Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and its characters belong to Hiro Mashima and the publishers. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1: Just Once

If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, then hold onto them and never let go.

That's her new mantra. That's her current motto. If she doesn't make herself believe that, she would completely fall apart into pieces, unable to be patched back.

Right now, those words are the scotch tape that holds onto her tattered pieces. Those words are the bandage the keeps the blood from oozing out.

Yes, Juvia Lockser is broken-hearted.

She just witnessed the man, whom she's head over heels in love with, took an oath and slipped a wedding ring into the fourth finger of his girlfriend (now-wife) of five months.

Five months! Can you believe it? That's how long it took Juvia the courage to call him by his name! And yet this girl only took five months to hear the words Juvia longed to hear for more than five years.

Amidst the loud cheering and gleeful congratulations from the guests, Juvia stood frozen on the ground. There was a stiff smile on her face, but water was welling in her eyes. She needed to get out. Soon she found herself at the hotel's balcony, away from the joyous celebration inside the party hall.

The view was the illuminated garden path. The velvety sky was the colour of midnight blue. Glistening stars littered it, giving the atmosphere such a romantic feel.

"Ugh," she let out finally. "Worst day!"

"You think so too?"

A gruff voice pulled her out of her own world. Her head snapped to her left to stare at the man standing a few feet away. A cigarette was sticking on the side of his lips. A glass of liquor, with ice clanking the side walls, was held tightly in his left hand. He placed it on the wide balcony railing. He took a puff of his cig and proceeded to crush it on the marble floor.

No class at all, was what Juvia thought.

"In love with the groom?" he asked without looking at her.

Juvia frowned. Did he hear her thoughts? "What are you talking about?" she managed to say. She wasn't in the mood for this type of conversation, especially with a stranger with pink hair.

"Don't tell me you're like my love rival for Luce's attention? Ugh, that stupid ice princess was enough."

"Juvia doesn't really comprehend what you're saying, Mr. Pink Stranger."

He laughed a very delicious laugh. It was the kind of laugh that could be infectious — like a little kid who got so enamoured with the simplest pleasures. "You talk funny, Juvia."

Her frown was getting more and more pronounced. She was aware her speech pattern can be bewildering to many, but what can she do? She grew up with a strict and eccentric uncle who taught her that pronouns I and ME sound so arrogant and disrespectful. Even after leaving her uncle's care, Juvia just never got around to changing her speech style.

But, this pink-haired stranger didn't need to know her backstory.

"Juvia hasn't introduced herself to you formally, so you have no privilege to call her name so casually."

"Aww, Juv, why so cold?" he winked at her. He picked up his liquor glass, took a whiff, and then gulped it in one shot. He eyed the untouched wine glass in Juvia's hand. "You should drink something stronger to cure the pain of a broken heart," he gave an unsolicited advice, ending his statement with a toothy smile.

Juvia considered splashing the pinkette the contents of her drink, but decided she didn't want a scene. "Why are you acting as if you know what goes on in Juvia's head?"

He shrugged. "Cause you're showing the same expression as me." He fully turned to face her, and then extended his hand. "Name's Natsu Dragneel. Lucy Heartfilia-now-known-as-shitty-Fullbuster, unless I do something about it, best friend, ex-boyfriend, former fiancé, childhood playmate, first sex partner, first kiss, and neighbour-since-birth." He waited for Juvia to shake his hand. When she made no move, he inched closer and took her hand himself. He shook it vigorously, but didn't let go until Juvia pulled her hand away.


"That's it? Come on, woman, gimme more. We're both bored here, drinking our sorrows away."

She decided to humour him. "Juvia Lockser. Marketing Manager at Fiore International Media, Magnolia branch. Gray Fullbuster's co-worker and friend. Hates pink items that talk."

Natsu laughed that laugh again. Juvia remained stoic. "Unrequited love, huh?" He stepped closer to Juvia, his green eyes staring directly at her sapphire ones.

If there's one thing Juvia truly hated, aside from rain of course, was when someone couldn't mind their own business. Juvia already hates him.

"Aww, don't be like that," he whined.

"Oh, Juvia didn't think you'd hear it."

Natsu snorted. "I happen to have great sense of hearing. Anyway, your refusing to answer my question gave it away. I guess you're in love with that Fullbuster-dick, huh."

"Don't tarnish Gray's name like that, Pink boy!" Juvia shot daggers at him. In her annoyance, she downed the whole wine within seconds. She huffed and turned sideways so she wouldn't face him. Funny though why she didn't just walk away. But what were her options? Go back inside the reception hall and be witness to the suffocating cheeriness of the happy couple yet again? The first moment she laid eyes on Gray, Juvia already planned a much better wedding reception. This one paled in comparison to what she had in mind. Hmmph, Gray's loss…

"Wanna leave this boring event and go to the hotel's bar? I heard they have a great collection of liquor. We can put it under FullBALLSter's tab!"

