed them away.

"You are still such a cry baby." Hak said lovingly while pulling her close to him.

"Hello? Is anyone home? I brought dinner... and the dragons." Yun's voice called out from the front door. Hak sat up and helped Yona up off of the bed.

"Have you told the others?" The Dark Dragon asked to which Yona shook her head no.

"Well, I guess we have some good news to tell them." Her husband said as both of them walked hand-in-hand towards the front door.


Chapter 1 is finished! Figured I would start off with the Hak route! If you want to find out what happens next in this short story, let me know! I might add an extra Hak chapter later on! :)