Juvia once again glared at him. Thirty minutes later, she slammed her who-knows-how-many-now empty shot glass on the mahogany counter of the hotel bar. The pink-haired dude proved to be a better drinking companion than she expected.

The bartender was eyeing them, but professionalism kept him from saying anything. The two were blatantly dissing a bimbo named Lucy and a small dick called Gray. He left them be after delivering another decanter of liquor. After forty-five minutes of heavy drinking, Natsu brought her to his hotel room.

It was Juvia who suggested they have sex.




Moans and grunts. Clothes being ripped from the flesh. The taste of smooth skin, leaving bites and marks all over. It was a wild rendezvous but only two participants were present.

When his lips weren't on hers, it was trailing every part she was allowing. She never really complained. Rather, she let him have her. When foreplay was over, there was some scrambling for protection, and she frustratingly touched her aching self. As soon as he sheathed himself, he pounced and slammed, driving both of them to indescribable ecstasy.

Both only lasted one round.




Natsu felt cold and warm at the same time. Without even opening his eyes, he knew the coldness came from being completely exposed and naked. The warmth came from the skin contact on top of his chest. He was drunk, but he was aware of his night activity. Finally, he cracked open a lid and immediately saw a blue head resting on his upper body. The owner of the blue head had her bare and quite plump breasts pressed against his side. God, he hoped his "treasure" wouldn't stand erect and firm from just the thought of it.

Natsu tried to device a way to move the woman named Juvia without waking her up. The last thing he wanted was an angry one-night stand. He preferred his one-night stands to be casual and nonchalant. Sorta, oh thanks, bye, let's not see each other again. That's how he always rolled.

She began to stir and Natsu quickly closed his eyes. He would just put on his best act of a sleeping, still drunk man.

Juvia felt her throat to be completely dry, so she coughed a little. She felt sticky all over and quite sore. Sudden dawning of the previous night's rendezvous with a 'pink stranger'! When was the last time she had sex? The year after graduation in university? God, that long, huh! A blanket was partially draped over her, but she didn't feel cold. The man who became her pillow provided her enough warmth for a comfortable sleep.

Yup, Juvia had a good night's sleep! She drank a lot, but she was aware of what she did and said. Heck, she was the one who gave into her arousal first. In Juvia's mind, why not experience a mindless, no-emotions-involved sex when her heart was already crushed into pieces? Nothing wrong with that.

Juvia slowly sat up and pulled the blanket to cover her naked body. The pink-haired stranger named Natsu was still fast asleep, softly snoring. She rose from the bed cautiously, praying to the powers there be that he wouldn't wake. She's never done this before—one-night stand. Part of her felt a little liberated for taking such a risk; part of her felt pathetic. She gathered her belongings strewn all over the floor, and then glanced at the pink-haired stranger. Amazingly, he was still fast asleep. Juvia proceeded to the bathroom.

She slowly zipped up the green dress and checked herself in the mirror. She's not too fond of the colour green, but this was the theme Gray's now-wife chose. Surprisingly, or maybe not, Juvia wasn't even asked to be included in the entourage. She and Lucy were civil with each other, but there was this awkwardness around them.

Smoothing over her wavy blue tresses, Juvia deemed herself ready for the walk-of-shame. Tiptoeing, she opened the bathroom door. It was still silent. But when she stepped out, her one-night stand sat on the bed, wearing only his slacks, checking his phone. She thought about retreating to the bathroom once again, but he instantly looked up.

Natsu cleared his throat. "Bathroom hogger." He stood up, strolled past her, and made shut the bathroom door behind him. Juvia stood frozen on the spot, unable to make an automatic decision on what to do. Should she leave without saying anything? Should she wait and make things more uncomfortable? When her mind egged her to just leave, Natsu came out of the bathroom.

"Oh, you're still here," he stated. He still didn't cover his exposed upper body. "Uhhh… thanks for last night, I guess."

Juvia let her eyes roam around the room without looking at him. "Yeah sure. I won't see you ever again, so…" She turned around and headed to the door. "Bye!"

Natsu didn't respond at all. That went better than he thought.

to be continued...

a/n: To those who know me, you're probably wondering why am I starting a new fic! I don't know either... I have several ongoing fics that I couldn't update, and yet I uploaded a new one. But, I just needed to get this out of my head. It's supposed to be an original one (I wanted to upload on Wattpad), but I just pictured Juvia and Natsu... and I can't help just making it a fan fiction.

the majority of the perspective will be on Natsu and Juvia, but I will include Gray and Lucy as well. Be warned that this will be a love-square... All I ask from you guys is to leave a comment if the fic has potential and to keep going with it. Thank you and I hope you all enjoyed it!

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